
Transistor Review: Transcendence in Cloudbank - Pixels for Breakfast

Pixels for Breakfast writes: The similarities between Bastion, and Supergiant Games’ sophomore release Transistor are hard to ignore. Both titles are set in strikingly colourful worlds, ripped apart from the inside; so detailed, yet devoid of life outside of the enemies you face. The soundtrack takes on a life of its own, becoming an integral storytelling tool as you progress through the game. Both games feature a running commentary from the very talented Logan Cunnigham, who plays two very different roles across both games. It’s hard to tear the games from one another, because they share so much.

Yet Transistor feels like an entirely new experience. Almost every facet of the game is unique, yet familiar. Supergiant Games not only lived up to expectations set by their auspicious debut, it has surpassed them.

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5 Best Supergiant Games' Original Soundtracks

Yagmur Sevinc from NoobFeed writes - Isn’t it such a blessing that the studio that gave us such great games like Hades and Bastion has also given us incredible soundtrack albums too? If you like these games, you might want to look at the five best songs that the indie studio Supergiant Games has given us.

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Nevi’s Favourite Video Game Soundtracks - Part 1

Nevada Dru, from Bits & Pieces, goes through some of his favourite video game soundtracks.

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Zeldafan641119d ago

Xenoblade Chronicles 1 and 2 have the best soundtracks ever


Non-Horror Games That Were More Unsettling Than Most Horror Games

WTMG's Leo Faria: "The WayTooManyGames staff lists their favorite non-horror games that scared them more than actual horror games released over the years."

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