
Gamertag Radio Episode #378 – Bioshock Infinite Review – “The best game of this generation”

This week on Gamertag Radio:

*With special guest @Vicious696
*Ouya getting shipped to backers
*Durango announcement pushed back to April
*Mandy’s announcement
*Bioshock Infinite Review
*God of War Ascension review
*True or False
*Custom soundtrack of the week: “Can I Live” – Omniscient feat Quest & Ag Lyonz

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BlackTar1874087d ago

was a good game but not that good. Part 1 was so much better.

goldwyncq4087d ago

The first game would have been better without the impossibly hard hacking minigame and the rushed ending. Because of that, my vote goes to Infinite.

BlackTar1874087d ago (Edited 4087d ago )

See i thought the infinite ending was rushed and just subpar. Compared to part 1. It still is better then part 2 to me and i liked all of them.

I also liked alot of stuff int he old ones more. Like upgrading guns made them look cooler. More variance and reliant on the plasmids. I beat this gam eon ahrd basically with just lighting and Ramming.

Im 1/2 thru on 1999 mode right now and it isn't that hard. I feel the strategy in this one is very lacking compared to others.

Chuk54087d ago

Infinite is in my top 10 games of this generation. Right up there with Dead Space, Modern Warefare 1 and Shadow Complex.

TuxedoMoon4087d ago

Best game of this generation?
This game is being over-hyped really hard.

RioKing4087d ago

Yepp and the next really good game will be the best ever also.....

goldwyncq4087d ago

Or maybe it's just that good for some people? Everyone has their own opinions after all.

NegativeCreep4274087d ago

Especially since The Last of Us has yet to come to the table.

admiralvic4087d ago

@ Goldwyncq

You can have an opinion, but there has to be some validity in your opinion. This generation isn't exactly over and if it is indeed "over", it logically ended with the Wii U (being the first "next gen" system), which predated the launch of Bioshock Infinite. Since most people don't think we're in the next generation yet, there is still plenty of time for a better game to come out. To put it another way, you can list Bioshock Infinite as a GOTY contender if you want (that is moderately valid), but you can't declare it the GOTY without seeing what else the year has to offer.

For those of you that don't believe me... we still have The Last of Us, GTA V, MGS V (all signs point to PS3 / 360 release), Ground Zeroes, plus maybe even more games that could take the title.

EditorAtGNG4087d ago

Over-hyped? Only a person who never played the game and is therefore, ignorant as hell to condemn it so.

BlackTar1874087d ago

the games good but it is overhyped. I rally do enjoy it but the game isn't perfect in alot of ways.

EditorAtGNG4087d ago (Edited 4087d ago )

The hype is justified. The more people play and finish it, the greater the hype. The reason why you think it is overhyped is because Bioshock: Infinite has been around (developed) for more years than most of the recent CoD and Battlefield games COMBINED. For several years there was constant barrage of new content and details about the game, and in my own opinion, the final product outshines everything they showed at E3 or game demos.

Oh and yes, while we are served with bland after bland meals of boring and by God, repetitive, uninspired and downright GENERIC FPS experiences, this new game not only expanded upon the already great predecessor, but managed to pull its own weight and achieve something incredible. It is unique. It is refreshing. It is a step in a new direction for FPS games and storytelling all together. It isn't just copy-pasted, half-arsed product that doesn't deserve anyone's attention.

So, yes, it is overhyped because IT deserves it.

darren_poolies4087d ago


Wut? That doesn't make sense, if it deserves the hype it's getting then it isn't overhyped.

EditorAtGNG4087d ago

I was kinda stating that if it wasn't obvious from the previous comment. Oh and I didn't say it was a perfect game - no game ever is. However, it is both unique, entertaining and has incredible and engaging storyline... that is enough in my book.

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10 Weirdest Game Consoles of All Time

From systems that could keep your beer cool, to oddities trying to get in on the popularity of VHS and laserdisc, you’ve got some very, very weird video game consoles out there.

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darthv7265d ago

I had the LaserActive... it was a nice collectors piece but not very practical. Especially when it came to needing recapping. I think i paid all of about $50 for the floor model from an incredible Universe back in the day. I ended up selling it many years later for $300 at the time due to it needing a new laser and the aforementioned recapping.

An honorable mention not on the list would be the VM Labs Nuon. It basically looked like any regular DVD player but it had ports on it for controllers to play specific games. one of which is still exclusive to it with Tempest 3000. It also offered nuon enhanced DVD movies with extra content not accessible by regular players.

_Decadent_Descent65d ago

Wasn't there some KFC console, or am I mistaken?

CoNn3rB65d ago

It was announced but it never actually came out as far as I know


Top 10 Rarest Xbox 360 Games That Are Worth a Fortune

Twinfinite: “War may never change, but the prices of rare games do!”

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Christopher319d ago

"And lastly, famous Boston Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling helped to create the action-RPG’s setting. What’s really fascinating, though, is that the game was partially financed by taxpayers from Rhode Island (which allegedly lost the state millions of dollars). Yikes!"

1. Now infamous Schilling
2. No allegedly, it did. And they couldn't pay it back.
3. What really lost the money wasn't the SP release but the MMO they were working on. This was supposed to be an introduction into the MMO world.

Soy319d ago

I hate counting limited editions for these lists. I mean, they're made to be rare and expensive. It's far more interesting to hear about the NCAAs (even if most people know that one already) and the El Chavos than some massive hit that came with a $200 statue at retail.

gamerz318d ago

Me too. Here's the best I can do:

El Chavo Kart $90.14
NCAA Football 14 $87.72
Spiderman: Edge of Time $75.94
Spiderman Web of Shadows $75.09
Spiderman: Shattered Dimensions $67.76

Christopher318d ago

Wow, El Chavo Kart is not at all what I expected by the name. 100% looks like a Sackboy Kart game.

Soy317d ago

It's so odd that so many Spider-Man games are seemingly given lower print runs, even if they're not the best games.

jznrpg318d ago (Edited 318d ago )

Most Xbox games don’t hold as much value compared to other systems. Kameo, Blue Dragon, Last Remnant , and a handful or 2 of other games that I kept.

sadraiden318d ago

Fallout 3 and Bioshock Infinite are the rarest games of all time.


8 Best Games Set In A Multiverse

One of the biggest TV and movie tropes in the last decade has been the multiverse, the idea of exploring multiple dimensions to uncover alternate versions of existing ideas. From both a business and creative perspective, it makes sense why established franchises are shaking things up in this way.

However, there aren't many video games latching on to this trend, as rendering multiple worlds in real-time is a difficult feat and the medium is relatively young in comparison to its contemporaries, making crossover opportunities more difficult. Still, there are a few great titles that manage enough to overcome these challenges, and here are some of the best examples.

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Christopher338d ago

While I love someone mentioning Planescape, not really multiverse. Planes and dimensions, yes. But, they are typically their own locations and are very rarely tied to another 'verse' let alone another plane. The only things that are directly tied are the ethereal and material planes. Otherwise, they are dimensions created of their own design and goals by the creator/owner and not comprised of 'their own version of another dimension'.