
Bioshock Infinite Lack of Windows XP Support Affects 10% of PC Players

BioShock Infinite PC Requirements was revealed by Irrational Games (the game developer) and it seems that it does not support Windows XP as its supporting operating system.

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FriedGoat4154d ago

I hope they don't pull this kind of crap for windows 7, Like hell am I upgrading to that godawful windows 8. I like my desktop to be primary, not secondary to metro.

N0S3LFESTEEM4154d ago

In all honesty it's not surprising since windows xp is over a decade old right now... Windows 7 isn't going to be ousted anytime soon. If it is I'm switching to Linux so hopefully the steambox really does something for linux gaming.

DarkFireHawk4154d ago

idk . . . until very recently I was using XP, I still do occasionally. I dont have a very powerful system, and not sure why, but I get less fps drops on XP than I do on 7. I still haven't gave up on XP, I think it is the most stable OS, since it has had 10 years of maturity. Windows 7 has the occasional hiccups - and there is also the incompatibility with most older games. Anyway, I hope for the best.

Letros4153d ago

Lol Linux gaming, still on that train?

N0S3LFESTEEM4153d ago

Lol... linux gaming. That's a last resort if Microsoft starts acting like apple.

T3MPL3TON 4153d ago

@Letros and Noselfesteem

The both of you are aware that Steam already works for Linux and that Gabe is making a huge push for Linux... right? You know that the Piston (Valve's console) will run on Linux right?

N0S3LFESTEEM4153d ago


I'm new to actually posting on N4G... one of the things I don't get is that it gives me the option to Reply to my own post but only gives me the option to Report to postings below mine.

But yeah... I'm well aware of Steam for Linux but the game selection is very limited at this moment. When AAA titles start supporting it then it will be a different question.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4153d ago
xPhearR3dx4153d ago

I actually like Windows 8. Probably because I hated Windows 7 mostly. You do know there's ways to boot straight to your desktop rather than the Metro UI right?

FriedGoat4153d ago

I know there are ways to do this, But my main gripe is that they don't give you a choice without installing 3rd party software.
I will not support Microsoft shafting me with the crappy UI, and it seems that nobody else wants it either (judging by how poorly it is doing)

Reverent4153d ago

Same as I was thinking. I have it set that way, and I even have an application that simulates the old Start menu so I never even have to use metro.

rainslacker4153d ago

Windows 7 and 8 aren't terribly different from a kernel perspective. What your griping about is simply a UI function, so windows 7 will be supported as long as windows uses that version overall. All are just upgrades to the Vista version of windows. After they come out with their next big change is when you will see 7 or it's variants phased out.

ziggurcat4153d ago

hahahahaha who in their right minds still uses XP?

TheGamingArt4153d ago

Agreed. I don't blame them for dropping support on it. It is a clearly inferior OS. Not only that... but the restrictions as a programmer can be annoying.

aquamala4153d ago

I can see why though, to upgrade from XP to 7 you will have to reinstall all your programs, quite a hassle.

psp2roundup4153d ago (Edited 4153d ago )

meanwhile its pretty high requirements ( http://www.theinquirer.net/... will affect 40%+ of all PC owners, but no-one cares about them.

Fishy Fingers4153d ago

They're pretty much the same as any big name AAA game.

deadfrag4153d ago (Edited 4153d ago )

What high requirements?I think the problem is your PC that most likely is out of date a long time ago.The requirements are actually in order with the common state of PC hardware this days.Not to mention that this is a game that uses UE3 an engine that scales very very good in all kinds of machines.If you have a GPU an OS from 7 to 10 year old ;well that dont make the cut but thats obvious by now!

gamernova4153d ago

They have to optimize their game for the latest os or else they're not going to be able to give the best experience for their users. Windows 7 and 8 are so similar so I see no issue but vista as well as xp need to jump to 7 as least.

dee-ecks4153d ago

Who in the hell cares, xp was 3 os's ago. time to move on, i mean last summer would anyone have complained if a game excluded win 98 from its compatibility list? doubtful.

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Is 2K Games actually making FIFA 25, the next “best” entry yet?

FIFA president Gianni Infantino teases the future of FIFA games in a brand-new interview, and NBA 2K24 studio 2K Games might be behind it.

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Cacabunga10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

I truly hope so.. day one buy

Ninver10d ago

Time for a change. Football games haven't evolved much.

Cacabunga10d ago

It’s tough when there is no competition

Abear2110d ago

There’s PES and now we’ll have FC25 and FIFA so yes, but it is no longer true, shit is about to get real!

Now if we only had two viable options for Basketball and American football we’d be on to something.

MrNinosan10d ago

PES didn't exist since 2020, and the rebranded eFootball is crap.

porkChop10d ago

If what we've heard is true, the reason FIFA games don't change is literally because of FIFA itself rejecting nearly every pitch for new features and mechanics.

anast10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

The barber shop and roulette wheel are going to be awesome.

Abear2110d ago

Pay to win is the new free to play

CrimsonWing6910d ago (Edited 10d ago )

It’ll be monetized to all hell, regardless

StormSnooper10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

Hmmm, let’s see how they do. If they riddle it with microtransactions, hell no. Otherwise, I’m excited.

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2K Games’ big Summer Game Fest announcement needs to be Mafia 4

2K Games will take the stage at Summer Game Fest, and it is about time we got some good news about the state of Mafia 4's development.

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purple10117d ago

Didn’t a leak about a max Payne remake surface a while ago?

banger8817d ago

I hope it's Mafia 4. And I really hope it's set during the 70s or 80s, and not a prequel of the first game as was rumoured.

TheColbertinator16d ago

Mafia 4 would be cool if set in a 70s to 80s era

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2K Games Will Reveal Sequel to One of Its 'Biggest and Most Beloved Franchises' at Summer Game Fest

2K Games is preparing to reveal the sequel to a "beloved franchise" at Summer Game Fest, with fans speculating that it might be Borderlands 4, BioShock 4, Mafia 4, and numerous other popular games.

Relientk7719d ago

I'm assuming it will be Borderlands 4. If it's Bioshock 4, I will be Bioshocked.

shinoff218319d ago

Xcom would be much better to reveal. Been needing some xcom 3

TheColbertinator19d ago

XCOM 3 would be my dream announcement

SpacedDuck19d ago

Please don't be a other generic Borderlands Game.

They are so boring due to the lack of innovation.

Demetrius19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

I doubt it's gone be mafia 4 but sheesh I know that atmosphere gone be on point🔥🔥 either franchise welcome

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