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Review: Infamous: Second Son is beautiful, but its open world gameplay is generic | Canada

nfamous: Second Son is one of the best looking games on next-generation consoles, particularly the PlayStation 4, but unfortunately it doesn’t do much to change up the traditional open world genre formula and while it’s still fun, Second Son isn’t the system selling game the PS4 needs right now.

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The title should have the reviewed game and the site name, that's it.
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pat_11_53729d ago
Chuk53729d ago

Why does it need to change up the open world formula? I don't beleive it ever advertised as such. Any there's plenty of emergent combat scenarios in my opinion. People are to up this idea of next-gen gameplay that really sounds like snake oil. I'm seeing some of these reviews acknowledge that SS is fun and beautiful and pull back because it's not innovative enough. Innovation is pointless if it's not enjoyable.

legionsoup3729d ago

I agree. You have to cater to the fans. If you change it too much, then the fans of the original will get upset.

If you want something new, try a new game. If you want more Infamous (super powers in an open world), they give you more Infamous.

ABizzel13729d ago

There's nothing generic about the gameplay. The gameplay is a blast, now the side missions can be generic, but the gameplay is not.

GarrusVakarian3729d ago

I had to do a double take at that title....seriously, wtf?!

The side missions are pretty generic, but the gameplay is most definitely not.

What game can you turn into a puff of smoke, enter a vent, shoot out the top of the vent and hold square to smoke slam onto a bunch of enemies?

What game can you throw neon grenades that suspend multiple enemies in their leaving them vulnerable to be slow-mo headshotted by you, causing them to explode into a burst of particles and setting off a chain reaction to other enemies in close proximity.

What game can you do THIS? -

Lol, the game is *far* from generic in terms of gameplay.

3-4-53728d ago

It does look kind of boring in parts though.

The videos of somebody just standing there throwing fireballs at bad guys why they continuously get hit and nothing happens just seems kind of last gen and boring.

The graphics look pretty good and the art style is appealing though, so it has that going for it.

For people who are already fans I'm sure this game is fun though.

csreynolds3729d ago

Well said. Innovation is worthless if it doesn't contribute to the fun factor. If it isn't broken...

callahan093729d ago

I am getting so effing sick of critics calling PS exclusives "generic". It's like the catch-all, go-to word they the industry has agreed on so that they can have an excuse to not give Sony games great scores.

I don't get it, and it's all BS.

Generic my ass.

pivotplease3729d ago (Edited 3729d ago )

I find a lot of the Canadian review sites biased toward PS exclusives. Wish a few more of my fellow Canadians respected games outside of the FPS genre. I think they just picked the wrong writers for the jobs. You need more people who enjoy games from a wide variety of genres. You need people who see the merit in games like Journey and Heavy Rain. Guess we'll keep being fed the same line: "PS exclusives are superior from a technical standpoint, but they all have generic gameplay!" Really?

And that really gets me... The Walking Dead from Telltale gets all of these awards and praise as a multi-plat title while a game that did everything Telltale did but better gets a mixed reaction?

BelkingOfSony3728d ago

PS exclusive gets lower scores for being 'generic', meanwhile cod gets super high scores despite being as generic as a FPS can possibly get

TimeSkipLuffy3729d ago

like many other genres getting generic. CoD, AC, LEGO, etc. So many games that do only little things new but usually still sell well because gamers have fun playing their kind of genre they love over the time ^^

Crazyglues3729d ago (Edited 3729d ago )

Bubble for you ---> well said, could not agree more..

I liked the game but yeah I felt it was getting generic, doing the same old things..

would have loved some more story telling of the out-break and more battles with conduits to take down... Didn't have any game changing decisions to make like save your bother or save the bus going off the cliff.. --things like that--

and more story, how the world has changed, how people get their powers, how your power is made from either things in your life or your personal DNA - give me that story..

Also push the powers to the limit, let me lift a car and throw it with my powers, or explosions that go down the block -- breaks windows, cracks the street, I want to feel like a total badass...

Good game, but potential for so much more then just this... --Could have been one really badass game, with just a little add-ons to the powers-- ..imo

||.........___||............ ||

mkis0073728d ago

that is what second wave sequels are for. And i cant wait.

Crazyglues3728d ago

@ mkis007

yes indeed, and I can't wait either...

Bobets3729d ago (Edited 3729d ago )

"It doesnt change up the traditional open world genre formula"

HOLY SHIT!!!! what the fuck? really? I dont even......

What is the next open world game to release? watch dogs,AC,witcher? does any of these look like they are changing the open world genre? then I better hear the same criticism which I doubt we would.

DawnOfDon3729d ago

Watch Dogs could change the open world genre, if you think otherwise you know nothing about the game

Bobets3729d ago

Oh?? then by all means let it. I would love to see what these "Next gen gameplay" these critics keep raving about and quit frankly I have a hunch these guys don't even know what exactly is this next gen game play they speak off.

CrossingEden3729d ago (Edited 3729d ago )

-Witcher 3-multiple world states, an unprecedented amount of branching plot lines, moral ambiguity and mature well written plot, 100 hours of content, dynamic combat, dynamic enemy AI and tactics, world is so large that some areas can only be accessed by boat, not only that but they also don't have a scaling difficulty so players have to adapt to new challenges instead of just grinding

-Phantom Pain-tackle any mission anyway you want in the open world, definitely the largest open world stealth game ever, you can fly to other countries by helicopter, a helicopter that can play any imported music you want, you can also build and customize your own base and rescue POWS/capture enemies using the futon device

-The Division-surviving in an open world fully realized post apocalyptic manhattan, you can go inside nearly every building, help npcs, team up with other players in dynamic pvp where your items are at risk. Like MGS5 you can also call transport at any time and also other players can log in as drones from mobile devices.

-Destiny, the game has been referred to as a "shared-world shooter, as it lacks many of the characteristics of a traditional MMO game. For instance, rather than players being able to see and interact with all other players in the game or on a particular server—as is the case in many conventional MMO games—Destiny will include on-the-fly matchmaking that will allow players to see and interact only with other players with whom they are "matched" by the game. Events may happen in-game that are not necessarily controlled or planned by the developer, which will help to create a dynamic developing experience for Bungie and a dynamic playing experience for gamers.

Just providing some objective examples of next gen games that are really gonna shake up the open world genre with innovative gameplay and mechanics instead of just
-take out this one specific enemy base
-now the side missions and collectibles are easier to find, get them for 100%

To be fair, from what we've seen of watch dogs it will not be doing anything different from the above formula besides the dynamic pvp.

I love ISS but I can definitely see the other side of the fence that's disappointed in the lack of innovation in the third game of a series on a new next gen console. And I can also see how someone would find it very repetitive, because it is by nature, pretty repetitive especially the getting your power formula.

-get new power
-find three core relays to unlock moveset
-do a mission with the new conduit you just corrupted/redeemed
rinse repeat
^ this happens EVERY time you get a new power, which can be pretty disappointing because not only are there's other ways to introduce new abilities, but this also limits the storytelling and characterization. We never get a zeke and cole sitting on the couch esque moment, which is kinda a fail in a story between brothers.

Stapleface3728d ago

lol Telling the truth gets you nowhere around here. This is a 10/10 perfect game. Never do you repeat anything in this game. Everything is original. Nothing in this game has ever been done or looked better in any game ever. This is the best looking game ever on the planet, even better than every pc title. You can't glitch into the building with the 3rd power you get. And all those games you listed with all of their "next gen" stuff they are trying to bring into gaming..Man you don't even know what you mean when you say "next gen game play". Also everyone of those games better have better Graphics than Second Son, because it's ok to talk about graphics needing to be better as long as your not talking about pc graphics because then your an elitist. :)

one2thr3728d ago

What's to say all the games you've mentioned, aren't going to be or get repetitive?

To my knowledge, not one of those games have some sort of random logics generator that create scenarios on the fly, so that any two people will not experience the same mission types on their separate play throughs.

Now warframe, is repetitive.

"Don't starve", find resources, create, eat, sleep, etc. Die you have to start over, that gets repetitive and it has survive elements, just like The Division maybe not to the same degree but I'm sure you get my point.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to enjoy those games come launch date, even if they are repetitive, but they're something that couldn't have been done on last gen consoles, and that is why I'm looking forward to playing them. Repetitive or not.

chickenface3728d ago

lol, all the games you mention are either tps or fps games that use the same basic formula as any another fps or tps. How many other games are you a normal guy that can use 4 superpowers (never ever used before in any game) and decide whether to utilize them for good or evil? um, none. there are tons of generic fps and tps in the market.... Titanfall, COD, gears of war..... yet this game gets slammed for lack of innovation?? ba!absolutely ridiculous. Not saying the games you listed are going to be boring, they look very promising.

Longshot283729d ago

I think if they changed the open world genre to a linear storyline this game would of been better


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How Does inFAMOUS Second Son Hold up 10 Years Later?

inFAMOUS Second Son was one of PS4's best exclusives, but does it hold up a decade later?

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Deeeeznuuuts149d ago

100%, locked 60fps and still look great all these years later, same with the expansion, definitely worth a look if people haven't played it yet, not the best games ever made but a good experience, hopefully a new infamous gets released

KwietStorm_BLM149d ago

Never was my favorite infamous, but it was definitely a graphics showcase early on PS4. Still plays well with the unlocked frame rate.

SDuck149d ago

Still remember getting hyped about this game nearing release. Funny because I never even got a PS4. Jumped from PS3 to PC so I never played it ahahaha

OmegaSoldati149d ago

Its a good game. But thats it. Congratulations you made the best choice. I dream to have a great PC one day.

Profchaos149d ago (Edited 149d ago )

Graphically It's a absolutely stunning game that still holds up today.

Didn't have all that much depth to it forcing you to play though twice for a platinum trophy a good and bad run it was a little disappointing how similar those were Delsin would be like I'm not doing that for you in a cutscene but the cutscene would play out and force you to do it anyway just as you would of in a good run

I did like the story however it got a lot of complaints back in the day people hated playing as Delsin instead of cole despite Coles story being wrapped up.

Overall though the map wasn't overly saturated with useless points of interest there was some collectibles and things to find but nothing compared to a Ubisoft game.

I think it was a good game if a little hollow I've played it through around 4 times now since it's so short.

Also it's DLC was great a full story expansion

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15 More Underrated PS4 Games You Probably Didn’t Play

GB: "With this feature, we run down 15 of the most underrated games on the PS4 that never received the love and appreciation they truly deserve."

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Christopher181d ago

I've played 15, and I wouldn't consider any of those underrated TBH. Some of them are pretty high rated.

banger88181d ago

That's amazing, Gamingbolt actually put all 15 games on the same page.

shinoff2183180d ago

I. Not seeing anything on that list underrated. I never played concrete genie, the ASTRO vr,and one other but I forgot the name already. Nothing on there was underrated at all imo.

persona4chie179d ago

There’s only 4 of those games I never played, and no most of those aren’t underrated.

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15 Single Player Games We Would Like to See on the PS5

GB: "There's just something special about the games that could be, and this feature gushes about 15 games that we would love to see on the PS5."

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