
Square Enix PC Ports will Melt your Face

thumbACTIVE take a look at four incredible Square Enix PC ports that'll push your systems to the limit, including the beautiful looking Hitman: Absolution.

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Community4220d ago
taquito4220d ago (Edited 4220d ago )

stop saying ports to pc

All games are made on pc and PORTED TO console!

games are created, crafted, designed, coded, scripted and entirely build on pc and then PORTED to console

even console exculsives are made on a gaming rig, then shrunk down to work on consoles, thats why devs always have those nice screenshots to show you months before release and then the game comes out on console and looks nothing like the up-rezzed, highly anti aliasied screens of the pc shots they showed

that is why, when there is a pc version, it is always far superior

sleeping dogs and hitman absolution are perfect examples, the pc versions look two generations beyond the console versions

porkChop4220d ago

You clearly know nothing about game development. That's really all that needs to be said.

LightofDarkness4220d ago (Edited 4220d ago )

They may be built on the PC, but they don't RUN on PCs. For instance, Naughty Dog commented on running Uncharted on a PC and it just crawled. That's because Uncharted is BUILT to be run on a PS3. It is built to specifically make use of the Cell + RSX + 256mb XDR system and to interact with PS3 specific libraries (the OGL derived graphics API etc.) They are compiled onto a development unit and tested/played there. The dev units often have higher specs than the target machine to allow for greater debugging functionality, which sometimes allows them to take higher detail screenshots (the game might be running at 5fps in these cases, even).

SephirothX214220d ago

Made on pc and made for pc are two very different things. The code could run on pc first but not be optimised for pc first.

specialguest4219d ago

How do you explain the lackluster Dark Souls PC port?

ATi_Elite4219d ago

Blah ha ha hahh hah ha.....I can't stop Laughing!

Now Just Cause 2 does look really awesome and the 2000 player MP is fantastic! Very detailed and bright graphics. NICE!

But as far as Melting my face.....NO! Only High Texture mods, Metro 2033PC, and BF3PC are the only games to have melted my face in a awhile!

Don't even mention SLeeping Dogs cause GTAIV w/ Icemod totally KILLS it!

Note to Square Enix: It's one thing to make a Nice port to PC but it's a GREATER thing when you just make a good PC Game!

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LordLaguz4220d ago

Normally i would say its a lie and laugh, but i heard sleeping dogs has a great PC version, so i will give them a chance.

porkChop4220d ago

I have it for PC. It was flawless. Definitely the best looking open world game on PC, it's beautiful, the controls were fluid and worked well, performance was butter smooth with everything maxed, lot of options and customization. I gotta say, UFG did a much better job with SD than a lot of high profile studios do with PC exclusives. And the game itself was amazing, I think it 1-ups GTA in a lot of ways.

TooTall194220d ago (Edited 4220d ago )

I was also very impressed with the PS3 version. UFG did a great job all around.

Eyesoftheraven4220d ago (Edited 4220d ago )

The closest thing to what I'd imagine the minimum of what next gen should look like has been the Watch Dogs sequence and Star Wars 1313 at E3.

Running i7-3930k, 16Gb DDR3 @ 1866, 240Gb SSD, 3TB @ 7200rpm drive, 4tb 7200rpm drives in raid-o, Overclocked Radeon 7970 in my gaming rig. Hitman Absolution looks great, runs well enough, but still looks based around current generation limitations.

Qrphe4220d ago (Edited 4220d ago )

I think so too. Although current consoles could never reach the graphical depth of the ports mentioned in the article they're still PS360 consoles games rendered in high settings.
A game like Uncharted or Gears of War even if running at 720p still has more technical depth than a game like Kingdom Hearts rendered at 1080p with crazy AA. Hell, even DMC4 on PC, when rendered to the lowest settings at 480p, STILL has more technical depth than any PS2 game on high settings.

I honestly don't believe we should get the other two consoles until they can give us something like the E3 next-gen demos which truly showed what the next generation should be like (I don't care if I have to wait till 2014 or even 2015).

annus4220d ago

It's nice to see PC multiplat games actually showing potential now. Although I'm sure in another 2 or 3 years devs will forget about PC gamers and make crappy ports again.

Eldyraen4220d ago

I actually agreed although I'm also disagreeing with you in part. "Crappy" ports probably won't be near as bad as the beginning of this generation but I do think for the first few years of next gen consoles the differences won't be quite as pronounced as they are now. Part of that though is rumor of dx11 support so PC advantage won't be as clear until new tech comes out again.

Granted I could be wrong and as a PC gamer I'm more than willing for a Dev to make me eat my own words and truly push current and future hardware to their limits ;)

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It's A Crime That There's No Sleeping Dogs 2 Yet

Huzaifah from eXputer: "Sleeping Dogs from the early 2010s is one of the best open-world games out there but in dire need of a resurgence."

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Community56d ago
LG_Fox_Brazil57d ago

I agree, I consider the first one a cult classic already

isarai57d ago

You say "yet" as if it's even possible anymore. United Front Games is gone, along with anyone that made this game what it is

CrimsonWing6956d ago

That’s what happens when games sell poorly. And I’ve seen people wonder why people cry when a game sells badly… this is your answer.

solideagle56d ago

Majority of the time it's true but if a company/publisher is big (in terms of money), they can take a hit or 2. e.g. I am not worried about Rebirth sales as Square will make Remake 3 anyway but if FF 17 doesn't sell then Square might need to look for alternative. <-- my humble opinion

Abnor_Mal56d ago

Doesn’t Microsoft own the IP now since they acquired Activision?

DaReapa56d ago

No. Square Enix owns the IP.

Abnor_Mal56d ago

Oh okay, Activision owned True Crime, but when that didn’t sell as intended it was canceled. Six months later Square Enix bought the rights and changed the title to Sleeping Dogs.*

*As per Wikipedia

boing156d ago (Edited 56d ago )

Sleeping Dogs was a sleeper hit back then. It was fantastic. It actually still is. Would love a sequel to this, or at least a revive of True Crime series.

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Top 30 Best Open World Games of All Time – 2023 Edition

The past few years have seen some excellent open-world titles on top of the existing classics. Here are some of the very best that you should play.

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Community203d ago
Nobodyreally203d ago (Edited 203d ago )

watching the video is better then going through 31 pages of gamingbolt.

LG_Fox_Brazil203d ago

Do they explain in the video why there are two numbers 3? Starfield and Tears of the Kingdom?

xeniate198d ago

It's always refreshing to see games embracing the streaming community.

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Community402d ago
Viljong402d ago

The og deus ex is magical. Im also very exited about mass effect legendary edition from the gp. Its next on my playlist never played mass effect game before.

IamTylerDurden1402d ago (Edited 402d ago )

Never played ME? It's imo the greatest trilogy of all-time and perhaps the best setting outside maybe Fallout. Play it. Great DLC as well. In 2 & 3 at least. Skip Andromeda. Also, Human Revolution was great as well even if OG fans claim otherwise.

shinoff2183402d ago

Mass effect 1 was great. I feel they dumbed down alot on the 2nd one and seemed more action like. Mass effect 1 the citadel was an explorable city. Far as I got in Mass effect 2 it was reduced to a location list no traveling through it. I disliked it alot(the citadel) part. I also feel they went more action oriented then rpg

just_looken402d ago

It always makes me mad when you see something you have done in the first mass effect or dragon age can make something change in the 3rd because bioware make 6 games in what 8 years? that did this but today 0 games do this.

I wish we had trilogies today were we can share saves and have multiple endings/path's on all 3 because of choices from anyone of them.

Its so funny being the bad sheparad from one to 3 then the end having just you and joker ha ha yet everyone is like hey your a hero with a 90% casualty rate.

CBaoth401d ago

Fallout can't hold Mass Effect's jockstrap. The one Fallout even in the ballpark is 3, and that's only because the DLC was extremely good. When Ken Rolston was in Bethesda's employment were they good. That's about it. They're now the world's greatest copy/paste developer out there. Bioware at their pinnacle was ten times better a studio than Todd's team. Go look up the games

IamTylerDurden1401d ago

Mass Effect is my favorite, followed by 2 and 3. Yes, ME2 was dumbed down but also refined in terms of polish and accessibility. ME2 had an awesome story, great DLC, and a solid cast. Mordin in particular. It's a great game. Even 3 which was the weakest was still solid imo despite the ending. If u love ME how do u not enjoy all 3?

Fallout is not a better game though FO3 was great. In terms of setting though Fallout is Mt Rushmore. The 50's post apoc setting was brbrilliant. I still put ME setting n lore above but FO is up there with setting.

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esherwood402d ago

Man play mass effect, best games ever

Miraak82 402d ago

Xenogears is my fav sci fi rpg

closed_account401d ago

Right? There's a serious lack of classics on this list.

The original 2 Star Oceans. Rogue Galaxy...

IamTylerDurden1401d ago

Rogue Galaxy never got that critical love. Beautiful PS2 game. Was it L5?

closed_account400d ago

@IamTylerDurden1 Yep, Level5. Love their stuff. Dark Cloud 3 please...

Godmars290402d ago

Why aren't there more? A Star Trek RPG for one. Or something with non humanoid aliens?

shinoff2183402d ago

Cause for some damn reason medieval is more popular ugghhh. I'd take some sci fi sh anyway over it. I've said time and time again I hope the elden guys are working on a sci fi type game.

Godmars290402d ago (Edited 402d ago )

Something non-post apocalypse or dystopian. Just world saving. Fighting bad guys while doing good and dealing with ethical/moral/psychological quandaries.

sadraiden401d ago

The reason why fantasy RPGs, and Fantasy as a genre, are more popular than Sci-Fi, is because of the low technology/high magic tropes. If all of your problems can be solved with looking up the answer on a smartphone, well, there's just lower stakes than if a character has to have a sword fight, and climb the tower, and rescue the fair princess and recite the ancient incantation to seal the evil.

Obviously you can have universe ending stakes in Sci-Fi, but that requires abstract reasoning, and an ability to RP in a way that is progressive instead of regressive. Couple that with Sci-Fi games and media generally being faster paced, and you've got a genre that attracts a very specific demographic of gamers.

just_looken402d ago

or go crazy and make a starship troopers rpg can you survive the bug fight?

The animated show was great showed what someone can do with the lore.

Fist4achin401d ago

A Starship Troopers game as a real time strategy like the command and conquer series would be awesome.

just_looken401d ago


We have that today but its a small team with a smal budget

Its not a major rts sadly but a start

jznrpg402d ago

I really hope Naughty Dog is doing a Sci-Fi game. As a lover all most things RPG I would love to see Naughty Dog quality in an RPG.

porkChop402d ago

They could do some really great stuff with sci-fi. The sense of grand adventure of Uncharted, but also with the stealth and crafting of The Last of Us. Different planets, creative alien races, collecting junk to craft repairs and upgrades for your ship and weapons, etc.

shinoff2183402d ago


Your getting me excited for something that doesn't exist. Damn

shinoff2183402d ago

He'll yea , hope we here something about that if they are. I'm not to worried about factions at all

just_looken402d ago

If it was the old naughty dog i would want that the new naughty dog no thanks.

IamTylerDurden1401d ago (Edited 401d ago )

TLOU2 is the finest game ND has made. U4 was fantastic. New ND is a more impressive ND. I don't rate Crash n Jak like i do Uncharted and TLOU. Even Uncharted 1 and 3 were not as well crafted as TLOU, TLOU2, U4 imo. Idc if ppl troll TLOU2, most ppl are clueless, that game was incredibly impressive.

TLOU2 combat, visuals, and acting were the best of the genre. I found the story deeper and more profound than most but it's subjective. The level design was excellent also. The score. Audio. Animation. It was a masterpiece to me. The rope physics, detail. TLOU2 deserved Elden Ring scores and ER deserved TLOU2 scores. If any game deserved 97 in recent years it's TLOU2. Best game i ever played and if ppl come with Abby bs i already know it's not worth it. Those who call TLOU2 trash are foolish. Just look at it running...

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