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Would You Buy An Xbox One Without Kinect?

ThatNaijaBlog - Over the last few weeks, a lot has changed in the camp of Microsoft in a desperate attempt to have significant dominance next-gen. This includes updating the Xbox One game policy which ended Microsoft’s premature vision of the future with compulsory DRM restrictions. All those have changed now but it seems Microsoft would need more than just an updated gaming policy if they ever dream of slowing down the momentum of the PS3 which offers great value at a $100 bill less than the Xbox One.

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ShugaCane3992d ago

It would still have no exclusives that I'm interested in (Sorry if you find Titanfall amazing, this is just not my kind of games), so no reasons FOR ME to buy it.

xPhearR3dx3992d ago

Dead Rising 3, Quantum Break (Possibly), Titan Fall, Forza 5 all look great to me. I would certainly buy one if they offered one without Kinect mostly because many of the PS4 launch titles don't interest me as much as the ones listed above. Until they get rid of Kinect as a requirement, I'm not buying and sticking to my PS4 pre-order.

shivvy243992d ago

i was interested in sunset overdrive and quantum break ! But the PS exclusives were way better !

RumbleFish3992d ago

I would never buy a console with "exclusives" that I can play much better on my PC.
Playstation is the only console I need since I am not a Nintendo fan.
On top of that my time is very limited.
So I would never buy a M$ console, no matter if Kinect is included or not.

3992d ago
Blankolf3992d ago

The problem with this is the following, with Xbox1 you have timed exclusives from 3rd party studios or not actual exclusives that end on PC, the true console with exclusives is the PS4.

NewMonday3992d ago (Edited 3992d ago )

no Kinect and for $400?

yes 100%

this means Kinect is not mandatory and I'm not being watched

my dream set-up will be a PS4 plugged into the XB1, I can then switch games and friend-lists instantly.

but the first year I can afford the PS4 only, and the will get the WiiU after the release of "X" and Bayonetta 2, so maybe in 2015 and IF Kinect is removed.

I_am_Batman3992d ago

No self publishing - no buy.

Army_of_Darkness3992d ago

That would depend.. would xbone still work without it and not prompt me to plug in kinect??

The_Con-Sept3992d ago

Got my PS4 preorder set in stone. No need for an Xbox one what so ever. But I would be glad to see Microsoft say the kinect isn't needed. That would be great.

DragonKnight3992d ago

No mandatory Kinect would certainly make the Xbox One pretty enticing to a lot of people. People who don't care that Microsoft tried to strip them of their rights and only reversed that attempt after being forced to see how damaging it was being to their bottom line, but enticing nonetheless.

Personally, the only games that look even remotely interesting to me are Project Spark, Dead Rising 3, and maybe Ryse if it weren't Son of QTEs.

Autodidactdystopia3992d ago

In short yes. but only because ryse gives me the same feeling gears did when I was watching the e3 05 demos.

ryse is something special but im a pc guy.

something about the ripped sails flapping in the wind after the soldiers first jump off the ship. it just looked epic :)

without Kinect I would purchase xbox just for that as I would purchase ps4 for shadowfall

karl3992d ago (Edited 3992d ago )

i do like those XONE exclusive especially dead rising and forza 5 but they dont look as special for me to endure MS shitty policies...

besides u never know... some of this exclusives may come to PS4 and i always have my gaming pc to play the rest

i will miss on forza.. but i have always love gran turismo more and its coming to ps3 this year...

sooo get some first party studios MS... u wont get my money with your timed exclusives tactics

and yeah i would buy it with kinect or not.. had it had at least a few worthy exclusives that i knew wont be coming to other platforms

mananimal3992d ago (Edited 3992d ago )

Making Kinect 2.0 Prism mandatory is just plain dumb, Honestly though Ive always viewed MS as the most Evil Corporate entity in the U.S., they've further illustrated this with What they've attempted with there All-in-One entertainment Box called Xbox Done.

Im looking forward to getting PS4, & maybe a Wii U.

Titan Fall looks cool but its another COD Clone with a Sci-Fi edge to it, its too attract Sci-fi fans like Halo fans to a COD style shooter.

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zeal0us3992d ago (Edited 3992d ago )

I wouldn't regardless of price or exclusives. Most of the games I played this on my 360 has been multi-platform games. Sure I played Halo, Gear, Fable, Forza and PGR but honestly I've grown tired of shooters and racers.

Not to mention XBL is really staying the same. You still need Gold to access services like Hulu, Netflix, which you already pay for. It would be cheaper for me to switch.

dedicatedtogamers3992d ago

That, and Microsoft has reached the point where they're not really pushing new IPs like they used to (cue the replies of "but look at what they showed @ E3!" )

What Microsoft has failed to do - twice in a row, now - is support their console over the long haul. For both the Xbox and the 360, Microsoft stopped releasing new IPs for their system once it crossed the 3-4 year threshold. The last new IP worth a look on 360, was...Alan Wake back in 2010?

MikeMyers3992d ago

Here's a thought, if the Xbox One serves no interest why do we continue to see people go out of their way to post about it in Xbox One topics? So either people are trolls or fanboys because common sense would dictate people would focus on the things they do have interest in and it seems no matter what Microsoft does some continue to just pick another area they don't like. Those are not the customers Microsoft was trying to seek out because they will never be customers so why won't these people simply move on?

Those who are interested in the system like games they've seen so far like Titanfall. Sure it will come to the PC but so do many games like Call of Duty yet look at how well those sales are on consoles. Heck, that is the highest selling franchise on the PS3 and Xbox 360. So obviously a lot of people prefer gaming on consoles. Then you have games like Forza, Sunset Overdrive and Quantum Break that have shown no signs of coming out on anything other than the Xbox One. Sure people can hope it comes to other platforms but again sales have shown with games like Bioshock and Oblivion that even when they do come out later most people buy other games instead. Most game sales are front-loaded. This is another reason why the Wii U is suffering, gamers don't see much incentive buying Batman and Mass Effect all over again.

So again, if the Xbox One shows no interest why do we keep seeing some of the same people in topics about it never saying anything good about it? This is where the mods really need to step up and push these people along instead of allowing this fanboyish and trolling behavior. Unless of course this site likes that as it creates more controversy and gets the topics into higher degrees. Which could be what is really going on when you see topics like Microsoft downplaying the PS4 specs being the hottest topic which goes to show how much people seem to care about console wars.

abzdine3992d ago

No I wouldn't buy it.I prefer PS4

ape0073992d ago

crackdown and gears of war, killer games to me

i find crackdown massively under appreciated

ShugaCane3992d ago

Those games are typically designed for the Xbox audience. I mean, don't get me wrong, those are great games. Gears is a quality franchise. But it's brainless. You move, you shoot. It may be graphically beautiful and fun to play, but it's really not what I'm looking for. I want a story, people to care about, etc..

minimur123992d ago


you mean like the last of us?


stage883992d ago

@minimur you've obviously never played the last of us. It is the game that defines this generation.

FlunkinMonkey3992d ago

@ minimur12

Maybe when you are old enough to have a job and be able to buy a PS3 at some point in the future, i think you will find that The Last of Us will still be at the forefront of story telling in gaming ahead of many many other next gen titles, that is of course unless The Last of Us 2 has been released by then..

Run along kiddo...

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EasilyTheBest3992d ago

Everyone who is saying they wouldn't get an X1 even if Kinect didn't come as standard could you now please stop coming into X1 threads and repeatedly telling us about why you are not buying a X1 because you'll be spied on etc etc etc etc etc.

I want an X1 WITH Kinect so go ahead and hit disagree after reading the following -

PS4 is an absolutely amazing console.
yeah take that.

zeal0us3992d ago (Edited 3992d ago )

It is my god given right to complain

All jokes put aside, if MS wanted to send the NSA videos or pics of me playing games naked, I wouldn't care.
I just feel sorry the guy that has to watch the video just to make sure I'm not committing any acts of terrorism.

RedHawkX3992d ago

im gonna complain so every knows how crap the xbox one is and everyone can buy the ps4 and then all gamers will have a ps4 and we all win. dont see why you guys want the xbox one around when the ps4 can do everything better and will get all those xbox one games as well when xbox one goes out of buisness and microsoft goes back to windows.

EasilyTheBest3992d ago


If everyone bought a PS4 Sony could then keep the price of games etc high and never drop the PS4 price.
When its time for PS5 expect to pay $600 again.

Oh and theres a ton of stuff the X1 can do that the PS4 cant, it doesn't work so well the other way around.

DigitalRaptor3992d ago (Edited 3992d ago )

@ EasilyTheBest

There is one thing that PS4 does better than Xbox One and it's certainly more relevant than "the cloud": it puts games, gamers and gaming first. The company that designed and support it didn't try to put a stranglehold on the industry, force the consumer out of their rights nor did they lose their preferences.

The fact MS removed the policies changes nothing - their policies were shot down, they didn't land and peacefully apologise.

EasilyTheBest3992d ago

But the games for the X1 look equally as good as the PS4s if not better.
I just think the PS4 is a faster better graphically PS3, there just doesn't seem to be anything different and new.

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PunisherRevenge3992d ago must be a boring gamer if Microsoft didn't have at least one game that interest you. Microsoft showed so many good games at their E3 presentation. Sony showed a whole bunch of nothing and if I was a betting man I would bet you are still going to buy a PS4 anyway with no worthwhile exclusives. Hell I'm still trying to wake up from that snore feast Sony put on. So let me say this before y'all do, yes the PS4 has more exclusive this is true, but the fact of the matter is most of them suck and most of them are already available for PC. So as of right now it seems that Sony is doing the something's they did with the PS3. They are gonna launch with very little to no good exclusives and make you wait 2-3 years to finally have something worthwhile to play. With that being said, I am not trying to persuade y'all to not buy a PS4 actually I encourage you to, so you can let them off the hook again like most people did with the PS Vita and PS3 when they don't deliver the games for your $400 dollar investment on day ONE.

MysticStrummer3992d ago

Wow... You must have quite an ego if you think everyone has to like the games you like in order to not be a "boring gamer".

; )

In my honest opinion, the two best things MS showed were a multi-plat and a timed exclusive that's not actually an exclusive to begin with.

PsnGammer213992d ago

Not going lie only cool game from m$ is project spark but then I can save money and just play minecraft. Only three or for exsclusives shown will stay micro and that's quantum break, forza, ryse, and kinect sports. Crapcom will realase dead rising three later to ps4 as will Titan fall will realease to ps3 and 4 project overdrive might see a multiplatform relase don't know bout that one and so far only one interesting game I have put up there that will be on xbone and that's spark (aka minecraft better graphics lol) but I will say ryse will be cheap knock off of god of war like forza is to grand turismo and quantum break I really hope doesn't fail but probably will and kinect sports will be kool if the put bowling in it. The only time I will this is probably 3 years from now when halo and fable comes out cause those are the only two games worth owning on xbone. Bc ps3 is even better than the xbone :)

iamtehpwn3992d ago

Titan fall is also available on 360 and PC, so it's very much skippable on Xbox One.

PunisherRevenge3992d ago

Yeah your right it is skippable on the X1, but the fact of the matter is the X1 version is gonna be the best version.

hellzsupernova3992d ago

Agree 100%
Microsoft will have a strong first year with exclusives but that's where support tends to stop, where soy have proven time and time again they support consoles long after they are succeeded

RedHawkX3992d ago

yep this. tired of the people who ignored the ps3 this entire gen just to play the same 4 games over and over again on xbox and then now try to act like the xbox one has some kind of ground breaking games when sonys been having more ground breaking games and more aaa games this whole gen. and i like how people try and say only sony games dont appeal to me. then they go get some ms rip off game thats way worse and say this game looks cool.

oof463992d ago

I think everyone is missing the point.

Microsoft Pre-180: We designed the console to always be online. This is the way we made the machine. Deal with it.

Post 180: We listened to the lopsided pre-order numbers...err..we mean the feedback from fans and we're changing our policy.

Kinect: The Xbox One is designed to work in tandem with the Kinect. This is the way we made the machine.

Is there a Kinect 180 in the near future?

SilentGuard3992d ago

Just like Sony dropped PS2 backwards compatability to lower the price of PS3, MS will eventually drop the Kinect requirement for the One. They can't indefinately sell a $100 more expensive console thats weaker and expect to succeed.

marinelife93992d ago

I would not buy it with a boat, I would not buy it with a goat.

oof463992d ago

Would you like it in a house? Would you like it with a mouse?

redwin3992d ago

I want the kinect, I imagine my self playing the new fable and giving the bartender the finger and getting a

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3992d ago
DarkBlood3992d ago

it would be a start since i cant see any actual use for it i never got it for the 360 because i would only used it for like 3 titles one in particular being rise of nigtmares

CalvinKlein3992d ago

without kinnect Id sure be more open to buying one as I hate motion controls. But Id still get the ps4 first and all multiplats on ps4. At this point id rather buy a wiiU if I get a second system because it offers something different ass opposed to the xbox1 that has alot of overlap with the ps4 that Im already getting. Havent had nintendo system since n64 so Id like to try some of their games again someday maybe.

Kingthrash3603992d ago

I would buy w/o kinect.....IF I felt I could trust them.....they are like the bank of america of the gaming industry...always finding a way to rape your wallet.

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Rolling the Dice: Do Modern RPGs Miss the Point of Team-Based Play?

It seems it was long time ago. A bunch of friends spending hours on end playing RPG games, sitting around the table with the box of cold pizza. Excited about the story, listening to the Game Master, they were completely engaged in the worlds only visible to them and their imaginations.

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Takwin2664d ago

The GM is the programmer, and in MMOs and co-ops, you can play with others. If you want to ONLY use your imagination for the visuals, read a book.


Record of Agarest War 2 announced for PS3

Scrawl: "Looks like we know how that new Compile Heart countdown is going to end. The latest issue of Famitsu has confirmed that Agarest Senki 2, known as Record of Agarest War 2 in the US, is Compile Heart’s newest title."

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Godmars2905109d ago

1) Hope they put it on disc this time.
2) Hope this is a positive for Neptune coming over as well.

Demons Souls5109d ago

If so, that's being developed & published by Idea Factory. Compile Heart has nothing to do with it (Thank God for that).

Godmars2905108d ago (Edited 5108d ago )

Thought Compile Heart was one of the companies lending characters.

Was also speaking in general as in regards to a US of Neptune. If these guys are offing a second game, NIS or Atlus, both of whom offer quirkier titles, will put that one out.

My issue isn't - wholly - with the DL-only option, but the price. The first game should be $30. Maybe $40, and by that I mean $39.99. The only reason its $45 is the 360 disc version which has extras. Nevermind that by all rights its a PS2 game. Something that proabbly could have been done if the devs had the GOW2 engine or tools.

ClownBelt5109d ago

I approve of this god damn message.

Could have gotten my 60 bucks if they just put it on a disc.

5109d ago Replies(1)
Tripl3seis5109d ago

Another exclusive damnn the ps3 keeps on rollin wit games awesome ;)

Jack-Pyro5109d ago

Is this a half decent SRPG, porn aside, cause if it is, i might just decide to go and buy it for the 360.

Anon73495108d ago

There's no porn just some sexual innuendos but that's it.

Also it is a great game by itself, maybe not graphically but everything else is top tier.

RedDevils5108d ago

so it had some kind of "top tier" porn story jk

ThanatosDMC5108d ago

Yup, it's a decent game. I just hate that a move has to go first before any attack options.

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Bless Online Korean MMORPG Gets Server Merge

This is not the first time that Bless Online receives a server merge in Korea. An announcement was made on the official Korean site.

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Bismarn2699d ago

Bless must be an amazing game to be on all these platforms (according to the tags): iPad iPhone Nintendo DS PC PS Vita PS2 PS3 PS4 PSP Wii Wii U Xbox Xbox 360 Xbox One