
Festival of Magic: Kickstarter Updates

Snowcastle games has been doing a wonderful job with their most recent Kickstarter project, Earthlock: Festival of Magic. In fact, they’ve been doing such a great job promoting their project that they’ve even added a new tier AND some more goods. This piece of news contains all of the information!

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DiscoKid3728d ago (Edited 3728d ago )

Something about this campaign is really odd. They stated in their previous campaign (which failed obviously) that they have spent $1M on the game so far, but it doesn't really look like they have. The animations are lethargic, the special effects are unstellar, and there is a lack of corresponding sound effects for attacks. It looks pretty, but it's all Ambient Occlusion and Marmoset Skyshop rendering. Without that, the game would look terrible and dull.

Trust me, it wouldn't even TAKE a mil to make a game like this. And still, they need more? They got a nice sheet of wool over those backers' eyes.

I understand it's pre-alpha, but "spent $1M" is past-tense. Their presentation should look 100 times better than that, and most of the footage was already used in the campaign months before. Don't even get me started on those unrealistic stretch goals!

MrTrololo3728d ago

Are you telling us this kickstarter project is a scam ?


Xbox Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale Discounts: 25th-31st Dec 2018

Neil writes: "Merry Christmas!

Thought you were going to be doing nothing but opening presents, eating food and downing drink on this special day? Think again because the weekly Xbox Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale is back once more and between the 25th-31st December 2018, there are a whole ton of Xbox One and Xbox 360 discounts to get to grips with. Want to check out all the details?"

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Earthlock | ThisGenGaming Review

ThisGenGaming says: "If there’s one word to describe Earthlock, it’d have to be “charming”. The characters are likeable, the world is well designed and there are plenty of interesting things to do or discover. I would’ve liked to see the main story unfold in more depth and perhaps to have more interactions between the party members. It also could’ve used some additional endgame content and more incentive to power up your characters as they’re easily maxed out, but it does make for a pretty dense adventure and certainly one I would recommend to fans of the genre. Just be sure to turn up the volume, as the soundtrack alone is definitely worth your while!"

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bloodyspasm2226d ago

Any of you play the original version AND the new one? I'm kinda curious if it improved a lot 😂


Earthlock relaunches with numerous improvements minus the Festival of Magic

Fin writes: "Anyone who had the chance to experience Earthlock: Festival of Magic back in late 2016 will know it to be a fantasy, turn-based RPG that was set on the beautiful but mysterious planet of Umbra. However, with all the thrilling story and neat RPG elements that it had within, the developers simply do not think it was good enough, deciding to add to the game, fixing any issues in the process. Enter Earthlock - without the Festival of Magic tag!"

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