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PS4 continually records the last 15 minutes of gameplay, Sony clarifies

Confusion surrounding the length of the recording process arose when Neil Brown, head of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe's R&D group, said earlier this month that PS4 uses a dedicated hardware encoder to continually record the last "several minutes" of gameplay footage.

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iamnsuperman3967d ago (Edited 3967d ago )

and Eurogamer thought this meant only seven minutes. Confusion all around really. Neil Brown has probably learnt to be more precise.

ThatCanadianGuy5143967d ago (Edited 3967d ago )

Eurogamer is really the only one who was pushing the 7 minutes thing tho.

Almost everyone was correcting them and saying "nope, he said several" but they stuck to their BS.What Neil said was pretty straight-forward and everyone got the meaning of it.Eurogamer was just looking for something to take and run with it.

Even deleting some of their tweets of "proof" they had.I swear, why people take Eurogamer seriously is beyond me.One of the more useless big sites out there.

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3967d ago

But not all 15 minutes right? If it's on a boss or end of the game, it won't record as not to spoil right?

ThatCanadianGuy5143967d ago (Edited 3967d ago )

What are you talking about?

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3967d ago (Edited 3967d ago )

Isn't there a report that said it won't record certain parts of games. Like endings and stuff like spoilers or something? Thought there was an article about that sometime ago.

Ya right here...

"Rather than letting you record anything and everything, a developer can limit when the Share button is functional during a game. So if they don’t want you recording and sharing a boss fight, for example, they can block it."

It's not going to be all the last 15 minutes every time. Devs will see to that.

GamerGuy1533967d ago

@miDnlghtEr20C_SfF developers can choose what sections of their games can and cannot be recorded, including the end of the game and the bosses. Some developers said that they would include these restrictions near launch, then would allow full game recorded at a later date

Gazondaily3967d ago

My days...Youtube is going to crash on PS4/X1 release dates.

torchic3967d ago


the Share button will almost exclusively be used for multiplayer on FPS games

just imagine all the shared videos of a dude killing a Titan on Titanfall while running on walls (yes, Titanfall will come to PS4 eventually)

so there's no need to worry.

Black-Helghast3967d ago

@Torchic: What makes you so sure it'll come to PS4 eventually? And as if we didn't have enough shooters already.. Destiny, Killzone, Ghosts and Battlefield.

gaffyh3967d ago

@Black-Helghast - Because it's EA, because the developers have hinted at it, and because it will.

On topic - 15 minutes was confirmed a looong time ago, don't know where Eurogamer pulled 7 minutes out of. This feature will help a lot with walkthroughs, gameplay demos etc, the longer the better.

qu1ckset3967d ago

@torchic your dreaming, titanfall is not coming to PS4 M$ paid big bucks for that one!

RDF3967d ago (Edited 3967d ago )

You really should take what ever Eurogamer has to say with a grain of salt. Dont they have a show called Inside Xbox?? It shows you their slant on this console war.

Titanfall will come to the PS4. MS paid for a time exclusive. This is EA they want the most money and going multiplat will give them that.

mewhy323967d ago

Well for some people this will be an often used feature. I can't say that this particular feature is something that I'm currently interested in. I'm sure that it'll be neat to see friends vids but it'll be more fun playing the exclusive software that the best development studios in the world are making for the PS4.

corvusmd3967d ago

@Tochic as of right now the Developer of Titanfall says that it won't ever come to PS4 due to the PSN network.

ThatCanadianGuy5143967d ago (Edited 3967d ago )


"Cloud" is just dedicated servers.PSN has Dedicated servers for dozens and dozens of games.If you really think it won't come to PS4, then hey, believe what you want.

All i'm saying is, look back to the comments xbox fans made about Bioshock, Mass effect, Ninja Gaiden, Star ocean etc.Wrong on every single account.

It'll come.No doubt about it.

Oner3967d ago (Edited 3967d ago )

Not to mention when Eurogamer asked them ~

"Will PlayStation owners ever see Titanfall?"

They Replied ~

"It's definitely not out of the question," Emslie replied. "We have a huge appreciation for the fans. Coming out and showing it to everybody, we're super nervous and wanted to make sure everybody loved it. We love all our fans, whatever console they support."

Source ~

Andreas-Sword3967d ago

Xbox One captures your last 5 minutes of play compared to PS4′s 15

andibandit3966d ago (Edited 3966d ago )


you should really check what you are linking too, and read the full interview, heres the FULL interview

And the thing to note is that the things you quoted were said by:
Lead artist Joel Emslie...

and as we know Lead Artists have just about no influence on this.

if you read further on in the interview
EA Games Label boss Patrick Söderlund is asked somewhat the same question

"We haven't communicated anything on that, and I can't comment on that right now," Söderlund replied, before adding: "We're proud to be exclusive to Xbox."

so there is absolutely no conclusion to be drawn out of that interview.

Yes Mass Effect did eventually come to the PS3, and it only took 5 years......

President3966d ago

What is surprising is that Neil Brown said that last week, its only aftter the Xbone story Eurogamer came out with it.

Makes them look like desperate fanboys defending Xbone.

dead_eye3966d ago


"We haven't communicated anything on that, and I can't comment on that right now," Söderlund replied, before adding: "We're proud to be exclusive to Xbox."

That means it's coming to ps4.
If it wasn't coming they could just say "No. No it's not"

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imt5583967d ago

@ Develop 2013 event Sony said "several" minutes. Eurogamer ( Digital Foundry ) translate "SEVEN" minutes and that's the tricky part.:)

3967d ago
3967d ago
Gamer19823967d ago

so its 15 minutes compared to the 5 minutes confirmed for xbox one. I know which those youtube recorders console of choice will be..

andibandit3966d ago

You are right, but i think they would go with the PS4 anyway since it will almost certainly be the most popular console.

Bladesfist3966d ago

I am pretty sure they would use a HDPVR still as 15 mins is not enough for getting clips ect.

kenshiro1003966d ago (Edited 3966d ago )


Because third party games on the 360 like Ninja Gaiden 2 stayed exclusive, right?

EA has the last say so the game will most likely come to the PS4.

andibandit3966d ago

They problably have an agreement with EA lasting a couple of years so yeah, but by that time, we will all be playing Titanfall 2(multiplat).

3966d ago
Doctor_Freeman3966d ago

How would they know the player is on his "last 15 minutes on gameplay"?

dennett3163966d ago

It continuously records the last 15 minutes as you keeps going. Whenever you decide to stop and look back, the 15 minutes prior to when you stopped is can then look at the footage and edit it a little before uploading.

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MariaHelFutura3967d ago (Edited 3967d ago )

Check. One more advantage in favor of the PS4.

It Only Does Everything... Better.

hankmoody3967d ago

I understand the Xbox One is going to have similar capabilities but whatever.

NobleRed3967d ago

X-Box One only records the the last five minutes.

What a joke.

Hellsvacancy3967d ago

"Whatever" I haven't heard that Liam Lynch song in ages

FamilyGuy3967d ago

PS4 will record longer, 3 times longer, but from this article the X1 will allow you to do voice overs and even picture in picture via kinect so you can talk and be seen while the video you recorded is being played. Sony hasn't mention that ability at all and that would be extremely useful for someone that's a little more serious about game video uploading.

So, unless sony has that feature too (via PS4 Cam) or adds it in an update, what we have here is a "you win some, you lose some" situation.

Either way I'm looking forward to this feature.

Killzoner993966d ago

Sorry but Xbone only does 5 minutes lol. Just pathetic .

MYSTERIO3603966d ago (Edited 3966d ago )

@Family guy

As you can see from this pic it seems likely that Sony will adopt the camera /mic capabilities into their streaming service. You can blatantly see the PSeye logo ON under the user window.There also the added ability to join or buy the game outright. I do agree that Sony hasn't official said as such but their is evidence to the contrary.

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TheHybrid3967d ago (Edited 3967d ago )

Damn one uppers

MasterCornholio3967d ago (Edited 3967d ago )

Three times better.


The XBOX One is only capable of recording the past five minutes.

Edit: This actually surprises me because i thought that due to its more complex operating system the XBOX One would be able to record more gameplay than the PS4 especially given the fact that the PS4s OS takes 1 GB of ram while the XBOX Ones takes 3 GBs of ram.

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3967d ago (Edited 3967d ago )


Edit.. I see, it's new news today... Yep, that's weak on MS part. 3 times better like you said.

MS screwed that one.

HammadTheBeast3967d ago

It's not bad, five minutes is plenty. But 15, is better.

This war will be fun.

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3967d ago

I guess it's not 15 minutes for PS4.. it's 7 minutes. So 7 minutes versus 5 minutes.

slazer1013967d ago

Am I wrong, but I thought everyone was saying X1 was like a DVR and has everything in one box. Hence the naming ALL IN ONE. Five minutes of recording game play? That is embarrassing to say the least.

DragonKnight3967d ago

@miDnIghtEr20C_SfF: This article proves your twitter link wrong.

Maddens Raiders3967d ago

This guy just has to have the X1 being better no matter what. Hopeless. These are the customers that MS counts on to keep it's flotilla of bullshit alive and well.

Dead_Cell3967d ago

You're arguing over two extra minutes of footage, take a long hard look at your lives.

dennett3163966d ago

Yes....15 minutes is a bigger number than 5, it doesn't get much more basic than that. Dedicated LP'ers should probably stick to dedicated devices to capture footage, but for more casual users, 15 minutes allows a little more flexibility.

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whoyouwit043967d ago

Doing what better? every feature PS4 has the Xbox has, and it is truly better on Xbox One. Seriously, What does the PS4 does better? They don't even have a better line up of games.

xReDeMpTiOnx3967d ago

Lets look at the track record of Sony vs Microsoft.

Microsoft has exclusives for core gamers for the first few years then totally drops the support for core gamers. Also only have about 4 successful franchises.

Sony has always supported with exclusives to the end of the console lifespan and has tons of successful franchises.

Sony has only announced 6 out of 20 exclusives to hit the 1st year of ps4

Microsoft has announced 11-13 out of 15 announced

Sony clearly wins with history on its side on terms of games.

They won ps2 era games and ps3 trumped 360 with games it don't seem like Microsoft is going anywhere with games.

Now on terms of what's the better system it cannot be determined until its out. This gen Xbox had a better online experience but it could be bound to change with all the new psn features.

Just wait and see

InTheLab3967d ago

Psn plus
Faster ram
Camera optional
Innovative controller
Upgradeable hard drive
No online brick code baked into the console

And most importantly, they never tried to remove my rights as the consumer.

As for the line up of games, you can't be serious. Forza is the only good game coming at launch but no one will buy it as usual. Ryse looks great but is already being panned by critics. Dead rising has freaking air strikes and has lost it's soul.

Every says wait till <insert gaming convention> for MS but Sony shows off two new IPs and Killzone and that's it for them. You don't honestly think those are all the games Sony has on tap for next year right?

Lastly, most of the Xbox one's lineup are games gutted from the 360 to fill in obvious holes in the x1's lineup. Should explain why world of tanks is all we get for the 360.

MikEyG3967d ago


I'm gonna set up a doctors appointment for you so you can get your head JK.

BlaqMagiq243967d ago (Edited 3967d ago )

So basically your argument is Xbox One has a better launch lineup therefore the Xbox One is better? Wow what a joke. Try harder than that.

And no the Xbox One CANNOT do everything better than PS4 and CANNOT do everything the PS4 can.

Metfanant3966d ago

Never go full retard...

andibandit3966d ago (Edited 3966d ago )


"Camera optional" = No developers want to spend their time on it. = shovelware

much like Kinect 1.0

dennett3163966d ago

@andibandit, Kinect is terrible for games man, it just is. Even a more accurate and advanced version will still come nowhere close to replacing a joypad for traditional games. The sweeping movements needed for Kinect are not condusive to intuitive gameplay.

Besides, even though Kinect is with 100% of consoles, that doesn't mean that developers will take full advantage of it's fact, many will see it as a hindrence due to it's overall deficiencies for anything but party games, dance games or fitness games. Six axis controls were with 100% of PS3's, didn't stop developers severely neglecting it. Wiimotes were with all Wii consoles, again, most developers didn't bother utilising what it was capable of beyond the most basic of motion controls. Ditto the Wii U gamepad, ditto the rear touch screen on Vita games.
If you're expecting dazzling features with Kinect 2.0, be prepared for disappointment for all but first party exclusives....and even then, the Kinect controls will be optional for core titles so as not to bother people.

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loulou3967d ago

great to see that you now sport the one bubble that you deserve.. shame that you cannot be perma banned though

adorie3967d ago

Calm down, back seat moderator

kenshiro1003966d ago

It's a shame you couldn't be banned as well.

hankmoody3967d ago

This is something I would think the Xbox One could match later on through a patch or something, no? I mean, five minutes isn't so bad but having fifteen minutes to play around with and edit properly would be better, admittedly.

PSVita3966d ago

I would normally agree with the possibility of a software update adding more time but the PS4 also has a dedicated chip, so I'm not sure if its just software that they'll need.

corvusmd3967d ago

Well as far as this article XB1 records the last 30 minutes, so even in this minor article that isn't true

Killzoner993966d ago

Hell yah bro. The Xbone is toast. At this point it would be easier to list what the PS4 can't do compared to what it can.
PS4 It Only Does Everything Better than the Xbone fail.

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rajman3967d ago

Awesome. Looks like it will be possible to upload entire walkthroughs without the need of a capture card.

James-GAMES3967d ago

the question is can you add commentary in?

sigfredod3967d ago

since has already been confirm that you can upload to youtube and other services will be several ways to add commentary

James-GAMES3967d ago

But what if u want to live stream on twitch could u still add in commentary i wonder?

Menech3967d ago (Edited 3967d ago )

Am assuming all of that will be an option, I doubt it will offer the same quality as the real gear that can cost hundreds of dollars though.

I say this because I know a few Gamers that are expecting to buy a PS4 and become a YouTube celebrity using nothing but the PS4's inbuilt recorder.

You will most likely be limited to the PS4's average quality Microphone or some 3rd party alternative that will draw its power from the controller, hence limiting the possibilities for high quality voice recording.

GribbleGrunger3967d ago

I think you'll be able to exceed the 15 minute limit my self. All we've heard about is the use of the share button, but I'm more than certain that the PS4 will also have an editing tool for longer videos to put up on Youtube. I bet we see quite a few new shows appearing using the PSEye2 as well.

SpadeX3966d ago

Hey Rajman, I'm a fan of your videos, keep up the good work! ;)

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slimeybrainboy3967d ago

The editing tools are still unknown though aren't they? MS have said they will use kinect for voice and camera support on Twitch but I don't think it's confirmed for videos. The PS4 needs to have voice (camera support would be nice) to be really good for walkthroughs.

It would be perfect if they could send the video to some browser in the PC that would let you add cuswstom intro's outros, that would really take off with youtubers.

r213967d ago

Camera support would be nice as an option. Another option is the bundled headset which has a microphone. Hopefully, there will something that records our voices as we record our gameplays.

torchic3967d ago


dude so are you only going to use the PS4's recoder for walkthroughs? I'd imagine you have top notch recording equipment already

rajman3967d ago

@ torchic
Im just saying its possible, but yeh I already have great capture equipment and devices to break HDCP protection, so capturing from the PS4 @ 1080p will be glorious :)

rajman3967d ago

@ Menech
Havent you seen some of the videos Sony released? Here is a Killzone Shadowfall video they demoed and captured directly from the PS4, and uploaded straight to Youtube:

Quality is amazing

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majiebeast3967d ago

Eurogamer spreading fud again im shocked.

hesido3967d ago

Oh, glad Sony cleared the fog... I was fooled.

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anast2h ago

This game is about to get buried by Path 2.

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Still no global chat or group finder.

The emptiest MP game ever made.

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1 more month then I can celebrate 1 year since i stopped playing and uninstalled the game.


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RhinoGamer883h ago

The actual gameplay looks jerky as hell. FC 24 level of stutter!