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Rumored Metal Gear Solid V Might Not Be Exclusive

PSE Writes: "During the VGA's one game was odded out when it premiered last night. That game we're talking about is "The Phatom Pain". The trailer was an odd one but, some Metal Gear Solid fans notice quite a few things during the reveal as well as with some further investigation."

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Community4196d ago
NovusTerminus4196d ago (Edited 4196d ago )

Well, with the HD collection, MGR:R, MGS:GZ all being for the 360...

It's not really surprising... So long as I get the game I am fine. But I am sure this place is about to go up in flames...

*Grabs popcorn*

andrewf914196d ago (Edited 4196d ago )


Well I mean I wrote this article for discussion, considering MGS4 was exclusive and did very well for Sony. It's just interesting to see a game like this become a multiplatform game and how things will play out.

G20WLY4196d ago

Interesting title; the funny thing is, you could remove the word 'not' and it would mean the same thing.

Wouldn't have the desired effect though, would it?...

andrewf914196d ago


Either way to me it does give the same effect. Only wanted to post this up as a discussion piece, I like to hear what the masses would think of something like this!

MikeMyers4196d ago

Most gamers are mature enough not to care about its exclusivity. What they care about is it being a good game or not.

dasbeer884196d ago

"It's just interesting to see a game like this become a multiplatform game and know things will play out"

Don't you mean movie?

crxss4195d ago

i bet the lead platform will be PS3 still.


You said you just wanted some discussion... Yet you didn't posted your thoughts on the forums, in fact you just made this "article" out of thin air and decided to publish it here, didn't even had the common sense to post this as a opinion piece or a rumor (rumor form where anyway?), but as news.

You don't want discussion, you want flames and hits for your blog... Sorry to break it to you kid, but you aren't exactly being original here, maybe you "gaming journalists" should try something new for a change.

ShoryukenII4195d ago (Edited 4195d ago )

We haven't seen next gen consoles yet so we don't know if one console would hold Metal Gear Solid 5 back or not like the 360 would have done to MGS 4 (and did to FFXIII).

If MGS 5 is announced this early and it comes out on both next gen platforms and they are as close (power-wise) as the PS3 is to the 360, it won't matter.

That sounds contradictory but MGS 5 would be coming out early next gen and everyone knows that early gen games are not the greatest (in terms of technology). Look at Uncharted: Drakes Fortune and then look at Gears of War 3.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4195d ago
-Mika-4196d ago (Edited 4196d ago )

Ya but it still sucks. Without the original PlayStation. The series would not be as popular as it is today. Konami and Kojima should of at-least respected Sony and there fans and allowed the numbered MGS games to be exclusive to sony platforms.

It just feels like a slap in the face. Tekken,MGS,FF and many more franchises was made popular because of Sony. And to just see these developers makes sony exclusive games multi-platform just feels like a stab in the back...

NovusTerminus4196d ago (Edited 4196d ago )

And when you spend 50+ Million dollars on a project compared to last gen which was allot cheaper, you would understand why they are doing this.

Yeah, Sony had help the franchises start with the PS brand, but they are a company, and spending that much money, they are going to try and get it for as many people as possible.

It's not a slap in the face, it is someone making sure their vision and creative work can be viewed and played by as many people as possible, while maximizing profits.

aviator1894196d ago

Kojima and his team probably have tons of respect and thanks to sony for being the host of so many of their awesome titles, but, like any business, I figure they want to reach out to as many customers and potential fans as possible.

And that isn't a bad thing, necessarily.

LOGICWINS4196d ago

How exactly is it a slap in the face if you STILL get to play these games regardless? Does knowledge that these games are available on the 360 hamper your gaming experience on the PS3 LOL?

firelogic4196d ago

lol. Respect? This is a business, not a visit to your girlfriend's parent's house.

th3n00bg4m3r4196d ago

Dude, i believe that it is Sony that made the Metal Gear Solid franchise as popular as it is today, but the Metal Gear Solid series were never an exclusive to the PlayStation consoles, except Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots of course. Besides, isn't it nice that our fellow gamers that play on other systems, get a chance to experience this awesome game.

NeverEnding19894196d ago

Do you seriously think that Konami board members sit around and discuss how to respect Sony and their fans? They don't give a sh*t about you, Mika.

For fanboys, MGS5 going multiplatform is a slap in the face. In reality, it's business. Konami may be looking for a larger market, where bigger than the US market dominated by the Xbox 360? It's simple business. Not to mention Sony's dire financial situation would be more than enough reason to jump ship.

spicelicka4196d ago

What kind of fanboy bullshit is that?? So you feel like you're getting slapped just cuz more people will get to enjoy the damn game??

That's like saying without PCs the series wouldn't even exist because you make it on PCs, so they should just make it exclusively on PC?

How does it affect you if the game is exclusive to ps3 or not? You didn't invent the system so why do act like you feel betrayed. Unless they totally make it crap on ps3 intentionally, there's no reason to hate.

vallencer4196d ago

I'm glad you only have one bubble. So that way I only have to read one entry of your crap when I click on Nintendo articles or anything Sony related.

Seriously though why would they NOT make it for other systems?? More systems equal more money and it's a great idea because more people get to play amazing games.

MikeMyers4196d ago

A slap in the face would be to have MGS5 be exclusive to the Xbox 360. Otherwise it's not just because it might be on multiple platforms. The only people who think it's a slap in the face are fanatics that keep the console wars alive.

ronin4life4196d ago

Sure. They owe it to sony.

But by that logic, they owe it to Nintendi too, as the "solid" series wouldn't have existed if not for the original MG for nes.

Soooo.... perhaps MGS should never have been on ps1? After all, they owed it to Nintendo, right?

PraxxtorCruel4196d ago

No! What you are is just a damn fan boy. Grow up, you do realize it is way more beneficial if the game is across multiple platforms as it increases the likelihood of more games being produced.

JD_Shadow4195d ago

Well, in Mika's defense, we DO know how retarded Microsoft loves to be about the multiplatform games they do end up getting, and how developers see major issues with the system specs anymore. Remember what happened with FF13? Tekken 6? Want to know why people fear of the Versus 13 rumors possibly being true?

Hell, we've went over this countless times now, but in the sea of N4G comment filth and people who can't find anything better to do with their lives than troll on here, we shouldn't be surprised that no one ever listens to common sense.

How about: game gets gimped for BOTH systems because MS demands that it gets the same quality on their version that the PS3's had (and we know that the 360 doesn't have nearly as much spec power that the PS3 has), and it would have to fit on up to two discs (maybe three if they are lucky enough to be allowed that many). There would have to be many cuts to the game if the game itself is large (and you know it will be because IT'S FUCKING METAL GEAR, FOR CHRIST'S SAKE).

It's not necessarily because Sony platforms made them popular (Tekken did get popular as a Sony exclusive, and while FF and MG were not started on Sony's platforms, they found their legs on the platforms and got mainstream popularity from being on the platforms). It's because of the fear that there'll be too much meddling coming from Microsoft (which we know they do; don't pretend it hasn't happened before) for Sony faithful to not feel like they are getting screwed out of what would otherwise be a good game.

MikeMyers4195d ago (Edited 4195d ago )

darkpower, you're over-reacting. MGS4 had long waits between chapters, so why would it being on multiple discs for the Xbox 360 matter? Also to say the Xbox 360 doesn't have nearly as much power is hyperbole. You make it sound like the Wii in comparison, far from it. All your comment does is provide proof that there are still people out there who keep the flames ignited between the two systems. Was Burnout Paradise that much better on the PS3 even though it was the lead platform for Criterion? So let's not start the whole cycle again like we're going back in time to 2006 and trolling forums about how much more powerful the PS3 is.

Hideo Kojima is not going to make a inferior product on the PS3 just because his next installment might come to the Xbox 360. He has enough experience with the hardware. They also have a new Fox engine that looks better than MGS4. Times have changed, it's just too bad some gamers haven't.

animegamingnerd4195d ago

to bad final fantasy started to suck after it went to sony

porkChop4195d ago

You're clearly misinformed. The Metal Gear franchise has never been Sony-exclusive. Metal Gear 1 was out well before the PlayStation ever hit the scene. MGS2 was on Xbox and PC, MGS1: Twin Snakes, was on Gamecube, MGS3 was on Xbox and also now the 3DS. MGS4 is the only numbered title that is actually exclusive in any way.

Personally, MGS5 can go to 360, or PC, or Wii U or a fuckin toaster for all I care. As long as the game is good and pushes the series forward then I will buy it day 1 and enjoy the hell out of it.

When it comes to platforms the only thing I actually care about is that I would like to see it on the Vita. Yeah the graphics would have to be scaled down, audio would need to be heavily compressed and re-encoded, whatever they need to do that's fine. I'd just love to take it with me wherever I go, bonus points for cross buy, cross controller, and cross save/"transfarring".

Aghashie4195d ago


long load time between chapters on mg4 was due to storage limitations (small HDD) on 1st gen ps3. but the whole game is delivered with uncompressed textures, mapping and audio. something still to this day, impossible to achive on others game systems.


I agree with you. after what happens to ff13 I fear for any non exclusive mayor title going multiplatform. I don't mind the game going multi, come on... everybody should be able to enjoy a great game on their system of choice. but I fear that microsoft would request the game to be comparably equal on their system vs the competitors system. and we all know how the story ends... its not sony's fault that xbox uses the dvd as the primary media format. so, why to punish Sony for trying to rise the bar?

Rhythmattic4195d ago

To many "got the blinkers on" console fans here....

Look at the bottom of this page.


Both Sony & MS platforms will most likely get this game...

Then, at least it can be enjoyed and judged on its own merits, more-so than on its exclusivity..

nukeitall4195d ago


I think you got it wrong, it isn't that Sony made these games popular, but rather these games made the Playstation popular.

No console (at least in the past) is worth anything without the games and 3rd party developers by far outnumber first party.

None of these developers owes Sony anything, and on the contrary console manufacturers owe developers.

Remember how, prior to MS, these developers were treated like dirt by these console manufacturers?

These Japanese manufacturers didn't care about how easy a console is to develop for.

That said, developers want the "MOST" people possible playing their game, not loyalty to console that can turn around and stab them in the back. Remember, consoles are a closed platform!

If you as a fan feels stabbed in the back, it's likely more because you are a fangirl without knowing it. =)

Rhythmattic4195d ago (Edited 4195d ago )

"*should have at least"

My grammar incorrect?

MikeMyers4195d ago (Edited 4195d ago )

Aghashie, so bluray is the key component? Is that why so many PC games use the format?

You know what's tiring, seeing endless arguments over such non-essential things. If people really want games to not be dumbed down per-say, then they really need to start supporting the PC platform. The differences in the PS3 and Xbox 360 are minor in comparison to what we saw on the Wii and what we are seeing on the PC. Both the PS3 and Xbox 360 lie somewhere in the middle between those two other platforms. For 6 years we've been hearing nonsense from both camps going at it back and forth and in the end it really didn't change much or do anything. To this day the games look and play awfully familiar on both the PS3 and Xbox 360. We've all seen the head-to-head comparisons and most games are very close. These references about which is better or more powerful have become redundant.

Sony isn't raising the bar, that bar was already raised years ago by the PC. So anyone who truly cares about games being the best they can possibly be should be writing to Konami and asking for a PC version. Go play Far Cry 3 and tell us all how the Xbox 360 is holding back the PS3. If anything both systems are holding all games back, which is why it's time for new hardware. It's not the Xbox 360's fault the PS3 version is just as bad as the Xbox 360 version when compared to the PC. Oddly enough both the PS3 and Xbox 360 are fairly close. How weird is that? It must be because of the DVD format, is that it? Same thing with Battlefield 3. In either case bluray didn't make much of a difference, now did it? Which is funny considering how open the Far Cry 3 world is. In fact it's much more open and larger than any MGS game. Having this game on multiple DVD's is not going to ruin the experience for PS3 owners who will likely get it on one disc. Xbox 360 owners will have to suffer from changing them, so don't worry about it.

tordavis4195d ago

@-Mika- What you just said...THAT's the kind of fanboy drivel that pisses me off about gamers this generation. You don't show respect to a company by making a game exclusive and losing out on sales. Slap in the face? Do you work for Sony or something? Wake up dude! It's just computer hardware that plays games. No one fucking cares about exclusivity. There's nothing special about a 3rd party IP being on only one platform. Did you say the same about Mass Effect and Bioshock? GTFO!

Mikito114195d ago

Mika you fail, metal gear end final fantasey started on NES... Learn your shit

SilentNegotiator4195d ago

You guys REALLY need to stop feeding the super-obvious troll.

akaakaaka4195d ago (Edited 4195d ago )

This is the problem here, ps3 can do just better and the prove is onon their exclusives vs 360 if they go multiplat the ideal will be to mause the best of each console but devs lower the quality and features to fit them n and make it feels pretty much the same plus lets not forget the textra time and resources they could use for extra contents and polishing it.

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 4195d ago
LOGICWINS4196d ago (Edited 4196d ago )

I don't see the point in releasing MGS5 on the 360 when MGS4 hasn't even been released on it. Unless MGS5 is a prequel and doesn't require knowledge of the events of MGS4, I don't see why a 360 only owner would even care about MGS5.

andrewf914196d ago (Edited 4196d ago )

That being true if this title is indeed MGS5, I would bet that there would have to be something to fill in new players (multiplat players) who'll pick it up.

aviator1894196d ago

Well, my brother, who's a ps3 owner, had never played the original mass effect on the 360 yet he bought mass effect 2 and mass effect 3 anyways when they came out.

LOGICWINS4196d ago (Edited 4196d ago )

I bought Mass Effect 2 on my PS3 without having played the original as well, but that interactive comic filled things in for me.

wishingW3L4196d ago (Edited 4196d ago )

MGS4 is the last one and everything coming after it will probably be a pre-quel of some sort. The only exception to this would be MGR but it was PG who wanted to change the time-line to make the gameplay more over the top.

solid_warlord4196d ago

Kojima can release a video only to tell the story of MGS4.

Mass effect 2 came out when ME1 was xbox360 exclusive.

But then again youtube is ur friend for flashbacks

spicelicka4196d ago

I don't have a ps3 but i've always liked the series so yes there's a point. I've played MGS4 but only at a friend's house, and although i would love to play all of it, i don't care if it's never released on xbox.

I can always read and watch videos to catch up on the story. The MGS world intrigues me so yes i care.

Wintersun6164196d ago

I can imagine them trying to explain the MGS Saga on a comic in the Xbox 360 version of MGS5. Would probably need it's own disc. Actually that would be hilarious. :D

KMCROC4196d ago

Wasn't there a similar situation like this with the ME series . but in the end it worked out for everyone .

kane_13714196d ago

MGS5 will tel the story of Big Boss, and his years after PW and GZ so it won't be a big deal really, after all, they only need MGS 3 which they have got.

but i don't know if this is MGS5, since the character, which totally looks like big boss has lost his left hand while in the end of MGS4 he has a left hand so it is weird.

Anyway, what i had heared and read was that MGS5 will be about Big Boss and GZ is a prequel to it like PW.

nukeitall4195d ago

If you can only sell a game to people that can play the previous iteration, you are in for some rough times.


Because your audience likely doesn't expand much. Most of these games don't have a coherent story, let alone the poor presentation. My guess, nobody cares about the events other than the ardent fans. Kojima isn't known for his story telling. =)

That said, many Playstation owners switched this generation or even own more than one console, so why not?

Rhythmattic4195d ago

Im as bad as they come...

Never played any MGS game until MGS4....

Absolutely one of the best gaming experiences ever...

Been gaming since 77... so call me what you want, but a great game is a great game.

WitWolfy4195d ago

@LOGICWINS Your such a shit head... What if there are gamers like me who own both a PS3 and a 360??? Dont be so naive fanboy idiot... If somebody wants to buy it on 360 because of prefrence then thats their decision

LOGICWINS4195d ago

"Unless MGS5 is a prequel and doesn't require knowledge of the events of MGS4, I don't see why a 360 ONLY owner would even care about MGS5."

I have a busy schedule, but if ud like, I'd be happy to take some time and give you reading lessons via of charge :)

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 4195d ago
solid_warlord4196d ago

Well its obvious. Since Nintendo will be irrelvant next gen, the battel between M$ & $ONY's new machine will be what its all about next gen.

Just like this gen, it will be similar i rekon with next XBOX dominating the biggest market, North America and next Playstation rule everywhere else.

With the popularity of Xbox this gen, they cannot avoid loosing million on M$ platform. Third Party exclusives are almost non existance today gaming world.

Just like hideo Kajima said, the new fox engine was created to play on next gen systems and currently only demoed on PC with M$'s DX11 features as seen on latest MGS trailer.

ronin4life4196d ago

Sony never dominated Japan. They have been playing second fiddle to nintendo.

The 3ds is about to pass ps3 LIFETIME sales in the region. Nintendo has ALL the major franchises locked up. And a full year(at least) head start to build even better relations with 3rd parties, which already out-do sonys support structure.

Where have you been?

Nintendo is THE most relevent of the big 3.

Ippiki Okami4196d ago

"Nintendo is THE most relevent of the big 3." LOL @ronin4life, to you maybe.

You know the last "revelant" nintendo game that won a game of the year award was? Ocarina of time on N64 the only other one was Golden Eye. The N64 was the last time nintendo was "revelant" to the industry. You know how many technical awards the wii or nintendo have won recently? Absolutely ZERO. The industry likes to keep employing its university made game designers/artists employed by making complex game engines with graphics and physics and not making mario games on a nintendo system, sorry.

admiralvic4196d ago

@ Ippiki Okami

Awards mean very little, since most Nitnendo series continue the same gameplay mechanics (which make them fun), but turn people off declaring them a winner of anything. Thats why CoD can get as many high scores as it wants, sell more than anything else, be the most played online game and still lose to title like Borderlands 2. (which deserves it)

As far as the topic goes... I don't see why this is a rumor? The only rumor is whither or not the game is Metal Gear Solid V, it's already been "confirmed" to be multiplatform or thats a "troll" and this will MAGICALLY turn out to be Metal Gear Solid V...ita. Sure Kojima and others may or may not want to keep it exclusive to Sony, but games cost WAY too much to build now a days. I rather have an over the top game with an INSANE budget, than a above average (perhaps way above average?) title exclusive to the PS3.

ronin4life4195d ago (Edited 4195d ago )

Which is why Mario galaxy ISN'T the highest rated game of the gen? Oh wait...

And just ask RPG fans which game they would prefer: ff13 or the last story.

And (while this is debatable) all thid gen, when ps360 was being over run by the same 3 genres en masse, the wii held some of the most original and inventive new 3rd party ips of the gen.

This isn't even taking into account the mammoth sales they have amassed, or the complete domination of the handheld market. All while remaining the most well known household name in the industry with 1 year of losses out of 30+.

So yes, they are the most powerful company. Most well known. Most influential. Most relevant.

TUGA4195d ago

"So yes, they are the most powerful company. Most well known. Most influential. Most relevant." Where you live that may be very well truth. In my country Playstation is the brand that is most recognized. This is Playstation land. In fact my generation is called the Playstation generation because we just have to press a button to make anything happen.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4195d ago
Jinkies4196d ago

Its not that I wouldnt want 360 gamers to enjoy it, its just Kojima pushed the Ps3 when he made MGS4 and it payed off, I want him to do the same to MGS5

strifeblade4195d ago

JUST TO LET EVERYBODY KNOW- what makes everyone so sure mgsv is going to be on current gen consoles when ground zeroes has not even come out yet>>>!?!?!? for all we know maybe ground zeroes will be pushed and ported up to nextgen consoles and if mgsv comes out after ground zeroes- there is no chance that it will come out for this gen.

assuming mgsv is nextgen, what makes you think the next microsoft console will be weaker than sony? for all we know it could be in fact stronger as recent rumours suggest- then which console is holding back who?

Kran4196d ago

Thing is, you get some people who think "oh if a game franchise goes from exclusive to multiplatform, the games bound to be worse than when it was exclusive" I have a friend who believes that :/

joeorc4195d ago (Edited 4195d ago )

"the games bound to be worse than when it was exclusive" I have a friend who believes that :/"

For good reason, but not the reason , many here even think, i would imagine its based on the fear the game play would change from stealth to "Completely" an Action Type of Game like this one:


Many Times on forums such as these, you had mainly heard many of the fan's on the XBOX360 that just wanted MGS4 as a "gloating point" we took yet another Exclusive away from the playstation platform, that may bother some people. But the real bother was the real blunt truth of the matter, is the many of those same fan's said MGS4 was Quote a " Interactive Movie" so what happend to the next MGS Game? it went from Mainly a stealth Type game over to this:


from stealth/action Hybrid with mainly cutting out the stealth part!

MGS started out as mainly a stealth type game , and has been that way for quite some time, its always good to try something new, but some fan's of the series would want to play a mainly stealth Game with more interactive background story being told to flesh out the game, more story instead of Mainly Action button Mashing. if you want mainly Action Button mashing there is already quite a good number of those already. in fact there is already going to be one of these already,


Many of the fans may think the MGS franchise may get changed to something more along the lines of the Action type instead of the stealth type because majority of the main fans on the xbox360 platform that said they wanted Metal Gear Solid 4 beacause a) they would Gloat have to get one less platform because all the playstation exclusives was being taken by the xbox. B) to boast about taking yet another exclusive. C) Many of those same people said they see MGS4 as a interactive movie!

So is this more about getting the game to play it because they like the MGS series, or is it more about just boasting about stealing another "seen exclusive from the playstation Platform, and they could care less about the stealth game play. and if it changes play from stealth to Action thats ok than because they like Action game play over stealth anyway?

That is what i have seen as the main complaint about MGS going multiplatform, not that it goes to another platform mainly, its attitude of certain gamers on the xbox that the platform its going to manly has fans that would rather play an action game and would want MGS series changed to more like this:


than play an Interactive Movie!

showtimefolks4195d ago

ok so

mgs hd collection not exclusive
mgr not exclusive
ground zeros no exclusive
mgs 5 will not be exclusive-unless sony pays which i doubt they will

kojima is a geek tech freak in a way so unless sony just blows his mind with a tech he feels like he can do special things mgs 5 will not be exclusive.

sony is in no position to loose money on its next machine so expect a profit from day one, price point of $399-349 is the max they will go

they have learn a lot from ps3, just look at Vita price point. They have realized to be successful quickly you have to give value to consumers and a consumer friendly price point

also my last point is development is getting very expensive and for next gen its only gonna go up so it really doesn't make sense to have any 3rd party games exclusives, unless a company writes a big enough check even than it maybe timed exclusive

DeadlyFire4195d ago

I expect Next Generation launch MGS 5 title in 2014 on PS4/XB3/WiiU?/PC?.

MGR, and MG: Ground Zeros in 2013 for current gen. MGS 5 making the leap to next-gen. Just fits to me. I wouldn't suspect them all at one time. I just wonder who is in MGS 5: The phantom Pain. As far as I can tell Big Boss, and Snake had all their limbs in MGS 4.

MGS 5 revolves around who exactly we don't know. Is it in old era with MGS 3, PW, Ground Zeroes, or is it in modern/future era with post MGS 4 content?

I personally expect MGS Ground Zeros to define the new Zero and MGS 5: The Phantom Pain to define the new 1 or 100. As Big Boss stated at the end of MGS 4. It all starts with Zero or in this case Multiple zeros? :P

Gamer19824195d ago

MGS brand goes hand in hand with the PS brand. Cannot see the main series going multi-platform. Its partly the reason why people buy PS consoles. Plus its a Japanese developer this is the key here. Japanese developeres prefer PS and Nintendo(Konami, Square-Enix,Level 5) and American devs prefer Xbox(EA,EPIC). Its all to do with sales first and foremost. That might change next gen as release dates did at the beginning of the this gen with great support from Square-Enix for 360 but it fell to the side once PS3 gained power and eventually we saw more PS3 exclusives and less 360 exclusives.

ZombieKiller4195d ago

I was a lil butthurt at first because I thought the 360 version might slow down the PS3 version, but honestly, I have faith in Kojima to make an incredible experience on both. Not to mention EVERYONE deserves to experience MGS as it is an incredible series. I do hope that this is the start of even higher sales and popularity for this game, as long as they dont let the money get to them.

Kos-Mos4195d ago

Remember popcorn makes you fat. Do you live in the land of the fat?

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4195d ago
NYC_Gamer4196d ago

It's not shocking Kojima spoke on bringing his games to multi-platforms before

Knight_Crawler4195d ago

I remember him saying that the reason the built the Fox engines was because they wanted all games to play exactly the same on all consoles and that all future Konamis games will be multiplat.

Also Sony would have to offer Konami a huge check to keep this game exclusive - MGS will do GTA4 numbers when its release on all consoles.

Gamer19824195d ago

He also took a swipe at other consoles in MGS4.

Snookies124196d ago

If it's next-gen it'll be exclusive. If it's this generations, it'll be multi-platform. Kojima likes to take advantage of new hardware and see what he can do with it (usually on the PlayStation side.) He's already done that this generation with MGS4. So unless it's next-gen like I said, it'll probably be multi-plat.

majiebeast4196d ago

For me mgs4 would have been the perfect end of the franchise but its too big for Konami to let go. So they keep pestering Kojima to make more.

Ace_Pheonix4196d ago

Hey look at that, you got your perfect end, stop buying and playing them then. It's all over for you. Most importantly, bitching about it is pretty lame, dude. Kojima has his own studio, Kojima just opened an entirely new studio in NA, I'm pretty sure he does what he wants.

MysticStrummer4195d ago

If he did what he wanted he would have left Metal Gear behind a long time ago. He's tried a couple of times actually.

Ace_Pheonix4195d ago

@MysticStrummer, he has tried to turn it over to different people to take the helm, but always jumps right back into the middle of it. Because he loves it. He's like that boyfriend that always talks about leaving his girlfriend, but never does and secretly can't get enough of her.

AO1JMM4196d ago (Edited 4196d ago )

Moby Dick Studios lists Xbox360/PS3.

Hmmmmmm nothing gets passed you detectives.

andrewf914196d ago

Gotta investigate further, you know how people like to find out more info.

portal_24196d ago

Actually it lists PS3/Xbox 360...
...also nothing related to the game in question.

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10 Best Co-Op Games, Ranked

ScreenRant's Ben Brosofsky writes, "There have been a lot of great co-op games over the years, and the best of the best cover a wide variety of genres while maintaining the fun."

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Community20h ago

Forget Elder Scrolls 6, Skyrim Can Easily Be Made Into A Next-Gen Game

ScreenRant's Stephen Tang writes, "The Elder Scrolls 6 won't be releasing for a while, and in the meantime, the modding community has been making Skyrim into a next-gen game."

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Community23h ago
GhostScholar21h ago

That’s just laughable to me. I think they’ve squeezed all they can out of an 12 year old game

mastershredder17h ago

"Easily" because they see mods, says the gamer. To heck with licensing, terms agreements conditions, etc. all you need to do is belive in mods. Yeah, so real superficial BS yo.

CrimsonWing696h ago

Do people not want to play a new game? Like, I’d rather see 6 than just a prettier version of a game we’ve been playing since the 360/PS3 gen…

anast4h ago

They might as well. So far, it looks like ES6 will be mostly developed by AI.

Smellsforfree5m ago

I don't want a next-gen version of a game I've already played to death. Skyrim was a great game, but I'm over it.


The Status of Every PlayStation Franchise

Sony owns a fair few iconic franchises - many dating right back to the original PlayStation. But while we’re pretty familiar with the likes of ongoing series such as God of War, Horizon, and Gran Turismo, there are plenty of PlayStation franchises that haven’t seen the light of day in a long time. So in this video, we’re going to be taking a look at the status of PlayStation’s many IPs, and checking in on when we last heard from them.

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Community1d 8h ago
Skuletor1d 8h ago

A 20+ minute video? Just include the written list in the article.

DarXyde1d 4h ago

Status in one word:


The end.

anast1d 3h ago

Which ones should they utilize more?

BehindTheRows1d 3h ago

Indeed. We hear this “underutilized” talk as if every old franchise should have a comeback or reboot.

I_am_Batman1d 1h ago (Edited 1d 1h ago )

When new IPs start looking like Concord, you can't blame people for wanting another Resistance or Killzone instead.

anast1d 1h ago (Edited 1d 1h ago )

J&D and Resistance are good ones. As much as I love these, though, I'm not sure they would payoff without an enormous marketing push. Younger gamers today do not have taste and the older gamers that would appreciate these might not be enough. But yeah, I would day 1 Resistance.

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Hotpot1d ago

Well that’s just the consequence of consistently producing new IPs isn’t it. Not all studios can be or want to be like polyphony digital who made gran turismo all the time.

Abear211d 2h ago

Here lies The Infamous Series; once a shining beacon of free flying, lighting bolt sniping, and wire riding amazing gameplay, it has been laid to rest and be forgotten for what seems like forever despite being loved by millions. Plot next to Wipeout across from NBA Jam.

Lightning7722h ago

Still baffling they cancelled Twisted Metal, Factions 2 and Spider-Man Multiverse LS game but thought Concord looked good enough.

Chocoburger22h ago

Ape Escape, Parappa / Lammy, Gravity Rush, good times. Always hoping for them to make a return, or at least similar type games, such as the newly-announced Astro Bot, but one game isn't enough. Bring back the joyfulness of the 90's era of gaming.

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