
Tenchu 4 to Be Wii Exclusive?

Well, this came out of left field. News from the latest issue of Famitsu seems to indicate that Tenchu 4 will be coming to Wii on October 23rd…and only to Wii. And, even more interesting (at least for longtime Tenchu fans) is the news that apparently From Software, the developer of the last few games in the series, will not be developing Tenchu 4. Instead, original developers Acquire will be taking over the series once again.

Which would be great news for Tenchu fans, as From Software's entries in the series have been seen as fairly weak by many. Regardless, until there is a solid confirmation, this should be considered a rumor for now. But, now that both Monster Hunter and Fatal Frame have jumped to the Wii, nothing would surprise Siliconera.

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Durffen5843d ago

Please God let this be true!

This would make up for anything Ubisoft plans to bring to Wii!

Rikitatsu5843d ago

The guys who made the Series into an AAA Series

K2 runied the name of tenchu with games like Tenchu Z and tenchu 3 or whatever

dan-boy5843d ago

i've been waiting for a decnt tenchu game since the first one. the 360 tenchu was ok with on-line co-op. didn't microsoft publish that one? i cant remember.

San anto5843d ago

they went down hill after the 3rd in the series.

theKiller5843d ago

i think it was something heavens, it was so good in graphics but the gameplay it lacked what tenchu 2 had, i loved the series because of tenchu 2 on PS1!! i hope they make a nice game for ps3 or just dont do it on ps3 and do it where ever u want!

5843d ago
Mainman5843d ago

If Tenchu is exclusive to the Wii, that would suck big time.

I rather play this game on the 360 or PS3. The Wii? Pffffff.

KidMakeshift5843d ago

This is an absolutely terrible move for the Tenchu franchise. I was really hoping Capcom was going to re-imagine the series for next-gen.

Now it's just going to be a stripped down, uglier, crappy controlled Tenchu Z. It's bad enough that a multiplayer heavy game like Monster Hunter is going to be on the Wii. What's next? Onimusha?

5843d ago
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ice_prophecy5843d ago (Edited 5843d ago )

I have to say I am disappointed, at the very least, with the prospects of Tenchu no longer coming to my ps3.

Durffen5843d ago

I'm quite surprised that if this is true, that it isn't coming to PS3. It failed on the 360, and some of the recent Playstation games weren't the best. I guess now it's time to see what happens when it comes to a Nintendo console. (the DS doesn't count!)

boJABER5843d ago

dont be sad, all of tenchu sequels sucked anyway. the first one was a hit on the psone

NinjaRyu5843d ago

I hope this one will be good!


nintendo need some good 3rd party titles so i hope this goes well for them.

Wii60PS3DSPSP5843d ago

Another whining Sony fanboy who is upset that a game not on his system.

NinjaRyu5843d ago

you don't even know if the game gonna be good or bad yet.

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Games2C: Tenchu 4 Review


"The difficulty in engaging normal soldiers in swordplay is actually toned down a notch when reaching end of level boss characters. This is a very telling sign that the developers knew that the swordplay mechanic was invariably broken and subsequently made tweaks to the big boss characters or face a totally broken game. It's shoddy, and utterly spoils what could have been a great debut for the loveable sneaky ninja. Instead as we said in the beginning, it's a gruelling path that lies ahead for any would–be Wii assassins – patience isn't so much a virtue, rather a prerequisite."


VGC Review: Tenchu: Shadow Assassins

VGC writes: "There hasn't been a bigger surprise this generation than the success of Nintendo's Wii, but while the Wii continues to sell in extraordinary quantities, it has been lacking in some genres. Tenchu: Shadow Assassins is looking to cover one of those gaps in the Wii's library with its unique approach to the stealth genre. As the fourth main title in the series, does Shadow Assassins set a shining example on Wii, or is it doomed to the mediocrity of the recent Tenchu spinoffs?"

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Tenchu 4 - New Japanese TV Commercials

From Software published 2 new Japanese TV commercials from Tenchu 4. Enjoy.

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