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Michel Ancel: "It was nice to work on the Wii U" | Gamereactor UK

GR-UK writes: "Renowned game designer Michel Ancel, creator of Rayman and Beyond Good & Evil, paid Gamelabs in Barcelona a visit and we were there to talk to him about game development, Rayman Legends and a possible Beyond Good & Evil 2."

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Community3974d ago
ShugaCane3974d ago

"But now it's time to say goodbye" lol

MNGamer-N3974d ago

He's right, the GamePad is cool, I like using it.

ape0073974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

im hating this, i hope nintendo does something with the wiiu's price, the hardware sales are abysmal, what's up with that, ps4 is completey next gen, 8 gig gddr5 and costs 399$ with a HDD,

price cut nintendo now or you'll fail in console market

3-4-53974d ago

They will be fine. How do I know ?

* 3D Mario Land

* Pikmin 3

* Super Smash Brothers

* Mario Kart 8

* Donkey Kong

* Legend of Zelda U

* X

They will be fine and eventually a price drop or bundles will happen in summer 2014

unknownbystander3974d ago

You really think that powerful hardware defines "next-gen" ? Don't get me wrong as I'm buying a PS4 alongside my Wii U. However, better hardware doesn't sell systems software does (look at Pikmin 3). New experiences is supposed to be one of the selling points of the upcoming consoles. So far there is nothing new with PS4 just better graphics and multiple shooters, simulations, sports games, and open world games. I know that it won't always be the case, but the Wii U has games that can only be experienced only in Wii U and nowhere else.

ape0073974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

don't get me wrong, wiiu will have the best exclusives this year and in 2014, my 3 most wanted games are GTA V, Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze and super mario 3D world, iu want these more than any ps4 or xbox one game but it breaks my heart seeing wiiu perform poorly, a 50$ price cut along with games will hopefully do what have been done to the 3DS

unknownbystander3974d ago (Edited 3974d ago )

Once their exclusive games come out each month starting with August (with the help of 3rd parties), the sales of the Wii U will most likely skyrocket. I doubt a price cut will be announced as Nintendo is already taking a loss for selling each Wii U's and only gain profit if the consumer buys at least 1 game for the Wii U. I think they gain $10 profit from the Wii U with a game (not bundled), which *could* mean that the Wii U costs as much as $380-$400 to manufacture! What I like about this generation for Nintendo is because they sealed the Wii U to be beside either PS4, Xbox One, and PC because the Wii U has the games that separates itself from its competitors because there are unique games that can only be experienced from the Wii U.


Will There Ever Be A New Rayman Game?

Ubisoft barely have a leg to stand on lately, so do they need to crack open the vaults and return platforming royalty to glory for some goodwill?

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Community97d ago
-Foxtrot97d ago

We need Rayman 4, they could make a great platformer game if they wanted. With the open hub levels and the like.

Better than relying on Rabbids and Assassins Creed all the time

Profchaos96d ago

Yeah agree id love a Rayman 2 style 3d platform game over another 2d platformer I know people loved legends but it never gelled with me same as Rayman 1 back in the day on PS it just felt like a average platformer with sonic and Mario offering something better on what was then last gen hardware

Terry_B97d ago

Yes..but I am sure it won't be the Rayman game fans want. Not from the company that is Ubisoft today.

mastershredder97d ago (Edited 97d ago )

Ancel is retired from games. His hoodlum/rabbid team are doing their own thing. It would not be the same if Ubisoft did.

Profchaos96d ago

Probably far more profitable to make low effort Rabbids games aimed at kids over a next Rayman

Chocoburger97d ago

Experience points, skill trees to fill up, level gating, endless menial tasks and side quests, constantly scrounging for resources. Always having to upgrade your gear. A.KA. "The Ubisoft effect".

No thanks, don't ruin Rayman's legacy.

Profchaos96d ago

Sure there will be it'll launch right alongside the next splinter cell

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Five Big Games Still Lingering Somewhere in Development Hell

This year promises to be a big year for gaming, and it will definitely be one of the greatest if any of these big MIA projects finally made it into gamers' hands.

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Community143d ago
Inverno143d ago

Pretty sure Silk Song and Dragon Age are going smoothly. The other 2 can be assumed to be quietly cancelled knowing their publishers and Metroid will most likely be shown off this year.

Michiel1989142d ago

Dragon Age going smoothly??? Directors leaving, people leaving in general, terrible working conditions....not sure how you define smoothly.

VincentVanBro44d ago

lol Dragon Age development has been anything but smooth

Chocoburger143d ago

I remember in 2017 when Nintendo showed off the Metroid Prime 4 logo, and some Nintendo defenders claimed "Just because they only showed a logo, doesn't mean that's all they've worked on for the game."

As history has proven, they were wrong. Nintendo showed off a logo back in 2017 because that's literally all they had.

-Foxtrot143d ago

I think Beyond Good and Evil 2 can stay there unless they are going to just rename it to a new IP

DOMination-142d ago

Pretty sure BG&E2 is dead at this point - along with the other game Ancel was working on before he left - I think it was called WILD. Anyone remember that from a PS conference years ago?

Dreadwolf isn't in development hell anymore and is finally getting its reveal in the summer - since 2016 the game has been scrapped and restarted three times but its been going pretty well since the last reboot when EA finally allowed BioWare to just get on with making a single player game.

I'm not sure Perfect Dark is in development hell either - like it could be but we haven't really heard much to suggest either way - imo they just showed the trailer off when the game was still in pre-production. Xbox were desperate for anything and this is all they had at the time. And the reason we haven't heard anything since is just because it's in normal development and games take 5 years to make. The help from a support studio was typically overblown on N4G because nearly every game has this.

ModsDoBetter142d ago

I just need...Deep Down.
Please, it's been years!

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Rayman Legends – 10 years on from the near perfect platformer

A decade on from Rayman Legends' release, it remains a near perfect platformer, so what happened to Rayman? Will we ever see another sequel?

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