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TLOU: Remastered on PS4 Test Impression: "Holy Cow It Looks Like It Was Originally Created for PS4"

The early test impression of The Last of Us: Remastered are amazing, "it looks like it was originally created for Playstation 4, one of the best next-gen title" and "multiplayer looks and play incredible on Playstation 4 at 60 FPS"

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Community3611d ago
BigBosss3611d ago

cannot wait for this game, only a month to go! :)

nicksetzer13611d ago

You are telling me, I traded my ps3 toward a ps4 in early june, so I have not played this game (at least not much of it) yet. Glad to be playing it fir the first time with better graphics, controller and all the dlc though!

SpinalRemains1383611d ago

You're gonna totally dig it.

Word to the wise. Always make a shiv and have one available at ALL times for doors and clicker shanking. I cannot stress enough how vital that tip is.

Volkama3611d ago

Temper your expectations. As with anything, if you read into other people's hype too much you will probably end up disappointed.

I made that mistake the first time around and never persevered to finish it. I will have another crack at the PS4 version with more realistic expectations, and no doubt I will enjoy it a lot more.

NextLevel3611d ago

Disable "Listen mode".

It's literally one of the best games I've ever played.

ZodTheRipper3611d ago (Edited 3611d ago )

Don't temper your expectations. Expect the best game you've played yet and enjoy the ride. News like these bring back my excitement about this game big time, can't wait to play it for the fourth time =)
The multiplayer + DLC's are going to be glorious with these visuals and a unified player base.

QuickdrawMcgraw3611d ago

Volkama...Let's be honest here...Have you thought about play it on easy...Then you will have a persevere...

Volkama3611d ago

@Quickdraw I didn't say it was hard, I said I didn't enjoy it.

I could list my reasons, that game has clear and obvious flaws. But I have 16 disagrees and counting just for suggesting someone goes into it with a reasonable expectation level so I doubt many of the rabbid fanboys here would care to discuss those flaws openly.

ZodTheRipper3611d ago

@Volkama: So we're fanboys now because we agree with over 200 Game Of The Year awards? And you're suddenly not the one who's siding with Xbox all the time? I'm not claiming that you're running any stealth agenda here but there is a good reason people disagreed with you.

ThunderSpark3611d ago


Volkama is definitely stealth trolling. Last of Us is such a good game and I have played many many games to compare it with. Gaming on the Sega Genesis, Saturn, Nintendo (64), Gamecube, PS 1 2 3 & 4, Dreamcast and Xbox 360 and PC, there comes a game every now and then that you know you will remember for the rest of your life. And one of those generation defining games is the Last of Us. So Volkama, take your stealth trolling and leave us true gamers alone.

UnHoly_One3611d ago (Edited 3611d ago )

Nick, how did you trade your console in towards a console that wasn't going to be released for 5 1/2 months?

Volkama I'm with you, I'll take the disagrees as well. The story presentation was great, but the actual "game" was pretty bad, in my opinion.

Odoylerules0003611d ago

Can I try for some pretentious indie-kid points like Volkama and UnHoly_One by being a contrarian douchebag as well? "I could list my reasons, that game has clear and obvious flaws." I can actually list the reasons for you. The reasons are:

1. You never played the game but you automatically dislike things that are popular so you can see yourself standing outside "the crowd". Well aren't you just a singular, precious snowflake...
2. You didn't get enough hugs so you're bitter, especially at mom and dad.
3. You like the attention trolling gets you, especially because it upsets people. (This implies you're kind of a turd.)

There you go, buddy! Saved you the effort! (Saw your comment history... )Stay salty!


AshleeEmerson3610d ago

Do NOT temper your expectations, this game is a pure classic. Listen, my mom has learned to play video games because of her watching me play some of this game. That says a lot. She loves well written content and this delivers...

Volkama3610d ago (Edited 3610d ago )

No Zod, they are not fanboys for liking TLOU. It is critically acclaimed, and to all intents it is a high quality production. I 100% recognise that it is a top quality game.

They are fanboys because of the way they react to anyone that does not adore the game. This reaction to what I said above is absurd. I am not stealth trolling, y'all are just.... I dunno. Crazy. I don't understand that mindset at all. And I don't want to.

Your own comment just shows some enthusiasm, which is all good and healthy. But really, all I say is to temper expectations so it doesn't harm his enjoyment of the game. Is that really unreasonable? The level of expectation I had going into the game was damaging. And I sincerely do look forward to playing the remaster.

room4143610d ago

I agree with Volkama. The Last of Us is a brilliant game but going into any game overhyped or with unrealistic expectations can really kill the experience for you.

AKS3610d ago

It's an outstanding game. It's one of the first games I've seen take full advantage of the time available to slowly and gradually develop their characters. The storytelling is fantastic. Finally, we see a game developer show some discipline in maintaining their storytelling focus on the key characters rather than succumbing to temptations to try to deliver some sort of grandiose explosion-filled extravaganza at the end that forgets its key characters.

This is always an intimate, focused story about the journey of the main characters despite the apocalyptic conditions around them. This is something I've found in great books and films but very rarely in video games. I can't think of many other games that have achieved this level of focus and discipline in storytelling other than Team ICO's games.

vickers5003610d ago

I agree with room414 and Volkama as well. He's not just attacking the last of us, he's just saying that with ANY game, you cannot have unrealistic expectations about it.

The way some internet folks talk about some highly rated games, you'd think playing the game yourself would be some life altering experience.

I can't tell you how many times the commenters here at n4g have unintentionally tricked me into expecting "the best game ever" from whatever game was popular that month, only to be disappointed because the picture they painted in my mind of the game didn't match up at all to the one I got when I actually played the games. Not to say I didn't enjoy them, I did, but I wouldn't have been disappointed if they had simply said "expect a good game", rather than the "expect the best game EVAARRRR, your life will change after playing this, the game is better than having sex, this game will cure cancer, if this game doesn't make you jizz yourself you're dead inside" comments I usually see (okay, so they're a bit exaggerated, lol, but you get my sentiment).

Having realistic expectations about ANY game is key to enjoying it to the fullest.

Dannyh3610d ago

You will love this game. It was my favorite game of last gen. I cant wait to play it again

UltraNova3610d ago (Edited 3610d ago )


I agree with the idea of keeping your expectations leveled when it comes to hype trains. This is why I never watch more than the reveal trailer of a game I'm interested in and avoid articles about it as much as I can until I get to play it. Of course reading previews and reviews is out of the question. I only go through those for games i m not entirely sold and dont know what to expect at all.

Considering ND NEVER allowed substantial info regarding the story and gameplay to get out until release (I was surprised they managed that, it shows now how confident they were) saying that TLoU didn't meet your expectations inclines me to ask...what did you actually expect from it?

Volkama3610d ago (Edited 3610d ago )

Ultranova, I didn't play it when it launched. I had pretty much dropped out of the console scene for 2 or 3 years. Maybe longer.

In the run-up to the new gen consoles I found a little console enthusiasm and I went on a bit of a catch up spree. TLOU, Heavy Rain, God of War 3/ascention, Gears 3, Halo 4, Final Fantasy XIII, The Walking Dead, and numerous others that I had skipped.

So with TLOU I expected the bestest most perfect experience ever, based on critical and user reviews scores and the way people talk about it. I had no idea on the story or setting, because like you I completely close myself off to spoilers. Just knew it was the best thing ever in every way.

There were things I loved about it, things I will never love about it, and most of all there were things I nit-picked because of the expectation level I had.

Anon19743610d ago (Edited 3610d ago )

I can't say enough good things about this game. Temper nothing. TLOU to me was an absolute masterpiece of story telling and gameplay and is easily in my top 3 games I've played in the past 10 years. I've been gaming now since I received my Vic-20 back in 1981 and there's few games as good as TLOU. Looking back I think this game will be mentioned along such classics as Half-Life, Starcraft, Diablo, Doom, Zelda, Mario 64 etc..

Edge said "the most riveting, emotionally resonant story-driven epic of this console generation"

Empire wrote "a masterpiece that will be looked back upon favourably for decades."

I can't remember the last time a game has been this critically acclaimed or won as many awards as TLOU, and deservedly so. I can understand how the genre itself might not be for everyone, but TLOU absolutely raised the gaming bar and anyone who says different simply doesn't understand videogames. You don't have to like a particular game to give credit where credit is due.

I've already played through this game a couple of times and there's no question that I'm picking this up on my PS4 when it's available.

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ArchangelMike3611d ago (Edited 3611d ago )

Yup, got mine pre-ordered. I just don't know if I should platinum the PS3 version first, or if I should just Platinum the PS4 version.

The_Devil_Hunter3611d ago

Wow, I was debating this myself I just ended up platinuming the PS3 version and will be going for PS4 as well.

Redlogic3610d ago

It's like great gameplay and incredible graphics....why not have both?

AndrewLB3610d ago

Funny how they don't show any actual gameplay on the trailer. Only cut scenes with very clunky movement animations.

Anyone who thinks this version looks like it was originally created for PS4 is completely clueless because the PS4 has much better graphics capabilities than what i've seen so far out of this game.

Chillbilly3611d ago

I disagreed because I believe you can, and will wait for this game.

FanboyKilla3611d ago

Wow thats good news. Hope its true, and not some fanboy talking. Its nothing worse than being suckerd into a fanboys delusion. Now im expecting this game to look better than most next gen titles, and awesome online. When that first scene comes, this article is what ill be thinking of. This game wont be like a remaster, its like a ps4 game, looks better than most next gen titles ive already played. And then.....................ill be crushed or in love, will see. Thanks for the hype though. I dont have much to get hype for with the ps4.

dantesparda3610d ago

You are one angry fanboy, I just hope you apply those same principles to Xbox games, bet you don't though.

stuna13610d ago

Then you're doing it wrong! I for one waited for the Last of Us to be remastered for the PS4, I think it was pretty obvious that it was going to come to the PS4, because there are just some games that deserve to be experienced by more people. The Last of Us is one such game.


Maybe you should save the "Stealth" for the game! I heard it's vital for completion.

solidjun53610d ago

"Its nothing worse than being suckerd into a fanboys delusion. "

You're one to talk.

3611d ago
Bathyj3610d ago

Yeah, its not surprising it looks so good, it was made with PS4 assets in mind wasnt it?

Besides, it Naughty Dog. I mean c'mon.

AndrewLB3610d ago

First off, it doesn't look good at all. PS4 can do a lot better than that.

Second, where did you hear the PS3 version was made with PS4 assets in mind? yea, they might have thought about PS4, but that didn't have anything to do with the games actual development. Hardly anything in the games coding for use on the Cell processor would translate to the new and completely different architecture of the PS4.

Bathyj3610d ago

Well I disagree, the game stacks up favorably against most of the next gen games out today, but yes I do agree ps4 can do better. Look at the uncharted 4 Trailer, but it is a remaster after all.

As for the assets, enjoy.

starchild3610d ago

Yep, this is one of my most anticipated games. I already played half of it on PS3, but then I stopped when rumors surfaced about there being a PS4 version in the works. I can't wait either.

gnrreuniontour3610d ago

You liked it so much you stopped playing it when there were rumours of it coming out on ps4? Ok.

starchild3610d ago

I know it sounds a little strange to do that, but I was borrowing the game anyway and I wanted to experience the game at its best.

showtimefolks3610d ago

amazing game can't wait. Best game of Last Generation IMO

don't temper your expections, go into it expecting an awesome game and you will get it

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NextLevel3611d ago (Edited 3611d ago )

What did you expect? It's ND. They're pretty much wizards.

Just look at their studio.

kayoss3611d ago

They eat rainbows and sunshines for breakfast. Of course they going to crap out art.

Eonjay3611d ago

Exactly, they only do masterpieces. Its kinda their thing.

Adexus3611d ago

Wizards that came from the moon!

Destrania3611d ago (Edited 3611d ago )

Haha, I get that reference. +funnybubs

Mexxan3611d ago

Classic! I'll never look at the Dinkster the same way again.

The_Blue3610d ago

If you ever saw the high res characters than you wouldn't be so surprised.

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Arkardo3611d ago

If it feels like promised, plus dlc and multi-player, we can say it's a value nonetheless.

For people who never played it is like sent from heavens, a no brainer.

AllAboutGaming3611d ago

One of the best games of all time. I'm happy to buy this again. Can it win Game of the Year again? Is that technically possible?

Neonridr3611d ago

technically it can win because it is a separate release. But it won't win because it's a remaster of another game, which already won GOTY.

SuperBlur3611d ago (Edited 3611d ago )

ROTY perhaps! hehe

(remaster of the year)

Immorals3611d ago

@NoMercy I think the master chief collection would win ROTD, can't beat that value!

Utalkin2me3611d ago


Didn't know value had anything to do with GOTY.

But in all honesty man it would be nice to play some Halo 2 multiplayer, 3 and 4 i could care less about. I don't know a single person with a Xbox 1, so maybe i have to make a new friend =).

Neonridr3611d ago

@Utalkin2me - there are over 4 million people you could make friends with on the XB1. And there will be many more once this Halo collection releases.

jmac533611d ago

I haven't played it but I have a feeling it will be my personal game of the year. Every time people mention this game "masterpiece" is also mentioned the same sentence. Can't wait!

dragon823611d ago (Edited 3611d ago )

@Neonridr- Not sure all 4 million are going to buy it but I would bank on about half, plus some newbies.

Prime1573611d ago


Couldn't care less. You said "I could care less" which means you care because you have enough caring to be able to care less.

Price point of mcc is pretty awesome...

Neonridr3611d ago

@dragon82 - oh I know that. He said he didn't know anyone with an XB1, I was merely saying that there are over 4 million people he could "meet", not that they would all buy Halo.

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randomass1713611d ago

Unlikely but most certainly not impossible. :)

hkgamer3611d ago

think the game industry would be a big mess if this game got goty. not saying this isnt an excellent game. just saying that no other game being released was better than this which would be really sad.

ZodTheRipper3611d ago

Fortunately Destiny is made of GOTY material.

DanteVFenris6663610d ago

Just got eso that's my personal game of year. I know it's not everyone's game but hell 15 dollars is pocket change for the content it brings(15 dollars should always be pocket change though or you should find a new job). Haven't had a funner mmo experience in a long time if not ever. The perfect blend of mmo and singler player and pvp(maybe haven't played pvp yet but it looks wicked)

@above i think I'm the only one with low expectation for destiny but we will see

Madderz3610d ago


Stupidest comment I've read this morning.

Praises a terrible MMO that has received bad reviews across the board and has been delayed for consoles.

Then downplays, thanks to the Alpha, probably the most anticipated and highly praised game due out.

Dafuq you smoking kid.

slyleo20013611d ago

I am excited to play this wonderful game again, but I think i will wait till it drops in price. I paid in full for PS3 and have a back catalog I really need to finish!

PsylentKiller3611d ago

Backlog? Finished? Those words never go together. I've finished almost every console game I've bought but my PC collection is a completely different story. These Steam sales are killing me. As far as PC goes, I probably become more of a collector than a gamer.

slyleo20013611d ago

you are right about that I just want me some more useless trophys lol.. With Xbox, playstation, Nintendo, and PC i will need a few clones if i was ever to finish >.<

mkis0073611d ago

My backlog is like every game ive bought on my pc.those steam sales:(

hkgamer3611d ago

with ps+ its pretty easy to get a massive backlog.

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The Last of Us Part 1 – Why The Ending is Still so Impactful

The Last of Us never dreams of insulting its audience’s intelligence. And the best example of this is, of course, is its ending.

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Community513d ago
shinoff2183513d ago

Shit the beginning was to. I'm not sure how I would feel if I didn't have kids but having them it broke my heart to see.

ClayRules2012513d ago

Yes. The beginning and ending…how they break you, make you think , question things etc. so impactful.

And yeah, I have a son (he’ll be going to college here next year) and just feeling Joel’s pain, heartbreak, loss…it hits you differently when you have a kid (s) of your own.

PhillyDillyDee513d ago

I didnt have kids when i played it and the beginning had me sobbing. That story left an impact on me

Orchard513d ago

The story was a rollercoaster from start to finish. Probably my 1st or 2nd most favorite game on PS3 (the other being MGS4).

Aloymetal513d ago

I agree with you. MGS4 was truly special, I wasn't the biggest fan of the long cutscenes but I understand is part of Kojima. Great game nonetheless.

Snookies12513d ago

Best Metal Gear game, coming from a HUGE fan of the series. I bought a PS3 JUST for MGS4. And got the collector's edition too. Worth every bit of money.

Yes, the cutscenes can be very lengthy. But a lot of it was quite necessary to really tie things together. Previous games had some longer cutscenes as well. It's just that they were trying to wrap everything up with MGS4. So, it's understandable that they'd have to throw some info dumps into the game here and there.

Orchard513d ago

The cutscenes are long indeed, every Kojima game sets a new record there :P

But the game was awesome, the second they showed that first E3 demo, it was clear it was going to be something special.

I still remember being mind blown by the Octocamo. It was also the first third person shooter game where I felt like the controls and aiming etc all went smooth / fluid and weren't janky. Hard to explain in words, but it felt 'natural' to aim, move etc in it.

gangsta_red513d ago

I thought the game went on a little too long and it started to wear thin. It should have stopped at Winter. That would have been a great way to end that game with the sequel continuing from there (if necessary).

-Foxtrot513d ago

I loved it however the ambiguous ending was kind of ruined in the sequel

The first game had this conflicting grey area of Joel's actions, a decision to let you think it over and discuss it with people, however the sequel created a narrative that "OMG JOEL 100% DOOMED HUMANITY...HOW SELFISH" and making out Ellie wanted to die in the hospital even though 1) She didn't know she was going to die and 2) She was ready to see Joel once she got out of surgery so he could teach her how to play Guitar.

For me he did the right thing, I mean they pretty much attacked him when he was trying to save Ellie, they lied to him and said they were going to kill her without thinking any other decision out or asking Ellie herself and they pretty much were going to throw him out onto the street without any of his weapons/gear where he could have probably died. There was no guarantee a cure could be made with these guys, it was all "chance".

Crows90513d ago

Exactly. He made the first good decision and this time around the girl he took care of didn't die while escaping...which alluded to the beginning of the game. He was prepared this time.

-Foxtrot513d ago

Like I just don't know why the Fireflies (and now Jerry in Part II) didn't think about any other tests, it was literally "Yeah this bitch has gotta die". You're telling me they couldn't wait for more blood tests, think of new ways to approach it? The worlds been gone for decades, it's not going to collapse even more by waiting, the damage is done.

If they woke Ellie up and asked her but Joel also told her what they did and were going to do to him I don't think she'd really want to sacrifice her life for these guys compared how she suddenly reacts in the sequel.

Even the hospital setting in the original game was run down, dirty and literally the best they could do, that alone didn't inspire confidence they had the tools to distribute a cure let along make one. I know the sequel and remake kind of retcon it where it looked cleaner, brighter and newer but again I'm going off the original, the first time I played it. The Fireflies at the end of the day were not good people, they were still terrorists with their own ambitious goals in mind, I don't think they would have been fair handing out the cure if they did get it made

TricksterArrow513d ago (Edited 513d ago )

It's a work of fiction, and more than once Bruce and Neil stated that the cure was a given, it was a sure thing and they regret not making it more clearly. If the cure wasn't a thing, the ending wouldn't ne nearly as impactful as is.

Crows90513d ago

Except tlou2 states that it isnt a given. The ending is still impactful.

Inverno513d ago

Think the reason why she was going to die was because the guy was a vet, not a doctor

-Foxtrot513d ago

Yet suddenly was the only person who could create a cure

"We deffo need to kill her"


"Trust me....I'm a vet"

TricksterArrow513d ago (Edited 513d ago )

Jerry was a doctor. A lead doctor. His bio makes it clear that he attended Northern Utah Medical University. He just happened to like animals. I wonder if people really pay attention to the games they play anymore (if they played, it’s a toss with TLOU2’s critics)…

Imalwaysright513d ago


You should play the PS3 version. Once you do, you'll realize that the ending was retconned because Jerry wasn't the surgeon that was going to kill Ellie.

TricksterArrow513d ago

I played all versions. He was not a vet in any of them.

Imalwaysright513d ago

He was not in the original version of the game but the "Jerry" that Joel killed in the original clearly wasn't someone that acted professionaly or inspired confidence because he was willing to work in a dirty operating room and was wearing boots.

TricksterArrow512d ago (Edited 512d ago )

Jerry was a minor unnamed role that got expanded on the sequel and also got recast, not unlike any TV series and games before this one (such as Resident Evil, in which Claire, Leon, Carlos and Chris all look considerably different from one iteration to the other). Also, still not a vet. And also unsure what argument you are trying to make by “dirty room” and “wearing boots”. He is still a doctor that has the ability to develop a cure, it doesn’t matter what he is wearing or what tools are at his disposal, the story is what it is.

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ChubbyBlade513d ago

That’s why I didn’t like part 2. It removed all the nuance

Inverno513d ago

I think when you realize he's a vet, Joel's decision feels a bit more justified for those who played both games. Just playing, since you're in Joel's shoes, you don't really question it. Then playing the second there's a justification that doesn't take away from Joel's decision but for the player should reinforce your understanding of it.

You said it in the second comment. "The Fireflies at the end of the day were not good people, they were still terrorists with their own ambitious goals in mind." That's why they just went along with killing her cause they didn't want to figure out some other way.

shinoff2183512d ago


I think they just tried to show you how Joel's decision affected more then just Joel and ellie . Just showing different angles and a bigger picture. I think Joel did the right thing.

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dmonee513d ago

The story had me emotionally engaged. Gaming for 40 years it was the first time a game story messed with my emotions in the way movies do. As far as the game and gameplay? Not so much lol. It wasn’t bad in my opinion but the game itself was ok. It was the storyline that kept me going in TLOU 1 and TLOU 2.

ClayRules2012513d ago

“As far as the game and gameplay? Not so much lol. It wasn’t bad in my opinion but the game itself was ok.“

What exactly did the game do that qualifies it for just being ok? And same question for the gameplay?

dmonee513d ago

That’s a tough question because I could ramble on and on as to why. I’m speaking for myself because I usually pass on survival horror type games. So instead of getting into a debate as to why I found the gameplay to be ok. I originally commented on how the narrative had me emotionally sucked in. Especially the opening segment. So much that I purchased a game I would never have purchased if not for the story. It’s more kudos to the developer for getting people like me out of my comfort zone to play a game I wouldn’t usually play.

ClayRules2012513d ago

I know some people were upset with Joel lying to Ellie (friends of mine) that they felt it should’ve given the player an option to have Joel either

A. Lie to Ellie or B. Tell Ellie the truth. Type of situation, which just makes no sense. The game nor its story doesn’t given the player any control to have/make any choices that change the direction or outcome of ANY of these characters in this unforgiving and dark world.

I don’t blame Joel for doing what he did.

1. Ellie became the “Something” that he needed to keep fighting for, beyond just living day to day, simply being survivors.

2. Marlene gave orders to that no -name guard to kill Joel if he tried anything…you just done pissed him off all the more with those words. I wonder, if Joel had been killed and Marlene ever came across Tommy again (Joel’s brother) would she have the guts to tell him “Listen Tommy, we need to talk! About Joel…I couldn’t waste this gift. Tommy “What the hell you talking about, Marlene??” Marlene “I had Joel killed, if he” Tommy “YOU SON OF A BITCH!” Got carried away there lol. You get the idea tho. To my point, it wasn’t guaranteed that Ellie was the cure, and after all Joel did, went through, not even allowing Joel to see Ellie, just talk with her, that’s messed up.

3. Of course looking at the actions Joel took in the hospital and how that has major consequences in Part 2 for him, Ellie etc. it’s not like there wouldn’t have been a big threat later on at some point. This world is wicked, dark, unforgiving and everyone’s growing up, has their own WANTS. NEEDS. DESIRES. Solely for themselves, loved ones, or group. All while trying to survive.

Joel I think knew when he said “I Swear” that he’d done something much worse than when he actually saved Ellie from that operating room and possibly causing death to humanity (as if it would be appreciated anyways.

Yes, he lied to the one person who gave him purpose to live, purpose to have hope, purpose to be that father again (which he of course wasn’t looking for, but it just naturally happened upon him) like he was to his daughter Sarah all those years ago. And to him, maybe in that moment, lying would be worth the little bit of time, the years they’d have together creating memories, seeing Ellie grow up before his eyes etc. rather than lie to her and see a reaction in words and deeds in which she might’ve ran off losing all hope and trust in him etc. I mean, she did lose trust in him all those years later etc. but as we saw, she was willing to work with him, try to repair what Joel broke, and he knew it wouldn’t be easy, as did she. But with time she understood I think why he did what he did.

It’s just sad in the end, his lie, the time they lost with his betrayal, and than horrific death, caused Ellie to go seek revenge in a way in which Ellie changed, she kept chipping off more of herself along the journey, scary and sad thing to see, and exhausting. But powerful storytelling throughout it all.

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Top 10 PlayStation Plus Premium Horror Games

We love to scare ourselves silly within the horror genre of video games. Thankfully, there are many to find on PlayStation Plus Premium, such as the intense Resident Evil VII: Biohazard and cult favorite Little Nightmares.

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PlayStation Store July Sale Is Live With More Than 500 Games Discounted

PlayStation Store is offering a new sale this week with more than 500 games discounted including some DLCs. See the complete list here.

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