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PlayStation Now 'is a joke', says Pachter

Industry analyst Michael Pachter has slammed Sony's upcoming streaming service PlayStation Now, labelling it a "joke" and claiming that "no publisher" will allow any title less than two years old to appear on the service.

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Community3772d ago
stuna13772d ago

Which in his reality means, the best thing since sliced bread!

I don't know though, isn't this a contridiction of a statement he made when they first started demoing PlayStation Now!? I could have sworn he said it was fantastic.

allformats3772d ago ShowReplies(35)
C-H-E-F3772d ago

How is Pachter relevant? Like he says everything, so of course he'll be right. Before it was ps4 will fail, xbox will outsell it then after e3 he was like oh xbox will no sell as well as ps4 and the same with resolution and everything even last gen all he does is say every possibility and expects a pat on the back... Like no... it's really annoying... mark my words when PSNow blows up he'll be like oh PSNow is the best thing to ever happen to playstation blah blah blah... Pachter YOU'RE A JOKE!!!

k3rn3ll3771d ago

Yea but there were tons of reporters and analysts felt that way up to e3. E3 flipped the script on everyone in the industry.

VforVideogames3771d ago

Thank god I turn to the dark side the one to rule them all the XB1.

kenshiro1003772d ago

Pachter is for himself. He doesn't know what he's talking about most of the time.

kewlkat0073772d ago

And he gets good money for doing just that..

These people are paid to make assumptions, predictions, bold statement. ..etc about the financial market.

Don't take it personal. I doubt the guy is a complete moron like some say. An analyst doesn't have to be right just be good enough at whatever else they do to keep the job.

gazgriff2k123772d ago


Patrick_pk443772d ago

Patcher himself is a joke. I hope no one takes him seriously.

MysticStrummer3772d ago

I thought streaming older games was the main point of PS Now, so I don't know why he said that about the two year old games.

wolokowoh3771d ago

Yep he missed the point entirely. They start with older games then move to newer ones once the service builds up just like PS+.

Visiblemarc3771d ago

This "analyst" is a con man. The odd part is, he's not in hiding like a regular con. No, he openly contradicts himself, routinely. His track record is abysmal, yet he presents himself as an expert. It really is curious.

Anyway, amongst gamers, where it counts, he has zero credability. Let those foolish enough to listen to him get duped into believing his random, ignorant, guesswork. Anyone that gullible can't be helped.

Tsar4ever013771d ago

Publishers may determine the success or failier of Playstation Now. YIKES!!

If what Pacher says is true, this means PS4's launch and 1st quarter titles won't see the light of day for rent/buy on PSNow till early 2017. Not worried about ps1, ps2, but Ps3 hit titles will be determined buy whenever years they were released within the 2yr time frame to show up on PSNow.

Man, Im' not sure if I'm digging the bussiness applications of this.

Magicite3771d ago

I always thought Patcher is a joke =o

Baccra173771d ago

This is the same guy that said PS4 would be trounced by Xbone, then 180'd. Hell, this is the guy who is outperformed by commenters on N4G on practically a daily basis!

medman3771d ago

Funny, I always thought Pachter was the joke.

Anon19743771d ago

Just like how nothing other then two year old shows and movies come to Netflix.


Gamer19823771d ago

No new games on the service makes perfect sense as you dont want to hurt sales but lets look at this. Its for PS3 games and they will stop making them in 3 years anyway so that means the whole lot will be there in 5 years right? Or at least the major ones..

oof463771d ago

I would agree with him...if publishers hadn't already been putting games less than 2 years old on Playstation Plus.

It's Pachter's opinion and he's entitled to it. Just as everyone is entitled to disagree with him.

infamousinfolite3771d ago

You I know thought PS Now as a gaming service to those who missed out or are missing some games from last gen and gens before that and don't want to clutter there ROM with old consoles.

So I thought PS Now was the digital option for those who want to play some old titles but don't want to struggle finding some old games through the longevity methods of playing old games. Plus some games could get messed up, scratched up whatever and you'll have to rebuy your old games or really, really, really clean them to get them too work.

3771d ago
TBONEJF3771d ago (Edited 3771d ago )

PATCHER IS the joker around here. Seriously how the hell u can be a analyst and talk like that? what a dumb a..

xtremeimport3771d ago

If sony has been able to get developers to list their games for free on Ps+, I DONT really understand why they wouldnt be up for this.

Patcher is an idiot.

TheSaint3771d ago

Does anyone even listen to this guy any more? He's almost always wrong, how can you be a video game analyst and be wrong so much????

Seraphim3771d ago

best thing since sliced bread or in the gaming world.... best thing since the Sega Channel. 50 great Sega titles all available through a cable line. I can remember playing Coach K's basketball night & day every month that was available until I finally got my parents to buy it for me one month it wasn't in the lineup. Oddly enough years back a few of us at Playstations Gamer Advisory Panel use to suggest the idea of bringing a Sega Channel esque service to Playstation. While probably not quite as simple as Sega Channel this is a great idea for everyone; publishers, developers and consumers. People are in fact going to rent games & that's just the way it is. Be it gamers who can't afford to buy every game they want to gamers who can afford to but don't see the value is buying certain games so they rent them. Instead of letting Family Video, Blockbuster, shoddy ass Gamefly capitalize on rentals why not tap directly into that market and start pocketing $ the publisher/developer deserves? The thing they have to realize is that people are either going to buy or not buy their games. Having the ability to easily rent/play a game via PS Now isn't going to mean I buy less games. I'd hope in this day publishers realize they have the gamers who will buy, who will rent, and those on the fence. Hopefully they all realize this and are willing to offer up games for a reasonable price. I am excited to see exactly how this rolls out and what kind of pricing, structure & content there's going to be.

Chrischi19883771d ago

Funny, how people always claim everything he says is fact, if its bad about the other respective systems, but if he says something bad about the own, then he is never right and dumb.

In my eyes he just gained some respect back from me, because he showed, he is not only biased towards one system, he says just, what he thinks, good and bad, about them all.

He being right is a totally different thing of course...

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ruefrak3772d ago

Exactly. He claims that no publisher would license games less than 2 years old because they would steal sales when they consistently are doing that already with PS+.

If I wear a suit and tie and start spouting random thoughts on the games industry, can I be interviewed in Game Informer too?

Death3772d ago (Edited 3772d ago )

How do you know PS+ is working? I don't think I have bought one game for my PSP, Vita or PS3 since subscribing to Plus. How is Plus helping Sony and how will Now help? Devs and publishers make their money on new game sales. The business model hasn't changed since the Atari. Sony is breaking away from the traditional business model and have been losing money in the process. Look at Microsoft and Sony's financial reports. Both sold 80 million consoles last gen, but the profit margins are not even close. Without profits, how is Sony going to fund PS4 development?

If 5 million PS4 owners are paying for Plus since it is mandatory and that is triple the userbase, that means 1.7 million of the 80 million PS3 owners found the value in Plus before it became mandatory. If every single console owner now has access to "free" games, how will that impact new game sales? How do you know Plus is working and Sony isn't using the revenue to fund Now?

generic-user-name3772d ago

If Plus wasn't working for them they would have stopped by now. Don't worry about them just because you didn't buy the games doesn't mean devs aren't making money from Sony by being part of plus and Sony are making money from plus subscriptions (which have tripled since the PS4 launched).

Xsilver3771d ago (Edited 3771d ago )

"How is Plus helping Sony and how will Now help? Devs and publishers make their money on new game sales."
So you don't you think devs would stop putting their games on PS+ if they wasn't seeing something positive :/ please lemme know.

SilentNegotiator3771d ago (Edited 3771d ago )

Publishers make money on PS+ because Sony pays them a small sum per download. Publishers put up games that are no longer selling a lot, often games that are only a year old.

Not that I expect you to know that, since you don't REALLY follow PS news. You're too busy trolling to READ any of the articles.

P_Bomb3771d ago (Edited 3771d ago )

Well when did you start subscribing? A month ago? Two? Because I haven't bought any new games for a couple months either, but I've bought *dozens* of new games since I started my psplus subscription years ago. If I want a new game I'll buy it. I was subscribed all last year yet still bought NiNoKuni, sly4, GOW Ascension, TLOU, Dragons Crown, Puppeteer, Beyond, GTA5, BioshockInfinite, AC3, Hitman Absolution all brand new, and a couple downloadables too. Being a plus subscriber isn't synonymous with being cheap.

One way publishers have made money off me via psplus is sales. Psplus amplifies the sale price and like steam sales, I'm sure publishers make extra money during plus sales just by people buying in bulk. $5.00 for Crysis3 is more tempting than a $19.99 disc. A ps plus sale is how I picked up Unfinished Swan finally for only a couple bucks.

Another way publishers can make bucks is DLC. I platinumed Sleeping Dogs which I got free from plus and then bought the storyline DLCs. So square made money off me from a game I would have never bought otherwise.

It can also provide exposure for future sales. I loved Brothers which I got for free, wouldn't have risked $15 on it brand new with my backlog but now that I've enjoyed it, I'm down for future games from the dev. Currently downloading Metro Last Light off Plus. Finished the original on my 360 but the sequel wasn't a priority. Now that I have it on plus, I will be playing it sooner rather than later. And if I like it, I have no aversion to dropping some bucks on a DLC or two since I played the campaign for nothing.

You asked how people know it's working. A good indicator is that the output is increasing in terms of both quantity and quality and the subscriptions are going up with a high renewal rate (there's a link out there). The success of Velocity as a psplus mini gave the dev' the opportunity to make a full release later for the Vita. Or so they said. Sounds like a win/win

Fez3771d ago (Edited 3771d ago )

You can't keep making this same point without acknowledging the replies with a comment.

The likelihood is that Sony and publishers are making money on Plus, indicated by the continued support of new and highly rated titles and no change in the pricing of Plus.
Citing Sony losing money overall last gen is meaningless when discussing the financial impact of PS+ since Plus was such a late addition to the console, had a slow uptake and had initial infrastructure costs.

What makes you think Sony and publishers aren't closely analysing the trends of PS+ and it's impact on software sales?

You can see by the plus games on PS4 that big titles won't be seen on the service for about a year, and even then it will probably be Sony first party titles first. What are sales like for year old games anyway? Few thousand? Probably better for the publisher to go the route of a subscription service at this point.

Pogmathoin3771d ago

Sony use the free games on plus to keep you subcribed. Common sense approach, and it works. Once you get them you want to keep them, and will easily hand over the cost of subscription. Nothing bad or anything about it. I wonder if Pachter is saying if people have money to buy games, will it be an old game, or money towards a new game.... indie games look good by design, some PS1 and 2 games look terrible now compared to what we have now. Will people really want to go back to those games?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3771d ago
T23771d ago

Even if anything he said was remotely correct it would only be if PSNow was not competing with PSplus directly as I doubt it will... so sure maybe older games will come out on PSNow because that's exactly what IT WAS ADVERTISED FOR!!! It's supposed to mainly support ps1, ps2, ps3 games to start with. PSplus already has more recent games.
what a tool.

DarkLord10033772d ago

Why is Pachter so famous? I mean seriously - why does he get so much attention? What did he do to be the Nostradamus of video games?

DarkLord10033772d ago

To the people who disagree I say this: Justify his fame for me. Come on - tell me why he deserves our attention.

Death3772d ago

He gets paid for his opinions/analysis while we give ours away for free.

From a business perspective, how is he wrong on this?

scott1823772d ago


True he may be right, but that doesn't mean the service is a joke at all. Many publishers will handle it differently and we will have many great titles on a great service, and if it doesn't have the titles you want to play right away, don't subscribe to it....

Double_O_Revan3772d ago

I've always wondered the same thing. For being a video game 'analyst' with all these close to the industry connections, he's only right maybe 50% of the time.

If I had that kind of success rate in my job, I would've been fired ages ago.

DeadlyFire3771d ago

He paid off the media sites to advertise himself. I believe, but hey that's me. Where does he get money for claiming the oddest things? I don't know. I really don't know. Maybe that's how he got attention in the first place though. Stating random crap is his norm. One day he attached his talent to video games.

He could be right about most games on the service being two years old or so, but is that really a bad thing? We know Sony wants games to sell on its other platforms as well. A 2 year grace period for those sales is perfect. Prices of games can't be to high on the service if that is true. Which is another plus.

danydan3772d ago

oh the irony.. Pachter talking about something being a joke.

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Microsoft Losing to Sony Is a Wrong Perception, Says Pachter; They Want to Win Business, Not Console

Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter believes it's an incorrect gamers' perception that Microsoft has lost to Sony.

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Community101d ago
Christopher101d ago

"If we change what our goal is, we're not losing" attitude. Kind of like how Microsoft didn't lose to Valve, they just changed their business model. And they didn't lose to Android and iOS, they just changed their business model. They 100%, after spending 3 generations competing heavily in console hardware, aren't losing to Sony, they're just changing their business model.

You can't ever lose if you just 'change your business model'!

Jin_Sakai101d ago

Pachter is full of crap. Always assume the opposite of what he says.

Cacabunga101d ago

This clown is still around? I cannot remember he ever got one prediction right

Profchaos101d ago

Patcher predicted that take two would be brought out by ea he knows very little about the content of games and is so numbers focused

Petebloodyonion100d ago

Yet I remember that he predicted perfectly that there was no way the acquisition of ABK would not go through and that the FTC and the CMA would fold when all the media had It's basically over kind of news.
He mentioned that MS would outsource COD streaming rights (or deny COD from appearing on GP) in UK.

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crazyCoconuts101d ago

What's kinda crazy to me is - if they retreat from consoles they're left with a business model that depends on making great games that people want to buy.
What has been Xbox's biggest issue over the last decade or so?
It's not like they're falling back to a strength...

GamerRN101d ago

They didn't retreat and even promised the biggest generational leap! Where did you get retreat from?

crazyCoconuts101d ago

@Gamer if you don't see it yet, there's nothing i can say to convince you.

FinalFantasyFanatic101d ago

And just think of all those game franchises that are trapped with them, especially those they bought instead of creating.

Charlieboy333101d ago

@Gamer Yeah, just like the One X was a leap. Just like Series X was a leap. What did they bring to the table.....a leap in games? No, they brought sweet f all. Guys like you just never learn or are just dumb, falling for MS' talk talk talk over and over again.

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PhillyDonJawn101d ago (Edited 101d ago )

Business is all about money not actual sales. If I sell 1 thing for 1 million and you sell 10000 things for 900k Who really won.

remixx116101d ago

The person who sold 10000 things because he has developed a consumer base and consistent revenue stream while simultaneously showing that he has the capacity to obtain market share.

The person who sold 1 thing for a million hasnt proven much outside of the simple fact that he can get an idiot to pay a copious amount of money for a single product. Holla at me when he has proven he can do it consistently overtime.

This is a nuanced subject matter

The Wood101d ago (Edited 101d ago )

How about the gamers perspective

Xbox as a console business is last in the gamersphere. Pivot after pivot, swerve after swerve. If it wasn't for pc the xbox console would died a while back. Console owners need to choose what's best for them, their experiences or the console owners profits

Christopher101d ago (Edited 101d ago )

Great. Guess who is in third place (just talking the main console market, not even including mobile and PC) both on software sales, hardware sales, and video game revenue?

PhillyDonJawn101d ago

Chris you might wanna do ya research

Christopher101d ago (Edited 101d ago )

***Chris you might wanna do ya research ***

You're right! It's only 2nd place on revenue. Good on you.

"Based on these revenues, we can see that: PlayStation made $11.3 billion more than Xbox, and $14.7 billion more than Nintendo. Xbox made $3.4 billion more than Nintendo."

Now, do you want to find me proof that Xbox isn't in third on hardware and software sales? They've literally cannibalized their own sales via subscription services and their hardware is well known to be last place.

But, hey, Microsoft is okay losing in every category here, why would they get rid of a part of their business that they are in turn (and wasn't accounted for in 2023 numbers totally since it was distributed over 5 years, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, and 2027, the cost of their latest purchase) spending more than 7x their annual revenue on.

PhillyDonJawn101d ago (Edited 101d ago )

@Chris I'm glad you did ya research seen you were wrong but you also forgetting this. Revenue isn't everything my friend, remember business is about money

DarXyde101d ago

Oh my days, this is a terrible analogy...

If it was just about money, Microsoft wouldn't be doing a sub model, would they? They are literally making it cheaper than game purchases to get more uptake from more people. The goal is to have enough recurring subs over time to increase revenue (and eventually profitability), but that doesn't work in your assessment because they literally need to "sell 10000 things".

Good grief...

Christopher101d ago

***Revenue isn't everything my friend***

Yeah, you know what that TweakTown report doesn't include? Any of the cost to buy ABK. That makes it a massive loss. Massive.

FinalFantasyFanatic101d ago


That analogy still works, they need to consistently sell those subs to maintain/gain revenue, if they can't constantly sell those subs.

Switch "things" with "Subs", and it still works, but they need to constantly convince people to keep buying that subscription, other people will drop their subscription and revenue will decline.

DigitallyAfflicted101d ago

ou can do math... well done.... you win

DarXyde101d ago


I don't think that quite works:

The argument this guy is making actually sounds supportive of Playstation selling a game over Game Pass subs.

Let's take a practical example, Persona 3 Reload.

If Atlus sells you the game at $70 on Playstation and "gives it away" on Xbox as long as you continue to pay for Game Pass, well... Following their logic, wouldn't it be better if fewer people buy it for a higher price than basing it on engagement via more people on XGP? How many people would you need to play P3R on Game Pass to get the same revenue?

Eventually, the latter *can be better*, but there is the matter of a larger install base on Playstation and XGP subs are a fraction of Xbox gamers.

It's a bit ironic and I think biases are on full display because what Philly boi is saying is, in principle, more supportive of the PlayStation model, but the thing is, PlayStation has both a higher price of access AND a larger pool to pull from.

If we want to talk about the manufacturers themselves and hardware, Xbox can be purchased cheaper than PS5, but it is still getting trounced in number of sales and price of admission.

I don't really see how this argument works.

crazyCoconuts100d ago

The console war we've been watching for the last two decades has been what I find interesting. I don't really care how much profit MS can make by buying King and running Candy Crush any more than I care how much money they make bleeding businesses for MS Office licenses. That's boring. The fun thing to watch has been the work these companies have put in to try to win the console market.

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101d ago Replies(4)
Eonjay101d ago

The obvious rebuttal to Pachter's cray cray notion is that you wouldn't have to change your model if you were winning.

senorfartcushion101d ago

Or "those who win get to change their business model."

Fanboyism ends at a brick wall of "big company no care about whether you like or hate them, get a life."

Reaper22_101d ago (Edited 101d ago )

Sony said similar things when their Walkman was beaten by Apple and when Samsung surpassed them in the TV market. I can go on and on but I'm sure you get the picture. Business is business. All companies take a whippen every now and and then. The difference is how you bounce back. Microsoft net worth has grown over the years. Business wise they are very successful and no matter what, sony would love to be where they are financially. Sony isn't the competition microsoft worries about. That been clear for a long time now. Microsoft wants gaming to be a part of their ecosystem. Sony needs it. Big difference there.

Christopher101d ago (Edited 101d ago )

There's a lot wrong here.

First, the attempt to turn this argument into one about other failed businesses. Which, surprisingly, you make the argument I'm making but then...

Second, the attempt to confirm that Microsoft isn't competition when Microsoft admitted in court that they are.

Third, the attempt to act like Microsoft, from a business perspective, doesn't need what they spent over $100b to acquire but Sony does? Laughable.

Businesses are about profits. If you stop earning enough profit in a division, it goes away. Simple as that. Xbox is a division competiting against Valve, Epic, Sony, Nintendo, Android, and iOS. Simple as that. Xbox, to remain 'part of the ecosystem' needs to not cost the company more than it brings in. Simple.

101d ago
Rude-ro101d ago (Edited 101d ago )

They actually won.

The whole point was to force Sony into playing ball so that they could not put “windows” in more jeopardy than it was at the time.
Apple, Google, then Sony innovating while partnered with Linux…

When will people realize it has never been about gaming as to why Microsoft got into gaming?

Trojan horses people.

FinalFantasyFanatic101d ago

With the way Linux and Steam Deck are going, Linux might one day catch up to Windows, it's doing pretty well for gaming these days compared to say, 10 years, or even 5 years ago.

crazyCoconuts100d ago

I don't understand who u r saying won...
But I agree in that I wouldn't be surprised if Windows was part of the calculus for MS supporting Xbox. The OS was based on Windows at first and Xbox One kinda had two Windows instances if you count the hypervisor.
But, like the console space, I think MS is walking back on OS domination. Apple and Google completely ate their lunch because....surprise surprise they innovated. I'm 100% confident the reason Phil talks (and shows) about the Asus ROG Ally more than Steam Deck is because of Windows. The Steam Deck has to sting for them.

senorfartcushion101d ago

Well, yeah, that's the point. They're too big-a-company for fanboy stuff to be at-all relevant.

badz149101d ago

If Pachter said MS is not losing, it means that MS is losing.

Petebloodyonion101d ago (Edited 101d ago )

Well last I checked a company goal is to make more and more money,
Nintendo could be an example of how they stopped trying to compete with Sony (during the Gamecube day) and decided to focus on a different market and reinvented themselves with the WII.
They reinvented themselves with the Switch by bringing 2 markets together when ppl said that portable consoles were doomed thanks to cellphones and tablets.

Sony's business models also changed when they decided to port games to PC something that was never supposed to happen.

crazyCoconuts100d ago

If Xbox exits a market (consoles) to focus on another (games) I guess I don't care anymore. They lost the console market and pretty much the same companies that have been there before making games are still there flying a different flag. If they suck, other companies will eat their lunch by making better games.

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shinoff2183101d ago

How's this guy still around. According to him consoles were dying after ps2, ps3 Era.

Christopher101d ago

Analysts are never wrong, the market just had a swift change for which no one could account.

shinoff2183101d ago (Edited 101d ago )

Aka wrong lol

VenomUK101d ago (Edited 101d ago )

In his Gametrailers past I’ve found Pachter to be friendly and entertaining. However he’s always blindly predicted Xbox success even up to the start of this generation. Now Pachter has adopted and repeated the new terminology of Microsoft, that it hasn’t lost the console war, it just wants more business. This is illuminating because it suggest he, like Tom Warren at the Verge, is inline with Microsoft’s PR strategy.

Tedakin101d ago

He was the only person who completely nailed how the ABK court case would play out. When everyone said the deal was dead, he said no and stood firm and said MS would do exactly what they did.

MrNinosan101d ago

Did everyone say the deal was dead?
Most analytics said it would go through, but be delayed, which actually was the case.

Christopher99d ago

Almost everyone said the deal would go through.

101d ago
stonecold3101d ago

michael and his bs view just give me headache wish he would go and retire

senorfartcushion101d ago

Thing is, if fanboys understood business, they wouldn't be wasting their time commenting on gaming websites.

S2Killinit101d ago

And you are here to lecture the rest of us because you understand business and MS is doing great?

neomahi101d ago

senorfartcusion....... So what brings you to the house of Pachter?

FinalFantasyFanatic101d ago

Technically Microsoft is doing great, it's just not in gaming, OS and software (e.g. Microsoft Office) is where they're doing great business. I can't think of many other ventures they've had that has worked out for them, despite resorting to some of the same tactics that made them the dominate OS for computers.

101d ago
senorfartcushion99d ago

Microsoft own things like Microsoft Office and Windows, games are secondary to them. If Xbox shut down the computer company will be ok

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 99d ago
MIDGETonSTILTS17101d ago (Edited 101d ago )

They only way that plan works is if people still want to play in their ecosystem.

Eventually, they’re ecosystem needs more games.

Helldivers 2 could swing Xbots to ps6 if it isn’t countered by the end of the gen.

Abnor_Mal101d ago (Edited 101d ago )

Supposedly some well known Halo modders will be making a mode similar to Helldivers.

MIDGETonSTILTS17101d ago

Without procedurally generated levels, they’ll face the same problem as Destiny: fighting the same enemies in the exact same arenas does get repetitive eventually.

Helldivers succeeds as a GaaS because of its unusually well implemented use of procedural level creation. That, paired with its fun enemies to kill, makes it a GaaS with a long lifespan.

darthv72101d ago

There is a pretty good chance that those with XB also have PS, but not the other way around.

shinoff2183101d ago

I do. Always get an xbox just varies on when during that Gen

cooperdnizzle101d ago (Edited 101d ago )

What kind of Jedi mind tricks do you have to come up with to get through your day?

What is the point of always having to lie or make shit up just to win? It's like cheating to win how can you feel like you accomplished something?

FinalFantasyFanatic101d ago

I haven't bought an Xbox since the 360 days, just stuck with PC and PS, sometimes Nintendo.

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PlayStation beat Xbox cloud gaming users in 2021, new CMA data indicates

PlayStation dominated cloud gaming users throughout 2021, beating Microsoft's xCloud streaming by over 10%, but Xbox swings back at PlayStation in 2022.

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Community481d ago
Nanukas481d ago

Good, i want sony to feel heat. Ordinary people win from good competition.

BehindTheRows481d ago

“Good competition” is not something Microsoft offers often. You should want THEM to feel enough heat to actually do better.

Nanukas480d ago (Edited 480d ago )

Agree. I wish sony would be more afraid of gamepass to get better games on ps+

Obscure_Observer480d ago (Edited 480d ago )

"You should want THEM to feel enough heat to actually do better."

Phil Spencer started to acquire studios back in 2018, after that, Xbox Studios only had 5 studios. Now Xbox has 23 almost 5x more studios. Not to mention third party exclusives like Flight Simulator, Contraband and Project Dragon.

Plus, unlike Sony, Xbox Studios won´t be distracted with things like VR, all of their first party efforts goes towards Xbox first and foremost.

Sony so can expect a much more robust Gamepass in terms of first party and third party exclusives games from Xbox from now on.

Since Sony have less studios and won´t release their games day one on PS+, they better make sure andl deliver high quality games like Ragnarok. Because so far, 2023 hadn´t started well for them with Forspoken.


Sony spent millions to secure a AAA third party exclusive game build from the ground up for PS5, not to mention more millions spent on market to be outperformed by a AA game which costs less than half on Steam, had an EPIC day one surprise announcement AND release with ZERO money invested on promotion and marketing.

If that´s not good competition, I don´t know what it is.

BehindTheRows480d ago


It isn’t.

Obscure_Observer480d ago (Edited 480d ago )

"It isn’t."

Oh yes, it is. You can bet your life that both companies cares about their money and investments.

The simple fact that Sony continues to pay multiple publishers to keep games out of Xbox forever, is nothing but a reaction to Gamepass.

Imo, Sony now fears that once their timed-exclusive contracts ends, those games will be available on Gamepass the moment the said games hits the Xbox platforms.

Sony fears the scenario where gamers realize that it´s not worth to invest in every single game released on Playstation at full $70 once they´ll be getting it for "free" on Gamepass eventually, just like Yakuza, Dragon Quest, Octopath Traveler, Nino Kuni, Persona series and more.

ARK 2 (exclusive on Xbox consoles), S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2( exclusive on Xbox consoles), Flintlock, Wo Long, Atomic Hears, Lies of P, Eiyuden Chronicle, Hollow Knight: Silksong. Minecraft: Legends, MLB 23...

Those are just some of the games that Xbox players will be getting for "free" day one while Playstation gamers will have to pay for all of it.

So at least you´re rich or something, Xbox players will be getting way more NEW games to play than you. That´s just facts.

BehindTheRows480d ago (Edited 480d ago )


I can bet that one company brings actual competition, isn’t afraid to share losing numbers, and doesn’t buy huge publishers due to said weaknesses. That’s what I can bet.

As a fan of theirs, you should want them to do better and offer more than subscriptions services and unfulfilled promises.

tay8701480d ago (Edited 480d ago )

@obscure. Well Sony can't control 3rd party games quality, but their 1st party certainly trounces MS's. Spiderman 2 is going to a absolutely dominate the holiday season, just like ragnarok did this past holiday season. Sony easily has the best gaming studios out of the big three. It's.not Sony who has to worry about their 1st part output, it is MS.

MIDGETonSTILTS17480d ago

@Obscure: what AAA games would I buy an XsX today to play?

I own a ps5 and XsX, and I don’t know of one game that would have motivated me to buy an XsX ( I bought it to appease my dumb Xbot friends).

I bought a ps5 for Demon Souls (best looking game on consoles), Returnal (top 10 game of all time for me), and Dualsense upgrades for shooters (completely changes R6 for me).

So, can you illustrate how XsX is competing? I liked HiFi Rush a lot, High on Life too, but neither make we happy about the $500 I sunk into the hardware to play them.

Mr_cheese480d ago

Obscurer, you're saying an awful lot without talking much sense at all.

VR isn't a distraction, neither does it take games away from playstation. Sony have been building and harnessing studios just for this while working on their 1st party none VR titles.

Microsoft is fully committed to gamepass and that's fine for them and those that like to game that way. It will be an even better product if Microsoft can nail their 1st party games.

What I'd hate to see are more moves like the Activision and Bethesda purchases and attempts because it destroys the gaming ecosystem. I'd say the same for Sony as well because once the ball is rolling, they'll all start buying and diving gaming.

Obscure_Observer480d ago (Edited 480d ago )

"I can bet that one company brings actual competition, isn’t afraid to share losing numbers, and doesn’t buy huge publishers due to said weaknesses. That’s what I can bet."

Unfortunately for you, MS or Nintendo aren´t forced to play by yours or Sony´s rules. Fyi, Sony used to buy publishers back in the day. The only reason they aren´t doing it now is simply because they can´t.

As it is, Sony already owns 14.09% of Kadokawa´s shares while Tencent acquired 16% of the company's shares, which means 1/3 of the entire company ownership.

The only reason why Tencent owns more than Sony is because Sony couldn´t pay more for it. So spare me from this "victim complex" bs defense for Sony.

Phil acted as the "nice guy" for too long. To the point where stupid fanboys were all happy when Xbox acquired new studios and publishers, because the idiots were under the illusion that all future Xbox games would become multiplatform and be released on Playstation.

Yeah, they were stupid to the point of thinking that MS would turn into a third party developer for Playstation.

Reality hits hard and here we are. Now that they KNOW those games aren´t coming to Playstation, all that they can do now is cry and moan over games paid and developed by Microsoft to not be on their platform of choice.

They think they´re entitled to have anything and everything otherwise it´s not good competition.

Phil Spencer won´t stop. Be the Activision/Blizzard deal approved or not, he can just go after a single studio like CDPR for example and you´ll be here crying all the same.

I don´t care if Sony or Nintendo buys SquareEnix, From Software or even SEGA tomorrow. Because I have no problem buying products from those companies if they have the games I want. I care about games first and foremost. So don´t expect me to be on your sad place complaining about big a$$ companies running their business as they see fit.

Lightning77480d ago

"You should want THEM to feel enough heat to actually do better."

But when they do attempt to do better ppl complain about it.

BehindTheRows480d ago


What genuine attempts have people complained about?

Lightning77479d ago

With the whole Bethesda thing. There was article on here not too long ago talking about how Bethesda investment will pay off for MS. The whole comment section everyone was whining about how MS was taking games away. So when MS competes everyone here complains on here. No matter what MS hurts feelings. It's quite funny actually.

BehindTheRows478d ago


In other words, outside of publisher acquisitions, they have not really attempted to compete.

And "whining" happens on both sides, so I hope you are just as entertained when people bitch and moan about moves Sony makes.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 478d ago
Crows90480d ago

Ps+ extra already has better games than gamepass. Just look at the highest scoring extra has more of them.

Obscure_Observer480d ago

Lol. What a joke.

PS+ relies on old games. Gamepass not only has day one first party games but also day one third party as well. Even from Sony. XD

S2Killinit480d ago (Edited 480d ago )

Exactly. “Day one” is a buzz word that makes these guys think they have a better line up but it has not amounted to much. If you look at what they have at any given time on their service its not that rosy. Not to mention “day one” also exists on PS plus just not for the first party AAA story games (which is fine w me as long as they continue making the hits).

Check out their list of day one releases for all the years they had gamepass. Its a joke.

Crows90480d ago (Edited 480d ago )


I'd take good old games then new Bad games. Besides that wasn't his point and that has nothing to do with what I claimed. The op said that they should offer better games but they already offer better games. He did not say new games. Or even New Quality games. But to your point, I know that game pass lovers do enjoy their day one bad or mediocre games. It's all about value with you guys and not quality

GamingSinceForever480d ago

Some are going ape shit over Hi-Fi Rush but completely forgot about the Tokyo Wire dud the same developer last released. My point being there are hits and misses.

480d ago
480d ago
Obscure_Observer480d ago (Edited 480d ago )

" It's all about value with you guys and not quality"

Lol. Your false narrative didn´t aged well.

All Metacritic scores for day one first party games
Ori and the Will of the Wisps 92 on Metacritic
Flight Simulator 90 on Metacritic
Forza Horizon 5 92 on Metacritic
Halo Infinite 87 on Metacritic
Grounded 85 on Metacritic
Pentiment 87 on Metacritic
Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition 87 on Metacritic
Hi-Fi Rush 88 on Metacritic

And that´s only from first party games/IPs on Xbox series consoles.

So much for your "quality vs quantity" BS narrative.

Oh, and we "Gamepass Lovers" also love old quality games as well. I also can give you a large list of high quality third party on Gamepass. Just ask. ;)

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 480d ago
GamingSinceForever480d ago

@Obscure_Observer… Forspoken was not a 1st party game from Sony nor should it be treated as such. Square Enix will comeback nicely with FFXVI I’m sure.

Besides Sony is entitled to some misses here and there because they actually take chances on new titles and release them regularly.

Bu the time Spiderman 2 releases everyone will have forgotten all about this terrible start you’re claiming.

Crows90480d ago

They're so anxious to try to nail Sony on something that they'll even bring up third party developers not under Sony. Oh look this time's exclusive that wasn't developed by a Sony studio was bad so Sony doesn't know how to do good games.

480d ago
Obscure_Observer480d ago

"@Obscure_Observer… Forspoken was not a 1st party game from Sony nor should it be treated as such. Square Enix will comeback nicely with FFXVI I’m sure."

In no moment I said it´s a first party game. Both Forspoken and FFXVI are exclusive Playstation 5 games which Sony invested large sums of money to secure to their platform. Just like the original Spiderman from Insomniac. (which till this day Sony fans treat it like a first party/IP)

So it´s pretty obvious if the game fails, Sony also fails and loses tons of money which could had been invested on first party games.

"Besides Sony is entitled to some misses here and there because they actually take chances on new titles and release them regularly."


"Bu the time Spiderman 2 releases everyone will have forgotten all about this terrible start you’re claiming."

Also true. The same can be said about FFXVI, imo.

Abear21480d ago

The leader, Nintendo, doesn’t care what the competition does.

Obscure_Observer480d ago

"The leader, Nintendo, doesn’t care what the competition does."

Couldn´t agree more

BehindTheRows480d ago

The Switch is leading the PS5 because it launched three years prior. PS4 won last gen is all forms (money made, units sold, software totals).

No hate for Nintendo though, as they are another company who actually puts out quality games in high numbers, but just a little perspective.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 478d ago
Orchard481d ago

“In 2022, Microsoft took the lead with 60-70% of total MAUs”

From 20-30% up to 60-70%? That’s some crazy growth. Probably thanks to Fortnite.

SurgicalMenace480d ago

That's what's up, young fella. You feel better now?

The Wood480d ago

All the other stats dont matter. Especially the ones where ps is tearing xbox a new one

480d ago
Obscure_Observer480d ago

“In 2022, Microsoft took the lead with 60-70% of total MAUs”

Probably one of reasons why Sony won´t return Activision´s calls.

BehindTheRows480d ago

Oh, yeah, THAT must be it….

Outside_ofthe_Box480d ago

You're not asking for numbers now, I noticed? 🤣

Orchard480d ago (Edited 480d ago )

Oops, somebody didn't read the article.

This isn't a "YoY increase". It's market share, so we know they had 60-70% of the streaming market.

MIDGETonSTILTS17480d ago

That’s why we game: to celebrate YoY growth!

Three cheers for first-party content-starving fueling third party max’s and subscriptions.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 480d ago
Tacoboto480d ago

What a clickbait headline. Why mention 2021, when the tides turned in 2022 for the obvious reason of one company making the Cloud service one of their biggest marketing pushes throughout the entire year while the other company was able to promote the games they had coming out?

And it's imprudent to suggest crazy growth when we only know proportions - did Xbox grow its proportion by attracting from the competitors' bases, did their marketing pay off and attract new users, or did cloud gamers on competitors just not play as much? The MAU figures don't point to shifts as significant as the Cloud proportions do, and Microsoft's lack of raw subscriber numbers that they happily boasted about in 2021 is telling too.


Could Xbox Game Pass really hit '100 million' subscribers? Here are some thoughts.

Wedbush games industry analyst Michael Pachter weighs in.

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Community661d ago
darthv72661d ago

Oh... well if Patcher weighs in then it has to be a resounding:


Jin_Sakai661d ago

Regardless it’s going to skyrocket when Activision Blizzard games hit Game Pass.

Lightning77661d ago

But to a 100 million? Absolutely not I can realistically see 5 to 6 million within the year.

Pachter gets paid for making terrible predictions. Must be nice lmao.

Jin_Sakai661d ago

Yea that’s unrealistic. Still the subscriber count is going to increase significantly when Activision/Blizzard games hit the service.

garryxcs660d ago

"skyrocket", that's highly doubtful you're not accounting for the fact that the majority of those people who are will download those games on gp already have gp.

shinoff2183660d ago

I feel they will increase but there are people out there like me for instance that didnt really care for the games they made. Especially cod eh pass. Skyrocket though seems to be overstated.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 660d ago
neutralgamer1992660d ago (Edited 660d ago )

It won't hit 100 million unless Ms cam produce high quality exclusives and release one every month

Better question is at what price point and subscription number will it become profitable for Ms because the more profit it makes the more resources Ms will allocate to make it grow

Recurring subscriptions is what most companies with services want. Believe it or not the reason so many of these companies want us to turn on the automatic payment is because they know a lot of people forget to turn it off. It's like gym membership they know only 40% of the people will use it while other 60% will keep paying in hopes of going one day


Also you made a comment in the other story I forgot to reply to you but why are you paying $45 to renew when you can pay $26-28

There are always deals

darthv72659d ago

This was the first time it renewed for 45, i will get other deals before it does it again.

mooreneco21661d ago (Edited 661d ago )

Reality of the subscriber business model is regardless of the medium, and as Netflix is currently experiencing, they all have a user base ceiling. Is game pass good value, sure, but will it convert non-gamers into Xbox gamers, nope! Brand awareness and deals only reach so far and ultimately a gamer with the money to subscribe is most likely already a gamer.

roadkillers660d ago

Nintendo has the ability to turn non-gamers into gamers. The only game that has this ability in Microsoft’s arsenal is Minecraft.

Godmars290660d ago (Edited 660d ago )

No. Not even Nintendo can "magically" convert non-gamers. Sure as eff such can't be done by the likes of Uncharted or Halo. The best you're going to get is someone who wants to watch for the graphics and action, but sur as eff isn't paying upwards to a publisher desired $100+ per single game + DLC/MT much less a recurring sub.

And it the Bobby Koticks of the industry that need that drilled into their heads, not us.

shinoff2183660d ago

Nintendo had the wii that brought non gamers. Thats it. Switch isnt bring in non gamers unless your talking about kids having their first system. My kids all have ps4s but we always have bought the newest nintendo console. Mainly for their first party games.

Also i dont feel like minecraft is gonna bring in non gamers. I just dont understand the comment.

myfathersbastard660d ago

Most adult gamers I know still see switch as a “kids” console and don’t own one. I only personally know 2 other adults who use one. So no, Nintendo doesn’t turn non gamers into gamers. They have issues just being seen as a worthwhile system currently with the new generation out.

0hMyGandhi660d ago

I was a gamer, and gamed alot. Haven't lately, and got GamePass about 6 months ago, and I friggin love it. Love seeing some smaller indie games that I can play comfortably without worrying about sinking hundreds of hours into like I did when I was younger.

So yes, "non-gamers" will see incredible appeal in gamepass. So far, GamePass reminds me a bit of the good ol' Xbox Live Arcade days, and that's never a bad thing.

shinoff2183660d ago

Havent lately but you were a gamer. How long is lately. You already admitted you were a gamer so you are not a non gamer even if you took a small break.

0hMyGandhi659d ago

"Lately" is probably a 10-12 year break.

660d ago Replies(1)
purple101660d ago

How many xbone consoles did they sell last gen. Approx 50mill.

That's then the max they could hope to have in subscribers.

If there lucky. Very very lucky. As half Their fans jumped ship I rekon.

Lightning77660d ago

Which means there gonna have over 50 million subscribers. Sony fanboys have a knack for saying MS won't do X, Y, Z only for them to do X, Y, Z. You'd think you'd learn by now.

Zhipp660d ago

Gamepass is also on PC and streaming. Also Series X|S is outselling Xbox one so clearly they didn't lose half their fans.

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