
Game Preview - Drunken Robot Pornography - Blackman 'N Robin

Drunken Robot Pornography is by far one of the oddest names in video game history. However, don't let a title persuade you to not play a game that not only focuses on an overall fast-paced first person shooter, but just like Debojaan's other titles, DRP looks amazing. Not only is it enticing, but also focuses on the one thing PC gamers love about PC games the most, and that is the community that support the game they love to play. Drunken Robot Pornography has a great community that has already built tons of content even before the title has been released.

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AppSpy: CrossRoads Review

Sure... Navigating planes to various landing strips is easy enough, especially when you have all of that free space to move around in. So perhaps you're after something a bit more taxing on your braincells, perhaps with a few hazards mixed in, because you're just that hardcore. CrossRoads eschews this flying around nonsense and keeps you stuck to the terra firma as you navigate vehicles of all kinds to their destination.


Drunken Robot Pornography (PC) Review - Games Fiends

If you’re a fan of similar twitch based run and gun games like Painkiller or Serious Sam then the frantic mayhem of Drunken Robot Pornography may well suit you. However the gameplay and the graphics share much in common; both are well polished but incredibly basic and repetitive. Some balancing is required in order to make level difficulty as you progress through the game a bit more linear. The only place where DRP feels as though it’s trying hard is in the humour, which is more often miss than hit.

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PAX East is all about the Indies

PAX East has come and gone and it was another great year in the books. This time there was more of a Indie presence than a AAA presence at the show. Is this a bad thing? Not necessarily? Will this be the trend for other PAX’s as well? The Gamer’s Lounge had a blast at PAX and here were some of the great highlights

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