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Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time Review | Cheat Code Central

Cheat Code Central: "In the eight years that Sly Cooper has been absent from the video game universe, things have changed a bit. Pacing, characterization, and storytelling have become an important part of the industry, but all of these things are missing from Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time. What we're left with is a schizophrenic collage of historical tropes, pop culture references, and antiquated storytelling"

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Community4132d ago
majiebeast4132d ago (Edited 4132d ago )

"Very little has changed in the last eight years. And that’s a bad thing."

Meanwhile same site gives Super mario bros wiiU a 4.7, a game that had recycled textures from the wii game, and had almost nothing new to offer from the wii game. The double standards of cheatcc.

pr0t0typeknuckles4132d ago (Edited 4132d ago )

if its not a big recognizable name like mario, zelda,assassians creed, or call of duty, then its okay, but if its sly even though its added some new things and improved on the platforming, then its not okay.
more reasons for why i dont trust mainstream reviews
SLY fans love sly, DMC fans hate DmC,
critics hate sly, critics love DmC
sly improved on everything gets 6/10 , DmC downgraded most things, gets 9/10

MONOLITHICIDE4132d ago (Edited 4132d ago )

I totally agree!
By the way, Sly Cooper looks Amazing!
It bleeds color and atmosphere. Very detailed cartoon world.

matgrowcott4132d ago

In all fairness though, Mario is Mario. Aside from adding new power-ups, what can you do to improve upon that formula? They might have been phoning it in for the last few games, but that's because they can't change anything without needing to dodge the minefield that killed almost every other nineties platform hero.

Sly made way for games like Assassin's Creed or (imagine this?) Arkham City. Hell, even Infamous. It's not super professional to judge a game based on what it could have been - especially since fans probably wouldn't have loved a true open world Sly - but for it to be exactly the same?

Seems an odd design choice unless Sony presumed the only people buying Thieves in Time would do so for nostalgia reasons.

edenianrain4132d ago

Yeah but its still a double standard, call of duty,Mario,zelda,assassians creed are pretty much the same game with a few improvements and they get 9/10, sly does it and is vastly superior to the originals and gets a 6,heck uncharted 3 was the same exact thing only difference was better hand to hand combat and graphics it got a 10/10, sly isnt a bad game its actually awesome but because it stayed true to its roots instead of turning into a over the top action game,with guns blazing it gets a 6, its just very strange,though as ive said before im not surprised,mainstream media is awkward like that, and thats why ive never trusted a review unless its from a unbiased gamer on YouTube thats not being paid to review a game.

Dread4132d ago

Really so its a double sandard?

So in reality sly is better or equally good as mario galaxy 1 and 2

U sony fans live in a diff planet

pr0t0typeknuckles4132d ago

mario galaxy was an okay game, but its not ground breaking, most of the things done in galaxy were done in ratchet in clank games so whats your point, and just beacuse someone likes another platformer besides same old milked mario that doesnt mean that they are wrong for liking it.
heres a list of very good games that stay true to their roots but are essentially the same thing but get high scores, these will prove my point
uncharted 1,2,3
god of war1,2,3
every 3d zelda
every donkey kong besides the konga
every ratchet game besides deadlock,ffa,all 4 one
a crap ton of mario games
every call of duty
every assassians creed
and again these are some very good games but at the end of the day they were the same they just added a few improvements, and thats not bad, i really like that, so stop being a blind nintendo fanboy, heck i love playstation but im not blind to kiss their butt.

badz1494132d ago (Edited 4132d ago )'re saying no games can be better than or equally as good as Mario?

and you are the one saying Sony fans live in different world?! it's actually YOU who are living in a different planet where you can't look pass Mario and acknowledge that there are other good and better games out there!

Reborn4132d ago (Edited 4132d ago )

It's like a crime to enhance features which made a game good. What's bad that retains what made it enjoyable?

shivvy244132d ago

" very little has changed " THATS A GOOD THING and well done to Sanzaru to stick to the good old formula

BoNeSaW234132d ago (Edited 4132d ago )

I'm really starting to think a lot of people and reviewers are on Sly overload after plowing through the 40-60 hours of the Sly Collection last year.

And now they are expecting that "Next-Gen" or "Evolved" Sly game experience and get more of a classic Sly, which is what I want, and what Sanzaru wanted to deliver, and they tend to focus on the "same ol' sly formula is bad!" Minus Points! Where are my Killstreaks!!!


Should Sly Cooper Return For The PS5?

After Sly Cooper Thieves in Time was released on PS3 in 2013, Sanzaru Games has not had the chance to revisit the raccoon and his gang.

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PhoenixUp1623d ago

Is it law that every Sly game from Sly 2 onwards end on a massive cliffhanger? I wouldn’t be as anxious for a Sly 5 if they just gave Sly 4 a succinct ending.

On another note we still have yet to hear anything about how that Sly Cooper television series is coming along.

BlaqMagiq11622d ago

Duh. It's been almost 7 years. It NEEDS a new one.

Elda1622d ago

Why not If they know fans of the games want it bad enough.

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Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time Lead Designer: ‘We Would Love to Come Back to That World’

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time Lead Designer talks about his passion for the project, how they would love to return the world of Sly Cooper, and how the first episode of the DLC is completely written.

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Jin_Sakai1627d ago (Edited 1627d ago )

“So all I can is that if you guys want more Sly Cooper let Sony know. We are always ready to dig into that and it was a great franchise to work on. It was a great project.“

Everyone flood Sony and let them know! I’d love to have a new Sly game on PS5.

Sciurus_vulgaris1628d ago

I would love for the cliffhanger ending to get a conclusion.

Rude-ro1627d ago

This game got massacred with reviews for no reason what so ever other than it was sonys swan songs along with god of war ascension of which also got hit.

Sciurus_vulgaris1627d ago

I actually think Thieves in Time was better than Sly Cooper 3 and I’m surprised it reviewed worse than its predecessor.

BlackIceJoe1628d ago

I'd be done for a new game being a launch, or near launch game for the PS5.

Segata1628d ago

I really liked these games. Please bring him back.

Chaos_Order1628d ago

Incoming unpopular opinion!

I thought Thieves in Time was decent, but a bit of a letdown to be honest. Sly 3 ended perfectly, giving a conclusion of sorts for the main 3 characters while still leaving a little room for imagination, and had some of the best moments from the entire series, (The fight with General Tsao, anyone?) then Thieves in Time comes along with its lame villain, destroys Penelope's character, (I legitimately thought she was being brainwashed or something. Plus, why the boss fight in that crappy little mech suit when she's a master combatant and tech wiz?) and logic that makes no sense even in a cartoon world, such as Sly purposely being sent to prison so he can break out by... Throwing the one ton iron ball he's chained to to break through the wall? When he's never showed this type of strength before, and never displays a similar feat ever again? Plus I thought the levels were better designed in earlier games, and the cast of controllable characters in 3 was much more diverse and interesting. Sucker Punch were the true masters of this series.

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A Look at All of the Stealth Games Available on Vita

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright: "The stealth genre is one that some would argue doesn’t even exist – many titles include stealth elements, but actually fit into one of a number of other genres like action, platformer, or third-person shooter. Ever since the breakout success of the Metal Gear franchise (in particular Metal Gear Solid), though, the genre seems on much more stable footing and it demonstrated that you can have a veritable blockbuster on your hands relying only on stealth mechanics as the main gameplay element.

In recent years we’ve seen other things like Assassin’s Creed, Hitman and Splinter Cell continue to push the genre forward, although it still has somewhat limited appeal. Thankfully, the Vita has a healthy selection of stealth games available (and even more with backwards-compatibility), meaning if you’re looking to do some sneaking on the go then you’ll be well served with the console."

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