
Ryse’s Marius Originally Had 130 Million Polygons, 147,456 × 147,456 Textures Before Optimization

It was pretty interesting to see the reaction of the internet when CryTek announced that the polygon count of Marius from Ryse: Son of Rome was reduced from 150,000 polygons to 85,000 due to optimization, but his initial numbers were actually much higher than that.

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Eonjay3694d ago (Edited 3694d ago )

Makes complete sense. I have seen model comparisons and you would be surprised how good low poly models compare to their high count originals. Not withstanding the incredible quality of CG; you can get acceptable visual quality from models that wont break you computer in half.

Abriael3694d ago

One day, my son, one day we'll have that kind of visual fidelity actually playing in our games.

I might be 50 by then, but it'll happen :D

And I mean 130 million after optimization.

TheOneWhoIsTornApart3694d ago

Do you remember the rumor a while back about Uncharted 4 having 1 million poly character models?. If anyone can pull that off its Naughty Dog. It will also be pushed further than that this generation too I'm willing to bet.

Dee_913694d ago

Its really pointless.. you can get a perfectly good, real looking model with a fraction of 130 million polys..
But that is insane though.. They probably model every bump and thread lol

nypifisel3694d ago

You better hope the development tools improves a hell of a lot or you'll see a game per decade :>

gaffyh3694d ago

130 million poly model probably accounted for a lot of smoothing. Its perfectly normal to drop down from a number like that as normal mapping and bump mapping tend to give great results in the end.

ShinMaster3694d ago

A lot of character models in other games had millions of polygons originally before downscaling for the game.

3693d ago
fossilfern3693d ago

Why would you? Its the law of diminishing returns. Having all those polygons would be kind of pointless in terms of performance and only benefit the fanboys and the ego of the developer.

PurpHerbison3693d ago

By the time that happens I will have probably been pushed so far away from video games by future business decisions.

Aery3693d ago

Zbrush is one of my favorite tool ever. I love it.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3693d ago
Geoff9003694d ago

Well considering they use a rendering farm to render the models, yes they are going to look great.

After they create the models and are happy with them, they lower the pixel count, so that they can achieve what they want with the game/hardware etc.

Although many people think PC's/consoles have unlimited power, they have massive limitations, compared to what servers have.

A films CGI can use a million polygons just for a face of a character for instance.

Truth is developers have to scale what they are doing, for a multitude of reasons, inc PC.

They have to consider the average specs of peoples computers, the frame rate, resolutions, frame drops, crashing, bugs, tearing, although PC's have higher tier hardware, it still has to be considered.

As games get more and more complex, development will take longer and longer to develop, thus meaning having more powerful hardware won't give you the best looking game, it's already starting to happen now.

Magicite3694d ago

Before Optimization? What optimization? This game is technical nightmare.

Tomden023693d ago

Still best looking game on any system to date

enfestid3693d ago

"Technical nightmare" must have a new meaning.

fr0sty3694d ago (Edited 3694d ago )

Most games do this, even PS3/360 games. Start with a super high detailed model, then use it to build your normal maps, then make a lower poly model and normal map it to give the illusion of more detail.

Mariusmssj3693d ago

If only they spent more time on the story and the game-play itself we might have had a good game. Now they made these characters which could not even actually work, that is just time wasted.

system223693d ago

a good shader/texture goes a long ways on low poly geo. pretty good these days.

PudgeySan3693d ago

hmmm... You would think they would call it De-optimization considering its going from an optimal state to a non optimal state.

Scenarist3693d ago

Matter of fact its the norm to create hi res models and then "bake" them. Still keeps all of the details of the high res models .. and the only way to tell the difference in real world terms, as far as games anyway, depends on how realistic the lighting system is.. (and for realtime lights we dont have to worry about that this gen)

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3693d ago
Convas3694d ago

Man oh man. Crytek did some incredible work with Ryse: Son of Rome and this was at console launch.

Imagine what Crytek will do with Ryse: Knights of England with more development time.


Aldous_Snow3694d ago ShowReplies(9)
KonsoruMasuta3694d ago (Edited 3694d ago )

Hopefully they actually focus on good gameplay the second time around. Ryse is a prime example of what happens when a developer spends all their time and funds on visuals. You got a pretty games with poor gameplay.

Graphically - It was amazing.

Gameplay wise - It failed to Ryse to expectations.

Concertoine3694d ago

Crytek in general have that problem. Style over substance. Imo their last game where gameplay and graphics were balanced was Crysis 1.

KonsoruMasuta3694d ago (Edited 3694d ago )

What's with all the disagrees? Look, I'm not trying to get a Ryse out of people, I'm just sharing my opinion. Ryse was pretty bland in the gameplay department, the 60/100 on metacritic speaks for itself. I admit that Ryse is one of the best looking games of the generation but that doesn't save the game. You need more than good graphics.

I think Crytek needs to Ryse up and raise the bar in the gameplay area.

Ipunchbabiesforfun3694d ago

I swear to god if you make one more pun...

cozomel3694d ago

You'll what? puch him like you punch babies for fun? Which btw, i'd like to be able to do too, punch babies that is

ovnipc3694d ago

Ryse the story was good. The game play was great, the last 2 chapter are awesome. Killzone has great visuals but was boring. Now iss its awesome. Idk if it cause i love history and spartans, romans, and german soldiers are my passion but ryse the ending was amazing.

Ipunchbabiesforfun3693d ago

Hahaha i love kids, it's just a stupid phrase I use to be dumb.

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juliotheman213694d ago

Hopefully they make the game less repetitive

ShinMaster3694d ago

None of that made it onto the game.

A lot of character models in other games had millions of polygons originally before downscaling for the game.

christocolus3693d ago


The sequel to ryse directed by todd pappy and built with dx12/cryengine would be a sight to behold.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3693d ago
zyphee3694d ago

Probably created in Zbrush, but every character has millions and millions of polys before the artists retopoligize it to make it renderable.

N4g_null3693d ago

Finally some one that knows their tech. It could be mud box also.

Majin Uchiha3694d ago

God the game must have looked insane then, because retail Ryse is still the best looking next gen game so far (or second best after infamous)

Abriael3694d ago

Back then it wasn't even a game :D That kind of models are optimized quite a bit before they're even put in the engine.

CrossingEden3694d ago (Edited 3694d ago )

Human eye can't tell the difference. After a certain threshold there's nothing to tell the models apart.
For example
This is due to diminishing returns
unfortunate but very true, there's not really a point in bragging about polycount or ragging on about a reduced polycount because you'd never be able to tell the difference anyway on a high fidelity model.
EDIT:Gotta love the stealth disagrees from bitter people who can't disprove facts.

christian hour3694d ago

The phantom disagrees might be about the "human eye can't tell the difference" part, sure to the casual viewer there may be no difference, but to technophiles and media/digital artists of all mediums, it's still noticeable. Maybe less and less noticeable as the polygon counts go higher than 100,000.

But you can't argue with the law of diminishing returns, thats a stone cold fact, people can't constantly expect the same graphical leap generation from generation. My brother cant tell the difference between ps3/360 and ps4/xbone but... he is casual to the core. We can of course :)

Hope I can even out those agree's for ya and get you a second bubble ;)

Hicken3694d ago

There's a reason he's down to one bubble, and part of it has to do with the premise he has, which is typical of him.

EVENTUALLY, there'll be a point where we can't tell the difference, but we're still a ways from that. Not to mention, it'll definitely be a difference when you consider how these models look in motion, with fabrics and hair included.

It's not so different, though, from how many can't CURRENTLY tell the difference between 720p and 1080p. There was a time, back before I got an HDTV, where I couldn't tell the difference either. Then I upgraded, watched and played everything in 1080- though sometimes it was upscaled- and the difference was glaringly obvious when the resolution was dropped to 720. But it took acclimatization for that, and I'm sure it'll take that for others.

Disregarding that just to make your point is being disingenuous. Which CrossingEden is known for.

Ninjatogo3694d ago

Whenever someone posts images like those you just did, I just assume they don't understand what they're talking about. So, with that said, here's my attempt at explaining why that's wrong.

When sculpting/modelling in 3D, you can add more fine details to your model using a couple of methods. These methods can range from adding normal/bump map to actually altering the model geometry.

The easiest to understand is the subdivision method, which increases the polygon count of the model by dividing each polygon a certain number of times. Using this method, you can make smaller, more detailed edits to the mesh surface. However, simply pressing the subdivide button WILL NOT give you more detail; doing so will simply smooth the hard/sharp edges of the mesh. You have to put that detail in yourself.

The first image you posted show a high res model which was simply subdivided without adding additional detail. The second image is a mesh which was decimated from the third one down, and subdivided to produce the fourth one.

Subdividing is great when used on a mesh which will be animated; it can smooth out edges which would produce sharp corners when bent. (Wrinkles on characters/joints such as knees and elbows/etc)

Trekster_Gamer3694d ago

Dumbass Sony Trolls will disagree with anything positive about Xbox one.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3694d ago
InTheLab3694d ago

Ryse visually reminds me of God of War on a smaller scale. Imagine if inFamous SS was a linear game like Ryse...oh boy.

While Marius might be the best looking character on consoles, inFamous is the overall champ so far.

Flutterby3694d ago

Exactly , infamous has the best graphics so far on console and does it at a solid frame rate and 1080p. Easily the best so far easily.

DoubleM703693d ago

I agree to disagree RYSE is still the best looking game so far. RYSE has hundred of characters fighting on screen with a high polygon count still going on. Not to mention the beautiful setting of Rome. Now I do give Infamous props for being an open world, but it still looks sterile.

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15 Best Ancient Rome Games of All Time

From underrated Xbox One launch titles to absolute emperors of the strategy genre, history heads will love these games based around Ancient Rome.

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Leeroyw377d ago (Edited 377d ago )

There's fifteen ancient Rome games?

LG_Fox_Brazil377d ago

Shadow of Rome was so freaking good

Sashamaz377d ago

I'm still waiting for the sequel.

HyperMoused377d ago

Ryse was awesome, i have no idea why it wasnt recieved well and why we havnt seen another, Rome conquered so much, you could take the action anywhere, and it looked great when xbox one came out, now would be even better.


Ryse: Son of Rome Deserves a Second Shot

Ryse: Son of Rome was an Xbox One launch title that has been left to collect dust, but Crytek should set aside Crysis and give Ryse another shot.

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AngainorG7X632d ago

It was a great game, it had issues but it can only go up from here.

crazyCoconuts632d ago

It was just ok. Looked really good for an Xbox game though

Snookies12632d ago

"for an Xbox game"

Way to subtly throw shade there. It looked amazing compared to any game at the time it was released.

Never played it myself though, wasn't really interested in it personally. Plus it came at a time when I didn't own an Xbox console. But it was at least different than the usual copy/paste games we get. So I hope it gets another chance sometime soon.

Crows90632d ago

It was a crytek game though

1nsomniac632d ago (Edited 632d ago )

It was a stunning game on all basis. One of the standout games for Xbox as a whole. I ended up buying on pc as well… and yes nothing looked better than it in PC at the time either. Nothing just ok about it, definitely needs a sequel.

fr0sty632d ago

@snookies12, don't pretend like the Xbox One didn't struggle with being gimpled by its tiny pool of ESRAM as a frame buffer. It was significantly weaker than the PS4.

crazyCoconuts632d ago

Metacritic 60, user score 6.4. I'm not alone in putting it into the "ok" category...

VenomCarnage89631d ago

Haven't played it but at least you know enough to defend Xbox over it. The game did look good, for an Xbox game. That's not some "subtle shade," it's full on reality.
I remember it being nearly the only graphically decent game on the Xbone for like the first two years after launch, and graphics were that games strength

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 631d ago
CrimsonWing69632d ago

I really enjoyed it. Bought it at launch even.

ManMarmalade632d ago (Edited 632d ago )

The qte's were disappointing though. God of war was doing it back in the ps2 days. As gorgeous as the game was, the gameplay needed to be updated.

annoyedgamer632d ago

I really liked the original Ryse but Crytek doesn't have the funds. The mismanaged their properties and let EA raid them with Crysis for the duration of their relationship. Right now they are working on Crysis 4, I doubt they can spare resources to work on a Ryse sequel.

gamer7804632d ago

It would have to be funded by MS, I really liked Ryse sure it got repetitive but the setting visuals and story were good

moriarty1889632d ago

MS should have funded a sequel to Ryse and Sunset OD. Two good franchises they definitely needed last gen.

annoyedgamer632d ago

MS is too busy trying to become the next EA, Ryse wont be on their list of titles to finance unless it gets a hipster makeover with lootboxes.

darthv72632d ago (Edited 632d ago )

I recently bought it for the steamdeck and have to say... 60fps is a game changer. I really wished MS had gotten a one x patch or series boost mode option but sadly, nope. Other games that definitely deserve a second chance (esp on steamdeck/pc) are quantum break and sunset overdrive. Both deserved 60fps support on one x / series but you have to go to PC for that.

Rumor has it Crytek had plans for a Ryse 2 but due to the low turnout for XB (at the time) it was shelved. They really should give this another shot. i dont care if its multiplat on PS and XB and PC and Switch... just so long as part 2 gets made.

babadivad632d ago

The game is automatically boosted on Series X

darthv72632d ago

sorry... but it's not. It still runs at the same fps the XBO did.

lelo2play632d ago

Game was good enough, not great.
Graphically it was top notch. Still holds well till this day.

Crows90632d ago

It only needed more enemy variety and few more movesets or weapons to use. That would have made the experience tons better.

MadLad632d ago

It was a good game.
Only time I saw quick time events actually make me feel engaged.

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Here are the new Xbox Game Pass Quests for August 2022

Xbox Game Pass Quests recently reset for the month of August. So if you try to collect as many Microsoft Rewards points as possible, there's a new set available now.

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anast638d ago (Edited 638d ago )

This is not what I would call value for money spent. They give you quests in liveservice games to get you "re-engaged" with the monetization schemes or to get you hooked or so you at least spend some extra on skins and loot boxes. Then they dole out paltry points after you have already paid extra for whichever liveservice within a liveservice that you are already paying for. My worry is people can't actually be that stupid to fall for this, can they?

littletad637d ago

Absolutely nothing in this comment makes sense. At all.

anast637d ago (Edited 637d ago )

How does it not make sense? O thy god of reason, shine some evidence upon us. Ryse of Rome, ESO,and AC: Origins are all live service games, between them you can get 275 points. Liveservice games are made to keep people spending. Therefore, Gamepass is a live service and the points are for playing live service games.

It is not my problem that this does not make sense to you, it is absolutely your problem. I mean it is all your problem.

Julion0715637d ago (Edited 637d ago )

Hate Xbox but comments in every Xbox article 😂 without making sense smh

anast637d ago

Bring the evidence and then your emoji might make sense.