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Captain Tuttle (2) - 5858d ago Cancel
Vip3r (2) - 5858d ago Cancel
wolfehound22 (1) - 5858d ago Cancel
squallsoft (1) - 5858d ago Cancel
meepmoopmeep (1) - 5858d ago Cancel
TheWickedOne (3) - 5858d ago Cancel

"I survived the Metal Gear Online beta" - 1UP Preview

1UP writes:

Once the truly awful registration process was completed, MGO ran pretty much without a hitch -- or, at least as well as you could expect a public beta originating from Japan to run. We experienced sporadic connection problems -- specifically when the host decided he'd had enough for the day -- and a few inopportune moments of lag that allowed an enemy solider to get the jump on me and close-quarters-combat my brains out. I can't possibly speak on behalf of the entire beta-player population, but MGO ran pretty solidly. Forgive the pun.

I'm not sure how I feel about MGO. I know it's not an FPS, nor does it strive to be. It's not a straight-up third-person action game, either. The pace is methodical and unique, inescapably bonded to how we've all learned to play Metal Gear. The controller calisthenics will likely turn off many newcomers, and even give veterans the need to reacclimate themselves to pressing all sorts of button combinations and quickly decide on different aiming methods. The omniview camera means that you can't really sneak up behind someone without them seeing you, which lends to lots of dizzying camera-twirling -- it's definitely the most paranoid online game I've played...

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wolfehound225858d ago

I had a lot of fun in the beta. Cannot wait for MGS4 and MGO to be released I won't be seeing much sunligt this summer.

Daver5858d ago

At start i must say that it was not that easy and i was not sure about the slow mouvement and all then i played few games and i loved it!
It is a very nice multiplayer game, it plays different and we only saw a part of it, i'm sure they will add a lot of new fun content.

The mode with snake is awesome! tough but awesome

Awesomeo30005858d ago

its not easy but just like mgs if ur a fan of the series ull be a fan of mgo these games arent for everyone

clintos595858d ago

This game is for the hardcore. Those thinking this is just a jump in and kick a$$ are going to fin out that there is a learning curve to MGO. I seriously thought that it was tons of fun after u learn the control mechanism's. Its easilly one of the funnest online games ive played this year.

perils5858d ago

i loved the mgo beta. doubt ill play it again till im thru mg4 at least once. although it was annoying whenever i died a bunch of times with no reply (probably mostly due to embarrassment) i found it a lot less infuriating than the majority of online shooters. i liked the speed (or lack of) of your character it really adds weight and realism.

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Metal Gear Solid Master Collection: How to Unlock the Best Items in MGS1

If you're replaying MGS1 in any of its available forms, you'll want to know how to unlock all the best items in the game!

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15 Impactful Video Games That Forever Changed The Industry

These groundbreaking video games changed gaming forever and drew in scores of fans in the process.

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The 15 Best Retro Video Games of All Time

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Agent7576d ago

I’d have taken a few of those out. Prefer Sonic over Sonic 2. Outrun should be in there. Maybe even Pong as millions of people had fun with that even if it was repetitive. Final Fight pipped any Streets of Rage game, although Streets of Rage had the better soundtrack. Too many to list l guess. To me, retro gaming is the 1980s, maybe going into early 1990s.

Popsicle76d ago

Agree that the generational gap is too broad to really make a strong list. Need to tighten the years a bit. Hard to compare Pac Man with N64 games.