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Why CoD Ghosts Will Outsell and Outperform Battlefield 4 (..again)

The fact that both games are being released within a few days of each other as well as each franchise making a brave leap onto the next gen systems has caused the games to come under even more intense scrutiny and comparison.

Here’s five reasons why Call of Duty Ghosts will continue to outsell and outperform Battlefield 4.

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Community3988d ago
MariaHelFutura3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

It's not looking like it, BF4 is the most preordered next gen game. Call of Duty isn't even top 5 on either system.

RetardedIceCream3988d ago

i think its because most people will buy ghost on current gen consoles

SIRHC133988d ago

Who the hell will buy Ghosts on Next Gen?

Ghosts > BF4 [Current Gen]
Ghosts < BF4 [Next]

superterabyte3988d ago

Ghosts < BF4 [Current Gen]
Ghosts < BF4 [Next]

THESONYPS33987d ago

Killzone 4>>>>>Destiny&g t;>>>>>Battlefie ld>>>>>>>& gt;>TitanFall>>>> ;>> COD ghost

Muffins12233988d ago

Um guys bf4 is 50,000 pre orders ahead ON CURRENT GEN

brodychet3988d ago

something tells me 90% of the usual cod-junkies don't preorder until the last few months up until release.

Those sales will most likely shift.

Although I hope cod dies and horrible death.

greenlantern28143988d ago

well i personally want BF4 more and i have had enough of cod franchise. but the cod games are year in and year out the highest selling games so until that stops people should not talk about it being done or losing since it has not happened yet.
here is to hoping it does, but that fan base seems pretty stable

CoolBeansRus3988d ago

agree, i like battlef. better but COD is known for their numbers and this time it wont be any different. I havent played a cod game since blackops and dont plan on it any time soon. I dont like the way ghost is looking either so i wont be getting it.

3988d ago
Goro3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

@Superterabyte Other way around, just being realistic...i'm not saying it's better, i'm talking sales-wise

CoolBeansRus3988d ago

Ghost will most likely outsell battlefield. This is cod we are talking about here. They have a track record. I like battlefield better but im not ignorant to COD selling history.

SnotyTheRocket3988d ago

Yeah, CoD needs to adapt or die. BF4 is 1080p, 60fps on next gen, so the only thing CoD had on the console versions of BF3 is gone. once next gen is about 2 years in, to allow for more people to own a console, we will see who wins. i'll be playing BF4.

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SpideySpeakz3988d ago

Outsell, yes. It's a Cult's game. Or, 'play it safe' kind of game.
Outperform, no. You must be smoking something. It's engine is nearly as old as me.

Battlefield, at the level of it's graphical fidelity, can never be compared to MAG. What's the maximum players can CoD hold? 12v12.. 24 max? lol.

Garethvk3988d ago

Ghosts uses a Brand New engine and looks amazing. I saw both at E3 up close and while Battlefield 4 looks good, it does not pop. Looks like the same old stuff while COD looks amazing and does have many new features.

MariaHelFutura3988d ago


Not true, Call of Duty doesn't use a new engine.

Garethvk3988d ago

It does use a new engine they showed it off and the trades show it does as well.

sarcastoid3988d ago

If that's a new engine then I might suggest they failed.

TrevorPhillips3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

@Garethvk - Stop embarrassing yourself, it's the exact same engine, just upgraded.

BF4 on the other hand has a brand new engine which brings a lot of things and to my honest opinion the engine is looking absolutely amazing!

jukins3988d ago

Are you trolling or are you really being this ignorant garethvk. I can't tell lol. But just to add to the replies call of duty uses the same engine as it has for the past generation.

Garethvk3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

I sat with the developers at E3 They said it was a new engine. They showed me a video showing off the new features like terrain, texture, etc and then showed the game on the old engine and what it would loook like in Ghosts.


They call it a New Engine, it looks much better than the old one. So if you want to call it a greatly tweaked engine fine. I will go with what the developers call it and wait until I see a final product before I bash something. At least I saw both games in person and talked to developers of each instead of spouting off opinions and statements of others. The facts are that it is a much better looking game then Battlefield and has new features.

MariaHelFutura3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

Here is IW saying it. Sorry, you set yourself up for this. They/I are trying to tell you. It's not a new engine.

mafiahajeri3988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

Your trying to emphasize you saw it in person a whole lot and its insignificant, your acting like your opinion means more then ours just because you sat with the "devs" (who were probably actually PR guys spouting out crap)

The funny thing is they lied to you, dont you feel betrayed? They admitted it wasnt a new engine and some guy they intervieweds excuse was that it would take 300 engineers to make a new engine. LOL, what the heck are you doing with the cash then!!?

Sorry excuse from sorry devs, they really do have the best fans like they always like to stress, their judging people like you who are easily deceived off course...

3988d ago
jjb19813988d ago

What are you puffin' on?


Nice try Bobby Koteck... we all know its you!

Drumsmasher3988d ago Show
Reverent3988d ago

@Drum, we're all fat basement dwellers? That's a fair assumption. Have fun being destroyed by the internet.

Garethvk is getting all this flak because he's basing his opinion on "fact" that simply isn't true.

awi59513988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

LOL you can put all of COD maps into 1 BF Map whats your point. Little small areas are very easy to render lol. Hell COD maps are so small they dont even have a draw distance lol.

maniacmayhem3987d ago

Who cares what engine it uses. The game looks great!

Garethvk, don't waste your time these haters will use any excuse to talk smack about CoD. The buzz word for them is "same old engine". As if it mattered to any real gamer who enjoyed CoD.

Louie4203985d ago

Neither of them are new engines. Its close to impossible to create a brand new engine in one year. Cod comes out every year Battlefield every 2. But Frostbite 2 from BF3 was pretty much a brand new engine, no need to build a new one for BF4, but just perfect it. COD has not changed in 7 years. The only thing they added was lean from cover, some duck and shoot mechanic, and jumping obstacles (which bf has). 3 changes doesnt mean new engine. Its gonna feel the same. BF4 added going under water, pulling a pistol on water, counter knife, commando mode, levolution, more destruction, jet skies, and more i cant think off. They also overhauled the net code. Its cool to like whatever game u want, but just pointing this out

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n4rc3988d ago

Cod is finished.. One more year maybe

They have nothing.. Rehash an engine that was left for them... OMFG you have fish that move!!

Pass... Lol

ape0073988d ago (Edited 3988d ago )

that is your opinion man but understand that the time took u to write this comment cod will already move 10000 copies of ghosts at launch, so don't be very happy about hating it that much

n4rc3988d ago

I'm not a hater... I have every one of them on my shelf...

But I've become more and more annoyed with the developers that ignore customers and put out lazy and poorly implemented games while raking in billions... Another rehash? Nope... I'm done.. Especially with so much offered elsewhere

They deserve to fail

hakesterman3988d ago

Call of Duty is far from Finished. If there is one thing for sure in gaming it's that people never get tired of shooting other people. And that is what COD is a shooting game. I say it's good for at least 6 more rounds.

Mini05103986d ago

clearly hating judging by the way you phrased your sentences.
And you probably have multiple accounts.
Lol what a joke

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Heisenburger3988d ago

As opposed to factual truths?

As redundant as trolling a game as past it's prime as Cod, I'm afraid.

coolmastermarktwo3988d ago

cod is dead inside for a long time already so it's only a matter of time when people will forget about it and buy battlefield.

FantasyStar3987d ago

I dunno. While MW3 was lame. I really liked Black Ops and the 2nd one. It was a pleasant sight.

MizTv3988d ago

I hope cod goes down in flames
Same old shit

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Battlefield 1, Hardline, BF4 Servers Are Being Taken Offline by Cheaters; EA Silent on Issue

Cheaters & hackers have been causing grief on Battlefield 1, Hardline & BF4 servers, with nonstop DDoS attacks among other things. Unfortunately, EA has remained silent about it.

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Community799d ago
-Foxtrot800d ago

Course they are silent, they are hoping people flock to 2042

gamesftw250799d ago

Maybe it was a inside job then haha.

jeromeface798d ago

wouldnt be the first time, titanfall 1+2 anyone?

PapaBop799d ago

Not even if they paid me.. EA always do this with old games with less money potential, if this was Ultimate Team, they'd address and sort it faster than stories could spread. Why invest time in their products when they will just dump it in the following years? Then again EA never could see the forest for the trees.

Inverno799d ago

I imagine after those games were given out for free a couple months back through Amazon, anything that makes people go to 2042 is a plus for them

XiNatsuDragnel800d ago

They want people to go on 2042. My theory

excaliburps799d ago

Nah. I think they can't do anything about it or they want to sink money into fixing it.

Pudge102888799d ago (Edited 799d ago )

EA owns all BF servers so yes, they can do something about it but they refuse to because they dont want ppl playing their old games instead of the new one. Its EA we’re talking about here

pr33k33799d ago

if this happened in 2042, they'd have something to say. which is weird, considering battlefield 1 has more players on steam right now.

Pudge102888799d ago

Its so obvious that EA is doing this or hired ppl to mess up the games so that we’d be forced to have just 1 Battlefield working.

FPS_D3TH799d ago

Honestly it’s probably the devs themselves. They did an update to bf4 way back that kinda made assault rifles doo doo in hopes that people would flock to BF1 cuz BF4 was too perfect

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5 Great Shooter Games on Xbox Game Pass

The shooter genre is one of the most beloved videogame genres in the gaming community, and rightfully so. From DOOM Eternal to Battlefield 4, passing through The Outer Worlds, the Xbox Game Pass has a lot to offer when it comes to amazing shooter experiences. Come check out some great shooter games available on Xbox Game Pass!

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MadLad814d ago

There's a bunch of great shooters on gamepass; both legacy and new.

A recommendation I have is a work in progress preview title called Anacrusis. It's a lot of fun, and has a cool aesthetic.


All Call of Duty Games Ranked from Worst to Best

BLG writes: "Call of Duty has to be the most recognizable franchise on the planet. They didn’t get that way by only making a handful of games.

COD has a long and storied career. Launching as a PC WW2 first-person shooter, Call of Duty has gone through numerous makeovers and been on just about every system. The series has gone through some serious highs and tragic lows. I’ll be looking at each Call of Duty game, the good the bad, and the ugly."

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Community840d ago
UnSelf840d ago

Vanguard better be at the fkn bottom. Can’t believe ppl haven’t eviscerated that game with all its lacking

Minimoth840d ago

Yeah, it's close to the bottom. There are a couple of worse ones. Infinite Warfare definitely deserves its place.

KyRo840d ago

There's a number a lot worse than Vangaurd. It's also a lot better than that car crash Treyarch released before it.

XbladeTeddy839d ago

World at War is my favourite. Didn't know the N-Gage had a Call of Duty.

MadLad839d ago

Same for me.
I was never huge into Call of Duty, but I sunk a lot of time into WaW.
Both the campaign and the multiplayer are on point. Wouldn't mind a remaster.

I quit on CoD for a long while. Though I'm the odd man out that actually really enjoyed the campaign for WWII, being I got it through Humble monthly way back when.

TheLigX839d ago

I really enjoyed the Infinite campaign. Multiplayer... not so much.

Yppupdam839d ago

I agree, The Infinite campaign feels more like it's own thing that they slapped the CoD name on. If it stood on it's own, (sans the CoD name) I think it could have been it's own scifi franchise. And a damn good looking game, to boot. I never bothered to play the multiplayer.

victorMaje839d ago

MW 2019 apart from the desastrous file sizes is way better than AW.

MadLad839d ago

That was one I grabbed for Playstation because it pretty much just came out during the Redbox purge of videogames, and I got it for dirt cheap.

It was great coming home to an update every night, and watching one game eat up almost half my console's memory.

Amplitude839d ago (Edited 839d ago )

Will get disagrees but Infinite Warfare campaign was really good. Decent story, set pieces were amazing and if it didn't have the CoD game on it I'm sure people would have been more into it. Advanced Warfare was alright too. Titanfall 2 was just 1000 times better than both but I enjoyed them for their campaigns. I literally barely gaf about the story I'm in it for the set pieces and 5 hours of being stoned watching cool nonsense happen if I'm in the mood to play a CoD campaign. If I'm looking for a deep plot I'm gonna go somewhere else.
Ghosts was the worst story-wise though lol that cliffhanger ending was so bs.

Also MW 2019 was sick and is one of the best CoD games in yeeeears not sure why it's so low on this dude's list. Campaign was great, multiplayer was great and Warzone was fun for a while. Over it now but shrugs.

Beat the Vanguard campaign too but I can't even remember a single thing about it other than that it felt like it was 45 minutes long. Might be the most forgettable thing I've ever played lol just fully erased from my brain

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