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CoD: Ghosts on Xbox One Has Frame Rate Issues And Is The Main Reason Not To Buy says Ex IGN Editor

Xbox One version of Call of Duty: Ghosts suffers from nasty frame rate issue, according to Jeremy Conrad.

Conrad further went on to add that FPS drops from 60 to 50 FPS and is reason to not buy it (PS the 720p game has worse drops)

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eezo3844d ago
GarrusVakarian3844d ago (Edited 3844d ago )

If true then shocking considering it already runs at a lower frame rate 1280x720p as opposed to 1920x1080p. How could IW mess up so badly?


Yeah i heard even the PC version is suffering from framerate drops. Another stellar job on IW's part /s.

fluffydelusions3844d ago (Edited 3844d ago )

Game is not very optimized on PC compared to previous versions so I'm not very shocked that both PS4/XB1 also suffer from this issue. Random FPS drops for no real reason.

Eonjay3844d ago (Edited 3844d ago )

My prediction - IW wants to move on from Call of Duty but Activision wont let them. So, they figure if they can botch it up enough, people will stop buying it and they don't have to make it anymore. I kid; but imagine how non-inspired the IW developers must feel.

cleft53844d ago (Edited 3844d ago )

So many smoking guns, yet people will ignore them all. Well, hopefully this can just be attributed to it being a launch game for the console.

ravinash3844d ago

Are the people at IW the same people who were there back when the Modern warfare games had come out?

How is it that dispite hardly updating the engine, their having such problems.
I could unstand if hey were trying to push the graphics, but they are not.

mewhy323844d ago

It's amazing the amount of spin that I'm reading in these comments. Blaming the devs LOL. It's the same ol' argument that the PS3 camp used to use. Wow talk about a flip flop. At 720p the PS4 could run this little game at 120fps.

badz1493844d ago Show
Death3844d ago

The PC, PS4, and Xbox One allegedly have frame rate drops. From what the former editor states it is from 60 to 50 fps. Is it safe to assume the games goes from running at 60fps steadily down to 50fps? I can't see a 10fps drop being very noticable. Shadowfall isn't locked either. It has a range between 30 to 60fps. Why is this an issue then?

Deividas3844d ago (Edited 3844d ago )

This has nothing to do with hardware sunshine, this is a dev issue through and through. I play it on PC with my R9 280X which gets a steady 60fps without a drop on Ultra for Battlefield 4, but I get random drops to like 31-40 fps on COD? This is a dev issue. Its not just a console problem.

thehitman3844d ago (Edited 3844d ago )

@death framerate drops are very normal especially on pc because the stronger gpus that most people and I stress most, fall in the range that they can hit 60fps on max settings but its not sustainable. When you have frame drops from 60-50 its not a huge deal but it does cause screen tearing. Even being able to play at 80 fps and it drops to 60 or 70 causes tearing. That's why ppl use v sync to cap the fps. More fps is not better if its not stable. Now that people are caring more about fps they are seeing the normal issues with it. Those issues been around forever and nothing new all games that are demanding have them. Unless you have a gpu that gives you minimal performance at that rate it will never be stable. Those gpus cost 300-1k dollars and out price consoles themselves.

nirwanda3844d ago

This is what happens when a dev get forced into releasing.
Activision are going to learn the hard way when cod loses ground to its rivals.
If thet have another weak year it will get everyone talking an may damage the series for most of the next generation.

Boody-Bandit3844d ago (Edited 3844d ago )

I don't think it's IW wanting to move on from COD since GHOST 2 has already been confirmed. That's 2 years away.

Maybe it's time Activision opens up the purse and invest in a newer engine for their top money making franchise.

black0o3844d ago

I saw this one coming ... and I was called sony fanboy for it, but now it all on the devs LoL

karma is a sweet thing for sure

Computersaysno3844d ago (Edited 3844d ago )

WORSE framerate dips on Xbox One at 720p than on PS4 at 1080p.

Dear god, it sounds like it needs to be sub HD on Xbox One to run properly.

At least if worse comes to worse they could shave off 10 percent resolution on PS4 and it'll run much smoother and hardly make much difference, if they do that to Xbox One it would be sub HD.

Autodidactdystopia3844d ago

Can confirm PC Version Is VERY stuttery, Am doing a playthrough for shits and giggles for my yt channel, Its not unplayable but the framerate really never leaves 60FPS but it Consistently has "Spikes" like milliseconds long that make the gameplay stuttery as hell.

Also theres a graphical glitch on the water in one of the levels.

The Loading videos cut out sound regularly and it takes you out of the experience completely as it stutters over and over whole seconds.

But one thing I will note about this game. JESUS the texture resolution is VERY HIGH, the shaders aren't that great but the texture resolution itself is up there with the crisis games. Way High.

Can still tell it was designed for consoles though.

Game is something like 40 gigs. There are low res things here but overall they did a nice job on texturing.

No doubt they would look 10X better on an actual nextgen engine.

Speaking of that. The tessellation in this game is pretty sweet too, the underwater scenes really stand out the geometry on some of the objects is just ridiculously detailed.

In conclusion the game sucks, its fun for about the first 3 hours, I have taken a break because I got bored of the mobs of enemies.

Story, 5
Gameplay 3
Graphics 4
Tesselation 9
Textures 10
Shaders 2

overall 4.5

JokesOnYou3844d ago

A rush job is a rush job. No way these devs put their best effort into next gen versions. Karma.

FITgamer3844d ago

We won't see the usual suspects commenting on this thread lol. I love Karma.

NatureOfLogic3844d ago

$500 for lower resolution(720p), and still having frame rate issues. Xbox One is just weak. Premium price for the worst next gen format. The worst COD version is the only next gen(Xbone) version running at 720p. That's just sad.

Angels37853843d ago

From the article: "Conrad further went on to add that FPS drops from 60 to 50 FPS and is reason to not buy it (PS the 720p game has worse drops)"

Looks like its much more noticeable on the xbox one version.....and at a lower resolution.

DragonKnight3843d ago

@Death: What does Killzone have to do with this article?



i wish treyarch would quit too, they have too much potential for other games. one of my favorite games from them years ago was spiderman 2. theyre better than this cod bs imo

gaffyh3843d ago

Georgeenoob where are you now?

Maddens Raiders3843d ago

Just imagine for one minute if Naughty Dog were making this this game simply for the ps4 and what it would look/play like. I know it's a total hypothetical, but damn this product is totally unacceptable for "next gen" systems. What a revelation this article is smh...

PhantomT14123843d ago


Those at IW who wanted to move on from Call of Duty went away and started Respawn to make Titanfall. The current Infinity Ward is just a shadow of its former self and is fully loyal to Activision.

starchild3843d ago

It runs like crap on all three systems. Just a very poorly engineered and poorly optimized game.

mikeslemonade3843d ago

That does it! I'm canceling my perorder right now and getting Killzone

mcstorm3843d ago

Are people not bored with playing modern warfare fps games now? Ive not been excited by cod or bf4 as its just the same as the last game but with shorter sp games. There are far better games out in the next few months imo so I hope people start to look at other IPs so we can stop getting this type of game every year.

keabrown793843d ago (Edited 3843d ago )

I wonder if things like this will start to become more common. I mean at this point you are making "in same cases" as many as 5 different versions of the same game - 360, PS3, Xbox One, PS4, WiiU. All of which have different development tools and tricks to get them to run well. I'd have to think this is going to mean that games will be tested for bugs less and more issues will slip through the cracks. Kind of scary if you think about it.

ChrisW3843d ago

With Jeremy Conrad making such comments, no wonder he's an "Ex-Editor" for IGN.

fenome3843d ago

The sad part is, they already confirmed one for next year and this one just "released".

Take your time guys and optimize like prime does, hey, that rhymes huh?

dexrei73843d ago

@ ravinash

The guys that were in IW when the first MW came out are the guys making TitanFall, they left a while back now

UltimateMaster3843d ago

And the bad news just keeps poring in.

F*** COD Ghost, I'm getting Killzone Shadow Fall.

UltimateMaster3843d ago

The game isn't optimized period.

hakeem09963843d ago

All the versions suffers from Framerate issues .It was previously confirmed that the PS4 and PC had the same issue .

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pyramidshead3844d ago

All I can say to this article is, wow.

tawak3843d ago

720p game has worse drops = we all know which is 720p. =D

ABizzel13844d ago

That's what happens when you spread yourself to thin. Running on 6 platforms is challenge for anyone.

LordMaim3844d ago

And yet Ubisoft managed a multi-platform multi-generational release with Assassin's Creed IV. Heck, they almost did it twice, until they realized they were competing with themselves with Watch_Dogs and delayed it.

Double_O_Revan3843d ago

Plus, you can only optimize an engine for so many years before your vision outpaces its capabilities.

PhantomT14123843d ago

@Lord Maim

Frame-rate is less important in AC than in COD. I don't think that justifies Call of Duty Ghosts' "poor" performance though.

bjmartynhak3843d ago

With the money they have? Hire more people!

It is totally unacceptable that PCs with f** Titans can't play this game smoothly. And then the PS4, XB1...
Gosh, it is just a poor port from the 360!

I'm still buying the PS4 version though... the local co-op is still a nice one, specially with squads.

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GarrusVakarian3844d ago (Edited 3844d ago )

I bet all the Xbox fans bashing the PS4 for "not being powerful enough to handle CoD at 1080p 60fps" feel pretty silly now seeing that all platforms are suffering from this problem. I said it was a developer issue from the start, there's no way a game that looks that crappy would have problems maintaining 60fps on next gen consoles and PC.

Edit: Are current gen consoles experiencing this issue, or is it next gen and PC exclusive?

tudors3844d ago

360 and PS3 are both fine apparently.

black0o3844d ago

^^ CoD was build on PS360 engine to began with, and they poorly ported to next-gen/PC


Could the drop in fps be fixed with a patch tho?...need to know before I buy it.

black0o3844d ago

^^ some times a simple patch can fix it and sometimes no ""skyrim on ps3 for example""

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2cents3844d ago

when it comes to consoles, all of these cross generation games are going to have problems on the xbox one especially.

Once we are past the ported games things will get much better. The new gen hasnt even started, yet people love to claim they know the outcomes already.
(Not you Lukas) I agree with what you say. I'ts just sad.

Im the least bit interested in these cookie cutter games. I want games that have been made for the platform. ie. Second Son, Shadowfall, Ryse, Sunset overdrive etc.

Not these mass market annual turds.
Considering they tried to make this game for 6 platforms concurrently, is impressive in its scope, but crap in its execution.

Visiblemarc3844d ago

It's just that people are speculating. You yourself are speculating, in predicting things will improve beyond cross generational titles.

What stands out for most, is just simply the power gap. Sure games will probably perform better when they don't spend time on older console versions, but it's also safe to assume the performance gap between consoles will carry over too. So if xb1 suddenly starts hitting improved resolutions, you can bet ps4 will have enough left over power for them to add features, and actually, that may widen the visual gap between them for people who claim resolution isn't noticeable.

LonDonE3844d ago

ryse was not made for next gen x1 from the ground up! it was originally a xbox 360 game for kinnect LMAO! hence why the game play reveal looked like a quick time event mash up! its in no way a game made ground up!

2cents3844d ago (Edited 3844d ago )

I'm basing my comment of what I have seen with the games that are designed for the Xbox one, I've played Ryse and Forza and they look and feel like next gen games. Kinect sports felt like a next gen game.

Cod, bf4 assasins creed, etc are not next gen games. They are cross platform. This is where the problem lies, the games are ported to, not developed for.

When you look at the spec difference of the two generations there is no way that there won't be an increase in quality across the board. 512mb ram to 8gb ram
Tricore to 8core processor etc.

I'm not making up a pipe dream speculation. I'm making an educated prediction.

If your concerned that I'm trying to say the Xbox is going to be as powerful as the PS4, don't worry, I'm not. PS4 has a very comfortable journey ahead of it and will reamin the more powerful console when it comes to specs.


Yes it was a 360 original, but it was shifted to be developed solely for the X1, so technically it is a x1 game. All resources have been focused on getting the best from a single platform, that being the X1. I'm glad your laughing your ass off about this, it just proves to me that you are a fanboy. It's ok though, my enjoyment of Ryse is no way effected by your snobbery.

bicfitness3844d ago

While the Xbox faithful were salivating at the last "PS4 Has CoD FPS Issues" article, the sensible among us knew that clearly the X1 version would suffer the same or worse fate. No way weaker, more complicated hardware would run that code more efficiently than a PS4 would.

I guess the faithful are back to chasing clouds and fapping over MisterXmedia's drivel for the time being.

Xsilver3844d ago ShowReplies(3)
avengers19783844d ago

There are problems with this game across all of the platforms. They just keep remaking the same crap the same way and they can't get it to run right... I won't be buying this COD

Dehnus3844d ago

So now both have frame rate issues as well? Well how much more proof do we need that this game runs on an old engine that basically is not at all optimized for either machine.

Oh well maybe now the fans of either platform will choose to "move on" from this series and check out the wonderfull experiences the consoles have to offer in other exclusive games! From Ryse to Killzone to Wonderfull 101 :). We do not need COD to have fun :).

-Superman-3844d ago

400 us dollars - 1080p and 60fps
500 us dollars - 720p and frame rate drop

Mosiac773844d ago

you forgot to put frame rate issues on the PS4 also. Read the PS4 reviews.

GurlPleaseBye3843d ago

are you purposely looking for dumb **** to throw out there? Clearly both suffer from the same problems. Idiot...

Bathyj3844d ago

It's not IWs fault. MS demanded they put framerate issues in the Xbone version because ps4 has them. They're taking this console parity to far.

GuruMeditation3844d ago

They should have worked harder and made frame-stuttering a timed-exclusive.

Mosiac773844d ago

That's why he is an ex editor, because he is full of lies. What I just heard from my nephew who played the disc version at an event, said that it runs good. And that previous COD had worst frame issues than this one. So this guy is full of sh***T.

starchild3843d ago

I guess we'll see once Digital Foundry does their analysis and once the next gen console versions of the game are out.

IRON883 3844d ago

Dear god xbone isn't even out yet and all these problems keep coming up! If even call of duty a heavy hitter for xbox can't get it right? Then how can there be hope for any other game or the system itself????

bomboclaat_gamer3843d ago

did you even read to see that the problems are on the ps4 as well

how is this xbox ones fault
people are so stupid
im sorry, but i had to say it


doubt its the x1 man. its not a very demanding game for the hardware. i mean how could it be? looks the same as the 360 version to me with some fish or whatever

SilentNegotiator3844d ago (Edited 3844d ago )

"Conrad further went on to add that FPS drops from 60 to 50 FPS and is reason to not buy it (PS the 720p game has worse drops)" the controversy (with ps4 version) was over a 60fps game dropping less than 10 frames?

Wow. Such pettiness.

assdan3843d ago

Welp, looks like what I was saying about cod suffering from framerate issues on x1 was right...

Brazz3843d ago

to be fair... PS4 and PC version are having some FPS problems too... this is a problem of the game, not the console.
Shame on you IW

SilentNegotiator3843d ago

Shame on IW over 10 frames or less dropped in a 60fps game? Are you guys joking or just looking for the latest reason to hate COD?

PS4isKing_823843d ago

But the xbone version is only 720p so shouldnt that version be easier to get to 60 fps?

djtek1843843d ago

They were too focus on the dog and ignored everything else. Hey at least the dog still maintains a steady 60 FPS.

mistertwoturbo3843d ago (Edited 3843d ago )

Safe to say at this point, PC/PS4/X1 versions are having framerate drops.

Too bad for you Xbox fans who kept trying to act like it's an isolated issue for the PS4.

MRMagoo1233843d ago

I as i was telling all the xboners yesterday not to get too excited about the ps4 having frame rate drops because i know a few ppl that review and they told me the xbone version is worse and at the same time looks far worse. They all look like idiots now lol especially GGJ ,KNWS,Belking,Corvusmd and morepowerofgreen

r1sh123843d ago

interesting how a different news site site the 1080p game has the exact same frame drops :/

Me thinks its the game dev and not the hardware

showtimefolks3843d ago

MS scored the exclusive DLC a while back but forgot to tell Activision to not make the ps4 version better

seriously this system is suppose to be next gen,

Pogmathoin3843d ago (Edited 3843d ago )

Terrible, just terrible... Runs like shit on X1, and on the superior PS4, runs like a little less shit..... But fanboys do not see it like that.... Lets just talk about X1 version, divert away from our precious PS4.....
Mr mcgoo.... That was some good trolling....bubble up!

AO1JMM3843d ago

PS4 version is apparently having the same issues as well.

sweendog3843d ago

On a more important note. Is the fish A.I doing ok

TruthInsider 3843d ago

So let me get this straight:

X360 = 720p @ 60

Xboner = 720p @ 50

Chrischi19883843d ago

Wii U version runs smooth and that in Multiplayer, one on the gamepad and one on the TV, so the Wii U basically renders 2 screens at the same time. TV runs at native 880x720 and the gamepad at 852x480. Count that up, it is actually more than Xbox1, in Multiplayer.

But ok, thats just Pixeltalk, nothing about the other settings, which make a lot more, than most pixelman on here believe.

RumbleFish3843d ago (Edited 3843d ago )

Whatzzz the buzzz??? I must admit that my CoD history began with CoD 4 and ended with CoD W@W, and I am far from praising anything what happened to the series since, but come on! The game has not released yet on the new consoles. BF4 Beta ran on my desktop struggeling to achieve stable 40 fps and now I have 60 fps allmost all the time.
When you are insecure if you want to buy the game on either platform, wait until it's released, read the media AFTER release, ask your friends who bought it and mak your decision.
It's not like we're junkies, are we?

And one further thing: It's CoD! It will be nothing to measure the new gen of consoles. It's not meant to intruduce the new gen. It's meant to be played MP like there was no tomorrow and it has it's crowd that is not even reading one single word on this site.

Don't get me wrong! I would love to see the crowd of gamers to be informed, being able to vote with their wallets, but it's not like this at this moment.

tigertom533843d ago

I head from lots of sources that the software is shit the game is shit, and has nothing to do with the xbox. even on the highest end pc it runs like shit.....

dennett3163843d ago

All versions of this game suffer from problems, it's poorly optimised no matter the system. There's no talent left in Infinity Ward, they're all off doing Titanfall. I'd suggest that CoD fans wait for that game on 360, PC and One.
As for PS4 owners like myself, we'll just have to make do with Killzone Shadowfall, which looks LEAGUES ahead of CoD already. Destiny also is one to look forward to.

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eezo3844d ago

this is really shocking infinity ward really messed up this game completely on xbox one, they have a pretty good hardware at their hands but failed miserably to utilize its true potential and power, just look at Ryse and Forza 5 and compare it with CoD: ghosts

asyouburn3844d ago

Not only is it a launch game, but is a port. I'm sure the next cod, next November will be quite a bit more solid

eezo3844d ago

by that time don't you think, many cod fans might shift their loyalty to battlefield series?

its seems like Loss-Loss situation for Call of Duty

asyouburn3844d ago

Maybe, only time will tell. But in the grand scheme of things, dropping 10 frames to 50 isn't all that bad to me. I didn't buy call of duty this year, but with the ground work that has been laid I'm confident that the next one will be a bit more optimized

MRMagoo1233843d ago


I dont think ppl will move loyalty to BF, they arent the same kind of game, BF is about giant open wars, COD is about fast paced small fights, I will prob play both but i prefer BF because thats more my style but other ppl like the twitch shooters more.

sweendog3843d ago (Edited 3843d ago )

Dropping 10fps isnt that bad? Screen tear nightmare. Most T.V's come in refresh rates that fit 60 and 30fps 120 480 600 etc. So if you have frame rate that isnt 30 or 60 it tears. Thats why KZ runs at 60 in SP but when things get taxing it jumps straight to 30. I think many will follow this technique. I used to have a 200hz tv for upstairs but swapped it for a 180 for that reason alone

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sigfredod3844d ago

Boom even at a lower resolution 720p the frame rate issue is present on the xbone, like the video show:

GmIsOnPt3603844d ago

LOL where were you when everyone was bashing the ps4 frame rate issues? PC frame rate issues, now the xbox one version is unplayable because of it ? meh not buying it

sigfredod3844d ago

Thats why i post it, because yesterday when the post inform that some reviews report fps drops, you can check all the replys stating: 1080p by a price, or i will take locked 60fps over 1080p anyday, now even at lower resolution you have tha same issues

GraveLord3843d ago

Obviously. Whoever thought the Xbox One version would be better in any way is seriously delusional.

Get back to reality.

iceman063843d ago

It was the usual XBDF out in full force. Yes they were delusional. Yes, they were told so. No, they didn't stop with the delusion!!! LOL

BobBelcher3844d ago

yes- Call of Duty isn't working right on the X1... oh no.

cleft53844d ago (Edited 3844d ago )

Considering how plain CoD looks, this is a significant indicator of a much larger issue. It's not like CoD has a ton of bells and whistles going off so they should be able to run this at a complete stable framerate no problem. But they can't do that. It's fine to get a next-gen console, but don't bury your head in the sand about the truth of the limitations and problems developers are encountering.

Dehnus3844d ago (Edited 3844d ago )

All platforms seem to have framerate issues. So really lets just move on from that crappy franchise and to "greener pastures" that grace each console. Killzone, Forza, Wonderfull 101, Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, Driveclub, Project Spark,... the list goes on..

All very creative fun games to come, so lets finally put this blasted BroGamer crap game to rest:). Let COD DIE! So it can join the ancestors of a WW 2 Shooter that it once was :).

Visiblemarc3844d ago


Ubisoft's Sylvain Trottier:

"And to be really honest, Sony fixed all the issues that could have been there on the console and right now I think it's up to us; like we have a perfect jewel in our hand. It's up to us to push the bar and make it shine."

IW is the cause of all the issues found on all the platforms they are found on. However the reason for 720 on Xb1 is lack of power but the reason for framerate drops on PS4, XB1 and PC have nothing to do with power, there are clearly bugs in their autosaves and in the way they coded the effects.

Ketzicorn3844d ago

This game seems to just be crap period.

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All Call of Duty Games Ranked from Worst to Best

BLG writes: "Call of Duty has to be the most recognizable franchise on the planet. They didn’t get that way by only making a handful of games.

COD has a long and storied career. Launching as a PC WW2 first-person shooter, Call of Duty has gone through numerous makeovers and been on just about every system. The series has gone through some serious highs and tragic lows. I’ll be looking at each Call of Duty game, the good the bad, and the ugly."

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UnSelf819d ago

Vanguard better be at the fkn bottom. Can’t believe ppl haven’t eviscerated that game with all its lacking

Minimoth819d ago

Yeah, it's close to the bottom. There are a couple of worse ones. Infinite Warfare definitely deserves its place.

KyRo819d ago

There's a number a lot worse than Vangaurd. It's also a lot better than that car crash Treyarch released before it.

XbladeTeddy819d ago

World at War is my favourite. Didn't know the N-Gage had a Call of Duty.

MadLad819d ago

Same for me.
I was never huge into Call of Duty, but I sunk a lot of time into WaW.
Both the campaign and the multiplayer are on point. Wouldn't mind a remaster.

I quit on CoD for a long while. Though I'm the odd man out that actually really enjoyed the campaign for WWII, being I got it through Humble monthly way back when.

TheLigX819d ago

I really enjoyed the Infinite campaign. Multiplayer... not so much.

Yppupdam819d ago

I agree, The Infinite campaign feels more like it's own thing that they slapped the CoD name on. If it stood on it's own, (sans the CoD name) I think it could have been it's own scifi franchise. And a damn good looking game, to boot. I never bothered to play the multiplayer.

victorMaje819d ago

MW 2019 apart from the desastrous file sizes is way better than AW.

MadLad818d ago

That was one I grabbed for Playstation because it pretty much just came out during the Redbox purge of videogames, and I got it for dirt cheap.

It was great coming home to an update every night, and watching one game eat up almost half my console's memory.

Amplitude819d ago (Edited 819d ago )

Will get disagrees but Infinite Warfare campaign was really good. Decent story, set pieces were amazing and if it didn't have the CoD game on it I'm sure people would have been more into it. Advanced Warfare was alright too. Titanfall 2 was just 1000 times better than both but I enjoyed them for their campaigns. I literally barely gaf about the story I'm in it for the set pieces and 5 hours of being stoned watching cool nonsense happen if I'm in the mood to play a CoD campaign. If I'm looking for a deep plot I'm gonna go somewhere else.
Ghosts was the worst story-wise though lol that cliffhanger ending was so bs.

Also MW 2019 was sick and is one of the best CoD games in yeeeears not sure why it's so low on this dude's list. Campaign was great, multiplayer was great and Warzone was fun for a while. Over it now but shrugs.

Beat the Vanguard campaign too but I can't even remember a single thing about it other than that it felt like it was 45 minutes long. Might be the most forgettable thing I've ever played lol just fully erased from my brain

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Call of Duty Multiplayer This Decade Ranked (2010-2019)

Call of Duty multiplayer ranked from worst to best! 2019 is coming to a close and MP1st ranks the best COD multiplayer games this decade.

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Ray Tracing in Monster Hunter World, Deus Ex Mankind Divided, Watch_Dogs 2, COD: Ghosts & more

DSOGaming writes: "YouTube’s members Benchmark PC Tech, Jose cangrejo, WillTalksTech, Zetman and MissinInAction have published some videos, showing Monster Hunter World, Black Mesa Xen, Watch_Dogs 2, Call of Duty Ghosts, Need For Speed Hot Pursuit, The Sinking City, Remember Me, Deus Ex Mankind Divided and Dishonored 2 with the ray tracing/path tracing effects that Pascal Gilcher’s Reshade mod introduces."

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Community1780d ago
Pyroxfaglover1780d ago

Wore implementation I've ever seen,.. guess it just does not work all that great on every engine

MarkyMark891780d ago (Edited 1780d ago )

Agree, but this gives me hope that one day Ray Tracing can be a software based feature and not require some type of proprietary hardware to achieve. Software will always outpace Hardware so it could happen, but I feel like its going to take a lot more time to achieve the same level that RTX has already shown glimpses of so far. Really just waiting for Cyberpunk to see if RTX is actually something viable. I think if anybody can truly showcase RTX Features it would be Projekt Red.

zeal0us1780d ago

Too bad it doesn't make Mankind Divided a better game.

starchild1780d ago

It doesn't need to, the game was already fantastic, imo.

zeal0us1780d ago

Human Revolution was a better game and not to mention longer.

isarai1780d ago

Reshade is not raytracing, its a screen space post processing effect. Thats like calling SSAO "global illumination"