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Day One Patches Set A Dangerous Precedent For Game Development And Consumers Deserve Better

One Hit Pixel: "Are EA setting a dangerous precedent with Day One patches? Are both Microsoft and Sony facilitating this?"

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Community4241d ago
Anon19744241d ago (Edited 4241d ago )

Would you prefer the game to launch broken? I remember the time before patches. Broken games shipped all the time and the situation would never be resolved. At least now in the case where heaven forbid something could go wrong, developers who are on the ball have an option to address these issues. That's certainly not a bad thing. As games have evolved and become exponentially more complex over the years, human beings and their capacity for error have still stayed the same. At least that doesn't instantly equal wasted dollars on a broken, buggy game.

It'd be great if all games shipped perfect, but that's not realistic.

bumnut4241d ago

If it needs a day one patch it did launch broken :)

seriously though, it makes you feel that they have rushed it when this happens.

I also remember pre patch times!

darthv724241d ago

as a gamer i will take some of the responsibility for the situation we are all in. I'll explain.

back in the cartridge days there wasn't such a thing as patches for games that had bugs. We usually just dealt with them by either taking the game back or sucking it up and living with them.

With the introduction to consolized patches and dlc came with it the acceptance that WE as gamers had to bear the brunt of companies releasing their games that would possibly benefit from patches to improve quality.

What it has turned into is a generation of entitled gamers who will stop at nothing to get what we expect. Now, while i agree that we should get a finished game, I also know that (thanks to the internet) there are no longer anymore secrets when it comes to such things as release dates.

Let me elaborate. If a date is announced, we want to hold that company to that date and that company has to deal with two sides. One of them is us (obviously) and wanting to deliver a game we will likely purchase. The other is the investors (which we could consider ourselves to be in a way) that put forth the capital to speed things along in the development process.

They have a deadline to deliver to both parties. That means that things are usually cut or left out to meet the deadline and these companies have become so reliant on the idea that they can release a patch after to fill in the gaps.

the idea of DLC and patches were originally intended to extend a games relevance. Now, it is just a means to complete the unfinished project released to the public.

For that, i apologize to all gamers for my inability to be patient. I know i am not alone in this but i will step up and take one for the team.

violents4241d ago

"if a studio of EA’s size asks and makes a deal with Microsoft or Sony, they’re allowed to push for the release of a game that is not up to the standards outlined in the requirements. Whether payment is made or not, that a publisher can be allowed to almost circumnavigate the rules is a detriment not to them or the console manufacturer but to the consumer: that’s dangerous."

Direct from the article dude and ive been preaching the same ever since patches started. Companies are pushing games to be shipped that arent ready so they can cash in and that's not fair to us the consumers. Make a product that works properly day one and then fix little glitches later. Some problems don't arise until they see it on the global scale but day one patch means they knew it wasn't right when they shipped.

I_LOVE_MYSELF4241d ago

See? You make fair comments yet get disagrees?

Day 1 patches are fine for the most part since they are to deal with the online aspect of the game. You buy an online game then you deserve to have your issues fixed. The Single Player should never have to be patched unless it is to prepare for DLC. Even if there is a small issue with the SP at least the option for a patch is there.

I would have liked Street Fighter 2 to have a patch to remove the handcuff glitch. I would have loved a patch on Final Fantasy 7 to fix the poor translation. Maybe we could have got patches for Metal Gear Solid 3 so that you can remove arrows from your body after the boss fight with The Fear.

I would rather have issues patched sooner rather than later.

ronin4life4241d ago

The point of the article us these patches should not be needed. The game should SHIP up to the day one patch quality. That's why he got disagrees.

I_LOVE_MYSELF4241d ago (Edited 4241d ago )

For online I disagree. All sorts of problems crop up. You will never have your game running perfectly online. You launch and patch it day 1. You expect patches when you play online so I don't see why it is an issue. From technical issues to balancing issues! I support patches for fixing these things ASAP even if it is day 1. It is completely understandable due to how unpredictable new games online are.

Single player... Well... Patches shouldn't be needed in a perfect world, but MGS3 had an annoying bug DAY1 that could never be patched. MGS3 should never have launched?
I DO think a day 1 patch for Single Player is a bit extreme and should not be needed.

Emperor_Obama4241d ago

People often think that a day one patch means a game is broken at launch. Games have pretty much always needed a day one patch, but until recently it wasn't available. There are tons of glitches and issues with older games and you are just stuck with it.

I'm glad developers patch their games regularly, sometimes they find issues after a game has shipped, so I'm glad when they catch the issues and patch it, that way we don't get stuck with a broken game.

-I'm Emperor Obama, and I approve this message.

ronin4life4241d ago

Once again, however that's not the point. What devs are doing us skimping on quality in order to add it later. This isn't about fixing minor issues or things discovered late but KNOWN and often MAJOR/NUMEROUS problems. These issues should not be allowed in a shipped "finished" product knowingly regardless of patches.

JKelloggs4241d ago

Games aren't completed and made 2 days before the release date, they are done a few weeks before the release, so it gives devs time to improve on glitches and various fixes before release date, to spot more bugs. I'd prefer a day one patch, to a day 30 patch.

AngelicIceDiamond4241d ago

That, and content that's out of the game itself, stored on the disk and pass it as DLC.

That's a no no also.

-Gespenst-4241d ago (Edited 4241d ago )

Ya see, while I don't really agree with day one patches, there's still the issue of people thinking they're entitled to these luxuries. We're greedy consumers, not to say that the corporations and companies behind modern videogames aren't greedy themselves, but there's just this thing of consumers thinking they're owed so much and they deserve so much, like they forget about the people making the game completely.

A day one patch is usually necessary because the game has a fixed release date and could do with a few polishings here and there. That's the fault of the corporations forcing the release of these games because of their fiscal agendas. Not the developers.

Locked content on the disc that becomes DLC is however, inexcusable. That's just deceit.

Lucreto4241d ago

I don't like day one patches but I see why they do it.

Publishers press developers to finish on time and get the game shipped. They fix the game breaking bugs before they ship. Once is has gone gold they have more free time to work on the smaller bugs and some of the major ones they missed.

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9 Video Game Sequels So Bad They Killed The Series

Alongside death, taxes and terrible Adam Sandler movies, video game sequels are just another crushing inevitability of life. Sequels and franchises are the lifeblood of the industry, so you can bet any halfway successful game will be aiming towards at least five more follow-ups and spin-offs in pursuit of more delicious money.

Yet even major franchises tend to run themselves into the ground eventually, where they can either reboot themselves and come back stronger than ever (think the new Tomb Raider games) or stay buried in the past.

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Top 5 First-Person Shooters of All Time

This new Top 5 video series is starting with a bang, and quite possibly some teabagging, as I run through my favorite first-person shooters.

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Community2864d ago
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GamingWithMack2865d ago
knifefight2864d ago

Doom 2 was the one that opened me up to the genre. Still love it.

lastking952864d ago (Edited 2864d ago )

Halo ce
Halo 2
Halo 3
Halo 4
Before i liked halo
007 goldeneye
Doom 2
Crysis 3

NukaCola2864d ago (Edited 2864d ago )

Killzone 2
Turok 2
Medal of Honor
Time Splitters
007 Agent Under Fire

robtion2864d ago (Edited 2864d ago )

Old school would be Wolfenstein, Doom, Hexen, Duke Nukem, and Rise of the Triad.

More recently Half-Life 2, BioShock (original), Wolfenstein the new order, Timesplitters 2, Medal of Honour.

Some personal favourites Singularity, Resistance series, Killzone Series, Bulletstorm, Dishonored.

Kallisti2864d ago (Edited 2863d ago )

Duke Nukem was a side scroller on Dos

@robition Duke Nukem wasn't a FPS 'til the 3rd one, Duke Nukem 3D

robtion2863d ago

Sure. Talking about FPS's here though.

AsunaYuukiTheFlash2864d ago


robtion2863d ago

Great concept(Nectar) and fun but a bit of an iffy execution and didn't live up to its promise. I finished it at launch. Shame they didn't quite get it right.


5 Video Games That Ruined Their Franchises Badly

The video game industry is one based on the backs of its scholarly properties. Like movies and books, it’s a space that draws vigorously on strong sequels and innovative new thoughts. Notwithstanding, not all sequels surpass the enormity of their forerunners, and a chosen few of them check the start of the end for their →

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Community2919d ago
Stupid2919d ago

Assassin's Creed series was ruined after Black Flag, Ubisoft made it annually game. I played Dead Space 1 and 2; were awesome but Dead Space 3 failed to make gosip. As MOH Warfighter was good game

NukaCola2919d ago

Black Flag was the redeemer after 3. ACIV is my favorite of the series. Unity was bad, Syndicate is actually pretty good. So they are up and down. As for Dead Space, I thought the original was like Uncharted series. The first one was a great story and a little rough, but #2 was incredible through and through. Uncharted 3 is awesome, unfortunately DS3 was indeed a terrible terrible game. Warfighter was a good game, but aren't we all burned out on shooters???

Stupid2919d ago

That's right Assassin's Creed series had awesome games till AC Black Flag, AC III was terrible

monkeyDzoro2919d ago

I disagree on AC Black Flag. Black Flag was a good PIRATE game but a very mediocre AC.

2919d ago
CoNn3r_B2919d ago

I preferred Revelations over Brotherhood. AC Brotherhood had such a boring story while AC Revelations tied everything up very well for Ezio and Altair, if I was going to pick a game where it all started going downhill for me it would be AC 3 but despite that AC 1,2, Brotherhood, Revelations, 4, Rogue and Syndicate are all good games.

RondoMachete2919d ago

Lost Planet as far as I remember went like dead space with the third game (round based type play) it just felt like it was just a map clearing game with multiple horde survival. Call Of duty went and died long ago. Ghosts didn't help its cause but now we have three development houses it's going from bad to worse. GTA to me anyway was saved with five to me the driving up until then was awful. Mario and sonics died along time ago to in my eyes.

Bobafret2919d ago

These titles get worse and worse.