
E3′s Just A Waste of Money – Cliff Bleszinski

Cliff Bleszinksi, certainly a name that most gamers are familiar with but those who are unaware, Bleszinksi happened to be a former director of Gears of War and Epic Games employee.

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-Foxtrot3589d ago

Well you just got to suck the fun out of everything...don't you

randomass1713589d ago

He isn't wrong IMO. If I could move all of EA's developers to better, less greedy publishers I totally would.

Burrito26a3589d ago

E3. Not EA. You can't even bother to read the title correctly, let alone the article.

randomass1713589d ago (Edited 3589d ago )

Wooooow... I am at a loss for words for that mistake. I'll go sulk in a corner now.

THamm3589d ago

That was an awesome mix up! So true on both accounts!

DevilOgreFish3589d ago (Edited 3589d ago )

@ the comments above. I have to admit that made my day.

What Bleszinski just said i'll have to disagree with. It's a waste of money if no efforts are put into it. A lot of us look to E3 in particular for the good games.

It is becoming apparent that a lot of fresh titles are being announced after E3; do to more forgiving time constrains. but I really do hope future E3s don't reflect this kind of negativity. It's an event where we can all look forward to.

ThatOneRiggaNob3589d ago

LOL no lie I read your comment like 20 times tryna figure out why you brought that up.

gaffyh3589d ago

tbh, when I first read the title, I thought it said EA too.

lociefer3589d ago

So is most free to play games

HappyWithOneBubble3589d ago

I'm not gonna lie I thought it was EA too lol. Mistakes happen.

Jaqen_Hghar3589d ago

a man is giving you funny bubbles because that gave him a chuckle and was an honest mistake

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3589d ago
Godmars2903589d ago

Towards himself is the point. He's saying something generally controversial in order to bring attention towards himself.

Trolling, in other words.

-Foxtrot3589d ago

It does give off a...


Kind of vibe...

gamerfan09093589d ago

What's controversial about it? It's a gigantic waste of time and resources. E3 is just a stupid thing. No one wants to wait in lines anymore for hours just to play video games. The presentations are getting more and more boring and the pay off dies off after the first day. They need to prerecord the presentations like nintendo and release the demos on XBL and PS+.

Godmars2903589d ago (Edited 3589d ago )

And yet there are almost half a dozen other events just like it, more centered on the industry rather than the general consumer, which almost everyone here expects to see something new at.

And given that he can't afford to make an appearance there while all he has to do at the others is tuck some production artwork under an arm, grab a guest pass - if he's not getting paid for showing up - this is again about his narcissism. How the world applies to him.

Its also about low hanging fruit.

ChickeyCantor3589d ago


Ironic you should say that. Really. Thanks for the laugh.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3589d ago
lelo3589d ago (Edited 3589d ago )

If E3 is a waste of money, then the Oscars, Emmys, Gamescom, MTV awards, and every other show, are all waste of money.

Godmars2903589d ago

Um, aside Gamescom which is another trade show just like E3, they are. Its just the involved industries, the artisans within, getting pats on the back. most times by each other as the public looks on and admires.

3-4-53589d ago

E3 Was AMAZING for Nintendo and the Treehouse thing they had going the ENTITRE time literally might help get the Wii U finally going.

E3 is HUGE for those who know how to market themselves and show off what people want.

It CAN be a big waste of money if you just over spend on stupid SHOWY Bullshey.

Darkstares3589d ago

"Well you just got to suck the fun out of everything...don't you"

The pot calling the kettle black.

Deathdeliverer3589d ago

Why this depressing mf came back is beyond me. Always such a downer about anything that isn't about his game or an article kissing his ass.

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SpiralTear3589d ago (Edited 3589d ago )

Why bother coming back to the gaming industry if you're just gonna say stuff like this?

-Foxtrot3589d ago


"What inspired you to come back to the gaming industry"



TheTowelBoy3589d ago

It's Cliff, he's the Molyneux of shooting games lol just never shuts up.

gamerfan09093589d ago

You have shit taste in games then my man.


Gears of War is the most overrated game I have ever played in my life.

BitbyDeath3589d ago

Jazz jackrabbit is the best franchise they have made. Should bring it back.

CaptainPunch3589d ago

Clearly, that's why he's a millionaire off of video games.

DragonKnight3589d ago

Being a millionaire doesn't mean you're smart.

Godmars2903589d ago (Edited 3589d ago )

Given that people in the industry don't know how to code, just give orders, think it has more to do with being able to present/sell yourself and still being at the right place at the right time.

None of which you're not still an ego-centric douche.

Darkstares3589d ago

"Being a millionaire doesn't mean you're smart."

Depends on how you got it. Obviously Cliff earned his money through hard work. Instead of writing blogs on forums and arguing with people all day, (about what basically stems from boredom) he got involved in the industry he loved and got paid well in the end for it. He certainly didn't get wealthy early on. Sometimes luck also plays a role but rest assured he didn't sit on his ass waiting to become rich.

johndoe112113589d ago

That has to be one of the most senseless comments ever.

DragonKnight3589d ago

@MikeMyers4.0: Cliff took the entire credit for the work done of teams. He made dude bro shooters out of old ideas. His wealth comes from releasing games at the right time, not from intelligence or dedication. Nowadays he's just a mouthpiece trying to make his way back into relevance with controversial opinions, expect him to be plugging his game within those opinions soon.

Take your jabs at me all you want to, within those jabs rests the fact that you couldn't deny what I said was true. I'm sure you'll continue stalking me to fulfill you life's ambition as you have been for, what, the passed year. You can get all the jabs in you want to, won't make a bit of difference and won't change the fact that you'll just showcase yourself to be bitter.

Darkstares3589d ago (Edited 3589d ago )

DragonKnight wrote,



"He made dude bro shooters out of old ideas. His wealth comes from releasing games at the right time, not from intelligence or dedication."

His wealth came from making games people enjoy, why try to complicate things to suit YOUR argument?

"Nowadays he's just a mouthpiece trying to make his way back into relevance with controversial opinions, expect him to be plugging his game within those opinions soon."

That has nothing to do with him being smart or not or how he gained his wealth. Totally off-topic and just shows your envious. Look at you, you're a mouth-piece and it's highly doubtful you're a millionaire and you haven't proved yet how smart you are. More people should be challenging your comments because I don't think you like it. You like being on the other end, not the receiving one. Which explains why you go offtopic all the time or don't answer. Your condescending manner towards most people no doubt explains the grief that comes your way. Start talking to people like humans and respectful and you'll get respect back but this is the problem in todays society. Far too many people spend way too much time on social sites and not enough human contact. That's why they act superior and talk down on others. It's very easy to do with a keyboard. It also explains why people get riled up with Twitter and things of that nature. They are sound bites and not direct contact. Context is out the window. Cliff is also part of the new social interaction and why many feel sour towards him.

People who gain extreme wealth in their fields usually do so by hard work and sometimes pure luck. I would imagine he is actually quite smart in his field of work. I think some confuse what he does behind the scenes and what he does publicly. Hey, I don't like the guy anymore than most of you guys but I respect his work. At least he's doing something he loves and gets paid good money for doing it. What do most of us do? We waste our time here on a site that really doesn't garner much respect among the gaming industry and it certainly isn't filled with smart people.

Your response to this comment will no doubt support what I just said about you.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3589d ago
Gazondaily3589d ago

An idiot that can make great games. Smarter than a lot of 'geniuses' on here mind you.

gamerfan09093589d ago

E3 is a waste of time. They'd be better off just doing what Nintendo does and record the presentation with all of the trailers and gameplay vids in them and just release the demos to everyone on PS+ and XBL Gold. Simple. Saves a crap ton on the stupid presentation.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3589d ago

exactly. Do it for the fans and customers not press and media.

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New Shark Tank Inspired Wolves’ Den Game Contest With Spatial, Youtube, and Gaming Legends

Rapper/Actor Ice-T, and YouTube, Gaming Legends, Cliff Bleszinski, Welyn, And Barji To Judge First ‘Wolves Den’ Game Jam Series On Spatial Platform

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N4GTG71d ago

This could be great for some indie developers


Gears of War Creator CliffyB Offers His Thoughts on Xbox Exclusives Going Multiplatform

During a recent Game Rant interview, Gears of War creator CliffyB comments on Xbox-exclusive games possibly adopting multiplatform models.

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S2Killinit72d ago

Im sure he would love it. More money for him.

OtterX72d ago

Yea, I remember seeing him and his Lamborghini at one point in history. Lol, I think that kind of gives it away.

rippermcrip72d ago

Doubtful he gets any residuals from anything Gears related.

rippermcrip71d ago

Bunch of clowns down voting without any explanation of how exactly he is getting money off Gears. You think Notch still gets Minecraft money too?

jznrpg70d ago (Edited 70d ago )

Depends on the contract. Some contracts have residuals some don’t

Whitey2k72d ago

Sometimes I don't get what he says half the times. He could of put gears on the playstation from the start but he's fanboyness for xbox got in the way

Notellin72d ago

I imagine this is exactly how fanboys feel how this went down. Microsoft paid for all the development and took all the risk off Epic games for a new IP.

It has nothing to do with anyone being a fanboy. Well other than yourself who oversimplified this entire franchises history.

LoveSpuds72d ago

I agree Notellin, however, once he was in bed with MS he did become pretty 'anti Sony' ans was such a shill for MS.

Hofstaderman71d ago

This. And Sony also does this with titles these days.

shinoff218371d ago

I thought it was said cliffs shopped it around hence rumors of a ps3 demo being out there. If ms took on all the cost, why is there a ps3 demo?

Rude-ro71d ago

Not true at all.
Microsoft had to buy the ip because the contract ran out on keeping it exclusive.
Microsoft took no risk, they just marketed the game and payed for a contract.
Not hard to find out.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 71d ago
Ironmike72d ago (Edited 72d ago )

Your the the fanboy

Sciurus_vulgaris72d ago

No, Epic signed a development and publishing contract with Xbox for Gears of War. After Judgement Microsoft still had the Gears of War publishing rights. Epic then sold the Gears of War IP to Microsoft in 2014. Cliffy B never owned Gears of War, he was just a lead designer of the series.

rippermcrip71d ago

Ya I don't know what people are saying about CliffyB making money of Gears sales nowadays. He was never the owner and Epic no longer owns it either.

ChasterMies71d ago

“He could of put gears on the playstation from the start but he's fanboyness for xbox got in the way”

It has nothing to do with fondness for the Xbox platform. Microsoft paid for exclusivity.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 71d ago
Travesty72d ago (Edited 72d ago )

Well when you look at the sales perspective of ps5. It has a big audience selling over a 2 to 1 ratio. It makes money sense.
Fanboy era was at its prime during the ps3-360 generation. It’s not as toxic as it once was, thankfully. People grow out of it eventually. I have my preference just as the next person. That being said it’s coming to be more about expanding availability instead of standing behind a brand. Much more Microsoft than Sony. But Sony will probably move up its time of PC release for increase revenue.
We will see, it’s just speculation.

Psychonaut8571d ago

CliffyB is like David Jaffe at this point, always quick with the opinions but haven’t made a successful game in over a decade at this point. Do any of us really care what they think about anything? I certainly don’t.

shinoff218371d ago

I never liked the guy tbh but he's got more relevance in gaming then we do.

Skuletor71d ago

CliffyB, I haven't heard that name since Lawbreakers flopped.

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Sorry, CliffyB, But "Gears of War" Doesn’t Need A "God of War"- Style Reboot

Shaz from GL writes: “In an interview, Cliff Bleszinski says that he’d be interested in helping develop a Gears of War reboot akin to God of War. Unnecessary? I think so.”

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Jin_Sakai197d ago

Regardless, Gears of War gameplay feels outdated this day and age.

spicelicka195d ago

I completely disagree. Outdated in what way? There is literally no other cover based TPS multiplayer game like it and the core gameplay is so good that people still play Gears 1 today. I can't think of any games that has shotgun battles like Gears. The real issue is that there is simply no new audience for it, because the learning curve is so steep. It just needs to market itself better and the work needs to be done on the campaign side. Better to just split up the single player and multiplayer as two different projects and releases.

Also, this who "reboot" discussion isn't considering the fact that God of war doesn't have multiplayer as a significant portion of the game. Single player only games have a lot more freedom to change. With Gears you have to consider that there's an entire community still playing every day, so you can't just change the core gameplay balance. On top of that they can't dedicate as many resources to single player as God of war, because the budget has to be split with multiplayer.

195d ago
Gamingsince1981195d ago

There is no other one like it because there is no demand for that style of game, kinda obvious really. If there was an interest in gears style games the market would be flooded with them.

lucian229195d ago

Gears of War 1 and 2 were bad combat wise.... Story wise too. I beat both of them because of the hype and gave up after that.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 195d ago
GamerRN195d ago

I agree. It needs done kind of overhaul, but I don't think a God of War style would suit this game.

I gotta be honest I don't know what it needs, but it needs something ... And 5 wasn't it

terrorofdeath195d ago

Maybe it's a reboot more in the sense of a more emotional storyline or something like God of War, and some small tweaks in terms of gameplay.

anast196d ago

They don't have the talent to do a GoW style reboot.

DOMination-195d ago

Do you have a genuine reason to come to that conclusion, other than it not being a PlayStation studio?

The Coalition probably have the best and most knowledge team on Unreal Engine 5 outside of Epic. I'd have thought if anyone "had the talent", it would be them.

Rude-ro195d ago

Because they did not do a fantastic job when they took over the ip.

In fact, the majority of ips under Microsoft shows complete signs of cheap development with bigger marketing budgets.

More make up on dated engines can work… but can not be mistaken for innovative.
No innovation equals no ability to push a franchise into anything new.
Take the “open world” introduction in the last gears…
Empty vast traveling areas to get to pre determined “random” encounter areas is a cheap developing approach.. not innovation to build any trust into.

kneon195d ago

Even if they were the best in the world at UE5 that would only mean that they might make a great looking game. It takes a lot more than that to make a great game.

anast194d ago

"Do you have a genuine reason to come to that conclusion, other than it not being a PlayStation studio?"

History and current output.

jznrpg130d ago

Look at the last 10 years and you have plenty of evidence

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 130d ago
rgraf77195d ago

God of War is overrated. Those boring boat rides talking and backtracking.

GamingManiac195d ago

Bruh, that made me laugh lol

anast194d ago

I'm not big on the game, but it isn't overrated.

Inverno196d ago

A reimagining that continues the lore, and story of established characters is absolutely a great way to continue a series that needs a refresh. I agree that any long standing franchise that has run it's course definitely needs a "God of War" style reboot, because GOW did it right. I might have my issues with the last two games but they did right by the series regardless.

Ra3030196d ago

There's no helping Gears of Woke. Microsoft killed this franchise when they forced the woke culture into the story.

itBourne195d ago

God of War did the same, just in a more subtle sly way.... They could of probably made a few cuts and bam, PG rated movie right there. God of Rainbows and Daisies.

itBourne195d ago

Dang, so many dislikes lol, willing to elaborate, just didnt want to throw out a bunch of spoilers. If anyone wants to discuss as to why, im always open to discussions. Just shoot me a DM.

343_Guilty_Spark195d ago (Edited 195d ago )

How is it woke? Because the lead is a female?

Is Horizon woke also?

CantThinkOfAUsername195d ago

It is, but not due to the gender of its protagonist.

zeuanimals195d ago

There's no helping you. Anti-woke culture killed your brain when they force fed you the idea that diversity is the worst thing ever.

Ra3030195d ago

Lol....good to see that you agree as do I with the fact Microsoft went woke as Disney with the Gear franchise. Microsoft tried to save the franchise by taking the formula that was working with the strong Bro leads and going to the woke weakass female formula that no one cared about.

Binarycode195d ago

Diversity isn't a strength. Look at the world. That's the reason it's in the state it is.

Gamingsince1981195d ago

Forced diversity is the reason people don't like diversity, you should just hire who is best for what, not have to tick boxes first then worry about talent next.

zeuanimals195d ago (Edited 195d ago )


Every company has gone woke, even successful ones. Those don't fit your narrative though. Yeah no, the only two things Microsoft and Disney have in common is that they're woke /s

Totally not that they're risk averse companies that don't wanna innovate in fear of it being a waste of time. They've got bottomless pockets and limited time. So they spend their time trying to crack codes, find patterns, create money making templates out of whatever property they're working on. It needs to be as mass produceable as possible. Disney and Microsoft, bringing sweat shop factory made quality to gaming storefronts and theaters near you.

zeuanimals195d ago


Right because the world was so much better segregated... and there's a million other reasons I'd put ahead of diversity as to why the world is the way it is, but way to show how much diversity is on your brain by how dangerous you think it is. It's literally the cause of everything to you.


Actually forced diversity is the only reason people like diversity. If you don't force people to do it, they won't do it. The only people who end up liking it due to having met new people with different perspectives only ever got to because they were kind of forced to. That's literally part of the reason diversity is being advocated for, because it promotes innovation. Having dozens of people with too similar of viewpoints can lead them to being too likeminded and unable to think of different solutions, or even different problems that weren't even recognized. There's more than one way to be a useful hire, and having a genuinely unique perspective is one of them.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 195d ago
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Crows90195d ago

I thought they were doing a soft reboot with gears4 but then it turned out to be the exact same as all the others.

A more horror oriented and tight corridor renewal would work for that franchise....also...why they got guns? They're alien like...they should have other types of weapons entirely.

OMNlPOTENT195d ago

dang why do most of the different species in god of war use swords, axes, and bows? They should have other types of weapons entirely.

Crows90195d ago (Edited 195d ago )

They don't... Okay you obviously haven't played god of war. What a way of owning yourself man! Lol

The draugr are pretty much the only ones...and besides we're comparing established mythology with made up bug aliens

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