
PS3 Outselling Xbox 360 in 2009 Fiscal Year

Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo have all released their fiscal reports for the closing months of 2009, and some of the numbers are very interesting. While Microsoft currently holds a 5 million unit lead over Sony in worldwide sales, Microsoft is currently at 38.7 million units, while Sony has 33.5 million, things are looking up for Sony.

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belal5203d ago

thats like only 5 million behund :O

GOOD job sony.NOW all you have to do is to release 2 important games to win over this year. GT5 the system seller and GOW3 the game for the hardcore gamers :)

The Meerkat5203d ago

When the PS3 launched they were only 5 million behind.

NOW all MS have to do is to release 2 important games to win over this year. Natal the system seller and Reach the game for the hardcore gamers :)

MajestieBeast5203d ago

Lol Natal the system seller for it to sell systems it has to be cheaper then the wii and that aint happening. Like the soccer moms will go ye lets spend 350$ on the 360 version of the wii only this time without a controller. Sony still has gow3 and gt5 that are bound to sell systems especially gt5.

Jamegohanssj55203d ago

Wow look at that PS2 go! It's a damn shame to be honest how the PS2 is neck with the 360.


hay5203d ago

@The Meerkat: It's all fine and dandy, but your logic have one minor flaw. You're wrong.

Xbox had around 7M headstart, and according to faster PS3 sale rate it's impossible to keep it at constant level.

This year will be heavy in competition for both consoles but with Natal and Dildo(It's not a jab on controller, I just find it funny to name it that way) being released in autumn, this fight will cary over to 2011.

Echo3075203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )

Man, it seems like every time we see these reports, the gap between 360 and PS3 gets smaller and smaller.

As for the PS2, I'd love to see Sony stop supporting it so all the resources that are still working with it would hopefully move on to the PS3, but when it still sells like that, how could you possibly pull it off the shelves?

heroprotagonist5203d ago

So, according to these figures the 360 has a 5.2 million unit lead over the PS3, which isn't too far off from the 6 million lead they started out with.

To put it another way, in over 3 years the PS3 has closed the gap only by .8 million consoles. At that rate it would take them another 19.5 years to even catch up.

Guido5203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )

Sony will be in second place for this generation. Mark my words. It's funny too since just yesterday there was a heated argument here about how Sony was only 8 million behind MS as of September last year. And now they are only 5 million behind. Evidence points to the fact that people want the PS3 and are willing to pay to play it. Bookmark this page and hit me up with a PM next year. For all who disagree, I will have your crow ready. You like it fried or baked?

And for those who claim MS had only a 6 million console lead, you might want to read the facts. Even the head of MS stated that they would have 10 million consoles in the pipeline at the launch of the PS3. Oh how times have changed.


Optical_Matrix5203d ago

huh? No. The lead was nearer 8 million. It's chopped off a god 1.5 million of that lead in the past 3 years, which will continue at a faster rate as the PS3 is selling fast these days.

Hakimy5203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )

actually at the beginning of 2009 Microsoft said that the gap was 8 million units and now at the end of 2009 the gab has become 5 million units so yeah I would consider this good news for Sony ;)

Edit: disagrees already? I guess I should put a source.actually pick one
unless you disagree that closing the gap from 8 to 5 in one year is good news then that's your thing ;)

crck5203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )

Do you kids just make up whatever numbers you want? End of 2k6 according to MS they shipped 10.4 million consoles. At the end of 2k6 Sony said they shipped 1.2 million PS3 consoles. The original lead was about 9 million consoles. Here's some links to actual numbers provided by company spokespeople not the random crap you guys spew out.

http://www.gamasutra.com/ph... 5th paragraph


gaffyh5203d ago

@crck - Exactly. You hit the nail on the head, the lead was 10.4 million because MS thought that if they stuffed the channel and reported 10 million sold, then they had already won.

On topic - PS3 has actually been outselling the 360 yearly for a while now. I'm guessing that a 360 price cut is coming very very soon.

FlipMode5203d ago

I knew that Sony exec was wrong for when he said 31 mil.

frankymv5203d ago

Guaranteed. This is what MS does when it feels threatened.

starchild5203d ago

According to vgchartz.com the Xbox 360 sold 5,930,609 units in it's first year. http://answers.yahoo.com/qu...

Here is another source that clearly shows the 360 had sold around 6 million consoles by the time the PS3 launched. http://vgsales.wikia.com/wi...

So it is unarguably true that the PS3 has not significantly closed the gap since it was released.

Guido5203d ago

Regardless of the numbers, it is certain that Sony is closing the gap that MS had created by releasing a year early and that has got to have MS running scared. I remember when the Xbox camp was saying how it would take ten years plus for the PS3 to even catch up to the 360....I laughed then and I am laughing now. It will be one more year and they will be in third place.

SilentNegotiator5203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )

So you're sources are "Guy on Yahoo Answers" and "User-editable website"?

BTW, the 360 sold A GaJillion Million units in its first year. Mr editable website told me so.

silvacrest5203d ago

im gonna agree with crck since he didnt pull numbers from VG chartz or a random blog

crck5203d ago


1. Quoting VGchartz over the actual company numbers is just stupid.
2. Don't know whats up with that 2nd link you put up. Even the source they cited (number 8) states the same thing I've posted.

"Microsoft said that it sold about 4.4 million Xbox 360 units in the second quarter and a total of about 5.4 million during the company's first half of the fiscal year. Since the 360's launch in November 2005, 10.4 million units have been sold (as was previously announced during CES)." Article from January 2k7.

tordavis5203d ago

I wanna know what happens after Sony passes Microsoft.

Guido5203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )

Two things.

One, Sony will continue to sell better and eventually surpass Nintendo. They then will continue to sell well and become once again, the number one console for yet another generation.

Secondly, you and the rest of the naysayers and Xbox fanboys will eat your words of the PS3 failing when it was released.

As a bonus we will probably hear about an explosion of anger and frustration coming from the B*tchBag podcast as HHG runs his mouth and you cuss up a storm and desperately defend the 360.

II-Reaper-II5203d ago

Your right Belal.This is about what Ive been saying all along PS3 is almost at 34 million and only 5 million units behind.Its all gravy from here on out.

blackmagic5203d ago

Wait?!?! People are now arguing that MS numbers are sold not shipped!!! hahahahaha N4G has suddenly transformed into some crazy reverso bizarro land!!!

Rainstorm815203d ago

The slim reignited the the flame for sony that and U2:AT. I just went to best buy and they didnt have not one PS3 on shelves for sale. Sont has a very good line up this year as well.

MS need to keep pushing the exclusives at this point to stay ahead of the game and if the reports are true they POSSIBLY have many exclusives to release this year.(Gears 3, Fable 3, Halo Reach, ME2, Alan Wake, Splinter Cell) MS has brought thier best exclusives to date to the table this year.

2010 what a year for Gaming!

mint royale5203d ago


Man you take things way too seriously. I bet you have a wall chart predicting Sony domination. Just enjoy the damn games.

sikbeta5203d ago

This is OBVIOUS Guys, The PS3 with this Price is The Best Deal, back in "those days" the "Problem" was the price, $600 was Too Much, but now at $300 everyone will go for a PS3 and don't forget about the Rest of the PS2 userbase that will make the Big Jump and GO for the PS3 too, when GOW3+FF13+GT5 come out

Gamers FTW!!!

Guido5203d ago

"Man you take things way too seriously. I bet you have a wall chart predicting Sony domination. Just enjoy the damn games."

How do you know about that chart? You peeping tom!

As for playing games, my game time takes no time from my charting of Sony's world domination - thank you very much!

mint royale5203d ago

Well as long as your happy..

Sitdown5203d ago

Do you mind showing your research/data that establishes this trend that you claim?

lowcarb5203d ago

Sony is still in 3rd place! Get use to it and stop thinking you know the outcome for 2010 and beyond. We've been hearing the same remarks for the past 5 years on how PS3 will pass 360 and yet it's still in 3rd. PS3 has already lost this generation and mark my word PS4 2011 before the next Xbox.

Anon19745203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )

Since the PS3 has been available worldwide it's outsold the 360.

And those talking about 360 numbers are missing something. The 360 had an extra Christmas season over the PS3 when the PS3 wasn't available everywhere.

When the PS3 launched worldwide in March of 2007, the 360 was sitting at 11 million consoles and the PS3 had managed less than 2 million, so the 360 enjoyed about a lead of about 9 million when the PS3 went global.

If Sony keeps to their forecast by the end of the fiscal year (march 31) that lead looks to be cut to just over 4 million. They've been outselling the 360 and chipping at the 9 million lead every since they went global.

Right now this 6.5 million PS3's sold takes the total to 33.5 million compared to 38.7 million 360's according to official numbers. That's only a difference of just over 5 million right now.

gaffyh5203d ago

I'm not going to say whether Sony will pass Xbox 360 sales or not, although it certainly seems like it. My guess is that both end up at about the same number of units.

BUT, what will all the xbox-only owners say IF the PS3 does pass the Xbox 360? Will you still be as rabbid as you've been for the past four years, or will you admit that the PS3 is better? You know, because sales matter so much to you.

I wish Sony continued success with the PS3, I won't deny that it is my favourite system this gen, but I do not want MS to give up, because they have continued to push each other, and without them we wouldn't have Uncharted 2, inFAMOUS (yes it's awesome), Killzone 2, GOW3 (and many many other games) to be playing.

So thank you Microsoft for keeping the pressure on Sony, and thank you Sony for reacting with some of this generations best games.

lowcarb5203d ago

"BUT, what will all the xbox-only owners say IF the PS3 does pass the Xbox 360? Will you still be as rabbid as you've been for the past four years, or will you admit that the PS3 is better? You know, because sales matter so much to you."

And what if the ps3 doesn't pass 360? Will Sony fans finally say 360 is better or are numbers the only way to prove ps3 is better? It's seems to me Sony fans are the ones who think numbers are what matter only. By your claims since 360 is ahead it's a better console.

mint royale5203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )


Why do you keep bringing up this launches aligned thing? It doesn't change anything in the real world, the actual numbers do. And all in all the 360 and ps3 are so close and wil remain so that arguing over it is trivial. 3rd parties aren't suddenly going to favour a system now. If one of them was doing wii or ps2 numbers it would be different but they are not. The gap is 5.2 million and even if does go to 4 million in 3 months (practically impossible unless the 360 stops selling) then what does it really change?


PS3 outselling the 360 by 100K a week for sometime now? No. During christmas yes and probably more but for the rest of the year no not at all. Weekly sales in the slow periods roughly are: wii=350K, ps3=200K, 360=150K


bubbles to you

fr0sty5203d ago

The PS3 has been outselling 360 for some time now. that is why 360's 1 year head start has not even been able to be maintained by microsoft. ps3 came out of the gate slow, so slow that it even allowed the gap to hit 8 million at one point, but then it sprinted off so fast that it has closed the gap back farther than it was at launch, and is now chipping away at that 1 year head start microsoft had before ps3 launched. it has been outselling xbox 360 worldwide by at least 100k units per week for quite a while now, and it's "killer app" hasn't even launched yet (look at sales, the gran turismo games have always sold more than final fantasy, mgs, gow, or any other franchise on a playstation platform).

insomnium5203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )

After that the stupid idiots in the x360 camp finally has to admit the thing that's been obvious to everyone else but them.

You started talking stupid and irrational things and you deserve to eat some crow for it. At the same time I'll be laughing my a** off.

There is a possibility that MS drops the price of the x360 even further and sells it at a loss just for the sake of being able to say "look look it sells as much as the PS3". I'm not sure how far they are going to take it.

They've been able to stand up against the PS3 only due to the pricedrops (virtually giving the thing away in december) and this is something everyone knows right? All of you KNOW this right?

If the x360 stays at the same price all year 2010 it's going to have a helluva time trying to keep it's leed against the PS3 going to 2011.

gaffyh5203d ago

@lowcarb - Nope, I won't say either is better, because this generation is not over. But as far as games go, yes PS3 is definitely better now, and for the near future. If you asked me two years ago, I'd have said Xbox 360 was better for games, but not any more.

right and wrong5203d ago

I absolutely love my PS3 and give props to Sony for hanging in there and giving me some of the best experiences ever. One thing I keep seeing and can't stand about this sight are the whining fanboys for PS3(my console of choice). 360 means nothing to me so I have no reason to talk it down and get so caught up in numbers. Yes I like reading news on all games across all platforms but will never take video game wars seriously and attack other people with a difference of opinion. You guys should be ashamed for this kiddie type behavior. These are the best years in gaming so grow up. Not all PS3 fans hate 360 or Wii so please respect us and others.

lowcarb5203d ago

Yes it's far from over I agree. I disagree with PS3 having better games but then I guess that's my opinion.

goflyakite5203d ago

Hasn't the PS3 out sold the 360 every year besides the years it wasn't out?

The Maxx5203d ago

Last time I checked, Sony said it was more like an 8 million lead for MS.


Consoldtobots5203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )

I would love to see the look on fanboys faces if MS wasn't muddying the waters by passing SELL-IN numbers for SELL-THROUGH.

When MSs inflated shipped numbers are taken into account it looks like the PS3 is only about 2 million units behind the 360.

chew on that, spin brigade.

eagle215203d ago

I just want to see the headlines when PS3 passes 360 worldwide. I bet IGN will make another delusional article to help them sleep at night. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves has a record breaking 15 AIAS Nominations and Feb. 18th is the award show. Sony won Game Of The Year for 2008 as well from AIAS (8 awards in total for LittleBigPlanet). So will PS3 have the official Game of the Year for 2 full years in a row? :P

Sitdown5203d ago

"I'm going to enjoy the moment the PS3 passes the x360 to the fullest.
After that the stupid idiots in the x360 camp finally has to admit the thing that's been obvious to everyone else but them."

Just out of curiosity, do you also like to laugh at the ps3 camp and see them eat crow? Do you also refer to them as "stupid idiots?

Since you like to bring up the 360s early launch, lets first be reminded that it was Sony who had the "delay"; but lets not even go into that...let me ask you this, how far do we go back...do 360 fans now go and say.........well before we consider the ps3 current sales, we have to consider that it had an extra generation over Microsoft. the 360 launched early, Sony had an extra generation to establish its video game Kingdom...soooooo, can we not just say this a moot point? Besides, the 360 does not need to outsell the ps3, its just needs to continue increasing its fanbase with each generation, while turning a profit.

NateCole5203d ago

Bill Gates was boasting at a MS event that they were ahead by 10 M even before the PS3 was out. Now is only 5 million and the best has yet to come for the PS3.

vhero5203d ago

Not only are they outselling 360 every year but the amount by which they do it also grows each year.

insomnium5203d ago

Yes I do laugh at the stupid ps3 fans too.

The most I've been able to laugh is at the x360 fans since they are the ones who started attacking the PS3 for whatever reason back then.

ALL of their arguements have been disassembled one by one and I pity the fool who deared to laugh at the PS3 for price, BD-drive, BD in gaming, no games, standard HDD and all the "bells and whistles" it comes with.

There were so many x360 fanbrats back then it was laughable and they all were living in a lie an denial and making excuses.

Price? Now the price is beginning to tap on the sweet spot just like it was bound to happen sooner or later. Why did you laugh at the price since we ALL KNEW it'll come down?

BD-drive enables the BD-movies and the PS3 single handedly was the biggest factor in winning the format war JUST LIKE WE (atleast I) said it would.

BD in gaming? Just look at the games on x360. More and more of'em are on more than 1 DVD. Even Forza 3 is on 2 discs!

No games? Selfexplanatory. Why laugh at such obvious reason stupid? Look at the situation now. I TOLD YOU SO!

Standard HDD? Look at Forza 3! Now explain to me why did you say it was wise for MS to introduce the arcade. The "oh they give me choises" BS has come on more than one occasions to bite you in the a**. In addition you are limited to the HDDs that MS feeds you at MSs own special price.

The bells and whistles? Well this is the number one explanation why you think xbl is better than psn. You can't have it both ways. One minute you laugh at the PS3 for b&w and on the second minute you praize how grate it is to get the superior service of xblg with a special MSs price.

It's been extremely satisfying to watch the x360 fans squirm and spin things in their way all this time while the inevitable is bound to happen.

The newest bunch of x360 fans have come out of the bushes after they got 2 good multiplatform games. Bayonetta and ME2. This new rush of enthusiasm of the x360 fans reminds me how things were 3 years ago. You were all so mighty and powerfull.

You keep saying this site is filled with ps3 fans but JUST LOOK what happens when the table spins in your way a few times.

You are all just waiting for something, anything to throw at our faces. ANYTHING! I never want to hear this site is filled with ps3 fans EVER again. All you x360 brats have been quiet because the recent times have been so extremely terrifying for you. No games AT ALL. Nothing but multiplats and a couple of exeptions to that rule in the mix.

Parapraxis5203d ago

RROD would in the end make 360 sales increase (replacing defective units and a small portion of banned ones my guess about 500 000 which is 1/2 of the banned consoles) and a higher software attach rate as they are being bought almost exclusively to play games on.

PS3 sales are close to real (less replacement units sold) and a portion of those sales are split between gamers and movie buffs, so the attach rate for software would logically be lower.

In the end the number of WORKING consoles sitting in peoples living rooms are most likely much more close.
This logically explains the difference in attach rates yet the similar number of working units in homes.

If you look at pre-orders of current games you'll easily see the trend changing. The gap between PS3 and 360 is almost non-existent now.

Sitdown5203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )

Your points are interesting, but lets not forget that it was the Sony camp that said people would get extra jobs to afford a ps3...so naturally, 360 fans jumped at the chance to mock Sony, and its often perceived, "I can do no wrong/everything I touch is gold" mentality. I feel like there tends to be more arrogance from the Sony fan base, because their company of choice has dominated the market for so long.

The irony in your post is, with all the wonderful positives (price, bd-drive, bd in gaming, standard hdd, and all the "bells and whistles") you listed for Sony, and the negatives (no games) for Microsoft........one would think that the ps3 should be destroying the 360 right? So that in itself is a problem, and might be just enough to keep the 360 fans laughing; it would appear that Microsoft is slowly chipping away at what use to be Sony's Empire....I say us to, because I am acknowledging the beast that is the Wii.

Anyhow, I am going to assume that outside of your first line..the rest of your article was intended for the masses. I own all three consoles, and can appreciate what they all offer, but I do often find myself running more into ps3 fans with delusions of grander, than I do with 360 fans; that might be part because I was not around this sit during the year days/years of this generation. Anyhow...that it just my spill...I enjoy gaming no matter where its found out...even though I must admit, even with all the gaming advances...gaming just does not seem to be what it us to be.......pure.

Anon19745203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )

Mint Royale asked "Why do you keep bringing up this launches aligned thing?"

I didn't. When you align the launches, there's no doubt the PS3 is selling faster. I was pointing out that since the 360 had competition worldwide, it's been in 3rd place these last 3 years. I never mentioned aligning the launches.

The reason it matters is developers don't make games for the market now. They make games for what they think the market will be in two years. The fact that the PS3 is selling faster, and looks to overtake the 360 possibly this year or next will absolutely change developers attitudes when they're in the planning stage of game development.

Mint also said "The gap is 5.2 million and even if does go to 4 million in 3 months (practically impossible unless the 360 stops selling)"

Actually, that's if Sony hits their sales targets of 13 million by March 31st for the fiscal year and the 360 continues on as it's selling now. And does it change anything? Absolutely! As I mentioned, new games are being developed right now not with the current market in mind, but with what the market will look like in 1-2 years.

insomnium5203d ago

"Your points are interesting, but lets not forget that it was the Sony camp that said people would get extra jobs to afford a ps3...so naturally, 360 fans jumped at the chance to mock Sony, and its often perceived, "I can do no wrong/everything I touch is gold" mentality."

It was crazy Ken with his PR talk who said he WANTS people to THINK they will get a second job to get a PS3. There is a world of difference in telling people what to think and wishing for people to think something is there not?

They have NOT said people would get a second job to get a PS3.

"I feel like there tends to be more arrogance from the Sony fan base, because their company of choice has dominated the market for so long."

Not sure. I've been around here since 2006 and it's been nothing but bashing the PS3.

"The irony in your post is, with all the wonderful positives (price, bd-drive, bd in gaming, standard hdd, and all the "bells and whistles") you listed for Sony, and the negatives (no games) for Microsoft........one would think that the ps3 should be destroying the 360 right?"

You DO know when did the slim launch? Since then it HAS been destroying. MS has been able to keep up so far because of price drops and that's it. Now it's at rock bottom while the PS3 is just starting to get to that sweet spot x360 has been in for how long?

"So that in itself is a problem, and might be just enough to keep the 360 fans laughing; it would appear that Microsoft is slowly chipping away at what use to be Sony's Empire....I say us to, because I am acknowledging the beast that is the Wii."

You HAVE BEEN laughing all this time. That's why it is so sweet to see the inevitable happen in just a year or two from now depending on how aggressively MS drops the price again. That has been my point all along.

"Anyhow, I am going to assume that outside of your first line..the rest of your article was intended for the masses. I own all three consoles, and can appreciate what they all offer, but I do often find myself running more into ps3 fans with delusions of grander, than I do with 360 fans; that might be part because I was not around this sit during the year days/years of this generation. Anyhow...that it just my spill...I enjoy gaming no matter where its found out...even though I must admit, even with all the gaming advances...gaming just does not seem to be what it us to be.......pure."

Yes you are correct it wasn't directed only to you.

I too used to own a x360. it broke down and scrached my games. Got it back from the ROD insurance and sold it and never looked back. Lucky for me the PS3 was just launched so I haven't missed it neither.

I just HATE the way MS makes us pay for their mistakes and out right lie to people. "HDD is not needed""HDMI/1080p is not needed""BD is not needed""the HD-DVD is the future,,oh wait direct DL is the future".

The backstabbing of consumers is a LOT more unforgivable than arrogance.

Plus all the badmouting of the PS3 or it's games or it's installs etc. etc. I fuc*ing HATE all the childish BS from MS. First it was that "you know things brake"-guy and after that it's been Greenburg with his fat face all the time trying to downplay Sony and the PS3 somehow.

If all the xbox folks are bitter because of the successes of PS1 and 2 and the demise of DC and take it out on something that has NOTHING to do with any of that (PS3)then why wont they just say so. It would be a LOT more understandable. All the childish BS is what has brought up the PS3 fanboy in me. I hate lying!

beardpapa5203d ago

Well from what I remember in articles here, they said they were ahead 8 million and how other media outlets were claiming the same thing. So to shrink it down to 5 isn't too bad. Needless to say, it's possible that 5 could've been a 3 if not for the recent ~500k-1mil (whatever the number truly is) ban and RROD fiasco.

Immortal3215203d ago

lol I think they purposely made that commercial.

So the ps3fanboy have something to say when they know they got their competition in gaming

onanie5203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )

from 10.4 million gap to 5 million? That's a pretty good effort, by any measure.

At least in 2009, the PS3 looks to be outselling its nearest competitor by a good margin.

jaysquared5203d ago

Yes the PS3 is catching up which is a good thing but if you look at the big picture MS is the one improving from previous gen. The original Xbox sold 25 million, gamecube 20 million while the PS2 sold 150 million!! THE PS2 PRETTY MUCH ANNILIHATED THE COMPETITION!! But now the PS3 is in third place while the Wii and the 360 has improved sales from the previous gen.. So again even if the 360 comes in third place this gen who actually improved their sales and which one actually lost market share? Spin it all you want but the PS3 has been a disappointment compared to the PS2!

+ Show (51) more repliesLast reply 5203d ago
stonecold15203d ago

oh well m$ can never be trusted thought at least nintendo and sony have there proofs right there not long now less than 5 million away gt5 final fantasy 13 god of war 3 a system movers thought so good luck m$ you might as well need it

heroprotagonist5203d ago

The 360 was over 39 million around a month ago.

These figures are only up through the end of last year.

DaTruth5203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )

MS said there were 39m 360 consoles "around the world". This comment could mean anything, even half manufactured consoles in China or half way across the Pacific ocean!

mint royale5203d ago

MS said they had sold 38.7 million consoles by 31st Dec 2009.

Immortal3215203d ago

knowing that your rival is going to overlap you.

also nintendo pretty much went after those elementary kids when you was in 9th grade.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5203d ago
Sir_Ken_Kutaragi_5203d ago (Edited 5203d ago )

Anyway keep up the good work SONY, 'F' the internet Haters!!! ;)

Cyrax_875203d ago

I guess MS did lie and they aren't actually Sold?

starchild5203d ago

I don't remember them ever saying they had sold more than 40 million, last month they reported that they had sold over 39 million which is exactly in line with what is being reported in this article. These numbers are what each console sold up through the end of 2009.

4point7BillionLoss5203d ago

that's like 500k up from where it was in june 2008 ... 500k in almost two years ... WOWOWOWOWOWOOW

Karooo5203d ago

Microsoft has 6.1 billion loss for gaming division this gen. you think its funny you go around making a name 4.7 billion loss.

Dumbass they took a loss to provide us with best quality. all microsoft did was release a cheap console that breaks and natal which has its chip removed to make it cheaper.

learn something about quality from sony before making stupid names

The Killer5203d ago

ps2 5.5 last gen console
360 8.5 half new gen console
ps3 10.5 new gen console

AuToFiRE5203d ago

good for you sir, bubbles for you

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5203d ago
Dance5203d ago

5 million is still a lot

Equinoxe_75203d ago

One year headstart is a lot too

raztad5203d ago


Judging by your disagrees. Some fans think a full year of headstart with no competence is a small thing. No to mention the $600 price tag for the PS3 at launch and consistently being the most expensive console on the market.

DigitalAnalog5203d ago

We need more gamers. I'm sick and tired of Fox news segments shooting down games because they have mature content and the like.

-End statement

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Terry_B1d 5h ago

Good list..hoped to see Street Fighter 5 there..and it is.

Vits1d 4h ago (Edited 1d 4h ago )

Sea of Thieves... I'm not disagreeing that the game has improved in terms of content. But I feel that the most significant change between now and its release is actually the public perception. Nowadays, most people are aware that the game is a multiplayer PvP-focused experience first and foremost, and not "Black Flag made by Rare". Consequently, people dismissing the whole experience because the single-player aspect is lacking or the story is plain are much less common.

darthv721d 3h ago

Several years ago, i submitted an idea to Rare that would change up the mechanics of battling opponents in the game. whereby if you died in battle, you turned into a skeleton warrior and had to fight your way back to the land of the living. It was an interesting twist on respawning and would allow the player to experience both sides of a battle.

I keep hoping to see something like that get added to the game.

Kaii1d 4h ago

They consider FO 76 & ME Andromeda to be great now 🤭

anast1d 1h ago

Every game in the last 2 decades...


It's sad that this quick retort is more often than not true... The industry's acceptance of release and patch has gone too far.

gunnerforlife11h ago

Days gone! By the end of the game I couldn't drop it down! I went around so many hours killing zombies! It was addictive by the end.

S2Killinit7h ago

That game was just plain good game. It didnt improve, it was just good.

gunnerforlife5h ago

I don't know, I got it abit late, and struggled for a few days, and then all of a sudden it just got good!!

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