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6 Secret Next Gen Announcements Being Shown At E3

For Microsoft, Sony, Ubisoft and EA it was one last shove for the current generation. For Nintendo, it was a slightly botched attempt at pushing towards the next one. Peppered throughout every presentation, though, were telltale signs of the future, hidden in fresh new tech and blindingly pretty games. Here we uncover six, hiding in plain sight.

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Christopher4386d ago
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Pandemic4386d ago

Out of those six, I found Watch Dogs to be the most next-gen looking title.

Hufandpuf4386d ago

I thought the star wars game was the best looking IMO. Watch dogs does look very good though.

LightofDarkness4386d ago (Edited 4386d ago )

Graphically, 1313 is the most impressive gameplay we've seen. Watchdogs is still extremely impressive, particularly so when you factor in that it's supposedly an open-world/sandbox style game.

In terms of most impressive real-time graphics shown, that easily goes to the Final Fantasy demo. That was pretty incredible, actually. It's hard to believe that something so amazing is possible on hardware that's available right now.

@ TCG:

Enjoy :)

TCG_Returns4386d ago

FFvs demo? Never herd of any demo being shown

I must search for this..

Nimblest-Assassin4386d ago

Both Watch Dogs and 1313, were run on a high end pc with Nvidia.

Im excited for watch dogs... but iffy on 1313... the last star wars game force unleashed 2, got my hopes up so high... but were then crushed brutally by a lame 4 hour story, and zero replay.

The fact I only saw around a minute of footage for 1313 doesn't help either. Game is not on my radar... but once again Im cautiously optimistic after being burned by TFU2

GillHarrison4386d ago

In response to LightofDarkness, While Final Fantasy does look absolutely incredible, let's first see the game running with physics simulation, AI tasking, and view-distance variables (gameplay) before we jump to conclusions. Though it does show that a DirectX 11 PC can run cut-scenes that look as incredible as we saw in real time.

Blasphemy4385d ago

Star Wars 1313 is confirmed UE3 game, knowing this is what LightofDarkness said so hard to believe?


@LightofDarkness link

I was completelly unaware of this tech demo and I loved the concept.

Looks like FF meets fictional real world. Mana vs Ak47? Summon vs Biowepon Hyena? Simply loved it!

Wouldn't in anyway call such game Final Fantasy per se, but the concept is great, would be totally happy to give my money to SquareEnix once again.

Spydiggity4385d ago

I still don't understand how, as a gamer (i assume), you can still be fooled by cut scenes. makes no sense. "real-time" doesn't mean that's how the game looks in action. it just means the cut scene was created with the same tools.

i can guarantee the game won't look like that.

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FrigidDARKNESS4386d ago

Watch Dogs demo was running on a hi end PC that's why it looked so next gen.

PersonMan4386d ago

If you're talking about Watch Dogs, it was NOT being played on a PS3. For one, that was an xbox 360 controller. For 2, it was plugged into a very high end PC.

Only an idiot would believe that it was done on a console. Look at all the dynamic lights, the reflections, the high resolution textures, the water effects, the rain, the animations, the smooth framerate and not one single hint of screen tear.

WeskerChildReborned4386d ago

My bad, i got confused with a different game.

pwnmaster30004386d ago

I heard reports it was a ps3 controller

STONEY44386d ago (Edited 4386d ago )

The demo was confirmed by several sources to be running on PC.

Eurogamer also said that the press release stated platforms at PC, PS3, and 360.

aCasualGamer4386d ago


I agree, there is no way in hell that presentation was running on PS3/360. The cloth movement on his clothes alone is impossible on current console hardware. Would have been a great conclusion to this gen but i don't believe we'll see that kind of fidelity and attention to detail on current consoles... Apart from Last of Us and Beyond Two Souls.

I just wish more new IP's would've been announced.

modesign4386d ago


GT5 on ps3, watchdogs can sure as hell handle the ps3's technology, i dont know how the 360 will be able to handle it with 3 core and a dvd9,(alot of disks, you will need to switch discs between districts).

to the changes in clothing and texture, Uncharted had interactive clothing, dirt, dust, water, grass, snow, etc. so yeah theres alot of games that have elemental changes in clothing.

tokugawa4386d ago

modesign ... rofl

the ps3 is a good console, but watch dogs looking like that will definately not be on the ps3. if it comes at all to this gens consoles, it will be looking alot worse than that.

i just hope ubi hold this off and use it as a launch title



I heard the same, but it appears the controller had colored buttons, so it not likely. In anyway, both PS3 and 360 controllers (not to mention almost any other controller) can be used in PC and, considering the visual quality and past development/presentation of almost all multiplatform games, I'm pretty sure it's running on PC.


As good as GT5 looks, it doesn't have to deal with multiple NPCs, heavy car traffic, all those multiple animation and AI... It's a racing game, GT5's engine may excel on car physics and graphics, maybe even pilot AI, but it doesn't mean it could handle such a diversified and open game with that visuals.

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure both PS3 and 360 can handle Watch Dogs, just not at those graphical setting.


Sure the graphical quality may point at next-gen for consoles, but it wouldn't be the first time we see some trailer with really high settings that don't represent the final game... So I wouldn't assume it's next-gen material based on graphics alone.

More importantly, it seens that Ubi have been working on this game for some time now, I don't think any third party dev have next gen development kits just yet.

And even if they are aiming for next gen (that we won't see any earlier than late 2013), there's no reason to ignore the big user base of current gen consoles and risk it all on next gen early adopters and PC gamers when you can cover all bases.

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TheBigShamona4386d ago

The watch dogs demo was running on a ps3 the whole time lmao why do people say It's so next gen? Watch the demo again and youll see the controller.

MysticStrummer4386d ago

It wasn't running on a console at all, and that wasn't a PS3 controller. It was running on a high end PC, and a 360 controller was used.

Campy da Camper4386d ago

Er, it was on a pc using nvida and the controller was just that, a controller. I love my ps3 but if u think it is capable if that much dynamic lighting, rain physics and no pop in your ps3 has triple the cell power mine does.

TheBigShamona4385d ago

nvm its a black 360 plugged into PC oh well =/ i still think next gen can do ALOT better then this

lzim4385d ago

Unless I'm confusing the game Guillemot said it was running on PC.

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Rubberlegs4385d ago (Edited 4385d ago )

Even though its coming to current gen console Far Cry 3 was another game running on the PC and it looked great. The engine that Far Cry 3 runs on is a modified version of the CryEngine 3. Most of Ubisoft's stage demos were being played off of a PC.

They are using a controller for the demos because they aren't going to bust out a keyboard and mouse.

BlackKnight4385d ago (Edited 4385d ago )

Actually Farcry 3 is running on Dunia Engine 2. Not Cryengine 3. Crytek only did Farcry 1. Farcry 2 had an Ubisoft engine made for Farcry 2 called Dunia which is a heavily modifed Cryengine 1 (Not even cryengine 2, which was used for the PC version of Crysis 1 and other PC games).

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milohighclub4386d ago

6 secret next gen games.....everyone of them were shown and one isn't even a game. Lol.

4386d ago
Fyflin4386d ago

Interesting. I personally wouldn't have included Wonder Book, if anything that tech has been tried before.

Definitely interested in getting a glimpse of next gen with Watch Dogs and 1313. At least when next gen kicks off the games will look incredible out of the gate, the tech and game engines are already here waiting on hardware.

v0rt3x4386d ago

I doubt 1313 is actually next gen - I worked on Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 - and the first level looked similar from a graphic point of view.

It could easily be PS3 / X360.

sjaakiejj4386d ago

Lol I think you should watch that level again. It's miles ahead of what Force Unleashed 2 did.

modesign4386d ago

yeah, i worked on star wars force unleashed 2 also. *wink**wink*

KUV19774385d ago

It's kind of impossible that you two worked on TFUII since I created it completely by myself. I guess if I had got a second guy on board for development it could have been better, but well.. next time..

andibandit4385d ago


I worked on Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 too, and i remember firing you day 1.

v0rt3x4385d ago

Say what you will. It's funny no one has done their research and is automatically assuming I'm making this up. Anyway - do some research on the TFU2 engine and you'll see that when it first got released to the public everyone was hyped about how photorealistic it looked. The engine's capability later got drowned in the discussion of how bad the actual game was. But all I'm saying is that 1313 can well be running on current gen.

xchamp4385d ago

Hes not lying, he actually worked on Force Unleashed 2 as a QA Game Tester...

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Xbox Games Showcase Followed by Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Direct

Xbox writes: "Join us for a double feature on June 9, 10am PT - Xbox Games Showcase immediately followed by Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Direct.  The Xbox Games Showcase is your look at the new games from Xbox Game Studios, Activision, Blizzard, Bethesda, as well as our partners from around the globe. Immediately following the Showcase, stay tuned for Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Direct for a special deep-dive into the beloved franchise."

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ravens521h ago

I'm here. Waiting in anticipation to see some games 🤙🏽

GamerRN51m ago(Edited 50m ago)

I'll be honest, if they don't announce some major shit, this could be the nail in the coffin.

If I hear about major 1st party titles going multiplatform, it's over.

They need to build the brand trust right now. A lot of damage has been done.

We need bangers, AND some news about next Gen.

Flawlessmic31m ago

It's just started 4 games in and it's already been a fantastic show.

This is gonna be the best showcase in years

VersusDMC29m ago

New Doom dark ages anounced for PS5 as well...

GamerRN26m ago

So far this is a great show, and mostly all GamePass games? Looks like the bangers are finally coming!

Investments finally paying off.

Now they need new hardware so they can start over

Sonic188116m ago(Edited 15m ago)

So far the best showcase this year

Flawlessmic9m ago

At this rate, best show of the last 2-4 years, been an absolute bangerrrrr so far!!!

Pixykont6m ago

Perfect dark looks incredible

Lightning771h ago

Very certain Perfect Dark will show up. fable showing up and 2025 release date.

Unpopular opinion here but INL think Final Fantasy 16 will release on Xbox. I dunno if it'll be on Gamepass but I think it's going to other platforms now.

53m agoReplies(1)
Obscure_Observer51m ago


Time to see what amazing games Xbox Game Studios has been cooking for us, boys!!!


Kurisu50m ago

I'm tuned in now. I can't say I've ever been big in to Xbox, but I got myself a Series S when it launched. Can't say I've used it much but I'm intrigued to see what's in the pipeline.

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Xbox Games Summer Showcase 2024 start date, time, exciting leaks and how to watch

Here is the start date and time for the Xbox Games Summer Showcase 2024 with bundles of exciting leaks and how to watch.

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gold_drake2d ago

10AM PT/1PM ET/6PM london time.
on June 9th.

this is so odd. we had ps before the summer fest and now xbox after.

lelo2play6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

Summer Fest and the Sony show were both crap, let's hope Microsoft and Ubisoft shows are decent.

(the way this is going, I'm not asking for good/great shows, simply asking for decent shows...)

I miss E3.

RupeeHoarder5h ago

State of Play is a 30 minute sizzle reel. It is not meant to compete with the yearly Xbox showcase.

gold_drake1h ago

best e3 was when they showcased breath of the wild with the nintendo tree people i watched that quite a few times ha.

Daver4h ago

Diablo 4 expansion? Even if the game is bad.

Crows904h ago

I'm definitely of the mind that d4 was complete crap at release...but the state of it right this moment is not complete crap. They've simplified a lot which actually helped their overtly stupid itemization.

End game content is still kind of stupid but at least progression and itemization is better.

Daver3h ago(Edited 3h ago)


Maybe but it is still boring. It might be a little bit better but it is not a good game.

Profchaos2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Xbox had typically kept the old e3 dates alive it seems to always fall on Queens / Kings birthday holiday in Aus only reason I've noticed as it used to be a day off to engross myself in e3 showcases but nowadays it's nothing

Lightning772d ago

The rumor is 30 games with a nearly 2 hour show. I hope so I, been saying they need to go balls to the wall with their showcase. That's according to Grubb again. Yeah a huge pinch of salt he's only been wrong or half right about some stuff.

There's also suppose to be a Wu Tang Clan game that's a kungfu action RPG featuring the legendary hip hop group New Yorks own Wu Tang Clan. You read right Wu Tang Clan kungfu action RPG.

Sounds weird, random and quirky but hey I'm down to see it.

romulus2323h ago

Bet the title has Shaolin in it.

purple10120h ago

State of decay 3 info is leaking on twitter!

Looks good. Personally don’t play horror/ zombie games, but I appreciate it’s a good game so that’s a win for Xbox fans.

Lord knows they need a win at the moment

ThinkThink17h ago

Appreciate the concern, but I think we'll be just fine. Hope you all enjoy tomorrow's show.

15h ago
Obscure_Observer5h ago

"The rumor is 30 games with a nearly 2 hour show. I hope so I, been saying they need to go balls to the wall with their showcase."

MS had the best showcases in the last few years.

This year, the bar is so low with those last showcases, that imo, MS and Ubisoft doesn´t even need to make much of an effort to beat them.

"That's according to Grubb again. Yeah a huge pinch of salt he's only been wrong or half right about some stuff."

Grubb was right about the last State of Play. Just a few days for the end of the month, he´d continued and insisted that it was going to happen. And he was right! Sony made a last minute announcement for whatever reason, but the guy was spot on.

Lightning7714m ago

Grubb was only half right. He only got the month down, which was late last month for a PS event but wrong on it being a PS showcase.

Half right at best. He's still not that credible these days. He definitely wasn't spot on.

derek3h ago

Grubb has been pretty spot on in his comments regarding showcases. You can tell he's not guessing, he knows in advance.

Sonic18812h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Microsoft has had the best showcases for the last 3-4 years. The problem with Microsoft and the Xbox division is their reputation and trademark around the world. That's what's really affecting them.

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anast23h ago

This show is going to be painful.

Elda23h ago

Hopefully not knowing most games shown will be multiplats & some eventually multiplats.

anast23h ago

The presentation is going to be the painful part. There might be some good games though.

20h ago
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ArmrdChaos11h ago

You can always make a drinking game out of it for every time they say the words "Made for a modern audience".

Crows904h ago

I'd like to be able to watch it through to the end though...

7h agoReplies(3)
anast5h ago

This is fun. Some back and forth.

No, but those emojis sure seem like you might be.

Crows904h ago

You'd think that every now and then even these dispassionate fools may do a good job...they've disappointed every single year since before release of Xbox one....that's a really long streak of

anast4h ago

For sure. they have the money to put on a top tier show, but I'm afraid it will look like an event where super rich people are noticeably trying to be cheap. And they have this strange smile like they know they are trying o get over on people. It just makes for an awkward and tasteless showing.

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Elda23h ago

I hope it's a good showing knowing most games that will be shown will be multiplats & XB timed exclusives that'll eventually become multi-plats.

Tacoboto20h ago

It is what it is at this point.

At least the good games will have a chance to be bought, take advantage of the superior DualSense, and *maybe* give those studios a better shot at survival.

They'll also have better shadows, and run with higher dynamic res on the PS5 Pro.

Lightning7717h ago(Edited 17h ago)

So if they're multiplat would you suddenly like Xbox games?

You never have before you've made that clear several times over.

Elda16h ago

I have an XBSX. I also own a PS5 & a Switch. What's your point??

Lightning7715h ago

My point is what I said. You don't like Xbox games, you've said it repeatedly. So would you suddenly like Xbox games if they were available on PS5.

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Why Microsoft Putting Black Ops 6 On Game Pass Is The Ultimate Test

By putting Black Ops 6 on Game Pass, Microsoft plans to gauge its growth, pricing, and monetization changes, at the cost of less game sales.

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rlow14d ago

If they have follow up games that are bangers, then this strategy will work. But if it’s Call of Duty followed another dead period then it won’t last.

crazyCoconuts4d ago

From MS financial perspective I think it may be the opposite.
A year of GamePass on PC is less than the price of two full price games. For all the people that would have bought COD for $70 but instead started subbing for GP, MS will get an extra $50/year which is good.
However, for each banger that MS puts out, that's lost potential revenue because the GP sub won't need to buy it.
So it only makes sense where the new GP customers would have otherwise not spent more money with MS... Which is the case if MS puts out low quality shovelware.

rlow13d ago

If you’re looking at the short term you are correct. But if Xbox can have multiple bangers then subscriptions should increase. Which is what they want, recurring revenue.

S2Killinit3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

I think this is more about microtransactions. MS wants to see if the upfront losses will be offset by more people login into the “free” game and buying more microtransactions to justify not selling as much COD games.

I honestly not sure. I feel like everyone who likes COD is already playing/buying it so I’m not sure how much more engagement they can get by putting it on gamepass. On the other hand, I also feel a lot of COD players are casual gamers, and they are the type to click on anything that is “free” ex: mobile gaming style

Sonic18814d ago

I don't see it working if Call of Duty makes less money and profits over time from gamepass 🤔

blackblades4d ago

I dont understand why have it on it when we all know it sells with the name alone. Seems stupid to lose so much sales and $ just to have it on game pass. They basically shooting themselves in the foot with a already injured foot from all the other times they shoot themselves in the foot.

CrashMania4d ago

@blackblades, that's my exact point, even on xbox where most software sells poorly CoD still sells millions, but the thing is, if you don't put it on GP you kinda shatter the whole idea they've build GP up to be, they've dug this hole themselves.

I think it might tick up subscribers a bit, but warzone is already free and gets millions of players regardless of GP. But where will those extra subs come from? Xbox sales are dropping like a rock, PC gamers are very firmly rooted in Steam and will just buy it there.

Tacoboto3d ago


If they don't include it on Game Pass, they lose the claim of First-Party Day-One on Game Pass, and thus would begin the slippery slope of what's-ok-to-not-include and the devaluing of the service, and further sinking Microsoft/Xbox's already tarnished reputation.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place and this move buys them time to work out more future-math.

crazyCoconuts3d ago

I still expect a price increase in GP to compensate but who knows. With all the factors in play like COD points there are too many variables for someone on the outside to predict what will happen. I assume they have a forecast model where this all looks peachy.

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Garethvk4d ago

When the game does not hit 1 Billion in revenue in under two weeks they will wonder why and the next thing you know; Season Updates will no longer be free.

Noskypeno4d ago

Yup, the CEO needs a new yacht and private jet

Abear214d ago

Yeah I expect paid DLC and season pass in your face, now you are buying for a game you are renting

neomahi3d ago

That's where they're relying on PC and PlayStation gamers to pick up the slack. They know their business model isn't lasting so in order to give it away "free" for Xbox, they're banking on PC and PS5 customers to make up for the sales loss on Xbox, otherwise they wouldn't be able to pull this off like they want to. Xbots don't see it but, it's their gaming brethren that'll keep their console manufacturer afloat a little longer because the service they hold so dear isn't viable anymore. So, it's by the good graces of their fellow gamers they live to fight another day.

Consumers don't understand how Xbox Game Pass really works. It's not about the volume, and maybe Xbox doesn't want them to know. It's not about how many games you play. Developers don't make money by how many people play their game, it's HOW LONG you play. How many hours to put in.

Customers like David Jaffe that only like to sample don't help the service succed. Jaffe is a cheapskate stoner who spends all his money on Diet Coke, Jolly Ranchers, and weed to fry his brains (it's medically proven, sorry to disappoint) but Jaffe wants as much as he can get for as little so, he's not much of an advocate. But he also plays games for a little while and then gives up, it's just his personality, maybe A.D.D. or something, but Game Pass is dependent on how long a gamer sinks hours in. Why do you think Phil Spencer wants Helldivers 2? Because gamers don't put it down. Hellblade II, they'll play the campaign and then be done. Games like that sink to the bottom of the pile, they disappear. Xbox LIKES Games as a Service business models because it sells their service, but that model doesn't work for Sony, Helldivers was a stroke a luck, lightning that won't hit twice because PS fans don't want that. But that's how Xbox keeps it's games at the top of the list and on their service. The longer you play a single game, that's how devs make money

purple1014d ago

subscribers go up, execs celebrate win, get bonus, price goes up, subscribers go down,

execs dont care, got their bonus,

MrDead4d ago

If it works CEOs and shareholders get a payday and if it doesn't even more studios get closed by MS so CEOs and shareholders get a payday.

Elda4d ago

It will sell on PC & PS but as long as COD is for rent on Gamepass it will not sell well on the XB platform. Most folks such as myself that like COD just for the campaign would rather rent it for that month instead of paying $70 plus tax for the game.

IAMRealHooman4d ago

Your smart.
its 70 for base plus 10 to 20 for a season pass plus another 30 for there better season pass,

darthv724d ago you are finally getting how to use GP. No commitments, just play what is offered. if you like it so much and want to keep a copy for yourself... you can buy it when you want to. I used to buy games based on if they looked appealing and have been burned many times on things. With this, I can try before I buy. And I have actually bought several games after having rented them in the service. It literally is like the old days of renting only you get the whole store instead of pay per rental.

Elda4d ago

I've been knowing how to use Gamepass. I sub the service yearly & I play games on the service that I don't have to pay the full price for such as Persona 3:Reload. I mostly play & pay for games on my PS5 but if a game lands on GP that I'm interested in playing & I don't have to buy a copy for the PS5 I'll definitely play it on Gamepass.

MrDead3d ago

And there you have it, it's like you actively want to destroy the industry. Just rent the games and then buy them, knowing that doesn't happen and the actual cost of pushing a rental service is studios closures and firings.

So far MS has done nothing with Bethesda and Activision except limit where they sell, close successful studies, fire thousands and mass industry consolidation. No new games are being made that weren't already coming and some like Tangos future titles that they were working on we will never get to see now because of MS and their greed.

Massive industry consultation benefits only the company doing it, consumers and the workforce always lose out because of it. What MS is doing leads to cuts and a lesser end product. If MS had spent the money on making games instead of taking them away we would have a far healthier industry, instead we have the same games but with restrictions and a service that has cannibalised sales.

Garethvk3d ago

PC Games are also on Gamepass.

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