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Did Sony's PS4 Just Win E3 - Adam Sessler Reacts

Adam just got out of Sony's E3 2013 press conference... and what a press conference it was. With an unchanged used game and always online policy, plus a price that undercuts the Xbox One, did Sony win E3 and put themeselves in pole position for the next generation? Find out what Adam Sessler thought.

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Sharius4011d ago
Yi-Long4011d ago

XBO will now forever be known as X-Butt Open!

Gazondaily4011d ago

Well, in terms of value for money and lack of restrictions yes.

But come on guys, you have to admit, the quality of Microsoft's games were better. At least admit that!

YourGreatUncle4011d ago

You mean how Ryse had more QTE's than Gow, or how the framerate for Dead Rising 3 took a nose dive as soon as more than 10 zombies were on screen? How about when keyboard prompts came up on the Battlefield 4 demo? Crimson Dragon looked like a quality AAA title right? Or the fact that the majority of games they showed are multiplat. That's wonderful quality. Though the AC Black Flag demo for Sony was pretty atrocious.

Why o why4011d ago

Ill put the glitches down to the games being early builds. I wouldn't make any judgements on that. The sony youtube page is showing games that weren't shown. Ms's e3 was fine in terms of games. Live and let live.

Gazondaily4011d ago


Liek how Project Spark looked amazing and felt like LBP but on crack? Like How Dead Rising 3 had THOUSANDS of characters on screen and still didn't stutter like the PS4 did when playing Assassin's Creed? Like how Forza Motorsport 5 didn't raise the bar in the racing genre with its insane Drivatar system and amazing visuals? Like how Quantum Break simply looked stunning? Like how Titanfall proved that the X1 would have no shortage of hardcore titles?

Please, tell me; how was Sony's gaming line-up better than MS'?

monkey6024011d ago

Well Microsoft had impressive games yes but that's down to the fact they didn't show any 3 weeks ago so it was fresh, it's a shame Sony just decided to show everything we've known about for months now. It wasn't a quality thing

Caffo014011d ago

Killzone: SF, Knack and most of all Infamous blow those titles out of the water.

valet_Smerdyakov4011d ago

@Septic: most of the games will be on PC as well that's where I play all multiplatform games. I respect Forza but I'm not into driving sims and I was not impressed by Ryse - looks cheesy. Dead Rising is an average franchise and I doubt it's really an exclusive. Project Spark was the only game that seemed great to me.

kneon4011d ago


Forza went on about a feature that let's you play without actually playing while gt6 has upgraded tire, aerodynamic and suspension models.

Clearly gt6 is focused on becoming a more accurate sim racer, I don't know what Forza is focusing on.

LeCreuset4011d ago


For M$ it was Titan Fall, Spark, and Killer Instinct, in that order, that appealed to me. I'm not so sure about Killer Instinct after learning about it being free to play. Depends on how it's executed. Waiting to see more on Quantum Break. Overall, Titan Fall and Spark are the only ones that make me jealous so far.

I was not impressed by Dead Rising as a next gen game. The zombie AI just doesn't do it for me. The player was running around, breaking into houses to flee and whatnot, but it didn't feel like he was responding to any imminent threat. The zombies just kind of lumbered about not doing much while he runs around. When he was on top of a vehicle, I would have liked to see the zombies actually start to tilt the thing over to get at him. Then there's the whole "distract them with a flare" bit. Who knew surviving the zombie apocalypse is so easy as carrying flares which you can use to distract a zombie hoard that has you surrounded? I get flares being used as a distraction, but when the zombies are obviously aware of you and coming for you, why would they turn away from food to follow a flare?

I'm not big into racers, but if I was I'd go with GT. I'll definitely be giving that Drive Club a try, as it's free for plus. Drivertar is an interesting concept though.

I think I disliked Ryse more than Dead Rising. The game just looked flat out boring and not next gen. They may want to work out how slashing someone across the face in one instance draws blood, but not in another.

Now on the PS side you have Killzone SF, Infamous SS, The Order, Bungie's new title, and Final Fantasy XV. I love Titan Fall, but there's no beating that lineup.

P_Bomb4011d ago (Edited 4010d ago )

Project Spark seems a lot closer in execution to Modnation Racers' course creator mixed with a FarCry map editor and inFamous 2's UGC, than anything in LBP.

Its enemy types, powers, landscapes etc are all canned. The way they dug moats is right outta Modnation. I don't see any FPS, Mario/Zelda/Castlevania recreations or working pianos/calculators coming from Project Spark. They're doin' their own fantasy theme thing.

Re. AC4 on PS4, keep in mind Battlefield 4 at the MS Conference almost didnt start *at all*. Crimson Dragon had no audio, prompting someone in the audience to "XBox Sound" and "pew pew" .

BluEx6104010d ago

@Septic yeah I can't wait to play most of those games on my PC.

LoveOfTheGame4010d ago

Haha, I know what you mean. I can't wait to play FF15 and Bungies Destiny on Xbox one. Lol people never learn to pay attention.

I'm pretty sure PS4 showed more multiplats than xbox at their conference, could be mistaken but PS4 showed a lot of non exclusives. Lower price and a ton of multiplats vs higher price and a ton of exclusives, is this E3 opposite week?

ThanatosDMC4010d ago

Cant watch the video because "ad-blocker is on". Isnt that a good thing?

ravens524010d ago (Edited 4010d ago )


Ryse looked laggy. They didnt show gameplay for quantum break. And titan fall i want to play lol. But to come out with such an absurd statement. Shame on u mister, shame on u.
All Ps4 demos gameplay or not were "in game graphics". Srry guy but u are delusional.

Ps4>X1(Comcast)>Xbone = wii u.

Yi-Long4010d ago

.... and both will have a bunch of great exclusives, which should be great to play.

This was never about the games. It's about all the crap MS has announced which will invade our privacy, which will take away our consumer-rights, which will force us to use mandatory Kinect.

MS has made a whole bunch of very bad decisions when it comes to their new console, whole Sony kept it's focus on OUR interests and rights as GAMERS and CUSTOMERS.

And it showed. And the huge rapturous applause from the audience was evidence of that.

XBO will have a bunch of games I would have loved to have played. But I won't. And that's because of the STUPID decisions MS has made.

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Narutone664011d ago

Adam Sessler made a comment regarding the games that he feels are lacking in the Sony conference for the PS4. I feel confident that Sony is not showing everything here as the time is not enough. There are still Gamescom on August and TGS on September. The Last Guardian might be shown on TGS comes September and other Japanese RPGs.

Jeff2574011d ago

They will also most likely be stretching out their exclusive titles like they have with the PS3. So I expect we will see some big ones at E3 next year as well. They also have PAX later this year to show off some games and I expect we will see more Indie titles that will be on the PS4 their as well.

Cueil4011d ago

neither one of them showed their full deck... we've still got Gamescon and TGS... I'm sold on both... I'll probably get my Xbox first since it's likely going to have major shortages due to the yeild issues and pick up my PS4 early 2014 as soon catches up to deman(or I catch one out at walmart or something)

Blackdeath_6634010d ago

also keep in mind games that are being over looked like blacklight retribution, primal carnage, warframe,planetside 2, DC universe online etc..

Babougrande4010d ago

Sony's E3 showings have always been average at best imo, but one thing everyone seems to be missing out on is how brilliantly they have paced themselves since February. "Furthermore, from SCE Worldwide Studios, more than 30 titles, including 12 brand new IP, are under development, including Killzone: Shadow Fall, Knack, inFAMOUS: Second Son, #DRIVECLUB and The Order: 1886. Out of over the 30 titles under development, 20 titles will be available within a year from the PS4 launch." While M$ seemingly scrambled to lay it all out on the table yesterday, Sony didn't feel the need to

Mr_Nuts4010d ago

I wonder how many other studios have something to announce

NaughtyDog is one

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4011d ago
Jaces4011d ago

FFXV and KHIII was all they needed to show. That did it for me. IMO those two beat out everything MS showed.

LoveOfTheGame4010d ago

Really stuck it to MS when they said they were exclusive, oh wait they didn't say that.

Not saying this to be a dick but am really hopeful it wasn't just a small error in stating it and that they will actually be on Xbox. Seriously these, right now, are the only reasons I would think about getting a PS4 first.

4011d ago
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busytoad4011d ago

Sony won this E3 in a epic way. Microsoft is finished.

Na Na Na Na hey hey hey Goodbye Xbone.

j4re4011d ago

While I agree that Sony has, without a doubt, the more appealing offering in regards to next gen I'd argue that Microsoft being finished would only hurt the game industry as a whole. We need healthy competition. I'd rather Microsoft just sulk away embarrassed and confused and realize the error of their ways. They need to be humbled not destroyed.

MestreRothN4G4011d ago

We need healthy practices.
Fix'd it.

MS leaving games would be amazing. Don't worry, another company would rise.

Also, before this gen, never really existed competition and the games were amazing on their time, much more creative than what we see now.

kreate4011d ago (Edited 4011d ago )

gaming world was fine and healthy when microsoft wasnt in the picture.

microsoft is too controlling, that's why bungie left remember?

i just wish they made a windows xp-2 instead of the piece of crap windows8.

if sony left the gaming world this gen, microsoft would of put mandatory everything on their console and probably throw gamers a bone.

although ps4 seems great, that pay to play online bullcrap makes me want to go buy a wii-u.

on another note, microsoft saids the used game policy is 'up to the publishers' but in reality, its up to microsoft. microsoft playing word games with the consumers so consumers can be comfortable with it. all those restrictions they put in place to combat used games and some ppl are still mis-guided and content with it.

LeCreuset4011d ago

No, no, no. M$ is not healthy competition. MS is competition that sets the bar low and drives us in the wrong direction. Just look at how we're so relieved Sony isn't doing the DRM and always on stuff that we are more willing to concede on the paying for multi-player.

dedicatedtogamers4011d ago

Of course they won.

The pathetic thing is how a multi-billion dollar international corporation like Sony understood gamers better than many of our so-called "gaming journalists" who've been writing articles for weeks telling us to shut up, to stop being so entitled, to #dealwithit, to get used to DRM, to accept it because Sony is doing it too. Bravo to people like Annoyed Gamer and Angry Joe and Sessler who expressed their outrage against the Xbox One and went to bat for us, the customer.

Why o why4011d ago

Yeah definitely

A special mention to the 360 guys who also spoke up against some of the nonsense ms was trying to pull off and probably still will. It takes a bit of balls to say something against the console maker you've been championing here on n4g so kudos to them. They're still our gaming brothers if you know what I mean.

For those who KEPT trying to group ms and sony together to the point it seemed they wanted us all to get shafted in one

dedicatedtogamers4011d ago

Agreed, and to add to what you just said...

360 gamers didn't make the Xbox One. 360 gamers simply played games on a console that just so happens to be made by Microsoft, even though the development teams for both consoles were comprised of two totally different groups of people. If you're a 360 gamer who is aware of what the Xbox One is and you still want it...well...have mercy on your soul.

But as a community, us N4Gers shouldn't rag on loyal 360 players who still want to enjoy their 360. Again, it was Microsoft, not 360 fans, who made the Xbox One, so cut your fellow gamer some slack.

patsrule3164011d ago

I am one of the guys who has 2 Xbox 360s and had an original Xbox, but never had a PS2 or PS3 (I do have a Vita). I preordered the PS4, and not the XBone. Dead Rising for the XBOne looked really intruiging to me, but other than that, none of the exclusives for either system were anything that really made me say I need this system over that system. For the most part, I will probably just be getting multiplatform games. Of everything I saw yesterday, I go: The Division, Watchdogs, Destiny, The Witcher 3, and Dead Rising as far as what really excites me. So in terms of quality of games, I found the two to be basically a tie. So then I looked at pricing, policies, second screen (play games on the vita vs. smart glass), courting of the indie scene, entertainment options, etc. and to me the PS4 blew XBOne out of the water.

But I will still be keeping my 360s on and active. There is a lot a like about the system I have. I won't be a Microsoft guy or a Sony guy, just a gamer who has some from each.

YourGreatUncle4011d ago

Short answer: Yes
Long answer: Hell yes

M-M4011d ago (Edited 4011d ago )

Yes, because they exceeded expectations. They showed that they supported media, showed support for games across the Vita and PS3, showed unseen gameplay of anticipated titles for the PS4 as well as new IPs and exclusives, showed the console itself, and they gave the answer that NO ONE expected to hear during the conference which was talk about DRM. They completely debunked DRM on the PS4, and did I mention that the PS4 is $399?

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"Potion Permit: Complete Edition" is now digitally and physically available for PC and consoles

"The London-based (the UK) indie games publisher PQube and Bandung-based (Indonesia) indie games developer MassHive Media, are today very proud and thrilled to announce that their their potion-themed open-ended sim RPG “Potion Permit: Complete Edition”, is now digitally and physically available for PC (via Steam) and console (PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch)." - Jonas Ek, TGG.

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