
Interview: Chris Avellone On Project Eternity

1up - As a wildly successful Kickstarter campaign continues, the designer talks about Obsidian's isometric RPG.


Chris Avellone ‘awarded seven-figure payment’ after sexual harrasment claims settled

The 2020 accusations saw multiple developers cut ties with the Jedi: Fallen Order writer

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TheColbertinator423d ago

Maybe he can take over that KOTOR remake now

MadLad423d ago

Glad to see he came out of this on top. He's one of my favorites in the industry; amazing writer and team lead. It's also good he got a good paycheck out of this. Those two jackasses definitely cost him work over the last couple of years.

Inverno423d ago

Unfortunately the damage is done, and most will continue to see him as the villain regardless of what was decided in court.

423d ago Replies(1)
Barneyco423d ago

There is no shortages of aholes in the gaming industry who threw him under the bus without any facts. Destroy him first and we'll sort it out later.

frostypants422d ago (Edited 422d ago )

Time to return the favor and remind everyone what these people did to him. They are complicit with those who made the false accusations.

GamingSinceForever423d ago

So in the end he gets paid and then asks that all respect the privacy of them two lying tricks? That’s strange as Hell.

Sounds like everyone got paid to just forget about it. Otherwise I would think those two would have been held accountable for telling a blatant lie.

babadivad423d ago

They never are, that's why this stuff keeps happening.

jznrpg422d ago (Edited 422d ago )

It is odd he is advocating for them when they are the cause of this situation . But I have met rare people like that who are very forgiving . Not many though.

We don’t know all the details so who knows. It does seem like they all got paid, but that’s is conjecture .

Shane Kim422d ago

There seems to be no punishment in accusing people for crimes they didn't commit. At least not when it comes to r@pe and physical abuse from men to women.

Michiel1989422d ago

@sinceforever it's legally settled, I wouldn't wanna be reminded of the situation daily either by throwing them under the bus on twitter daily, even when that would be justified. Also if he applies for a new job, it's never a good look to have your socials filled with trying to give them payback, even when he is in the right.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 422d ago
BandarHub423d ago

At the end of the day Karissa Barrows and Kelly Rae Bristol lie and got caught. They could not sustain their lies in from of the judge.
And also the wording of the title should be different and most honest. It makes it sound like they have reached a settlement where Chris is the one that yielded when it was the accusers that got caught lying, they are the ones who had to settle.
It is a shame, although he got paid large sum his reputation is still ruined, I don't think that he will be working again after that.

zaanan423d ago

Ideally he should have held out for convictions for those liars. But I understand the financial pressure he is under - he is now a pariah in his chosen field of work despite the facts, and his attorneys are probably getting a ton of this money anyways. However, if I were him, the terms would have included a public admission and apology from the two lying liars. Not the milquetoast “we were misunderstood” bullshit. They publicly accused him falsely, so they need to admit it and apologize to him in front of the world.

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Owlcat Games Shocked by Allegations Against Avellone, But Won't Rush a Decision Just Yet

Wccftech got a statement from Owlcat Games regarding the allegations made against Chris Avellone, who wrote for their Pathfinder games.

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Chris Avellone accused of sexual misconduct by multiple women

The allegations were made over the weekend, and have prompted some studios to reconsider his work on their games.

LOGICWINS1429d ago

“He got me blackout drunk on Midori Sours (on the company dime). He and two friends somehow got me back to my room”

How did a man “get you drunk”? Did he force a tube down your throat and dump liquor into it?

NealGamby1429d ago (Edited 1429d ago )

Yep. Here we go again. Let's just believe the female with absolutely no proof & ruin a man's career and life. I'm all for seeing someone who is guilty get what's coming to them. But YOU'VE GOT TO HAVE PROOF! Not just words. For all we know they fooled around consensually, and she saw him flirting with other women and now she's trying to ruin him.

LOGICWINS1429d ago

Agreed. This won’t stop until men speak up about it. If you want to ruin a man’s livelihood, you need proof.

ElementX1429d ago (Edited 1429d ago )

Twitter isn't the place for accusations. If he did something, then report it to the appropriate people

LOGICWINS1429d ago

@ElementX That's just it. When a woman reports an assualt to the police, they typically ask her specific questions regarding the event and take her phone to ensure that there's nothing in her text messages/voicemails that may damage her case.

Women who are aware that their claims are false will avoid the police altogether because they know it won't take long for the police to catch them in a lie.

Since women know that most people will white knight for them, they choose to crucify the man on social media where they can not only hide their identity (preventing the accused from fighting back) while also preventing herself from being incriminated for reporting a fake crime.

LOGICWINS1429d ago

Surprise Surprise! Angry Joe was just recently accused of sexual assualt as well!


NealGamby1429d ago (Edited 1429d ago )

It's funny that she knew, word for word, everything he said UNTIL it got to the part about the shower. Suddenly, she can't really remember and instead has to use the term "he replied along the lines of". A tell-tale hint that she's straight up lying. SMH.

EDIT: OK, just finished the whole story. Basically the story could be summed up as "Guy tries to get laid, doesn't succeed. Girl could have left anytime she wanted but didn't. Instagram simp tries to console her. The End." This is a non-story. She's an attention whore who is trying to capitalize after other women came forward.

1429d ago
derek1428d ago

These things are hard to prove, but they at least must be thoroughly investigated.

indysurfn1428d ago

Gamers are not suppose to be sorry blame the victim losers. But I swear it is what I keep seeing.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1428d ago
Christopher1429d ago (Edited 1429d ago )

Read more than just the twitter source. This article is a shit show for writing by putting the less credible stuff up front and not as "additional proof." The text to Jacqui Collins alone is pretty damning as both are industry professionals and not just random people and she showed proof.

Whatever your thoughts on how he should be treated, professional relationships are not the place for such things. I'm ashamed of a man, who has been at the core of my gaming life since the 90s, acting this way professionally.

Rimeskeem1429d ago

These guys won't care if it is possible or logical. Unless the woman can remember every detail the man is innocent to them. Not saying he did or didnt, but I know who isnt going to be on the Jury IF this even makes it that far.

rainslacker1428d ago

Why would you be ashamed? You were in no way complicit with his actions, regardless of the veracity of these claims. It always annoys me when people act like they did something wrong and should feel shame when something bad comes out about someone. Don't continue supporting him, but enjoying his work at some point, or even in the future, isn't going to make you a bad person.

Christopher1428d ago

Ashamed in this case being embarrassed by. It's a person I've lauded many a time and his actions only bring more questions to others in the industry. Not ashamed as I'm guilty or personally ashamed "ashamed of" is key. Not of myself, but of him.

rainslacker1428d ago

You don't have to be embarrassed either. I used to be a fan of Kevin Spacey. I still think he's one of the best actors of our time. But, obviously, his actions make it so it's hard to want to see his movies, or support his career. I'm no longer a fan in light of new information, but it doesn't take away his achievements elsewhere, or make me wrong for liking his work in the past, or even respecting his work now. The only thing that's changed is being a fan of his.

Yes, it does indeed paint a black mark on the industry, but that black mark is way to widely painted nowadays. It's so generalized, that it's no better than the way the internet works in general. Attributing the whole based on the actions of a few. A few bad apples isn't indicative of a systematic problem.

I think what you're trying to say is that you are disappointed in him, which is understandable.

Christopher1428d ago

Rainslacker, I said what I meant and don't need you trying to correct me. Perhaps you don't feel what I do, that's fine, but I feel what I feel and it's also fine. You don't need to tell me how to feel.

rainslacker1426d ago

I'm not trying to chastise you for feeling the way you do. I understand why you feel that way, and know many people who have had similar things happen in the past....if not everyone has at some point really. I'm just saying there is no shame in having respected someone who ended up disappointing you in the end. I don't feel you did anything wrong. Basically...chin up, you're a good person.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1426d ago
1429d ago
Gunstar751428d ago

He tied her arms behind her back and shoved alcohol down her throat of course

Ffs. The whole thing fell over immediately.

Call the police not social effing media ffs

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1426d ago
Rimeskeem1429d ago

I feel like people don't understand the difference between accused and charged. There is some evidence of misconduct and inappropriate advances but there has no been an official charge of sexual misconduct or worse. Also, LOGICWINS, you should use some logic to understand that drugs can be placed within said drink causing a drunk like state etc. I'm not saying he did any of this btw, but I see some people going to the irrational conclusion that they are trying to ruin someones life. Both are extreme conclusion based on ZERO evidence.

LOGICWINS1429d ago

"I'm not saying he did any of this btw, but I see some people going to the irrational conclusion that they are trying to ruin someones life."

When you publicly accuse someone of sexual misconduct or assualt....you are in fact (intentionally or otherwise) ruining their means of making money....thus ruining their life. Chris Avellone has and will continue to lose job opportunities because of this....as evidenced by the article(that apparently you didn't read).

1429d ago
Sophisticated_Chap1429d ago

Twitter isn't the appropriate place for something like this.

Rachel_Alucard1428d ago

Twitter isn't appropriate for a lot of things.

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