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Super Mario 3D World Reportedly Sold Over 200K in the US After Two Days on the Market

The latest estimates for video game sales on the week ending the 23rd in the US are in and Super Mario 3D World for the Wii U does not disappoint. Additionally, The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems continues the trend of high performing Nintendo 3DS games.

Equally as interesting to note, along with its software PlayStation 4 hardware sales have took quite the dive, 91% on the charts, down 83 and 91 per cent respectively (2.6 to 0.4 million for software and 1.1 to 0.09 million for hardware).

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Yep3841d ago
Fanboyssuck273841d ago

Super Mario 3d world selling well and it deserves to.

Where are all the Nintendo trolls now? Lol wot, the pcz, foxtrot.
Why are they no where to be seen when there is anythin positive about Nintendo? Mmmmmm

Utalkin2me3841d ago

Well actually i would have thought it would have sold more to be honest, with all the people waiting for games to play. Lets see how many consoles and such it pushes before we claim anything.

tehpees33841d ago

Waiting for games to play? I've had games to play since day 1. Just because you don't play multiplats on Nintendo doesn't mean nobody does.

Gamer19823841d ago

The problem with this game is its on the WiiU and no disrepect to the game it might be one of the best games of the year (according to reviewers it is) however its on a console that's only sold 4 million. The PS4 and Xbone will have outsold it by mid 2014. Considering the WiiU has been out over a year now that's a massive failure for Nintendo.

Theyellowflash303841d ago

Its actually sold well over 200K, its more toward 300K. Super Mario 3D World was the number one game on the eShop for the Wii U.

Outselling Zelda.

But one big thing many people in the west gauge sales in the first couple days. Nintendo games sell for years.

New Super Mario bros U only opened up at 200K, and now that game has sold for more than 3 million counting digital.

Super Mario 3D World will do the same. It will pick up sales years from now.

Utalkin2me3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )


Really? You mean you bought the WiiU strictly to play multi platform games? You can say all you want but this is the first real game that makes somebody to want to buy a WiiU, and frankly to buy it for 1 game would be kind of silly if you ask me.

tehpees33841d ago

@ Utalkin2me

No I mean I am not some blind forum poster who lets the media decide if I like a system. You internet guys just say "Wii U and Vita have no games" just because they aren't selling. That doesn't mean they don't have games.

Both have delivered the best launch lineups and got plenty of releases to keep us gamers occupied. I got 6 games on Wii U at launch. Then Ninja Gaiden 3 came out. Then Monster Hunter and Lego City. So tell me at what point I was waiting for something to play.

I never was. I had plenty of games (both multiplat and exclusive) to keep me occupied the entire time. Of course the internet will tell you because it isn't selling it wasn't getting games the entire time.

Wii U and Vita launches > PS4 and XBO.

Realplaya3841d ago

@ Gamer the Wii outsold the 360 and ps3 in a year so ummm what's your point. The winners are the fans I just bought my 3d world yesterday. So add that to the total as well.

Jay70sgamer3841d ago

This is sales of only 2 days ....and that's not counting digital sales this could be well over 400,000 sold ....just saying

kwandar3840d ago

Probably did sell more. They aren't counting downloads, only retail sales. I, for one, downloaded.

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WeAreLegion3841d ago

I think everyone is happy this game is good. I have certainly been enjoying it.

I don't think anyone dislikes Nintendo, even the people you mentioned. They just want Nintendo to try harder.

for we are many3841d ago

Well, it seems that they already were here, naturally and obviously disagreed to your comment and went back on to search for negative Nintendo news to feast upon.

SkippyPaccino3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

Those are actually horrible numbers... Ad that up with weak sales in Japan and it didn't even sell half a millions units in one week...
Plus bragging about high review scores in a Mario game is pointless, everyone and their mothers knows that only the biggest Nintendo Fanboys review Mario games... They would never give it low scores even though it deserves some...What merits it to have high scores? It's story? It's graphics? It's sound? It's gameplay? What new does it bring?
Thease high scores to me are like spitting in naughty dogs and Rockstars face... One had to create the most complete open World game ever and the other probably created the richest storytelling a game has ever had and you got Mario that adds a cat suit and gets almost perfect scores across the board because we've been playing Mario games since are youth? ... Doesn't add up.

I'm not taking a dump on Nintendo, maybe if review scores actually reflected the product it would force them to mix it up and probably then people like me would buy a wii u and support a deserving brand...

Ol_G3841d ago

Thease high scores to me are like spitting in naughty dogs and Rockstars face...

this line makes you're whole argument worthless and shows you're a fanboy
please keep playing your playstation that way miiverse stays clean of trolls and fanboys like you

wonderfulmonkeyman3841d ago

No, they're not horrible numbers, especially compared with recent sales numbers.
That line about only Nintendo fanboys reviewing Mario is a blatant fucking LIE to support your non-existent point.
And as to the merits of the individual games, you're downplaying everything about Mario while up-playing open worlds and "rich storytelling", as if what Mario does have can't match up in fun factor, when that's just out and out not true.
The story is simple Mario fare yet still refreshing due to Peach not being a damsel in distress again.
The powerups go beyond the cat suit, and you've completely ignored that fact, not to mention that the CS is incredibly fun and very useful.
Its graphics are some of the best we've yet seen on the Wii U, and they'll only continue to improve as Nintendo's teams get more experience with the system.
Even if the system is less powerful, no amount of comparing the graphics to that of PS4 games can possibly make this game seem "ugly", unless you're entirely biased against Mario or Nintendo in general.
Its gameplay brings both familiar and new elements, much like many other games do.
The four player element during the Blessie rides, the scramble to retain the Crown for a higher score at the end of levels, correct use of the Double Cherry powerup so that you can use the extra clones for secrets later on by keeping them alive, investigating higher places via the cat suit that nothing else could help you reach, the Captain Toad levels that force you to go without jumping while planning your routes, there's plenty of great examples I could list with this game, and I'm barely into the second world as it is.

You are most certainly taking a dump on Nintendo.
The game is incredible, and deserves the scores it is getting.
Just because you don't like it doesn't make that any less true, regardless of console sales.

bobacdigital3841d ago

Gameplay says everything... Mario taps into a different way to enjoy a game. It isn't about being a fanboy... It is about playing a game and not worrying about anything else but having fun. They paired nostalgia, gaphics, and just straight fun.. .

Just because it doesn't have a deep story or huge open world doesn't mean it can't be as good a game as GTA or last of us. It is in a different category of game ... If it was that easy to make a game like mario why hasnt any other studio succeeded.

People give nintendo a hard time because they are the Honey Badger of gaming. They dont care about anything else other than making games everyone can play and enjoy. When did fun get thrown out as ratings criteria

herbs3841d ago

Wow Skippy your only taking a dump on logic and you haven't even learned to wipe.

kwandar3840d ago

You're forgetting the downloaders, like myself.

Numbers are probably far better than shown.

marloc_x3840d ago

Remind me what the attach rate for TLOU is Skippy? *the one with the nut on top*

Movieworld3837d ago

Only the biggest nintendo fanboys review Mario games? How can this be true? Surely everybody whose job it is to review videogames reviews Mario games? What about multi format magazines like Edge and Games TM? What about Metacritic? The review data out there is pretty conclusive. Its an awesome game end of chat. Its pretty clear you haven't played the game.

SkippyPaccino3837d ago (Edited 3837d ago )

Can you Nintendo fan boys stop writing me this nonsense? Would it make it a worst game if it got a metacritic score of 8/10??? Probably not... Everyone is so God damn sensitive over Mario. I stand by what I said... Only Nintendo fanboys review Nintendo games for their respective websites (Ign, gamespot, rev3, gametrailers, giant bomb, kotaku etc...) why so many 10s? No online multi-player, no open World like the 64, no in game dialog, repetitive cut scene all threw the game etc... It almost feels like you're playing a 2d Mario game instead of a 3d one... And stop insulting TLOU... That game is to big for you guys...

Have fun playing what ever you chose, but don't come to me a say that Mario 106 deserves a 10

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Muffins12233841d ago

200,000???Im pretty sure knack sold that much on ps4 and that game was garbage lol.

Korde113841d ago

That is because there was not much of a selection to choose from. Why would someone buy a system and not buy a game for it? If it was backwards compatible then I would understand. PS4 owners were forced to buy crap on day one. I am not ripping the PS4. I am actually going to get one in March, but day one game exclusives sucked.

MNGamer-N3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

Knack does suck, but it actually gets better after you beat it the first time. Then you get the ability to start unlocking things and it becomes a bit less sucky.

Qrphe3841d ago


Although I'm sure Mario will outsell Knack, the Wii U does not have much selection to choose from either.s

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

I like how ur best game is a another mario lol u should be sad actually.. But great for ninty. WOn't save the wiiU though.

They should sell off bayonetta and X since only mario sells.

I hope they announce 3 more marios for next year to make nintendo fans happy.

Good to see mario doing so well in the year of luigi.

I have no doubt this is hands donwn best platformer.

But will I buy a wiiU for this? hmmm nah. maybe in a few years though.

TheLastVoiceOFsanity3841d ago

''They should sell off bayonetta and X since only mario sells''

it's makes me so happy to hear that anti-nintendo fanboys are jealous of games the wii u will be getting. so far i haven't seen anything on the PS4, or XBOXONE that has made me jealous, maybe megaman x as a playable character in dead rising 3.

Thepcz3841d ago Show
3-4-53841d ago

if the Wii U had install base of 10+ million consoles the sales would have been over a million first day.

This game will sell well for the next 4+ years.

AJBACK2FRAG3840d ago

Lol! And still be sixty buckks!!!!

linkenski3841d ago

We are right here, disliking your comment.

Automatic793840d ago

The pendulum is swinging in Xbox One direction. Great launch line up and post launch games make the Xbox one the definitive choice. Add in the snap for machinima and Live TV.

XabiDaChosenOne3840d ago

Do I really have to point out that Xbox one games and the Xbox one sales itself pails in comparison to its competitor? How are you coming to your conclusion?

L0L_WUT3840d ago (Edited 3840d ago )

im here
congratulation to Nintendo, also to the multi-console gamers ;)

Yep3840d ago

Banned and new account? Or fake account?

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Gabenbrah3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

Amazing game as always from Nintendo, but it still wasn't the Mario game we wanted, a traditional SP Mario game is what we wanted, like a Galaxy 3.

WeAreLegion3841d ago

... What exactly did you want? This was traditional single-player Mario. I'd say it's the best traditional Mario game since Super Mario 64.

RexFury3841d ago

Two things: Firstly you say 'we' as if you speak for all Nintendo fans. It annoys me when people do this.

Secondly, Galaxy is a traditional Mario game? I'd say 3D World is a lot more traditional. Both fantastic games in their own right.

AJBACK2FRAG3840d ago (Edited 3840d ago )

That's funny you kind of objected the, we. because over in Sony land it's alll, we, We are getting the dlc soon. I can't wait until we get so and so on the PS whatever... It's kind of like a hive mentality over there, creepy. I can't wait to buy this game Thursday and play the friggin' hell out of it! Yet another gorgeous looking and sounding game game for the Wii U! Anybody up for some bowling or Tennis? I know I am!!!!!

5eriously3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

[So what of the hardware sales?
Equally as interesting to note, along with its software PlayStation 4 hardware sales have took quite the dive, 91% on the charts, down 83 and 91 per cent respectively (2.6 to 0.4 million for software and 1.1 to 0.09 million for hardware). While this can be attributed to the system’s lack of availability at the moment, it is worth noting, as Wii U only dropped 28% on its second week to 0.3 million for hardware sales and 54% to 0.6 million for software sales. Perhaps many are jumping the gun on predicting the future based off first week sales, but all will be revealed in time.]

Only in Nintendoland kiddies dreamworld!
Idiots! Nice try but very childish and stupid attempt to dish the PS4 performance. The US hardware sales dropped due to demand higher than available supplies (Stocks in EU launch) and as such all stocks are depleted!

herbs3841d ago (Edited 3841d ago )

5eriously overly defensive and 5eriously over reacting...
Yah it's a supply and demand thing your right dont get your panties in a bunch, calling people idiots and kiddies, your the one being the 5eriously childish fanboy get over yourself and your brand affiliations...
Nintendo deserves the sales spike Super Mario 3D World is excellent. It amazes me that COD still sells so well, I guess people just want to shoot each other over and over again and again year after year cursing and shooting. At least Mario mixes it up a bit here and there.

iamnsuperman3841d ago

It is sensational rubbish though. It is a type of writting style I hate. The odd sentence to get a reaction. That one sentence (I don't think I need to point it out) is totally unnecessary to the news

The 10th Rider3841d ago

The article mentioned that in the very the quote you just used..."While this can be attributed to the system’s lack of availability at the moment..."

Yep3841d ago

Nobody is spelling doom for anything. The fact of the matter is that PS4 sales didn't sustain this week. If it's because of a shortage, it will show in sales when the console comes available again.

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no_more_heroes3841d ago

I might actually, seriously get a Wii U. Really soon.

As in, before-the-weekend-is-out soon.

And here I was thinking that my first next-gen console would be one of the spec monsters.

Plot twist!

triforce793841d ago

None of the 3 nextgen specs on paper are spec giants ??? ps4 is lacking when it comes to cache,and chip RAM,xbox1 is lacking on its gpu,wiiu is lacking on system RAM,but so far WiiU has the most full HD games and early next year has the best looking games graphically and technically ???

WiiU/Custom E6760 with edram onboard,Custom multicore power cpu with out of order and ibm's new edram,3MB edram cache,2GB RAM,38MB edram on MCM,30% of hidden power rumoured to be lots more edram.

If ps4 and xbox1 are spec giants then so is WiiU,WiiU has no downfalls system RAM 2GB is not a limitation as wiiu devkits have compression x10.

AJBACK2FRAG3840d ago

Go watch the latest Bayonetta 2 trailer and the X trailer and you'll know you're making the right choice. Mario Kart 8 in the spring... That's just gonna' be nuts!!!! Hey. Welcome to Miiverse!!!

triforce793840d ago (Edited 3840d ago )

For me WiiU has the best COD in BLACKOPS2 its 720p native but it's super smooth and beats ghosts online on any platform,also ive got a ps4 and AC4 looks identical on wiiu/ps4,games like Bayonetta2 and X let alone MK8 and Smash4 i mean all these 4 games are technically above anything on ps4 mark my words I'm selling my ps4 it can't even handle a decent internet yet my wiiu can handle 3 streams of the same video whilst still browsing ??? Hmmmm these 8 cores are weak or else the ps4 would be much better Sony are just playing the numbers game look at our 8 cores look at how much terrabites this has yeah in the end its just off the shelf cheap hardware sorry but i'm keeping wiiu and selling ps4 defo........

Sathur3841d ago

Everyone should own Super Mario 3D World. Fact.
No matter what kind of gamer you are.

Benjaminkno3840d ago

Yeah to be honest, I wasn't going to get it.
It just looked like nothing new, so I said, not this time...

... 'till I heard how great everyone said it was, then I couldn't resist.

AJBACK2FRAG3836d ago (Edited 3836d ago )

One of my favorite game of all time and I bought it yesterday. I'd rather have this game local multiplayer than online and lagging. You can take the PS4 and the Xbox One and through them in the trash as far as I'm concerned. The Wii U freakin' rocks!!! Sony and Microsoft in a trillion years could not develop a video game so fresh and so darn sassy as 3d World. That good old Nintendo charm that can never be duplicated shines so brightly in this title!!!!!!

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10 Years Later, Zelda: A Link Between Worlds is Proof Another 2D Game Would Work Wonders

It goes somewhat overlooked after recent games' success, but Zelda: A Link Between Worlds' impact on the series is huge, even after these years.

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Community196d ago
M0chit0196d ago

Open world, sandbox in 2D. Let's go!

HyperMoused196d ago

Nananaana...adventures of Link remake...nanananan....batman, i mean....adventures of Link remake


Super Mario 3D World 2: Switch Gamers Need a Sequel

There’s still hope for Super Mario 3D World’s legacy in this modern era of Nintendo.

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Community624d ago
CDbiggen624d ago

Agreed. Great for multiplayer.

meganick624d ago

If they do make a sequel, they should incorporate Bowser’s Fury’s game design into the mix. Think Bowser’s Fury’s overworld where you can find warp points to linear levels like Mario 3D World.


The Best Super Mario Games

The iconic red plumber have taken us everywhere, from another galaxy to New Donk City. Here are the best Super Mario games you can play right now.

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MadLad662d ago (Edited 662d ago )

I still say the series peaked with Galaxy. They've put out good stuff since then, but nothing really matched up.

Movieworld662d ago

Absolutely no way odyssey should be above either galaxy. Laughable