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Battlefield Hardline’s beta leaves me worried — and not for the reasons I was expecting

Battlefield Hardline may look on the surface like a repurposed Battlefield 4 — but as discovers when tbey goes hands-on with the PC beta, developers Visceral appear to be sending a strong message about just how messed up things in the world of law enforcement really are.

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Community3643d ago
spence524903643d ago

Are they really going to charge $60 for this? I'd rather spend that on a dinosaur themed re-skin honestly. I'll wait util the beta to see whats up. Right now it just looks like a cool mod and not a full game.

Palitera3643d ago

Maybe that's why they didn't call it Battlefield 5.

I know it is a beta, but this new entry, ugh, I hope they improve everything on this game. Didn't like the beta at all.

JetsFool35003643d ago

They didn't call it battlefield 5 because its a spin-off & has nothing to do with the core game

venom063643d ago

The game is fun as hell and what's really cool is this just a beta... By NO means does this feel anything close to a DLC other than looking similar to BF4 (it's using the same damn engine it's supposed to look similar)... Go read or watch MP1st video preview of this game to get a true unbiased reflection of the game.... It's fun as hell and can't wait for the retail version...

spence524903643d ago

Just got my invite today. Pretty sure my feelings about it won't change.

sGIBMBR3643d ago

I'm in the beta, I can confirm that this pretty much just feels like DLC for Battlefield 4.

Having said that it's still a fun game, even if it is running on an old build with bad net code problems.

Matt6663643d ago

I am also in the Beta and I don't think it feels like BF4

ArchangelMike3643d ago

Yeah, I'm in the Beta and I have to say, it's very lackluster (even for a beta). I didn't encounter any bugs, but the gameplay felt... 'stiff'. Definately no way I'm paying full price for this either.

3643d ago
spike3643d ago

I thought it was DLC for Battlefield 4

Mr Pumblechook3643d ago (Edited 3643d ago )

"But it’s what’s under the surface that makes me think Visceral is trying to make some social commentary about the state of community policing in the US. "

I think the author is searching a little too deep and interpreting social commentary that isn't there! I've played a bit of it, It's a beta, for an FPS! The problem is there are people who are really desperate to prove games are art so that they can feel games are more respectable. This guy needs to accept Battlefield for what it is.

Ripsta7th3643d ago

So basically article writer is worried about all left over weaponry from wars being donated to local police officers with no training , leaving it vulnerable to criminals for easy grabbing.

Hazmat133643d ago

i love that trailer its like "lets destroy and entire city for this! cause you know bad guys n stuff"

ArchangelMike3643d ago

Actually, I think the maps are way too big for the gameplay and number of players in this. For a main Battlefiled game with full scale war... yeah I get that. But for cops and robbers, and bank raids... not so much!

ScottyHoss3643d ago

You're right, especially not in the reality we live in, but think if things were different? Like if the economy went to a full scale depression, leaving your average veteran soldier no choice but to become an elite, tactical criminal! That would explain the numbers, the need for such a large heist (so everyone gets enough) and the military precision. Suddenly this becomes a trend in society, these heists happen all the time, the police would be more concerned with their own lives than a non-lethal takedown and would have to step up their game as well! :) just a thought, and one that's a little "out there" as well.

xX1NORM1Xx3643d ago

IMO they aren't trying to say anything they are just making the two sides in multiplayer basically the same imagine if they made it so the police can't just run around with a gun and had to use non lethal methods of disabling the criminals hardly anyone would want to play the police when they could play criminals that can just run around shooting people also it would make the criminals win 99% of the time

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Battlefield 1, Hardline, BF4 Servers Are Being Taken Offline by Cheaters; EA Silent on Issue

Cheaters & hackers have been causing grief on Battlefield 1, Hardline & BF4 servers, with nonstop DDoS attacks among other things. Unfortunately, EA has remained silent about it.

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Community795d ago
-Foxtrot796d ago

Course they are silent, they are hoping people flock to 2042

gamesftw250795d ago

Maybe it was a inside job then haha.

jeromeface795d ago

wouldnt be the first time, titanfall 1+2 anyone?

PapaBop795d ago

Not even if they paid me.. EA always do this with old games with less money potential, if this was Ultimate Team, they'd address and sort it faster than stories could spread. Why invest time in their products when they will just dump it in the following years? Then again EA never could see the forest for the trees.

Inverno795d ago

I imagine after those games were given out for free a couple months back through Amazon, anything that makes people go to 2042 is a plus for them

XiNatsuDragnel796d ago

They want people to go on 2042. My theory

excaliburps795d ago

Nah. I think they can't do anything about it or they want to sink money into fixing it.

Pudge102888795d ago (Edited 795d ago )

EA owns all BF servers so yes, they can do something about it but they refuse to because they dont want ppl playing their old games instead of the new one. Its EA we’re talking about here

pr33k33795d ago

if this happened in 2042, they'd have something to say. which is weird, considering battlefield 1 has more players on steam right now.

Pudge102888795d ago

Its so obvious that EA is doing this or hired ppl to mess up the games so that we’d be forced to have just 1 Battlefield working.

FPS_D3TH795d ago

Honestly it’s probably the devs themselves. They did an update to bf4 way back that kinda made assault rifles doo doo in hopes that people would flock to BF1 cuz BF4 was too perfect

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Ranking All The Battlefield Games

From Xfire: "With the next game being a return to the classic XX42 formula, now is as good a time as any to make an utterly definitive and in no possible way controversial ranking of the Battlefield games we've enjoyed over the years, with which undoubtedly nobody will take issue in the comment section. Right? Okay then - here we go, from least good to best."

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Community1067d ago
OMNlPOTENT1067d ago

Battlefield 1 above 4 and Bad Company 2? Not a chance.

Ruegrong1067d ago

battlefield 4 was broken as shit on launch same as battlefield 3

isarai1066d ago

Bad company 2 was still my favorite, sure it was a bit gimped compared to the rest if the series but more fun and far more satisfying weapon unlocks.

XxINFERNUSxX1066d ago (Edited 1066d ago )

Battlefield 1942 + both expansions are my all time favorite, it can still be played online to this day. Vietnam would be my 2nd, 3rd Battlefield 2, last BF2142 the rest I didn't care for. They really need to remake from the ground up in the new engine BF1942. Next year it will be 20 yrs since it was released. If they don't at least to me would be a disservice. ☹

CoNn3rB1066d ago

"erasing that simply reinforces toxic male privilege." I see the writer is one of those types of people...


The Life & Death of the Season Pass

In a time not too long ago, a foul infection spread its way through the games industry. It was a vile illness that burrowed itself in deep, feeding off of greed and the incessant begging of teens desperate to receive funds from their parents. It divided friend groups, suffocated player bases, and was common practice up until recently—it was the season pass.

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IanTH1295d ago (Edited 1295d ago )

This doesn't make a ton of sense. Season Passes may slowly fade out for multiplayer games, perhaps, but I don't see them going anywhere in games that are primarily single player. They don't seem to touch on this either, with every game being some kind of online/multiplayer/GaaS title, and nary a mention of a single player game - at least that I saw.

I mean, games like Borderlands 3 just asked people to buy in to the 2nd season pass. Battle passes can't really take over in places that have story driven content and such. So I'd say perhaps they missed a bit of a necessary distinction but, since they claim the death of season pass is at hand, it appears they may have missed how single player games factor into this entirely.