
Xbox to Announce Gamescom Plans Soon; Rare Focusing on New Game; "Great Work" on Quantum Break

Gamescom, which will kick off on August 13th, is getting closer, while Tokyo Game Show is just a couple months away and Microsoft's Xbox division head honcho Phil Spencer answered a few questions from the fans on the topic.

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Community3608d ago
XiSasukeUchiha3608d ago

I'm stoked for this gamescon this year:)

tbone5673608d ago

Xbox One truly has the best exclusive games.

choujij3607d ago (Edited 3607d ago )

In a world where Nintendo, Sony and PC gaming don't exist, I would totally agree.

OT: I'm still interested in QB. I think it has great potential. Hopefully they show plenty of in-game footage.

Magicite3603d ago

LOL, PC, WiiU, PS3 easily kills your bone.

AngelicIceDiamond3608d ago

Can't wait to see QB in action glad to hear Rares hard at work on their new project.

Phil teased some more possible new game announcements.

It all sounds great.

Godmars2903608d ago

"Giving Spark Community the Conker game assets doesn’t keep us from doing other things with Conker."

Still, bit @$$ backward offering Conker as "promo" material, then announcing a full game a year or two later. Something like that should be side-by-side.

Abriael3608d ago

I'm pretty sure the reason for that is because putting it on project spark was really cheap and easy. Making a full game takes more, and we really don't know where Project Spark will be in two years.

Godmars2903608d ago

Would have been better to have shown a slew of Rare and maybe other characters as assets at the time. Then again maybe that's what they're planning on doing piecemeal.

Such a group reveal, including the Viva Pinata animals, likely would have been taken better than the one seems to have been.

Barnaby-Jones3608d ago

Rare could possibly be anouncing a new Banjo or Conker game. I'm excited!

PrinceOfAllSaiyans3608d ago

I want to see Quantum ! One of my most anticipated for 2015.

SkippyPaccino3607d ago

It does look promising, but now that Microsoft has shut down its entertainment division, we won't have the episodes that were supposed to come with the game. I feel bad for remedy since they probably would've finished the game by now if they didn't have to concentrate on the TV aspect as well. Now they are probably trying to tie up all the lose ends. Good luck to them

SpyDro3607d ago

They said the tv segments aren't effected.

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Xbox No Longer Has Its Head In The Game

Microsoft & Xbox have shut down Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks to lay off more workers, insinuating that they're not in the game anymore.

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Community27d ago
XiNatsuDragnel27d ago

They're headless for a long time because closing tango isn't exactly a good move

PapaBop26d ago

Ever since that cringe Kinect reveal they've never been the same. They used to make some amazing games and do great deals with third parties Early on in the 360 era they had games like Chromehounds and Shadowrun, both well ahead of their time. Now instead of nurturing their studios, they'd rather gaslight gamers and throw billions on pre existing studios. Not sure how Spencer is still in a job, I wouldn't trust him to organise a piss-up in a brewery.

Father__Merrin26d ago

We've said all along Spencer needs to go. I wish xbox went back to xbox only with new gears fable forza halo releases lots of third party releases

Those early rainbow 6 Vegas days and phantasy star universe are gone forever

S2Killinit26d ago

MS has its head in the game but the game they are playing is something different from what console gamers expect from a platform. MS’s end game has always been to use the xbox as a trojan horse.

XiNatsuDragnel26d ago

Lol that's funny well this plan they have isn't working homie

343_Guilty_Spark27d ago

Acquisitions always come with cuts

1Victor27d ago

“Acquisitions always come with cuts”

343 trillion points shield activated
343 trillion percent damage negate activated
All damage reduced to 1 for 343 trillion turns.

Tacoboto27d ago

Especially for Microsoft, when Booty pretty much said they didn't know how to handle that many studios.

Why even make the acquisition then.

-Foxtrot27d ago

Didn’t they make the swipe for Bethesda when Sony wanted like 6 months exclusiveness for Starfield

It’s like…chill, you got Rise of the Tomb Raider for a year.

romulus2327d ago

Do they always come with senseless cuts becasue that's exactly what cutting Tango was, senseless.

H927d ago

Everyone's acting now that game companies care about games and Xbox is committing the Ultimate betrayal, they are all like this and you have just been quiet about it for far too long

Nuclearmoon27d ago

I wonder if Microsoft do pull out of the console market that it might open the door for valve to relaunch the Steambox. Competition is good for the industry but Microsoft don't even seem to be trying anymore.

UltimateOwnage27d ago

Steam / Valve are one of the few truly pro-consumer bright spots in gaming right now. Thankfully.

Jingsing25d ago

From all the money Valve make from Steam they reinvest almost 0 into creating new AAA titles for the PC platform, Absolutely no giving nothing back in that regard. Wake up.

jwillj2k427d ago (Edited 27d ago )

“Your game has won some pretty significant awards and is a show piece for where we want to go in the future.”

1 hour later.

“We’re gonna have to let you go. You can’t cover our 100 billion dollar acquisition. Oh and take your awards too 👍🏾”

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Fallout 76 Players Have Nuked Phil Spencer in Response to Studio Closures

Fallout 76 players have dropped the big one on Phil Spencer in response to Xbox's closures of Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks this week.

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Community28d ago

Meet The Guy Who Just Nuked Xbox Boss Phil Spencer In Fallout 76

He said he treated the Xbox executive like the RPG's final boss

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Community28d ago
Jingsing28d ago

Somewhat fitting, Considering buying Bethesda was a complete selfish purchasing decision by himself just because he is a big Fallout fan he wanted to own the toy. Well quite frankly Microsoft should look at that and say you put your personal tastes in front of the business and it has backfired.

anast28d ago

Todd Howard out hustled Phil. Howard is definitely in the top 3 all time hustlers in video game history.

OtterX28d ago (Edited 28d ago )

Phil's game character properly looks like a villain too.


Miacosa28d ago

Would be funny is P3 nuked his account temporality as a joke.