
Devs React to DX 12 Doubling Xbox One GPU Speed Claims; PS4 ICE Programmer: Be Suspicious of Claims

Doubling the speed? Not really, according to some developers.

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Mikelarry3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

2015 is not far off i am skeptical but would love to see what MS is cooking in their software labs to make such bold claims

Kayant3709d ago

They never made the claims in reference to XB1. It was the author of the author of that article that did that. MS were talking about PC development when they were talking about those improvements and showing the graphs but yh it will be interesting to see what happens.

Though I honestly don't see the XB1 getting a 2X improvements across the board just because of DX12. Even if the CPU is less bottlenecked than before at the end of the day the GPU can only do so much.

XB1 also has had one for a while - Mono driver --> http://www.gamechup.com/xbo...

ThunderSpark3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

Only people making a huge deal out of this were Xbox One fans who are always looking for the second coming of secret sauce from the clouds. Gamers who have gamed for a very long time know that hardware is the first step to high end gaming, then software. If Ms couldn't get the hardware right, software is not going to drastically change the problem. You can put make up on a pig but beneath all of those updates, the Xbox One is still weaker than the PS4. The sooner Xbox One fans realize that and come to terms with it, the sooner we don't need to fight over every exaggeration of the secret sauce from the clouds. Let the games talk and so far, PS4 games prove the hardware's power and efficiency.

Gazondaily3709d ago

I think this doubling the performance thing is silly.

What I hope, and I think people should be more realistic and not get their heads in the clouds (no pun intended), is that DX makes a marked improvement. Doubling the power just seems fantastical.

Volkama3709d ago

Yes Kayant, I'm glad somebody else noted this.

When MS talked about DX 12 they did mention compatibility with the XBox One. They did also mention potential gains of 50% on CPU efficiency. On a separate slide that had nothing to do with the console.

Gaming Bolt just totally misrepresented the information, and people seem to be reading whatever they want into every vague statement that has come out since.

MS have not even pretended to quantify the advantage this will offer the console. Not so much as a hint that I have seen.

marlinfan103709d ago


"only people making a huge deal out of this were xbox one fans"

you say that right before writing a paragraph about the thing lol..from what I've seen, the people that are making the biggest deal about it are the ones trying to disprove it. go to any dx12 article and its comment after comment about how it'll never work

GarrusVakarian3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )


I agree 100%. I remember the article that said DX12 will have potential gains of 50% for CPU efficiency...and then fast forward a few weeks and it has been taken completely the wrong way.

A lot of people who accused others of being "armchair developers" are feeling pretty silly now seeing this come from multiple industry professionals. You don't have to be an engineer, or a developer to doubt software could magically double the power of a piece of hardware.

DX12 will most certainly improve the efficiency of the console for developers, but deep down, did anyone truly believe the X1 would get such ridiculously high performance benefits from it? Seriously? The dude in the article who made that claim even clarified that he didn't mean it literally.

S2Killinit3709d ago

Except the whole thing is by design. MS knows exactely what they are doing when they spread such rumors as true.

creatchee3709d ago


"Only people making a huge deal out of this were Xbox One fans who are always looking for the second coming of secret sauce from the clouds."

Bull. Look at most of the DX12 articles on this site. Heck - look at just about any article dealing with X1 hardware. The first and most vocal people are those in the Sony camp saying that it is all some sort of fairy tale. Sure, some Xbox fanboys go the MisterX route and start claiming five and ten times performance gains, but for the most part, people who are interested in the console are optimistic about what could come to be. It's the Sony fanboys coming into those articles to push their agenda who continually pick this fight that you speak of.

"The sooner Xbox One fans realize that and come to terms with it, the sooner we don't need to fight over every exaggeration of the secret sauce from the clouds."

Or you could just stop fighting now and enjoy your PS4 without worrying about what is going on with the X1. You've already decided not to buy one, so it won't affect you. Wouldn't your time be better spent enjoying your superior PS4?

ThunderSpark3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

I find it funny how in the previous article Xbox One fans dismissed our comments because they said we were not developers, that we do not know anything about game development. But now that the developers themselves are agreeing with what we stated, those same Xbox fans are still in denial. I feel like our words don't even matter anymore. Xbox fans want to believe what they want to believe and there's no stopping them. Blind faith in their Xbox religion full of clouds and secret sauce. In the end, gamers will be happy about the games, and Xbox fans will still be waiting for secret sauce.

Volkama3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

@Lukas I think you probably can double the efficiency of hardware through software revisions. But the existing software has to offer a pretty bad starting point...

I don't think the current Dx API on the XBox One is single-threaded like Dx11 anyway, so I suspect the primary performance boost afforded by Dx12 will not even apply.

Having said that, I think other improvements that are more specific to the console can make a big difference. I think Xbox owners can look forward to improvements because of work in other areas, and I think the Build presentation on "how to use ESRAM" was more likely to contain the answers.

And of course I think PS4 owners can look forward to big improvements too. As seen previously with every console ever.

@S2Killinit How would quantifiable false expectations of a 50-100% performance increase be in microsoft's interest? It would backfire hard. They aren't so dumb.

Hercules1893709d ago

@whathappened, Intel, AMD and Nvidia all say its a huge deal and do you really think that Microsoft wouldn't make the xboxone without taking advantage of dx12. And the cloud does work, unless you live in some hut, all you need to have is basic $30/mnth internet and you should see the advantages of cloud.

Eonjay3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

"Doubling Xbox One GPU Speed" - What speed. The core clock speed of the GPU. To what 1600Mhz... well of course no so I assume they are referring to developing performance. Well, no again because the max performance is 1.31Tflops and thats not doubling. So they must that efficiency is doubled. That I can buy.


Current PC GPUs will also be DX12 compliant. Were they made with DX12 in mind... or was it the other way around.

tuglu_pati3709d ago

The truth is DX12 still in development. We have to take everything we hear in the internet with a grain of salt even with this developers.

The only thing we can do is wait and see.

MorePowerOfGreen3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

"PS4 ICE Programmer: Be Suspicious of Claims"

Nuff said.

Nvidia, AMD, Intel and other devs etc say different lol. I guess Sony just can't afford for this to be praised much longer so now they damage control. The only thing this Sony damage control is going to do is, set PS4 fanboys in denial.

MSFT is a global company making software for global hardware companies, if these companies are saying DX12 does these things they do! as if some random hating Sony guy working on inferior software is more credible than everybody else like chip makers and devs.

Who does Sony sell ICE to? Does Ice have market outside of gaming and on other platforms where many folks are vouching for it? One random Sony dev not showing a damn thing *vs* hardware companies, software companies and devs either working on DX12 or showing it work.

Why o why3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

Arghh well, its not like most of us didn't share this notion. Obviously, a faction felt compelled to champion any 'game changer' worst thing is, after all of the huffing and puffing the improvements may not even equate to parity. Crazy.

Anyway, I'm sure some will move onto the next one.....recurring pattern.

@less power

Dude, denial about what, owning the most powerful gaming console....... thats like moaning about being rich or having a nine inch hwang... some guys

Nekroo913709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

@Morepowerofgreen read the article. Theres statements from treyarch and other programmers aswell .

How can you be so delusional. Your trying alot to justify your purchase but guess what?! its still weak and it always be

Charybdis3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

Always be sceptic and ask for specifics doubling the gpu power of the x1 doesn't sound reasonable with software. Could they possible double the efficiency of a specific gpu task with direct x12 software maybe, but a doubling of gpu speed seems very unlikely.

Software improvements are possible but certain numbers may simply not be realistic. Same can be said of the previous claim of an ice- programmer. "PS4 surface tiling/detiling on the CPU is ~10-100x faster". in the end both consoles will get better and people will keep on exaggerating the theoretical possibilities instead of real world results.

GarrusVakarian3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )


Just like your buddy lifeisgamesok, you didn't read the article. You read the title and the description and spewed your BS and embarrassed yourself. Congrats.

And LOL at you talking about denial....seriously. Irony at it's finest.

Man, you are going to be so disappointed when DX12 launches and your X1 isn't twice as powerful, i hope you realise that.

Edit: You then edit your comment, including a new paragraph and yet you STILL haven't read the article, lmao!

"as if some random hating Sony guy working on inferior software is more credible than everybody else like chip makers and devs."

Hardware >>> software, don't even try and tell us you believe that it's the other way around. I know you're delusional, but not that delusional. The PS4 is more powerful and will be more powerful after DX12 drops. Accept it.

Edit 2: LMAO! You did it AGAIN! Wow man, seriously, wow. In future, read the damn article, because you just made yourself look like a fool.

Death3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )


The Xbox fans waiting for the second coming of secret sauce are out buying and playing games. Look at software sales on both platforms. It looks more like Xbox fans are enjoying their consoles while Playstation fans wait for the next gen in games to arrive.

It also looks like the most vocal ones crying about secret sauce are the insecure Playstation fans that labeled it secret sauce in the first place. Optimization will occur on both consoles and each will "evolve" over time like they always have. If you want to call optimization "secret sauce" and pretend it won't happen, that is on you.

As for Xbox fans coming to terms with the Xbox One being "weaker" than the PS4, they know. The problem that is burning you up from the looks of it is they don't care. I'm pretty sure that is why you keep telling us about it.

BX813709d ago

@ what happened
Your drunk if you think it was only xb1 fans making a huge deal. It's the trolls from both camps. They constantly need something to bicker over.

Eonjay3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )


I completely agree.

I think people misunderstand what Brad Wardell meant. He didn't mean the GPU speed would be doubled. If DX12 is more efficient it can be twice as effective with the same hardware. An API doesn't change the hardware, it only communicates with it. The hardware can only do what its told.

There is a way to literally double the GPU speed but that would probably cause overheating...

Also its not just Sony.

"Treyarch software engineer Dan Olson" also said the claim was not smart to make.

Why o why3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

'''As for Xbox fans coming to terms with the Xbox One being "weaker" than the PS4, they know. The problem that is burning you up from the looks of it is they don't care. I'm pretty sure that is why you keep telling us about it.'''

Lmao....dont care huh...let me see....like every single power increase article is flocked too with hopeful x1 fans clasping to rhetoric. Oh, yeah, when the facts went againt that said crowd they screamed resolution didn't matter anymore but give any of em a sniff of power increase then BAM,... a whole heap of talk........ with this type of dispute, It ALWAYS takes 2 so please, cut the morality plea....peoples actions hold way more weight. Ms attackers will attack and sony attackers will attack. BOTH will defend vehemently. Thats the n4g standard.

And if anybodys burning up inside I'd almost certainly guess it wasn't those who know they're on top in this regards...

creatchee3709d ago


"As for Xbox fans coming to terms with the Xbox One being "weaker" than the PS4, they know. The problem that is burning you up from the looks of it is they don't care. I'm pretty sure that is why you keep telling us about it."

This. Times a million.

I've never seen a group of people worried so much about experiences that other people are having and trying to downplay them as I do with video game console fanboys.

VforVideogames3709d ago

Xbox1 fans this Ps4 fans that.... STFU and enjoy your console of choice, leave this to the ones who don't have a next gen console.

dcbronco3709d ago

I don't know why people find it hard to believe that DX12 can make a big difference on the CPU side on Xbox One. We all should know that most of the cores are idle a lot. If DX12 puts them to use on a regular basis,we should see major gains. That's just common sense. Denying that is just fanboy wishing.

pyramidshead3709d ago

lifeis and powerofgreen still unable to read full articles I see.

PS4 ICE team dev is probably there just to see what the different side of the coin looks like. The rest are multiplat devs and people who even work for microsoft lol.

Efficient weak hardware is still weak hardware.

If the Xbone can gain this much efficiency than so can the PS4 and that's on top of how mature it already is compared to the bone. ALSO DX12 is slated for holiday 2015, guess we have to wait until late 2016/17 games to see any real difference.

Xbox fanboys have been rubbed the wrong way so much now that that cling to anything even if it's to blindly swallow what anything MS shoots from the PR department.

DarXyde3709d ago


THANK YOU! Finally, someone realizes the developers were not talking about XBOX One. The XBOX One will likely receive a great update with DX12 but, no, it's not some kind of God-Mod-mega-hax that will double performance. Spencer put it best, where he suggested it can make a difference like going from PDZ quality to Halo 4 quality. That's realistic. It DID happen and I think it can happen again.

As a side note, I think it's safe to say that, if the XBOX One had its way with the industry (DRM, always-online restrictions), it would be much more powerful than it's given credit for. The Cloud has at least somewhat proven itself and it would have had the benefit of working with every XBOX One game. That with DX12 may have made for very interesting developments. Maybe.

I'm still a pro-Sony gamer, but the XBOX One would likely have been a more formidable machine if it happened the way Microsoft intended. Then again, it may not have had the bright future for games as it appears to now because Mattrick would likely still be there and Spencer would likely have taken a back seat.

Oh well. No use speculating on hypotheticals.

alexkoepp3709d ago Show
Ritsujun3709d ago

Don't give up, MS!!!!!!!!!

gigoran3709d ago


All you need is a 30 dollar a month Internet connection to get the power of the cloud? Hahahahahahahaha. So a 500 dollar machine just became an extra yearly investment of 300 dollars or more. Are you trying to help or hinder your beloved xbone? If someone must pay that much extra every year just to play the console at its highest power... That's pathetic.

tbone5673709d ago

All this talk of Direct X 12 and Cloud. Doesn't matter. The real secret weapon is MS itself. Xbox One is backed by a trillion dollar tech Titan.

ChrisW3709d ago


"Only people making a huge deal out of this were Xbox One fans"

Nope! It's the Sony camp that jumping around viciously attacking this news because it simply has "XB1" and "2X" in it.

Though yet they seem to fail to understand that DX12 will also benefit the PS4.

Maybe by "2X" or more?!?

DigitalRaptor3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

@ Death (and creatchee, somewhat)

All of this stems from the delusionally hopeful that are grasping onto every PR statement, who are trying to convince people the opposite of the truth. It's the PR spin bulls*** these companies try to convince others too that exacerbates the delusions of the fiercely loyal.

You don't care about the power differences? Fine by me, but don't ever try and spin the truth or push any delusions on others, or even support others doing that, or call those who are calling out the bulls***, fanboys, to try and deflect logic.

n4rc3709d ago


Actually it seems the Sony fans love to bring up those points, not Xbox fans..

Like your post... Who the hell said secret sauce or anything like that? Just you, in response to no one..

What people need to come to terms with is enjoying their system and allowing others to do the same.. And not trolling every single article trying to shoot it down

Azzanation3709d ago

AMD, NVidia and Intel all say it will double CPU speeds, the X1 has a AMD CPU, just like PCs. Why wouldn't it double CPU speeds if there able to balance each core?

I think the you should wait and see other then claim it false. Because if you disbelieve the DX12 news then your calling AMD, NVidia and Intel liars and they pretty much created the PS4 and X1.

insomnium23708d ago (Edited 3708d ago )


This is 2006-2008 coming back and slapping every single xbox fanboy (and media outlets with their propaganda) in the face. All those awfully rushed multiplats DID NOT mean that x360 is more powerfull than PS3. Everyone saw the reality of the situation but even then the media and fanboys were crazy with joy.

Karma truly is a bitch for anyone with an agenda.

dantesparda3708d ago

Wow, are all the MS fanboys in denial.

AMD, Intel and Nvidia meant the PC. Not the X1. This should be obvious to anyone with a brain.

MS fanboys are the ones making a big deal out of this, believing all these claims, (most of which really only pertain to the PC not the X1), and Sony fanboys are trying to bring these delusional fanboys back to Earth

You have MS and indepedent devs telling you here and you people are still in denial and thinking that AMD, Intel and Nvidia got your back when they DONT!

And i thought that MS fanboys didnt care about power or res. Now suddenly you all do

It never ends with you people, stay delusional, have fun with that.

+ Show (33) more repliesLast reply 3708d ago
Xsilver3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

"Programmer Dean Ashton found it downright hilarious. Either that or life-threatening judging by his response. “2x perf on Xbox One when using DX12? That article nearly made me choke on my cup of tea.”

hmmmmm seems Devs's don't believe it, so where does this leave us?

lifeisgamesok3709d ago

Nvidia, AMD, and Intel believes it along with a developer from Oxide games who made the Star Swarm tech demo

Of course a "Playstation guy" would try to downplay Xbox One improving

GarrusVakarian3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )


Clearly someone didn't read the article, which seems to be a trend amongst Xbox fanboys.

It's not just him saying it. There are many others in that article. Frankly, how anyone actually believed that software could magically make hardware twice as powerful is beyond me.

Face it, people like you (truefan,morepowerofgreen, gozer,xbox fun etc) believed (and probably still do) that DX12 was going to be some secret sauce that would double the X1's power. Even without these industry professionals saying otherwise, it was blatantly apparent to anyone who wasn't deluded that that was impossible.

No one is downplaying improvement, they are doubting such wild and misinformed/misinterpreted claims.

It was like Chinese whispers.....the original comment being "potentially 50% more efficient CPU" turned into....."double the power", "like a whole new graphics card", "suddenly 720p games will run at 1080p". And you guys lapped it up and called other doubters "downplayers".

Man...id rather be a down-player than a mindless follower and accepter of blatant lies.

'whathappened' above me brings up a good point also, how people like you called doubters of those claims "armchair devs" and disregarded their views due to them just being "N4G nobody's", but now actual devs and actual industry professionals are agreeing with us, you still bury your head in the sand and mention AMD, Intel and Nvidia....did it ever occur to you that they we're talking about PC gains?

Xsilver3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

"Of course a "Playstation guy" would try to downplay Xbox One improving"

So i Told the Devs to say this :/ so apparently asking were everyone stands on this subject is downplaying the Xone-_-.

"Nvidia, AMD, and Intel believes it along with a developer from Oxide games who made the Star Swarm tech demo "

I thought they were referring to PC when talking about DirectX12 but hey i may be wrong.

raWfodog3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

@ Lukas

Technically, optimized software CAN improve hardware performance but I don't see it doubling the performance in this case. Especially not when other development factors come into play.

Kayant3709d ago


And what do all three have in common? They are all trying to sell PC hardware. Even with MS's contract with AMD for their hardware AMD still has a business on PC selling their hardware. None of them were talking about the XB1.

GarrusVakarian3709d ago


Yeah, i know that, i don't think anyone on either side of the fence doubted that *some* performance gains wouldn't come from DX12, otherwise, what would be the point of including it?

WeedyOne3709d ago

The devs are laughing at this because DX12 was basically a pc announcement! DX12 and Mantle were created to practically emulate what consoles ALREADY DO!. And that is have programming closer to the metal which leads to faster draws for the CPU. You will not even get a performance gain if you arent cpu limited in the first place!

Since XB1 and PS4 already have programming close to the metal, they will not see a huge jump going to DX12 like the PC will.

DeadlyFire3709d ago

Just another word for we optimized the code again. This happens all throughout a console gen. No new news really. DX12 likely has some new graphics features over XB1's current set, but its software. It can be patched in. Sony also uses an API built on software as well. They have not stopped optimizing it either.

Either way XB1 has a shorter rope to max out its hardware than PS4. Optimization and new graphical features dropping in here and there along the way for both sides. Every new feature helps along the way, but they all have their limits on these features that are tied to hardware. 1.31 and 12 is smaller than 1.84 and 18 I do believe.

k3rn3ll3709d ago

Technically its 3 devs one of which being an SCS engineer. Lets not act like its an overwhelming majority or anything.

Although I am hopeful for it bringing some improvements lets not sit here and act its now stated fact that the update wont bring any improvement because 2 people are skeptical about the percentages given by a third party dev.

The same people claiming people had overblown the possible gains of dx12 are overflowing the scepticism of a couple 3rd party devs who have not had hands on with.new apis

OpieWinston3709d ago Show
nypifisel3708d ago

It's bullshit honestly. It also would mean that somehow API features are exclusive and static for some and not for others. Gains are to be made but one can not by pass hardware which performance is finite. Both consoles will pretty much share all API features.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3708d ago
BallsEye3709d ago

So in shortcut Sony devs talking smack about dx12 update.

Flutterby3709d ago

So in shortcut you didn't read the article, when will you guys learn to read the article before jumping the gun and looking stupid?

Blaze9293709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

"Dunno about DX12/X1 specifically, of course; not my dept."

and with that, all and any reason to care about what this guy has to say flew right out the window. Credentials - he has none.

Docknoss3709d ago

What's this guy know? MS has the best Software engineers in the world.

TH3BR3W3709d ago

I read this and had a day dream of windows 8 murdering my family. I mean it was a nightmare before but now windows 8 gives me daymares.

On topic though:

Dx12 should provide some improvements but to think it's a performance doubling program is just dumb especially when the information on what it does is explained on the press announcements.

nypifisel3708d ago

And you think Sony uses out of special school drooling fools? Come on, wake up; anything MS can do Sony can do, and wise versa.

Mr Pumblechook3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

"Secret sauce!"

"Power of da Cloud!"


BlackTar1873709d ago

DX12 will improve games and in 3-5 yrs the cloud may help in bigger ways then horrible AI.

Both those things thertically will improve xbox.

Not at what level they do is yet to be seen.

Cloud is real it's just not Xbox buy our console POWER OF THE CLOUD real. It will be someday but i'll be generous and say 3 yrs 1/2 the life of the console. My real opnion is 5 yrs and will be fully implemented on next gen consoles.

But what do i know? Nothing. I have spent the last 4 years of my life learning abotu the cloud and it's advantages inside a company since I work at a company that provides these services. But in the end i don't know enough to make any real solid guesses i can only operate on the little i work with(little i mean allot) for different applicational use then consoles.

I'll say one thing customers have cloud issues all the time but they will iron themselves out like stuff always does.

memots3709d ago

Don't forget dat stacked hidden gpu

Back-to-Back3709d ago

Well there you have it. Dx12 according to professional engineers is not going to be the "big hope" xboners were hoping for. I must suck realizing you paid more for less when you could of got a ps4.

k3rn3ll3709d ago

My xbox one can do a whole he'll of alot that my ps4 can't do. Specifically look at the speed of updates coming out each month adding features compared to speed of ur updates and contents. Dont Chase articles to throw your hate around while some are having meaningful discussion about our console. But i guess the insecure are always gonna be insecure and haters always gonna hate. People like you give gamers a bad rap

Even tho its a typo yes you must suck

rocketpanda3709d ago


Oh the irony! Yet are doing the same thing of accusing Back-to-Back.

Kavorklestein3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

People have the right to hope dude. That's like "My Parents are richer than yours, and yours have no hope or chance of accumulating more wealth, and for you to even THINK the things they are trying to do are gonna help, makes you Poor AND Stupid."

Geez, sounds like a bunch of kindergarten bullies who haven't grown up!

I'm not here to say that any of us people REALLY, TRULY, have any clue what performance numbers are gonna be changed, or to what degree DX12 or the cloud can eventually help, but man!
You guys are such assholes.
If they wanna dream, then let em dream!
At least when they are dreaming, they aren't making fun of YOU!
At least when they are dreaming, they are MINDING THEIR OWN DAMN BUSINESS ABOUT THEIR OWN DAMN CONSOLE!!!
It doesn't really matter if they are excited or hopeful, because in all honesty, WE ALL WANT THE BEST FOR ALL OF OUR CONSOLES!

This is the primary disparity between thinking Xbox fans and PS fans are both at the same ratio of trolling. If that's true, then why do we find a 5:1 ratio of people stooping low and taking low blows..?

It's YOU Sony fans who are being the punks, if there was some announcement about the PS4, granted, there might be a few (2 or 3 per 250 comments) Xbots in there being dumb, But the DIFFERENCE- is EVERY SINGLE ARTICLE with xbox news has the MAJORITY of Sony fans sitting around throwing feces and getting hot and bothered!
Like 450 out of 500 comments you'll read are Sony fans being less mature than they realize, and justifying it because they have a stronger console.
Just because the PS4 is better does NOT mean that anybody needs to believe what you jerks believe about DX12 or the cloud.
And if they believe something that ends up being a lie, then it's no skin off your noses!

So let's wait and see, and if it's true that DX12 is a substantial help, then cool beans.

If it's not substantial, then cool beans.

In the mean time, why don't the people who claim to be of a HIGHER-CLASS gaming sect shut the hell up and PROVE it for once?


It was CPU NOT GPU so I have no Idea what is going on lol

imt5583709d ago

ICE Team programmer has right, Xbone fans.

And few weeks ago ( ICE Team: looks awfully familiar )


MeLoveRamen3709d ago

There you go xboys, stop living in fairy tail land and wake up. If it sounds too good to be true you know what that means, there full of it. Straight from some of the top dogs in the industry, so why are you guys so gullible for, i enjoyed the xbox brand for the last decade, in fact the og xbox and 360 were my main console until 2010 when God of War 3 came out so i am not biased. With microsoft dropping support for the 360 and their DRM antics it put a sour taste in my mouth and i learned to question Microsoft about things they do.

Like i said yesterday this is just another empty promise just like titanfall being only possible on the cloud and it doing revolutionary things at E3 then a couples months later you find out they were talking about dedicated servers lol.

BTW didn't every xbox fan give up on resolution and power a couple months ago. If i remember correctly you guys always say that you only care about gameplay and don't care for graphics. Its soooo funny to see you guys jump ship off the I don't care for graphics ss, when Microsoft lies too you.

frankdrebin723709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

titanfall is the second game to utilise the cloud,..forza the other,..its just the start so why you all expect great things from the word go boggles my mind.
dx12... seems to be a touchy subject,...most of the comments state.." I dont think so" in regards to the jump it will give the xbox in terms of improvement...notice the "I"..... ..cmon guys.....you have DEVs stating one thing and others that are sceptical,..but it will improve the petformance..make no mistake of that.
sure sony will possible do something,..but upon a bit of reading on line it seems to be the heat output for the xbox one is better controlled..it would seem in some peoples opinions that the reason for the large fan,..and space IS for the use of DX 12..as this will increase the heat produced within the console..now i understand the ps4 is slimmer but any response by sony regarding their software update to match dx12 surely would increae heat as well,..yet it is not designed to cope with this??
maybe its crap i dont know,..but those that have some tech savy surely can explain if such is the dase,..and if so ,..has sony cut their arm off for going with look over performance??
at the end of the day dx will increase performance,..then its over to sony to counter this...but is the machine capable??
so lets say it just improves performance by 5o% ...then. the cloud that is coming increases performance by lets say 20 %....overall thats 70% increae..and the xbox can still cope with all this heat..will the ps4. cope with a 70% iincrease demand on its hardware without adequate cooling???

MeLoveRamen3709d ago

Man frankdrebin you are drinking the kool aid aren't you. Your really are blinded by Microsofts pr, matter of fact it is you that are the kind of person that Microsoft know their BS pr is gonna work with. You are a blinded loyalist if you actually believe anything you just type. BTW Sony doesn't have to do anything because their system is already 50% more powerful the xbone

avengers19783709d ago

In a recent tweet Phil said think Perfect Dark Zero compared to Halo 4, I think a performance gain will happen, but like 20-30%
Really it's up to devs to fully utilize this.

tuglu_pati3709d ago

well from perfect dark to halo 4 there more than 30% gain PDZ looked so terrible. But I get what you are saying I think 25-30% is a safer bet.

imt5583709d ago

So it will with PS4 too. And even more than on Xbone.


christian hour3709d ago

I read this as...

"In a recent tweet Phil said games naturally get better during a consoles life cycle"

Which can also be read as

"In a recent tweet, Phil states the obvious."

Gamer19823709d ago

Hes right when he says faster than what?

3-4-53709d ago

The only way I see this working is like how the N64 had the memory adapter that improved performance.

It cost $40-50 and was REQUIRED for games like Perfect Dark.

* Could they be working on something similar, like USB plug in memory or something ?

FinalomegaS3709d ago

the memory pack... only got it for Turok 2

love that game

christian hour3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

Haha I had just mentioned this in a comment here and was reading through everyone elses, good to see someone else remembers this :)

I was also thinking, would a usb memory expansion be possible? Not sure of the bandwidth and transfer speed of USB 2.0 though, that would be the major deciding factor. Are the new gen consoles using USB 3.0 or 2.0? I have no idea... This would be an amazing thing if it was possible. But something tells me it probably isnt. The memory pack of the n64 directly connected to the MOBO as far as I remember through a pre-designed Expansion Bay.

@finalomegaS Dat Cerebral Bore, yo! One of the best video game weapons EVER.

bennissimo3709d ago

Yup. And big surprise that a PS4 dev said it can't be so.

FanboyKilla3709d ago

Lol i bet most people commenting are sony fans. Its easy to see. If you owned a xone why would you act negatively about possible improvements? Why not say hell yeah i hope its true because that would be good for me. Its not like you cant get a xone. Stop hateing cause you dont have one. And why would i listen to someone talk about their comp? And why doesnt sony and their devs have enough class to do their own thing? Pointing and talking like six graders lmfao. Get yo ass to work on some games for this POWERFUL console you got, instead of looking over the fence at the other guys. I would love to see xone fans able to discuss this topic on n4g without sony ponys shitn all over the comments. Well i guess you would have to boo boo after eatin all the shit sony and n4g feeds you. *giggles*

christian hour3709d ago

Most people arent reacting negatively about possible improvements. Theyre reacting negatively towards outlandish claims. If microsoft weren't taking their audience for idiots, people like me wouldnt need to chime in and clarify some things in the hopes to prevent some people from being misled. That's all I'm trying to do. If Sony came out and said that a new update to the ps4 did something similar, i'd be calling BS on that too.

Patrick_pk443709d ago

Well DX12 will be cooking your console due to overheating :)

Nah, I kid. I would like to see how DX12 can perform on Xbox One, and if the claims are true that there is at least some performance boost. I don't believe it will be extravagant but something is better then nothing. If Microsoft was interested in developing more powerful hardware then why did they build one so weak?

SephirothX213709d ago

Well from what was shown, there was some serious increases in speed. The X1 gpu isn't too different to the gpus shown in Microsoft's demo. I don't know if performance will double but it certainly seems like cpu efficiency and multi-threading will be improved significantly.

Eddie201013709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

They said holiday 2015(November, December) A year and a half away before DirectX12 is released and probably much longer for games to take advantage of it, and that's even it it makes a difference on the Xbox One because games are already programmed to the metal on consoles.

There is no way in the real world is DirectX12 going to double the speed of a GPU. IT's a lie, it is not freeking possible. Get it through your thick Xbox fanboy sculls.

Who makes such bold claims without showing anything to prove it, nothing at all....Microsoft does, then tells people to wait a year and a half, which in reality is more than two years from the Xbox One's release, to see the benefits.

christian hour3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

The way I see it, the same people that misinterpreted microsoft talking about improvements with dx12 for the PC (this is the part AMD,Nvidia etc gave the thumbs up towards)as being about the xbox one, are the same kind of people I used to know that would think if they defragmented their win 95/98/2000/xp pc's 4 times in a row, it would make the PC run 4 times faster. And even though it didnt, they swore that it did work... I've learned to just let those kinds of people live in their fantasy world.

I dunno if anyone will read down this far so long after this was posted, nobody ever really does, but I just want to clarify some things.

Xbox fanboys, when you diss sony fanboys for calling the cloud a myth, They're not calling it a myth. Of course the cloud is real. Cloud computing has been around for a VERY long time now. And its not exclusive to Microsofts console. Anything with an internet conection can tap in to a cloud network.

What they're dismissing as a myth is Microsofts claims about what it will do for every xbox one owner across the board. Yes these things are possible now, in a controlled environment, where the ping between console/pc is minimal and the server itself is pretty close by, and maybe only one person is using it. To achieve their claims across the board, from any point in the world, regardless of ping? It's just not possible today. Sorry. "Deal with it".

As for this whole DX12 thing... Where do I even start. Nvidia and AMD were referring to the benefits for PC when they discussed how great DX12 will be. As for Xbox One, it might make a few things run smoother like the UI and what not. But an overall increase to games? Minimal and unnoticeable if anything.

The only thing that will improve the games themselves would be something similar to what Nintendo did back with the n64. Anyone remember the expansion slot? Certain games like Donkey Kong 64 and Perfect Dark came out that boasted increased visuals and performance over previous n64 games, but you needed the expansion pack. If you didn't have it, I think you could only play Multiplayer in Perfect Dark, not sure if you could even play Donkey Kong at all.

I don't think the xbox one has an expansion bay. And considering how different todays consoles are compared to what was under the hood of an n64 or PSX, it doesn't seem viable today.

So in short, the cloud exists, its just not going to do what they're demonstrating, and they should be more transparent about their tech demo at build, instead of trying to mislead their customers in to false hope. DX12 does improve performance, just not as much as stated, and not in reference to XboxOne.

I'm not here to diss your console, I hope you're all enjoying it very much and I'll pick mine up when Halo hits I imagine, I'd just prefer if you stopped lapping up their BS PR so they will stop using BS PR and start being a little more honest and up front to their customers. I ask that of every company.

I can't support a company that doesnt do this. It's why I'll never buy an iSomething, not until Apple cops on. Thats my mantra. I'm not a fanboy. Or a Sony Pony. Just an honest person who respects honesty. Take it or leave it at that.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 3708d ago
deathisgamesok3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

An important fact is that Sony already has a low level API so while it's great that the efficiency will be improved on future Xbone games, it's basically catching up with what is already possible on the PS4.

I think it's obvious that statements like "giving every Xbox One owner a new GPU that is twice as fast as the old one" are pure PR talk. It's obviously going to improve things which is great but doubliing GPU speed is too much to ask for.

pyramidshead3709d ago

Very well said. In an xbox fanboy world what happens is that as DX12 is slowly implemented the PS4 starts to dismantle itself as it progresses backwards in optimisation.

Sigh. If the PS4 API is already very mature and development friendly, think how it's going to be by the time DX12 comes out! Maybe we should start our own secret sauce quest, heh.

Kavorklestein3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

I don't think anybody expects the PS4 to fall behind. It won't.
That's not what most XB1 fans are saying, and you know that.
You said something that existed in YOUR head, which is why it is part of your comment.
XB1 fans (97 percent of them, based on what I see them saying)are purely and SIMPLY hoping that the statements are true. Whether they are or aren't is not really the issue, it's the way XB1 fans are being treated just for HOPING it might be true to some degree.. if that is such a problem, then I can picture all these Sony fans who have children, and it is sad.
Son: "Dear Santa, I want a PS4 for Christmas!"
Father: "Santa can't just give you anything thing you want, as a matter of fact, he's not real, and you are grounded for 3 weeks for believing in Santa. You are Stupid for believing in Santa. I'm gonna tell all your friends at school that they AND YOU, are Stupid for believing in Santa"
And the father then proceeds to beat the living shit out of his kid.

What's so wrong with letting people believe what they want to believe?
Even if MS is lying, and even if you DO have a point that the benefit may not be that significant, why do you guys have to make it your life's defining quest to crush the hopes and dreams of others?

In fact, if you were really doing the IDEAL thing as a gamer, you would be enjoying your console, REGARDLESS of what is going on with the XB1. And you would be able to say "I don't belive it and here's why" without being rude, without all the hatred, and without all the un-needed negativity that comes from it.

If you guys like your PS4's then FOCUS on them! Stop hating others/on others for FOCUSING on their consoles!!!
If you guys were truly comfortable with YOUR purchase decisions, then you would have no NEED to be in Xbox articles and if you have somthing to say, say it, but don't harp on people who are taking MS at face value, just because YOU personally WON'T/can't.

It these things end up true or false, then NO MATTER WHAT, it STILL doesn't affect you guys being able to Enjoy your Sony consoles!

It's as if unless people bow to you guys and suck your balls saying: "Yes Masters! You have such the bestest everz consolez in the plannettz! I, my children, and my children's children will will donate our lives, money, souls, and finest Virgins to your cause till the end of our bloodline!" that you can't just feel good enough with the differences between all types of people, and all types of preferences.

Are you gonna pick a fight with somebody in a Wal-mart parking lot because he won't stop driving his Mustang JUST BECAUSE you drive a Corvette?
So you should probably stop doing it here, cuz all it does is clarify all suspicions of "Tiny PEE PEE" syndrome.

What you or somebody else buys doesn't define who you are, what defines whether someone is a good person/a good role model/worth listening to is how they handle things. ESPECIALLY when it's really truly none of their business BECAUSE of the console they decided to buy.

If chatrooms/forums REALLY wanted to stop fanboys they should require a verified gamertag/psn ID to log into certain articles.
Otherwise, it's on us to at least be logical in how we treat others.
And I'm definitely not gonna go into an APPLE store and start shouting "You fools should all get PC's"
So if you are enjoying your system of choice, why do the equivalent of THAT in here?
You're not gonna get any converts to "The SONY Way" by doing it, it's basically just to stroke you self-masturbastory egos... and Here's a clue: Nobody cares, BUT YOU.

MasterCornholio3709d ago

Wow and I never expected lifeisgameok evil twin to be rational and make good comments.

Bubble up.

Animal Mutha 763709d ago

who said twice as fast?

That's just silly. Improvement yes but not doubling of power.

aerisbueller3709d ago

Not only will it be twice as fast, but next year's SDK update will make the XBox One grow a VR helmet you can wear.

GW2123709d ago

Now THAT is some secret sauce.

cruzngta3709d ago

Its just another topic for MS to keep their hardware relevant in the power struggle it faces versus the PS4 which has a definitive edge this gen. I am sure DX12 will be nice and all but will never double the power or give owners a 'new' gpu - thats a little much.

Pon43709d ago ShowReplies(2)
Pon43709d ago ShowReplies(2)
Show all comments (236)

DirectX 12 Agility SDK Announced and Released Today by Microsoft

At GameStack Live, Microsoft announced and released the new DirectX 12 Agility SDK, which delivers DX12 Ultimate features to a larger base. There will benefits for Xbox, too.

Read Full Story >>
Orchard1140d ago

Pretty cool. Should help devs adopt more modern rendering techniques on both PC & Xbox rather than have to target old versions to cover the majority of their users.

Sayai jin1140d ago

I saw a report that the new Windows update causes a performance decrease in gaming performance.

1140d ago

NVIDIA GeForce 451.48 WHQL released, adds full support for DirectX 12 Ultimate graphics API

DSOGaming writes: "NVIDIA has just released a brand new driver for its graphics cards. According to the release notes, the NVIDIA GeForce 451.48 WHQL driver adds full support for the DirectX 12 Ultimate graphics API. Additionally, this driver supports Hardware-accelerated GPU Scheduling when used with the Windows 10 May 2020 Update."

Read Full Story >>
1438d ago

Windows 10 May 2020 Update available for download, features WDDM 2.7 & DirectX 12 Ultimate support

DSOGaming writes: "Microsoft has released the highly anticipated May 2020 Update for Windows 10. This Update brings support for both WDDM 2.7 and DirectX 12 Ultimate. Moreover, it packs some Xbox Game Bar improvements."

Read Full Story >>
GaboonViper1468d ago

Here comes another feature update that resets my settings.

Profchaos1467d ago

If it doesn't delete your files ala 1809 consider it a minor victory

1nsomniac1467d ago

I’ve noticed they do this as well.

I wonder how they legally get away with stealthily resetting all the privacy settings to allow tracking and monitoring without notifying you. It was only by chance I noticed it last time.

1467d ago
Unspoken1467d ago

Any software you use does this unfortunately.

1nsomniac1467d ago (Edited 1467d ago )

I think you’re misunderstanding what happens. All your windows settings remain untouched, it doesn’t change any of your settings accept Those related to your privacy. So all those privacy settings you agreed not to share during the installation and other privacy terms that you agreed not to share, within the privacy options page, even your offline linked windows accounts. It secretly enables all of those options without notifying you that it’s changed your selected options that both parties had agreed to. I don’t think they’ll be allowed to continue to do that under GDPR laws so we’ll see if it happens again. However unfortunately for me being in the UK, we won’t have GDPR laws for much longer after we leave the EU.

Hakuoro1467d ago


The term "willingly" is questionable at best...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1467d ago
1467d ago
AuraAbjure1467d ago (Edited 1467d ago )

Crash restart lockup repeat. Windows. Wonder what will happen to people who take health advice from its creator.

Edgelordsupreme1467d ago


I don't have any problems, so the issue is probably someone who thinks Bill Gates has anything to do with the development of Windows in its current form.

Tacoboto1467d ago

"My PC sucks" = "Bill Gates' billions and billions of investment in vaccines and cures will kill you"?

1467d ago
BigTrain1467d ago

Crash, the END. That's what'll happen.

Asuka1467d ago (Edited 1467d ago )

As a note: WDDM 2.7 requires you to have updated drivers (which currently no official WQHL driver w/ support is available for Nvidia yet. Only development branch 450.xx). Also you need a 7th gen or newer Intel CPU w/ igpu, or a 10 series or newer Nvidia GPU, or latest AMD offerings.

WGAF1467d ago

Last time I update, the ethernet driver wasnt available so no matter what (even factory reset) I can't go online. The only way to update is to go online lol. Well I always wanted an offline laptop, so I guess got what I wish for :/

Fishy Fingers1467d ago

Use wifi (or tether to the device your posting from now) and download the driver.