
Retro Studios Hiring For New Project

Well, it’s that time again! Retro Studios are looking to hire themselves a new AI engineer.

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RmanX10003781d ago

Never been a big fan of Donkey Kong, so im hoping for something new.

sknygy3781d ago

I wouldn't mind Donkey Kong... in something new. But I'm bored of the same template Rare used in the 90s.

I say bring on something entirely new, something unique, which uses the Wii U and Retro's artists abilities to the max!

deafdani3780d ago

A new IP would be nice, for sure.

That being said, I'm totally buying Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze day one. :3

_QQ_3781d ago

Must be for that second team making metroid.

ritsuka6663781d ago

Nope. Retro next game is Donkey kong open world.


_QQ_3781d ago

Thats why i said the second team.

Neonridr3780d ago

where in that article does it say that their next game is a DK one? That article simply speaks about how Retro builds future games off of similar approaches regardless of genre.

No where does it say that Metroid won't be the next game.

deafdani3780d ago (Edited 3780d ago )

Your reading comprehension is funny here. Nowhere in that article you posted do they confirm they are making a 3D DK game, nor a Metroid one, for that matter.

They're all just talking hypothetically.

Geobros3781d ago

I am a big fan of DKC series but ok......I would prefer a hole new Metroid for 3DS!!!! And one for Wii U of course.

Metallox3781d ago (Edited 3781d ago )

A third Donkey Kong Country game?! I kill myself if that happens again.

crusf3781d ago

Why all the Donkey Kong hate? Retro had there run in reviving the metroid series in fantastic fashion so its only fair there creative genius reaches new nintendo IP'S

Geobros3781d ago

We don't hate Donkey Kong but we want something different....If they could make another Donkey Kong and same time a Metroid that would be perfect. But if they develop a title every 3-4 years, I would prefer metroid this time.

jaymart2k3781d ago

I'd love a Donkey Kong 3D World/Land type game. 1st things 1st tho, a new Metroid game.

deafdani3780d ago (Edited 3780d ago )

Funny how you condemn them for the possibility of making a third Donkey Kong game, yet you demand another Metroid, despite the fact that they already made three Metroid Prime games in a row.

Double standards much?

Metallox3780d ago

Donkey Kong Country, I mean. They are just wasting potential making more platformer games. I'd be happy if they make a 3D DK game. I'd prefer Metroid or something new though.

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Metroid Prime Dev "Let Down" As Original Credits Excluded From Remaster

Currently, the original developers are credited via a generic slate.

It's safe to say that it's the original developers who conceptualised and built these games in such a way that they're worthy of a remaster or remake today. Even if they had nothing to do with the new iteration, the dev team behind a remaster would be nowhere without the original vision – and so, the original dev team deserves a place in the credits of a remaster. That's exactly how former Retro studios engineer Zoid Kirsch feels.

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Knushwood Butt477d ago

Based on the work of the original development team.

That's pretty low..

Double_O_Revan476d ago

Depending on how long the credits are for the current team, I can see why it would be decided not to essentially double that.

Welshy476d ago (Edited 476d ago )

How long or short credits are is irrelevant. Every man or woman who put their time into the creation of anything (tv, movies, animation etc too) should have their names stamped on it, no excuses.

Noone realistically sits and reads every name and actually thanks them, but it's important to the people involved to have it there for what small validation or thanks it brings them. A little thing they can show their friends and family for years to come and feel proud to have contributed to. Kind of like seeing your face for 1 frame in the crowd on TV at a football match and having your own little stamp to show you were there.

Welshy476d ago

Without those original devs, there is no beloved game to remaster and put new names on. Disappointing Nintendo, do the right thing and patch it in.

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God of War designer joins Retro Studios as environment designer

The developer of Metroid Prime 4 has added some talent from Sony Santa Monica who spent over seven years with the company.

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Metroid Prime 4: Retro Studios Hires Artists from Borderlands and Battlefield

Retro Studios has hired more employees to work on Metroid Prime 4. These include VFX artists from Borderlands, Tomb Raider, and Battlefield V

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rlow11484d ago

I'm hoping this game will be good. love the series off the Gamecube

Einhander19711484d ago

Yes this will be something very special indeed:)

hangdang1484d ago

Wow, an artist got a job in the games industry. Any other exciting news?

smashman981484d ago

Slow news day. Not a big deal. Just relax.

iQuasar1484d ago

Wait. I bought a Switch two years ago based on this announcement, and they are still hiring artists. FML. That is what I get for buying hardware based on hype.

"The new hires at Retro Studios have worked on some high profile stuff, so let’s take a look! Nicholas Wilson’s ArtStation account shows off some of his VFX work..."

"Since its first announcement back in 2017, Metroid Prime 4 has undergone an interesting development process to say the least. In January 2019, Nintendo decided to scrap work on the game in favor of handing over the project to Retro Studios. Obviously, we have received no words from either Nintendo or Retro Studios in regards to the game’s progression, but reports of the ever-growing all-star team surely brings hope."

Looks to me that this game is a minimum of two to three years of development away. They're still working on preliminary visuals. That puts it at around the 5 year mark for the system's age which is at or around the system life time. /SMH

Neonridr1483d ago

who said this? You know they can bring people in for any stage of development right? Relax there.

iQuasar1482d ago

Did you even read the article?

Neonridr1482d ago

@iQuasar - yep, and nowhere does it mention about the game being 2 - 3 years away from release. Literally it says that some people joined up to help with visual effects. You know the stuff that can be added towards the end of the development cycle.. just saying. Usually the worlds and assets are made before you worry about things like lighting or particle effects are worried about.

I'm not saying that it's releasing tomorrow, but I don't know where you got that estimate from.

iQuasar1481d ago

I am getting that estimation from the fact that is known that development RESET in 2019. Given that AAA games are a minimum of 2 years development time. its safe to say with these announcements that the game is still a ways off from completion. 2-3 years with only 1 year into fresh development is a no-brainer.

Neonridr1481d ago

@iQuasar - fair enough, I can accept that. I honestly hope they can just give us the Metroid Prime Trilogy remastered to tide us over with maybe a new 2D Metroid next year or something.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1481d ago
AK911483d ago

I just can't see this game meeting expectations, don't get me wrong it'll still be a good game just one a phenomenal one like the 3 previous games were.

Would love if Ninty could just remaster the first 3 for Switch.