
"Unearthed:Trail of Ibn Battuta" Tells its Story

The upcoming XBLA title Unearthed: The Trail of Ibn Battuta, developed by Semaphore, has been very quiet on the media front. With such a shroud of mystery revolving around the title, the newly released trailer finally gives us a bit of knowledge on what's to come with the upcoming game.

The trailer showcases a few locations and gives us a great impression as to what the game will actually look like.

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yahadi4149d ago
NukaCola4150d ago

Well this is a clear Uncharted clone, but regardless of it's independent and low budget look, they really put a lot into the trailer. Glad to see they finally got rid of those gay knee and elbow pads from the old tech demos.

MattyG4149d ago (Edited 4149d ago )

Wow, the "pan the table with a gun and artifacts" shot was ripped straight form Uncharted, seems as though the rest of the game is too. But a really, really bad Uncharted. EDIT: Even the "No, no, no, no!" at the end, doesn't Nathan Drake say that a lot with the same exact inflection?! (I'm not being a "seee everyone copies Playstation" fanboy, I'm just saying, even down to the similar name this seems like a poor attempt at a carbon copy.)

CoLD FiRE4149d ago

While I understand your concerns about the possibility of this game being too similar to the Uncharted series, I'd like to remind you that Uncharted in itself wasn't very original. Everyone has to start somewhere, and while Naughty Dog is an established and respectable studio, they also at one point copied other developers' games and ideas out of inspiration. Do you remember their Mortal Kombat ripoff called "Way of the Warrior"? Cut these guys some slack so they might get a chance to improve and make their own original games.

Everyone copies COD (even established studios) and because of it we have a saturation of generic military shooters yet you don't see people complain as much. When it comes to this game, which is a downloadable game that's probably not going to cost much and it's also an action game adventure (which there aren't many of them nowadays) and made by an indie developer, people rage and feel insecure about it. You can support a new developer and give them a chance to make better games in the future or you could vote with your money and not buy the game if you think it's a rip-off of another game. It's simple!

MattyG4149d ago

I'm not saying that it has no chance of being decent, just that so much much of it seems nearly identical. It seems less inspiration was involved, it was more copy and paste. That's just what I think, I'm not saying it'll be trash or discouraging anyone from trying it.

xXBlondieVanHarlowXx4149d ago


Yeah it does, they even have their own Elena lol. It looks decent enough for a low budget indie dev game. I might give it a chance.

SlipperyMooseCakes4149d ago

Yeah the Uncharted influence is undeniable. This looks like an original Xbox game though. Having said that, I would still probably play it.

TopDudeMan4149d ago

You can tell the dialogue writing is nowhere near as good as uncharted's. But give it a chance to stand as it's own game. It may surprise you.

darkvenom4149d ago

Wow! *rubs eyes* blatant ripoff lol!,looks like uncharted finally going to the 360.

jetlian4149d ago (Edited 4149d ago )

its on psn and xbla lol. if its 15 bucks it could be decent. I wouldnt be surprised if its one of xbox live spring arcade games that and state of decay.

One thing that worries me though it said episode 1. I hope they wont take long with the rest assuming its good the first time around.

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Video Game Rip-Offs That Are Hilariously Bad

Many developers try to copy great games and they often fail miserably. These are some video game rip-offs that are hilariously bad.

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Community302d ago
senorfartcushion302d ago

Every battle royale and soulslike. Every cartoony live service game with dancing

banger88302d ago

Nah most of the Soulslike games turned out pretty good. Probably the only one I didn't much like was Immortal Unchained.


Phoenix Down 71.0 – Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta

We kick off the Year of the Bad Games with this Uncharted knock-off.

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Community1956d ago

Uncharted Rip-off Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta Episode 2 Confirmed

Chris Mawson writes: "It has been widely regarded as one of the worst games of all time, but that’s not stopping Saudi Arabian developer Semaphore from ploughing ahead with episode two in its Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta saga."

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Community3180d ago
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Roaddhogg3181d ago
Dark_Overlord3180d ago

I think I paid about 50p for it, despite the game being pretty bad (even for ps2 standards), the glitches were hilarious, I had fun with it :)

Vitalogy3180d ago

I think sony shouldn't even allow this on the Store.

freshslicepizza3180d ago

i think they should leave it up because what it does is show how much better naughty dog are

Lamboomington3180d ago (Edited 3180d ago )

not allow it ? why lol

traumadisaster3180d ago

Guess you've never been in the thick of it, knee pads can make you so much more effective my friend.

Roaddhogg3180d ago

Considering the game is cross-platform, why wouldn't it be?

raggy-rocket3180d ago

Because it didn't come out on Xbox

Roaddhogg3180d ago (Edited 3180d ago )

Episode 2 is planned for Xbox One, as stated in the article.

Protagonist3180d ago

Just learned about this game, and watched a couple of YT videos of the "first one". Wish I never did, this is probably one of the worst games, I have ever seen!

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