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AMD on the PS4: We gave it the hardware Nvidia couldn't

AMD came roaring into GDC 2013 with a vengeance. Not only did the chipmaker introduce its first branded line of dedicated cloud gaming graphics cards - the Radeon Sky Series - we got a taste of what it claims is the world's fastest GPU.
Attendees of a Tuesday night press conference saw the GPU, the Radeon HD 7990, make its first public appearance. Later, a set of 7990s powered EA's 17-minute introductory Battlefield 4 demo on the big screen.

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Community4085d ago
iGAM3R-VIII4085d ago (Edited 4085d ago )

Well Nvidia got their heads stuck up their a** now. They probably aren't happy at Sony and AMD. Well they should of seen that coming, you can't just bash 2 companies and expect them to not get you back, *sigh* Nvidia.....

gaffyh4085d ago

This is a really great interview, lots of good details regarding the PS4's architecture.

Army_of_Darkness4085d ago

I think everyone realized that except for the hardcore nvidia pc fanboys..
They can trash talk and hate on the ps4 for now, but once it releases and we start seeing what developer can do with it, i will expect a little silence from them and return to their cave...

cayleee4085d ago Show
gaffyh4085d ago

@cayleee - Everyone knows you are a PC fanboy, but I'll reply to one part of your comment anyway. Component manufacturers almost always make a profit on what they are selling, and if anyone thinks that nVidia didn't make a profit from being in the PS3, they are just stupid. It might not have been an obscene profit, but it was a profit nonetheless.

Maybe get your head out of nVidia's ass and look at the situation as a whole and it's pretty clear that the nVidia comments are damage control from their side. There is NO WAY, that they didn't try and get in on the console business this gen. First and foremost they are a BUSINESS, and any money they can make is good for them and their shareholders.

R6ex4085d ago

"We gave it the hardware Nvidia couldn't"

Well, obviously! Nvidia's Project Denver sees the light of day only in late 2014 to early 2015.

4085d ago
Tr10wn4085d ago


Everyone knows Nvidia has more quality than Ati is really no secret that Sony went with AMD because it was cheaper for them and for us, while i don't like ATI i like AMD CPU's i hope this deal help them get out of their debts.

Gaming1014085d ago

The problem is, everyone is comparing the traditional x86 architecture of PC's to the PS4, and it's not an apples to apples comparison. The article outlines this rather well with the interview:

"For us, really by looking at that APU that we designed, you can't pull out individual components off it and hold it up and say, 'Yeah, this compares to X or Y.'

"It's that integration of the two, and especially with the amount of shared memory [8GB of GDDR5, 176GB/s raw memory bandwidth] that Sony has chosen to put on that machine, then you're going to be able to do so much more moving and sharing that data that you can address by both sides.

"It's more than just a CPU doing all these amazing calculations and a GPU doing calculations. We are now going to be able to move certain tasks between the two."

Devs, he said, will be able to push the console's capabilities beyond a traditional x86 PC architecture, and multithreading - being able to take advantage of all eight cores - is going "to become a huge deal for a lot of the big blockbuster games."

4085d ago
rainslacker4085d ago (Edited 4085d ago )

Here's some food for thought, particularly for those saying it's just not worth it for NVidia.

If Nvidia only made a $5 net profit on each chip manufactured(probably low ball figure), then over the life of 80 million consoles(arguably an obtainable sales number) they would have made a profit equal to about 5% of their current worth.

Yeah, so not worth their time. I'm sure investors don't care about a 5% increase in profits. /s

Nitrox4084d ago


Nvidia didn't technically say it wasn't worth it, they said they looked at the opportunity cost of competing to get into the console market, and the justification wasn't there. That's why they wanted more $$$ than Sony was willing to shell out, to shift the justification to a level they were more happy with.

They're trying to make some major headway in the mobile market right now and didn't want to put various projects on hold to focus on console development. So maybe they looked at it like "Well, we can go for a 5% profit increase going the console route. Or... We can take a gamble on some of our own ideas and possibly see a significantly larger increase."

rainslacker4084d ago

I'm aware. Nvidia isn't one to slouch when it comes to trying to be a major player in any market they have an interest in.

Some people on here were just saying it isn't worth it for Nvidia based on their presumption that consoles don't return enough profit to make it worthwhile. I was just trying to put things in perspective.

Nvidia does make some really good products, and their reputation is really well deserved. That reputation does come at a cost though, and to me, if a comparable experience or tech can be offered cheaper to me then there is no reason to really hold on to brand loyalty.

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IAmLee4085d ago

Tomorrows articles:
'Nvidia says PS4 is shit.'

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4085d ago ShowReplies(5)
DeadlyFire4085d ago

Well there is a reason why Microsoft turned away from NVIDIA after the Xbox and now Sony is doing the same after PS3.

Cueil4084d ago

NVidia is the reason that Microsoft had to stop making Xboxes in the first place a probably a reason why you don't have HDD in every console because of BC license for emulating the Nvidia chipset was built into the HDD price... they thought to highly of themselves and AMD has been angling in this direction for a while it was the Xbox that was there first APU... albeit with a different CPU... the original A8 model was AD3870WNGXBOX s/n Microsoft was a important partner in the development and distribution of the first ever APU. Just another example of competition being good for gamers.

fermcr4085d ago (Edited 4085d ago )


Nvidia had better graphics cards, but was more expensive, since it had to be a GPU from Nvidia and a 3rd party CPU (probably IBM). Nvidia didn't want to budge with their prices, so Sony went with ATI, witch is cheaper with the CPU and GPU all in one. Not as good as the Nvidia (+ 3rd party CPU) solution, but still a good solution and much cheaper.

Sony made a big mistake going with the Cell processor for the PS3, with losses of billions. Now they are going with a much cheaper solution and will most likely make a profit with every PS4 sold from the start.

Microsoft will probably take the same route.

dcbronco4085d ago

It's not about a cheaper solution. Nvidia has Tegra. That's an APU to a certain extent. What the article is mainly talking about is HSA. Nvidia doesn't have that. They are said to be working on it now for Tegra 5.

The AMD APU was just a lot better and cheaper than anything Nvidia could offer. They are bitter and scared because AMD is challenging them in every market and that will soon include phones and tablets. And with a better product.

ijust2good4085d ago (Edited 4085d ago )

We all know deep down Nvidia are hurting big time. It must be a bitch for Nvidia not to have any kind of an attention next gen.

CEO of Nvidia- Jen Huang was on stage during 2005 E3 PS3 reveal bragging about console power, he seemed the most excited person on the stage that time. He always did like the attention. Too bad he wont get any this time around. I guess he tried another way to seek the attention he craved with the project SHIELD. Yep, that will threaten console market lol.

start from 07.00

Jen will certainly be gutted he wont be attending any E3 this year when next gen consoles gets full reveal.

ZombieNinjaPanda4085d ago

Because any company that is offering their products and services to another will talk trash about them at the time they're offering.

Logic fails majority of this website.

S2Killinit4085d ago

well to those who think that Nvidia didn't want, or didn't really need the console market, I gotta say, it seems like the way they are responding to it is saying otherwise. I'm actually more of a Nvidia guy than a AMD guy. I don't mind paying a little bit more for that little bit of extra security in knowing I've got a first rate item (not that AMD is bad).But I still gotta say, Nvidia didn't handle this very maturely.

hellvaguy4084d ago

And by "maturely" you do mean independent of their right to their own opinion? You mean they throw in a slight dig at sony for using cheaper parts then they would have used, (which may or may not be fact, again just their opinion), but as a devote sony zealot, the dig cut you deep.

Fanboys of all sides need to stop pretending that they know the "true motivation" of every company out there and that if they speak negatively about their cult company (, then obviously they are immature, hurtful, evil or w/e.

BABY-JEDI4084d ago

They should just let the games do the talking, anything else is just a waste of time IMO

4084d ago
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TheLyonKing4085d ago

I love a good tit for tat against companies.

knifefight4085d ago

Bruce Less vs. Chuck Norris...

King Kong vs. Godzilla...

Mr. T. vs. Rocky Balboa...

And now, the grandest of all superfights...



rezzah4085d ago (Edited 4085d ago )



If "Less" was meant to imply Bruce Lee being lesser to Chuck Norris, know that Bruce kicked his ***.

AJ Hartley4085d ago

Theres even a vid of chuck saying theres no comparison at all that bruce would anhilate him.

Diver4084d ago


Bruce Lee action star

Chuck Norris full contact world champion. Bruce asked him to appear in the movie. So basically rigged, fake outcome that would have gone differently in the real world. Something nvidia is learning the hard way.

specialguest4085d ago (Edited 4085d ago )

Despite the fact that there was a lame movie where King Kong beats Godzilla, Godzilla would've acually crushed King Kong like an ant. Godzilla is the size of a tall building. King Kong climbs buildings and fell to his death.

e-p-ayeaH4085d ago

no love for Rocky vs Drago?

Auron4085d ago (Edited 4085d ago )

Bruce Lee killed Chuck Norris watch way of the dragon. Lee is a Legend.

strickers4085d ago

I love Bruce but he never competed. Chuck said he would have done well. He praised him. However , Chuck was 7 times CONSECUTIVE World champ. Don't dismiss him because Bruce made better movies and was more charming .

Ritsujun4084d ago

knifefight vs. gunfight
You lose.

knifefight4084d ago

Ritsujun vs. Ritsurin.

Now we're both 0 and 1.

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4085d ago Replies(1)
mcstorm4085d ago

IM glad AMD are making the chip and ide rather AMD make it for all 3 than NVIDIA just because AMD are finding it hard in the market because of Intel and NVIDIA making alto with there processors.

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AMD Could Revolutionize Handheld Gaming In 2024

Shaz from GL writes: "AMD could spur the beginning of a new era in handheld gaming with their upcoming APUs"

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rlow120d ago

To me the most important hardware is the battery. Doesn’t matter how powerful the chips are.

ABizzel120d ago

Eh…. It’s a combination of multiple things.

The battery is hugely important as it allows you to have ideally 4 - 5 hour gaming sessions.

The more powerful the processor the more games developers can share to the handheld, nd of course the better said games perform.

From there display, software, and ergonomics matter, as a good display/software will allow games to be more vivid, run at variable fps 30/40/60 ideally, and good ergonomics means it’s comfortable to play for said 4 - 5 hours. Everything else is gravy at that point.

rlow118d ago

I know we all want more power. But it’s sad that 4-5 hours is considered good now. It really shows how batteries have progressed at a much slower pace than hungry components.

redrum0619d ago

Of course it matters how powerful the chips are for it to be future proof. Don't you want to be able to play new games?

Neonridr19d ago

the Switch proves that you don't need the most cutting edge power out there to be successful.

RaiderNation19d ago

@Neonrdr that doesn't prove anything because only Nintendo could get away with that. Their games aren't the most complex/graphically ambitious and Nintendo fans don't care.

Vits19d ago


If anything, the Switch proves the exact point "redrum06" was making. Yes, it might be successful, but it's definitely not future-proof. Just look at how many games and franchises completely skip the platform.

redrum0618d ago

I have a Switch, and recently got the Legion Go. I havent touched the Switch ever since, purely because of its inability to play even older games at a decent frame rate. For anyone wanting to play multiplatform games as well, people should skip the Switch.

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Marcus Fenix19d ago

There’s no way you’re getting that 40CU 16-core APU in a handheld. That’s too hot and power hungry for that. The highest end APU they’re suggesting is going to end up in gaming laptops that can cool a 100W chip.

Jingsing19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

I think these articles get things a little out of perspective, Steam Deck has sold around 3 million and Switch has sold 140 million. But if you are browsing certain parts internet you'd think the Steam Deck had sold over 100 million. If articles are going to continue to circulate like this and continue to put the Steam Deck in the same arena then I'm comfortable calling the device a flop.

Neonridr19d ago

Steam Deck, while considerably more popular due to it's lower barrier of entry, is still a niche device with the likes of the ROG Ally and others.

I own one and it's really nice to be able to play some games on the go or in bed, but it'll never fully compete with a system like the Switch.

Skuletor19d ago

Especially when they're not in the same price range, the Switch is considerably cheaper.

gold_drake19d ago

sure but theres still a limit to what u can put in there ha. power consumption would be the biggest hurdle. and cooling.

Demetrius18d ago

I wana try out a pc handheld but I would like to experience a steady framerate etc I don't wana have to keep going into my settings trying to make things smoother in gameplay, that's the only thing that's been keepin me from getting one I've heard others having to go into the settings time from time that'll be annoying


AMD gaming revenue declined massively year-over-year, CFO says the demand is 'weak'

Poor Xbox sales have affected AMD’S bottom line

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RonsonPL34d ago

Oh wow. How surprising! Nvidia overpriced their RTX cards by +100% and AMD instead of offering real competition, decided to join Nvidia in their greedy approach, while not having the same mindshare as Nvidia (sadly) does. The 7900 launch was a marketing disaster. All the reviews were made while the card was not worth the money at all, they lowered the price a bit later on, but not only not enough but also too late and out of "free marketing" window coming along with the new card generation release. Then the geniuses at AMD axed the high-end SKUs with increased cache etc, cause "nobody will buy expensive cards to play games" while Nvidia laughed at them selling their 2000€ 4090s.
Intel had all the mindshare among PC enthusiasts with their CPUs. All it took was a competetive product and good price (Ryzen 7000 series and especially 7800x3d) and guess what? AMD regained the market share in DYI PCs in no time! The same could've have happened with Radeon 5000, Radeon 6000 and Radeon 7000.
But meh. Why bother. Let's cancell high-end RDNA 4 and use the TSMC wafers for AI and then let the clueless "analysts" make their articles about "gaming demand dwingling".

I'm sure low-end, very overpriced and barely faster if not slower RDNA4 will turn things around. It will have AI and RT! Two things nobody asked for, especially not gamers who'd like to use the PC for what's most exciting about PC gaming (VR, high framerate gaming, hi-res gaming).
8000 series will be slow, overpriced and marketed based on its much improved RT/AI... and it will flop badly.
And there will be no sane conclusions made at AMD about that. There will be just one, insane: Gaming is not worth catering to. Let's go into AI/RT instead, what could go wrong..."

Crows9034d ago

What would you say would be the correct pricing for new cards?

Very insightful post!

RonsonPL33d ago

That's a complicated question. Depends on what you mean. The pricing at the release date or the pricing planned ahead. They couldn't just suddenly end up in a situation where their existing stock of 6000 cards is suddenly unsellable, but if it was properly rolled out, the prices should be where they were while PC gaming industry was healthy. I recognize the arguments about inflation, higher power draw and PCB/BOM costs, more expensive wafers from TSMC etc. but still, PC gaming needs some sanity to exist and be healthy. Past few years were very unhealthy and dangerous to whole PC gaming. AMD should recognize this market is very good for them as they have advantage in software for gaming and other markets while attractive short term, may be just too difficult to compete at. AI is the modern day gold rush and Nvidia and Intel can easily out-spend AMD on R&D. Meanwhile gaming is tricky for newcomers and Nvidia doesn't seem to care that much about gaming anymore. So I would argue that it should be in AMDs interest to even sell some Radeon SKUs at zero profit, just to prevent the PC gaming from collapsing. Cards like 6400 and 6500 should never exist at their prices. This tier was traditionally "office only" and priced at 50$ in early 2000s. Then we have Radeons 7600 which is not really 6-tier card. Those were traditionally quite performant cards based on wider than 128-bit memory bus. Also 8GB is screaming "low end". So I'd say the 7600 should've been available at below 200$ (+taxes etc.) as soon as possible, at least for some cheaper SKUs.For faster cards, the situation is bad for AMD, because people spending like $400+ are usually fairly knowledgable and demanding. While personally I don't see any value in upscallers and RT for 400-700$ cards, the fact is that especially DLSS is a valuable feature for potential buyers. Therefore, even 7800 and 7900 cards should be significantly cheaper than they currently are. People knew what they were paying for when buying Radeon 9700, 9800, X800, 4870 etc. They were getting gaming experience truly unlike console or low-end PC gaming. By all means, let's have expensive AMD cards for even above $1000, but first, AMD needs to show value. Make the product attractive. PS5 consoles can be bought at 400$. If AMD offers just a slightly better upscalled image on the 400$ GPU, or their 900$ GPU cannot even push 3x as many fps compared to cheap consoles, the pricing acts like cancer on PC gaming. And poor old PC gaming can endure only so much.

MrCrimson33d ago

I appreciate your rant sir, but it has very little to do with gpus. It is the fact that the PS5 and Xbox are in end cycle before a refresh.

RonsonPL33d ago

Yes, but also no. AMD let their PC GPU marketshare to shrink by a lot (and accidentally helped the whole market shrink in general due to bad value of PC GPUs over the years) and while their console business may be important here, I'd still argue their profits from GPU division could've been much better if not for mismanagement.

bababooiy33d ago

This is something many have argued over the last few years when it comes to AMD. The days of them selling their cards at a slight discount while having a similar offering are over. Its not just a matter of poor drivers anymore, they are behind on everything.

RNTody33d ago (Edited 33d ago )

Great post. I went for a Nvidia RTX 3060Ti which was insane value for money when I look at the fidelity and frame rates I can push in most games including new releases. Can't justify spending 3 times what my card cost at the time to get marginal better returns or the big sell of "ray tracing", which is a nice to have feature but hardly essential given what it costs to maintain.

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34d ago Replies(1)
KwietStorm_BLM34d ago

Well that's gonna happen when you don't really try. I want to support AMD so badly and give Nvidia some actual competition but they don't very much seem interested in challenging, by their own accord. I been waiting for them to attack the GPU segment the same way they took over CPU, but they just seem so content with handing Nvidia the market year after year, and it's happening again this year with their cancelled high end card.

MrCrimson33d ago

I think you're going to see almost zero interest from AMD or Nvidia on the gaming GPU market. They are all in on AI.

RhinoGamer8834d ago

No Executive bonuses then...right?

enkiduxiv33d ago

What are smoking? Got to layoff your way to those bonuses. Fire 500 employees right before Christmas. That should get you there.

Tapani33d ago (Edited 33d ago )

Well, if you are 48% down in Q4 in your Gaming sector as they are, which in absolute money terms is north of 500M USD, then you are not likely to get at least your quarterly STI, but can be applicable for annual STI. The LTI may be something you are still eligible for, such as RSUs or other equity and benefits, especially if they are based on the company total result rather than your unit. All depends on your contract and AMD's reward system.

MrCrimson33d ago

Lisa Su took AMD from bankruptcy to one of the best semiconductor companies on the planet. AMD from 2 dollars a share to 147. She can take whatever she wants.

Tapani33d ago

You are not wrong about what she did for AMD and that is remarkable. However, MNCs' Rewards schemes do not work like "take whatever you want, because you performed well in the past".

darksky34d ago

AMD prcied their cards thinking that they will sell out just like in the mining craze. I suspect reality has hit home when they realized most gamers cannot afford to spend over $500 for a gpu.

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Make your next GPU upgrade AMD as these latest-gen Radeon cards receive a special promotion

AMD has long been the best value option if you're looking for a new GPU. Now even their latest Radeon RX 7000 series is getting cheaper.

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Father__Merrin44d ago

Best for the money is the Arc cards

just_looken44d ago

In the past yes but last gen amd has gotten cheaper and there new cards are on the horizon making 6k even cheaper.

The arc cards are no longer made by intel but asus/asrock has some the next line battlemage is coming out prices tbd.

Do to the longer software development its always best to go amd over intel if its not to much more money even though intel is a strong gpu i own 2/4 card versions.