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Players Upset Over The Elder Scrolls Online's Subscription System

On April 6th at 8 AM Eastern, players who have purchased The Elder Scrolls Online but have yet to set up a recurring subscription or entered a game time code will no longer have access to the game. The issue with most players making their objections heard in the Elder Scrolls Online forums over the past couple of days isn't the subscription itself — the minimum $14.99 monthly fee comes as no surprise. What is surprising is that Zenimax Online is pre-authorizing users' credit and debit cards the full $14.99 (or more) fee.

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Community3692d ago
Anthotis3692d ago


If you thought their prices were bad now, you haven't seen anything yet.

I dread to think how much of the game will be hidden behind paywalls when this goes F2P.

xPhearR3dx3692d ago

Their prices? It's $15 a month which has been known for AGES. Which is a standard for MMO games.

YellowTempes3692d ago (Edited 3692d ago )

I doubt they'd make such a rookie mistake as to close off the game and force people to pay anyway.

However, I can't help but think how the $200 million would have boosted the next TES game instead of an MMO that is so limited.

I hate seeing goods and fruits in a TES game and not be able to grab everything to run and sell it all. Not to mention that even the first TES is capable of better immersion than a game where people run naked in front of your Unholy Dark Elf Flesh-Eater Vampire character and you can't do anything about it.

ZodTheRipper3692d ago

Meanwhile I'm still enjoying Skyrim ...
It will need a TES:6 to recover from this.

thekhurg3692d ago

What's disappointing is, this game is basically a reskin of Guild Wars 2 with just extra story/lore. Nearly identical gameplay, same world pvp concept, minimal endgame PVE content.

3692d ago
redwin3692d ago

The most ill pay for this game is $50 a year and that's with everything online otherwise they can keep the game

Gamer19823692d ago

F2P and dead within a year this is only good because of the name behind it. It's a sub standard MMO that has nothing special or new about it. The MMO world is very hard to crack these days even WoW is shrinking year upon year forcing blizzard to finally look elsewhere for funds. So only the best and brightest ideas will survive. We need new cool ideas not the same old stuff like this time and time again.

SilentNegotiator3692d ago

Stop turning RPGs into mumorpugers!

levian3691d ago

Well the problem is uninformed TES fans thinking this is another TES game. It's not. This is an MMO first, with a bit of TES flavour. It is in NO way meant to be TES:VI.

Besides, most F2P MMOs blow. If I was playing an MMO regularly I'd prefer monthly payments over F2P any day.

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Christopher3692d ago

This is a piss poor way for Bethesda to handle this. The 30-day free game time is sacred in the MMO arena, especially since people are plopping down $60 to buy the game.

Bad form, Bethesda, bad form.

nypifisel3692d ago

Don't blame Bethesda, they had nothing to do with it. TESO was developed by Zenimax

Christopher3692d ago

Zenimax and Bethesda are one and the same.

nveenio3692d ago

This is a publisher decision.

Balcrist3692d ago

@cgoodno, Zenimax and Bethesda are not the same, Zenimax owns Bethesda, I remember when Skyrim was coming out people kept asking Todd Howard why there was no multiplayer, and he kept saying that they didn't want to make an multiplayer elder scrolls game... with skyrim's popularity and many people wanting it to have a multiplayer, Zenimax took the Elder Scrolls copyrights that it owns as part of owning Bethesda and made ESO.

Christopher3692d ago

@Balcrist: As a resident of Maryland, here's a bit of history. Zenimax was founded by the guy who founded Bethesda. The goal? To publish their own games and the games of other companies they would absorb or make deal with. This also allowed Zenimax to acquire IPs but have their own development companies or third-parties build them while they still make money off of them.

For all intents and purposes, Zenimax is Bethesda in that their company goals are one and the same and they are tightly woven into the Bethesda way of work and the people. So, I'm 99% certain that this decision was made in cooperation and not just Zenimax saying to do it this way. Their goals are one and the same.

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candy_mafia3692d ago

SOE' PC/PS4 Everquest game is going to make the payment system a bad memory if Bethesda continues this way.

elhebbo163692d ago

Unless they decide to f*** it up like they did with Everquest 2 and make it a pay-to-win. hopefully they learned from there mistakes.

epoxe3691d ago

Oh you mea the EQ game that if you want to play the beta content creator for they charge you $100? F()CK SONY.

Clown_Syndr0me3692d ago

As soon as it goes F2P it will be shit. Like all other F2P MMOs.

Oh and we all know F2P basically means Pay 2 Win. You can easily spend triple the average monthly fee on content in "F2P" games monthly. Its a complete con.

Monkeyonfire133692d ago

Micro transactions in 6 months

Rickgrimes953692d ago (Edited 3692d ago )

I would absolutely buy this game day 1 for 60$ but I am not paying 15 a month complete bullshit they would of made all of their money back easy. Look at the success of skyrim. Even if this game cost $200+ million to make, grand theft auto cost just as much and is now the largest selling game in history rockstar did not need a subscription an now their loaded

Magicite3692d ago

Sub method is not a problem, look at FF14ARR and WOW. Simply this game aint worth that.

rdgneoz33691d ago

And the other 2 games don't make you set up a recurring subscription to use your free 30 day trial...

"On April 6th at 8 AM Eastern, players who have purchased The Elder Scrolls Online but have yet to set up a recurring subscription or entered a game time code will no longer have access to the game."

"What is surprising is that Zenimax Online is pre-authorizing users' credit and debit cards the full $14.99 (or more) fee."

Read the article. People like to try a game before putting down more money for a sub to see if they like it first.

geddesmond3692d ago

This game has just been taken off my list of what games to get this year.

Spenok3692d ago

Really? This is your reason to not play a game? Or are you meaning the sub fee?

geddesmond3692d ago

Yes because that 30 free days is the deciding factor for me as to weather i want to keep subscribing to the game or not. If I want to keep subscribing then I'll give my credit card details. if not then I shouldn't have too.

orakle443692d ago

You still get the 30 days of free game time.

rdgneoz33691d ago

"You still get the 30 days of free game time."

When you have to set up a recurring subscription before you can even use the free 30 days (which I'm curious if the free days ticks down while you wait to do that), and they pre-authorize your card for the money right when you do it, it doesn't seem like it's free.

And if someone loses their card and needs a new one sent to them, they now can't play what they've payed for?

And yes, those 30 days are what determines it for many people. Forcing them to cough up more money for something they're not sure about continuing doesn't always sit well.

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joab7773692d ago (Edited 3692d ago )

With all the complaining, it probably will...and then the nightmare begins. F2p and microtransactions are 100 worse than subs. Ask anyone who plays mmo's.

I would much rather pay $15/month if they keep great content coming than see it turn into a f2p disaster. Trust me!

Maybe if they only charged $8-10/month, ppl would be more willing to pay. I dunno. What worries me the most is thatb there are no endgame raids. Yes, there is veteran level but many ppl are already veteran 2. There are 4 mans and adventure zone...but at some point they will need more than 12 man trials ti keep ppl from DCUO, FF14, and Destiny.

xX-StolenSoul-Xx3692d ago

If they do go F2P I would hope they take note from DCUO, the game has made it so people who do sub get all the DLC for free, more bank space, more invy space, unlimited cash, and even with those perks free players can still do plenty. I just buy all the DLC when they release.

Spenok3692d ago

I'm glad someone else out there has sense about MMO sub models.

Sly-Lupin3692d ago

It baffles me why they would even design an subscription-based MMO when clearly the market turned away from subscriptions years ago.

I can only assume they're trying to rake in as much money from the early-purchasers before the inevitable transition to to F2P.

Of course, it's possible they'll go the WoW route and make it F2P up to a certain level, but require a subscription for anything higher. Or charge fees for additional character slots or inventory space.

Flamingweazel3691d ago

ff14 has been a massive success. Sub mmo's work, bad mmo's dont/ f2p is an even worse scheme.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3691d ago
ArbitorChief3692d ago

This game will go down as one of the biggest flops in history. Heard $200 million was invested, there's no way in hell it'll make that money back. This game will be F2P in a matter of months.

Rickgrimes953692d ago

I think they would of made their money back fine if it was a 60$ game and that was it

Gamer19823692d ago

@200 million invested? even as a 60$ game it would have had trouble as they would have had to sell 10 million to break even (they will only make about $20 from a $60 game). Which probably wouldn't have happened being online only. They should have stuck to what made them rich i the first place. Rich single player content and maybe even throw in online co-op.

Sly-Lupin3692d ago

@Gamer1982: Making $20 back from a $60 sale?

I don't think that's accurate.

What I've read about the breakdown (mostly from Swen Vincke) indicates that developers get a much smaller percentage. IIRC, it was something like $7 out of every $60. About half goes to production and distribution costs, and the rest to the publisher.

And many publishers have deals with developers where they get ALL of the money until a certain sales threshold is reached, so it's quite common for developers to make successful games but still never see a dime of profit.

ceed9113692d ago

Gameplay is why it will be flop, controversy aside this terrible hit 1-9 to actually attack while pretending to aim with your mouse is idiotic.

They had a series built on FPS-styled gameplay that happens to be the most popular multiplayer genre, and then they switch it? ESO would have been revolutionary if they kept the same real-time multiplayer friendly combat that they were famous for.

Now instead I can aim an arrow directly in the sky and watch it arc down and hit an enemy no matter where he is based on rolls.

That was their first and largest mistake. The second was them hiding it in all gameplay trailers, which made it even more clear that they messed this up.

It was bad enough they changed the gameplay, but it was 100x worse that I played it 2 years ago at PAX East in a 2 hr press session and then saw how they advertised to the general public. Their marketing team staight up lied to the fans and thats what hurts the most.

titans99993692d ago

Not paying ANY sub fee, never have and I never will. Screw these developers!

DanteVFenris6663692d ago

You are not the tArget audience. Millions of others are playing sub games and this game is good enough to make people go off theirs and join this one. Every mmo gamer I know has given up on their mmos for this one. N4g is mostly a console gamer zone that have never experienced sub games so why bother talking as if you've played one? It costs about 5-10 dollars a month to just pay for their servers per player. If it wasn't sub it would have to try to make that some other way. I'd rather the sub then tons of micro transactions.

Odoylerules0003692d ago

Every mmo gamer you know, huh? Wow. Even if you weren't lying, guess where all those people are going back to after a month of ESO? Yep, back to whatever game they were playing before this piece of garbage called ESO was released. Also, titans9999 is the target audience. Every single gamer is the target audience if Zenimax wants to make its money back.

Sci0n3692d ago (Edited 3692d ago )

Agreed I am seeing so much post of people crying about the sub fee but on the PC based threads im reading everyone just can't wait to see if its actually worth it. I would rather pay the 15 a month instead of playing a free to play pay to win microtransaction watered down game. Final fantasy has a sub and I really dislike that mmo, a bunch of characters running around looking like slender fruity cats and the pvp was added in as a after thought on there so it sucks. Also its a bore fest with all the text you have to read since npc's can't talk to you with there voices. I am so excited for eso and will gladly pay the monthly fee as long as the game holds up.

MRMagoo1233692d ago

LOL as if ppl are leaving WOW for this game, this game is by far the worst mmo out for a long time, its not even as good as rift.

Lukejrl3692d ago

To say one's market is only mmo players is short sighted. A company should be ambitious and go for the gamer that has never played mmo's.

titans99993691d ago

Dante, then get ripped off I don't give a rats ass, it is idiots like you that developers love to,take advantage of, you are part of the problem!

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Darth Gamer3692d ago

Very unfortunate for the people that are running into this issue. I, for one will not be playing this Elder Scrolls game. I am not into the whole MMO type games but will patiently wait for the next one or Fallout 4. I love Bethesda and the games they put out (even though they can be full of bugs) so I was very disappointed when they finally gave in to the MMO fans and decided to go that route.

danthegamerfiend3692d ago

Yeah man I agree, they really should of made a elder scrolls sequelto askyrim or Fallout 4. The time and money invested in elders scrolls online would of possibly made Fallout 4 by now.

lashes2ashes3692d ago

They are made by two totally different teams. This game has no effect on fallout 4 being made.

danthegamerfiend3683d ago

Still slows the release down,why dont they combine there studios. its not like they are trying to annual release of these games.

anonjohn233692d ago

Even MMO fans weren't asking for an MMO Elder Scrolls. All anybody asked for was an Elder Scrolls game with co-op so you could play with friends. I would have preferred to have a Fallout or Elder Scrolls game with 4 player multiplayer. It would be amazing to have had experienced Skyrim with my friends.

dazzrazz3692d ago

How do you buy a game without knowing it requires a additional monthly subscription 0_o

sourav933692d ago

It's not that they didn't know about the's just that their credit/debit cards are being pre-authorised for the full subcription fee during the beginning of their free month.

Christopher3692d ago

It's not that. You get 30 days of free game time. But, they're not allowing you to use it unless you sign up for a subscription first.

rpgenius4203692d ago (Edited 3692d ago )

It's ******* bull**** my nephew wanted to play for the month to really see how it is and now we have to get another month. It would be nice if they just let people get their month free.

thehitman3692d ago

Well that still shouldnt be an issue why would you buy a game knowing it requires a subscription to play it over a period of time and dont have a card ready to use? Seems like a waste of 65 bucks right there.

If you dont want to pay for the subscription after your first 30 days you just cancel and they will reimburse you for whatever charges incurred. I dont like buying a game for 60 bucks and paying a subscription on top of it but I think people are just being retarded now.

Christopher3692d ago (Edited 3692d ago )

@thehitman: Because a lot of people use game cards to pay for subs. But, why should they be forced to buy a gamecard and use it for a one month sub when they haven't been given the chance to try it for the 30 free days? And for those that use CCs, why should they have to give personal info and be forced to cancel a sub? No other MMO has required this in the past.

thehitman3692d ago


It sounds like people have a problem with the subscription in the first place and not the fact it makes them use their card for the first 30 days.

ALL subs nowadays that give you a trial make you use ur card. Netflix w/e your subscribing to unless you have a game card which is what you use then.

"So basically, because I only have about $12 in my bank (I'm between paydays), I'm not going to be able to play the game I ALREADY PAID FOR until next week when I have enough to cover the authorization?

From the article he has only 12 dollars lol sounds like a personal problem where he shouldn't be spending money on games but on other things.

I never understand how people complain about something they willingly jump into knowing what the costs are. Also FF required a CC in order to play it i remember because I borrowed a friends card just to try the 30 days.

Tempest3173692d ago (Edited 3692d ago )


The issue is theyre being forced to pay ffopue 2nd before being allowed to use the trial month...what if they dont want to play past the first month? Theyre being forced to line zeminaxs pockets even if they decide they hate the game after 20 minutes. Totally underhanded tactics imo and reason enough not To buy
Edit: yes a lot of trials ask for your card info before you get the trial, but NONE that I have ever used will charge you anything until AFTER the trial, not up front. Charging up front means its not a trial anymore, its a purchase

thehitman3692d ago


If you cancel at anytime during or before the 30 days you get your money back. So it is what it is.

Tempest3173692d ago (Edited 3692d ago )


Thats good that you get it back, but theyre still freezing money in your account that they have no business touching. Thats like downloading a game demo, and having your card charged/preauthorized for the price of the game, just in case you decide to buy. Obviously there are people like you that dont mind, but I feel there are a lot of people like me who think thats bad business practice, and would be enough to prevent me from buying.

Christopher3692d ago

***ALL subs nowadays that give you a trial make you use ur card.***

Not with MMOs. Note, a lot of people actually use game cards on these. Forcing them to use at least a month on it at this time when they may play now and go back at a later time to sub and try it out when there have been updates is not how MMOs have worked in the past.

Spenok3692d ago

EXACTLY what thehitman said. EVERY subscription based MMO does this. In order to even get into the game you have to give your credit card info to play the game. As he says, if you decide you don't like it by the time your first month is up, cancel it before you are charged, and BAM, no charge. And if you are charged, call and get a refund. It's not exactly rocket science. And people are just looking for something to complain about at this point.

I can almost guarantee most of the people complaining about this game in this thread have never even touched the game. It's really not hard. If you don't want to play a game with a subscription fee, DON'T! Don't come and bitch to people who actually enjoy the game and want to talk about its content etc. We don't care you don't like it. Go off to something you do like and leave us alone.

We don't come in to the threads of games you like and tell you they suck. (Read "I" don't do that anyways lol, this is the internet we're talking about here).

Bottom line is, if you don't want to play it, or don't like the sub fee, move on. End of story.

Christopher3691d ago (Edited 3691d ago )

@Spenok: Umm... I've played MMOs since the 90s.

Here's how it normally works.

1. You buy the game w/30 days free.
2. You create an account (no CC needed)
3. You enter in your 30-day code.
4. You log in to your account and play the game for your free 30 days.
5. If you want to continue playing, you subscribe (using CC or game card).

So, no, thehitman is not right. Neither the account creation or just playing require you to subscribe. You only subscribe when you are no longer able to play and must subscribe otherwise.

People are complaining that you have to sign up for a subscription up front and not after your 30 days of free time. They're not complaining that it's a subscription-based game. This is truly something that affects those who use game cards instead of CCs to pay for these type of games since game cards are non-refundable.

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WeAreLegion3692d ago

Many people. Trust me. I worked retail for seven years. Many GameStop employees probably aren't mentioning the subscription fee when they try to get the reserves. People are uninformed.

MRMagoo1233692d ago

It happens all the time, the EB i go to say they get the sale first then deal with returns if they have to, the same thing has happened with titanfall and the plants vs zombies garden warfare game, the manager at EB said loads of copies of both those games have been returned because the average consumer has no clue they are completely online only.

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