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Top 5 Overrated Games Of Current-Gen

TNB: Alot of people are outraged when they see the word overrated, especially when it relates to a product they own. I have come under the most attack on the internet when ever I attempt to make a case in respect to the usage of the word; overrated. It wouldn't matter anymore if the same thing happens. One thing however is established; that a vast majority of people are not able to take criticism on something as trivial as video games. If I said a couple of games were underrated in one of my previous articles, I think it wouldn't be much of a bad idea or out of place to also reveal a list of games that were simply overrated through-out current gen.

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Community4019d ago
yugovega4019d ago

agree for the most part but its hard to say top 5. because halo3, mass effect and god of war 3 could easily replace most of those. gta4 would be the only one i question on that list.

Blackdeath_6634019d ago

there was an insane amount of hype for GTA4 so i can sort of see why it would be mentioned but i agree that one is questionable.

SilentNegotiator4018d ago (Edited 4018d ago )

GTA4 is one of the slowest moving, annoying (babysitting, poor checkpoints, etc), empty-mapped (actual gameplay-wise), boring games I can ever remember playing that averaged a 98 in reviews.

Not "bad", I still can't believe it was that well received.

GuyThatPlaysGames4019d ago

Seems like everyone forgot TOO HUMAN. That game was in development as long as I've been alive it seems lol. It was supposed to knock the socks off everyone and it was the most overrated POS game to date IMO.

yugovega4019d ago

aliens and duke nuke too but those 3 arnt overrated, just overhyped. too human never got great reviews and was never called greatafter it was released. all these title have.

Captain Qwark 94019d ago

too human wasnt over-rated by anyone lol it was universally bashed by critics and sold like shit. ( i loved it personally but its def not over-rated )

over-hyped though, yeah it def was that

SilentNegotiator4018d ago (Edited 4018d ago )

What Qwark said. You're confusing "overrated" and "overhyped"

Overrated means that it was reviewed/received well but the quality doesn't represent that.

Overhyped is when a game is hyped up before release and ends up not being as good as people thought it would be.

ThichQuangDuck4019d ago

GTAIV is not questionable for me it got 10 many places. Was simply not as well designed as San Andreas,but had the hype of first next gen GTA. Characters, missions, elements didn't jive as well together as previous outings. Multiplayer was laughable the fun came from not playing the game type. GTA IV was a 7.5 to 8 under any other name than GTA. Halo 3, 4+ some of the assassins creeds, L.A. Noire, Mass Effect, God of War 3 could also fit on this list. There are many games who are reviewed based upon hype rather than the game itself

4019d ago
Captain Qwark 94019d ago

funny because i dont think halo 3, mass effect or gow3 are over-rated. in fact id say the reviews were on the money for those

gta4 on the other hand was a step back from san andreas in almost every way so that is for sure, gta4 was just prettier. skyrim was also a step back in the franchise as oblivion and morrowind were way better just not as pretty just like gta4.

never played the other three so i cant comment on those

Haules4018d ago

Top 5 Overrated Games Of Current-Gen

1- Call of Duty all of them this gen
2- GTA 4
3- Bioshock infinite
4- Mass effect 3
5- Forza 4.

yugovega4018d ago

finally someone calls out bioshock infinite. so overrated.

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MrSwankSinatra4019d ago

i disagree Assassin's Creed II & Brotherhood were some of the best games.

Blackdeath_6634019d ago (Edited 4019d ago )

yes but revelation was not good nor was AC3, the new character was not likeable at all. anyhow i lost interest in the AC series really annoyed how ubisoft is using the franchise to drive sales also i can't keep up with annual releases and the storyline is just getting progressively worse and prolonged like watching a show you really like then all of a sudden most of it is just filler episodes. i might read the books instead if i have time but other than that i probably won't get another AC game unless i'm borrowing it though i'm not even sure that will be possible next gen lol

Kalowest4019d ago

I loved Revelations and got bored very easily with Brotherhood.

clouds54019d ago

That's all so subjective... Revelations was the best part for me so far (just started 3). The ezio altair story especially altair was pure gold. I still have goose bumps thinking about the way he returned to the castle with this amazing charisma and how he did all that without any of the gadgets ezio had.
It was very well written and executed.

Of course the notoriety thing sucked but you could play around that.

Blacktric4019d ago

Here it is. The reason why this generation was terrible, ladies and gentleman...

MrSwankSinatra4019d ago

what are you even blabbering about???

Nyxus4019d ago

I strongly disagree with every single word typed about MGS4 in that article.

Best game this gen for me.

SolidDuck4019d ago

That seems like a bad list to me. Mgs4 and skyrim are both really good games. Are they overrated, maybe, but there more likely to be in my top twenty games of this gen, then a top 5 overrated.

Mr_Nuts4019d ago (Edited 4019d ago )

*** most importantly the idea of an aging snake and making him suffer back pain was a ridiculous attempt to make an already bad game worse. ***

Worse decision ever in my opinion, it's like he wanted to write himself into a corner because of his "I'm done with MGS after this game" speeches then when he obviously knows people want another one it's like "Oh...well I can't progress the story now...I know ANOTHER prequel". The only way they can bring Snake back now is if they force a "cure" into the game or they do an alternative timeline starting with MGS1, a way where Naomi doesn't get captured but finally finds out a cure for Snake, guessing the plot of one of the future games could revolve round that

I'm playing it now for the first time. It's alright but I really miss the style which I've gotten used to from MGS1-3.

I feel like I can't do stealth as much as I could in the past games aswell, it kind of forces you to go into alert mode for some action, the radar dosen't help mind, worse that it's powered by a rapid decreasing battery. So they can have bloody robots and futuristic tec but they can't make a long lasting battery.

As for AC, the only AC I think has been over rated this gen is AC3.

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10 Best Co-Op Games, Ranked

ScreenRant's Ben Brosofsky writes, "There have been a lot of great co-op games over the years, and the best of the best cover a wide variety of genres while maintaining the fun."

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Forget Elder Scrolls 6, Skyrim Can Easily Be Made Into A Next-Gen Game

ScreenRant's Stephen Tang writes, "The Elder Scrolls 6 won't be releasing for a while, and in the meantime, the modding community has been making Skyrim into a next-gen game."

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Community15h ago
GhostScholar13h ago

That’s just laughable to me. I think they’ve squeezed all they can out of an 12 year old game

mastershredder9h ago

"Easily" because they see mods, says the gamer. To heck with licensing, terms agreements conditions, etc. all you need to do is belive in mods. Yeah, so real superficial BS yo.


The Status of Every PlayStation Franchise

Sony owns a fair few iconic franchises - many dating right back to the original PlayStation. But while we’re pretty familiar with the likes of ongoing series such as God of War, Horizon, and Gran Turismo, there are plenty of PlayStation franchises that haven’t seen the light of day in a long time. So in this video, we’re going to be taking a look at the status of PlayStation’s many IPs, and checking in on when we last heard from them.

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Skuletor1d ago

A 20+ minute video? Just include the written list in the article.

DarXyde20h ago

Status in one word:


The end.

anast20h ago

Which ones should they utilize more?

BehindTheRows19h ago

Indeed. We hear this “underutilized” talk as if every old franchise should have a comeback or reboot.

I_am_Batman17h ago(Edited 17h ago)

When new IPs start looking like Concord, you can't blame people for wanting another Resistance or Killzone instead.

anast17h ago(Edited 17h ago)

J&D and Resistance are good ones. As much as I love these, though, I'm not sure they would payoff without an enormous marketing push. Younger gamers today do not have taste and the older gamers that would appreciate these might not be enough. But yeah, I would day 1 Resistance.

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Hotpot16h ago

Well that’s just the consequence of consistently producing new IPs isn’t it. Not all studios can be or want to be like polyphony digital who made gran turismo all the time.

Abear2118h ago

Here lies The Infamous Series; once a shining beacon of free flying, lighting bolt sniping, and wire riding amazing gameplay, it has been laid to rest and be forgotten for what seems like forever despite being loved by millions. Plot next to Wipeout across from NBA Jam.

Lightning7715h ago

Still baffling they cancelled Twisted Metal, Factions 2 and Spider-Man Multiverse LS game but thought Concord looked good enough.

Chocoburger14h ago

Ape Escape, Parappa / Lammy, Gravity Rush, good times. Always hoping for them to make a return, or at least similar type games, such as the newly-announced Astro Bot, but one game isn't enough. Bring back the joyfulness of the 90's era of gaming.

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