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Mr. Driller Online - Review by Giant Bomb

Giant Bomb's Ryan Davis writes:

"You'd think that a game about the trials and tribulations of an underaged miner whose primary concerns are avoiding being crushed by the countless tons of cascading rock above his head and praying, oh sweet baby Jesus, that he's able to find enough pockets of oxygen to extend his relentlessly grim existence would be a little bit more, I dunno, bleak. But Mr. Driller, and by extension, Mr. Driller Online for Xbox Live Arcade, is about as bright and cheery as video games get. Unfortunately, Mr. Driller Online is plagued by a meager selection of gameplay modes and bug-ridden online play that keep it from being worth the $10 price tag."

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Get a proper Image.
Snoozer2825900d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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I agree with the report below. Please provide a new Image
Buubar5900d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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please source an image from the game - this shouldn't be an advert for Giant Bomb.
Rowland5900d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)

Xbox One Backward Compatibility update: Three new games confirmed by Major Nelson

Microsoft has once again released another trio of backwards compatible games which are now ready to play on Xbox One and Xbox One S consoles.

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Community2859d ago
BLizardXD2859d ago

I wonder about Mistwalker's games. would be great to see them in this.

XanderZane2859d ago (Edited 2859d ago )

Waiting for Lost Odyssey. I thought Blue Dragon was already added. Guess not.

DanielEndurance2859d ago

Come on... Splinter Cell: Conviction!

GreenUp2859d ago

Wake me up when BF2, BFBC, or BFBC2 are backwards compatible.

81BX2859d ago

Give me medal of honor! Advanced

EazyC2859d ago (Edited 2859d ago )

Rubbish. If you're doing BC do it right. I don't own XB1 but they should add Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Midnight Club LA, Burnout Paradise, and Modern Warfare 2.

EazyC2859d ago

Yeah I guess. Still the best game under the banner of "Battlefield"

ninjazfistz2859d ago

Bad Company 2 is on Steam still...however Bad Company 1 has never had a release past ps3/360

XXanderXX2859d ago

MS would love to just add game , but something tells me the ones holding up the games are the publishers & developers of those games .

gninja922859d ago

okay, i can understand their position on not adding new games that people want, so why no go public with this info and basically shame the publishers into releasing the stuff for BC, its not like they are going to remaster everything

LastCenturyRob2859d ago

Could be, but publishers of games that no longer sell would be open to an all new market and those who do own the games may purchase an expansion they never got around to buying... Seems to me this would be a win for publishers but you never know.

Atomicjuicer2859d ago

They should never have asked publishers in the first place. Backwards compatability is basic computing. I know they have to emulate but that's irrelevant.

This way we get like 5% of the games. Let the publishers sue. They'd lose.

LexHazard792859d ago ShowReplies(1)
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The Worst Xbox LIVE Arcade Games You Should Avoid Buying

Craig H writes: "The Xbox LIVE Arcade has done a lot of great things. Among the accomplishments of the download service was bringing downloadable games to the mainstream of this generation’s consoles. Of course, the year head start did help blaze the trail. Sadly the service suffers from the same type of bad games that every platform has to deal with. We’re looking at those games and listing all the reasons you should avoid ever picking them up. We might lose a couple friends in the PR departments of these title’s publishers, but we’re sure they’ll understand."

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Community5110d ago
vgn245110d ago ShowReplies(1)
astar1234567895110d ago ShowReplies(1)
vgchica5110d ago

Did the dreamcast have any downloadable games beyond the VMU games?

BeaRye5110d ago

If you're trying to get at who made download games mainstream on consoles, it was on XBL, not the Dreamcast. Beyond VMU, the DC played Discs only.

LeBart5110d ago

That list needs to be 10 times longer at least. I love many games on XBLA but there's A LOT of junk out there.

BeaRye5110d ago

Yaris might have been free, but it was so bad that it got removed from the lineup. That game was awful.

TheROsingleB5110d ago

Yeah that game was terrrrrrrible, despite being free.
I have friends that, for whatever reason, just HAD to get the 200 gamerscore for that game. I didn't even bother :\

sukru5109d ago

Fortunately the game is not available for download anymore. No more wasted resources...

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Delisting XBLA titles is a bad move…

Microsoft's recent announcement of delisting XBLA titles has surprised some people in the industry but the staff at Married Gamer thinks it is a matter of simple economics even though MS seems to be skipping a step...

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RacingX5845d ago

M$ should lower the cost of ALOT of those XBLA games, and I'm sure more people would make those "impulse" purchases. $12+ for a pinball game with like 2 different tables? then charge me for each additional table? no thanks. I bought a pinball game for my wii with 10+ classic machines that were actually in arcades for $20. Most of the games on XBLA are either some kind of puzzle game or "re-done" old '80's arcade game for $10 a piece. Sorry M$, but most of those puzzle games are either free or $1 or $2 and I have complete complilations of the old '80s classics a generation ago so why should I pay $10 a piece again because its in "HD"? NOT. Geo wars, assault heroes, mutant storm, outpost kaloki x, etc, are fun and I show that by buying such a fun original title. M$ should actually rip a page out of SONY's book and put certain titles on "sale" at certain times to get those "impulse" buys. M$ is all about fast cash and it shows. Charging for themes, pics, etc. its all about nickle and dimeing you. $8-$10 for 3 maps for every shooter that comes out? give me a break. please.