
Dragon confirmed in Demon's Souls, breathes fire

From Software disappointed with Ninja Blade on Xbox 360, but it has a chance to redeem itself with the medieval-flavored Demon's Souls on PS3. This PlayStation exclusive looks really pretty, but the amount of gameplay we've seen is limited, despite the game being available over in Japan Land.

Luckily, one our resident Community Bloggers has set us straight and provided confirmation of a fire-breathing dragon that flaps around a bit during one point of the game. The twenty-four seconds of questionable-quality footage does not show or do very much of anything at all, but it's an exclusive console title, and that means fanboys will want to absorb any and all information they can, even if it's silly.

So, dig in and feast upon this hot exclusive video of a dragon that flaps around a bit for twenty-four seconds and then goes away!

Also, our CBlogger seems quite impressed with the game, naming the dragon's appearance as just one "oh sh*t" moment out of many. Sounds like Demon's Souls has a good shot of being far better than Ninja Blade.

Hit the jump for the hot, juicy, mindblowing video.

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OGharryjoysticks5470d ago

What?! I remember reading a bunch of 360 fanboy sites (like what else is there) claiming the game was awesome.

and if I get any disagrees it's from the 360 fanboy that spent 60 bucks plus on the game and he or she is going to defend the purchase.

Misery loves company

Max Power5470d ago (Edited 5470d ago )

I felt that it was need to keep some sort of balance. ;) <---wink

GiantEnemyCrab5470d ago

Yes, because no one would disagree because they bought it and enjoyed it.

GameGambits5469d ago

It is weird that this game hasn't and might not see a US/UK release, but if you are at all interested in it import the Chinese Version like myself. It has full english voice overs, dialogue, text, etc. It's 100% in English.

The game is awesome. I can't find any major flaws with it, except that it can be somewhat subtle on letting you know you activated a quest of some sorts. In this game if a NPC character dies, they die for good throughout the whole game. So at one point I opened a cage for some guy I found, and he thanked me. Fortunately I read up on it on the net a minute or two later only to learn if you don't kill him he will come into town randomly and kill off NPCs and you can't do squat about it.

The story is told in a unique fashion, the voice overs are amazing, controls and combat is super fun, and the sheer scale of boss monsters is insane. Ever wanted to fight a Dragon God that takes up an entire volcano in size? Yeah your HDTV will explode in awesome from this game. :)

tda-danny5468d ago

Don't just throw spoilers into your comment without letting people know... idiot

Bubbles down for you

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5468d ago
Chris3995470d ago

And not nearly as hard as people are making it out to be, unless you're a total spaz or a twitch-fest fps fan. Then you might have some issues.

The game is methodical, highly tactical and beautiful. Like the best elements of Oblivion mixed with an Eastern flavor and a much nicer aesthetic (let's face it, people were seriously fugly in Bethesda's game). It is punishing, if you don't adapt to it's pace, but immensely rewarding if you do.

Off to bed so I can get up early and play it tomorrow! Happy gaming all!

P.S. Sony really needs to get on board and localize this in the U.S.. The version I have (HK) has full English menus, dialog and subtitles. The only thing in a foreign language are the box and manual. There's really not a lot of work to do here. I hope that they get to it so that more people can experience this masterpiece.

Xandet5470d ago

If that's the case I wonder why it hasn't been released in the states yet.. sounds like all it needs is an English box and it's good to go. Hopefully we'll get an announcement soon.

lukeb4dunk5470d ago

I agree wholeheartedly. It is definitely one of the best JRPGs in a long while. Honestly, this game is in my top 5, maybe 3, games that I have played in this generation of consoles.

Now I will say though, the game is hard, but not frustratingly so. Any game where you die as often as you do in this game, has to be classified as a hard game. You really learn by dieing in this game. The best part of it all, is that none of your deaths feel cheap. How many other games can you say that about?

And as you said, there really isn't much work they would have to do to localize it in English speaking countries. Like usual though, it would take longer to release in Europe because of the various languages there. But seriously, they could have a real blockbuster here if they choose to send it overseas. I mean, the game has been and still is selling out all over the import sites. Shouldn't that say that it would do well outside the Asian market?

SaiyanFury5470d ago (Edited 5470d ago )

Demon's Souls is the best hardcore action J/RPG this generation. In the spirit of the ever awesome King's Field games, it really does continue the legacy of the cult series. You WILL die in the game, there's no question. But you learn from your mistakes and keep plodding on and eventually you'll learn to make it through an area, fundamentally unscathed. Also there's a fantastic online component where you can summon others to help you in your game if you're in your physical body, or you can have others summon you into their game to help you if you're in your soul form (you've been killed in your physical body). And if the dragon flying over the bridge of Boletaria Castle impresses you, you should see the scope of the Dragon God in the final encounter in 2-4. I've never seen such a huge and devastating boss.


Godmars2905470d ago (Edited 5470d ago )

You don't have to throw twenty plus tons of muscle, fangs and claws that breathes fire besides.

If you're going to throw anything at me I'd prefer a kitten. Or a bunny.

Or, a $10,000 hooker in a bunny suit. Yeah, I'd really like that...

RememberThe3575470d ago

I thought that was known... I knew about it.

INehalemEXI5470d ago (Edited 5470d ago )

There is one in the first archstone I went to , the level with the phalanx demon boss , its not the only one either. It been on youtube for a long time now. The game deserves the attention talk about a spoiler though.

orakga5470d ago

Not sure why everyone's giving this website a pass when it's stating 5-month old news as if it's some huge discovery.

People knew about this. There are plenty of youtube clips of this game. Heck, they call themselves a gaming site but can't afford to buy the game that's ALREADY OUT in ENGLISH (HK/Asian version)???

Seriously... try harder FFS.

NMC20075470d ago

Well if Ninja Blade wasn't a piece of crap it would have sold better, with it's sluggish controls, slow moving NINJA moves and a buffet of QTEs, Ninja Blade seemed to follow the formula of fail, weird how a company can't see how much fail that game was before release, it was the damn opposite of the best Ninja game on the planet, Ninja Gaiden, I mean WTF?!

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Why Soulsborne Games Are So Popular Despite Being So Difficult

Soulsborne games are infamously difficult. But why has that difficulty been the secret sauce to success for many of these titles in the genre?

GamesAsAService91d ago

Rewarded effort feels good.

Starting out bad at something and getting better with practice makes accomplishments meaningful.

Getting through these games feels like a journey of self improvement, lol.

You only have yourself to blame if things go poorly, but in a similar way overcoming challenge is similarly a function of your own growth.

franwex91d ago

I think because the games are fair. Gamers can tell that it’s due to their own abilities and not some BS.

jjb198191d ago

I've always loved the sense of adventure and wonder in these games. There's no hand holding, there are surprises and traps everywhere and you have to figure out what some items do. Beating a heide knight was like an accomplishment for me the first time and it felt good to earn that sword he dropped. I've spent hundreds of hours in souls games ever since Kings Field on PS1. The lore is incredible and it makes you think about the history of the world you're in. I can't wait for Shadow of the Erdtree.

SyntheticForm91d ago

It's the recipe of fair difficulty, presentation, boss battles and lore that attract me to these games. The From Souls games have always had a nebulous quality to them that I find fascinating. Demystifying them is a big part of the fun.

OhReginald90d ago

I think its the atmosphere and gameplay. Each of these games unique ways to play and unique settings/atmospheres that are in a league of its own.

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Demon's Souls - Here's Why We Are Excited

The first look at gameplay from Demon Souls was shown off at the PlayStation 5 showcase a few days ago. Here's why we are excited for it.

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RpgSama1325d ago

Because it's a full blown next-gen from the ground up remake of one of the best games ever made, what more could anybody want?

1325d ago
SullysCigar1324d ago

This. It has legendary status among gamers for a reason. Technology has come a long way since, and we now get to combine the two!

Newcomers in particular are in for a real treat!

robtion1325d ago

Having finished it back at release on PS3 (I even imported it from the US as it didn't release in Australia initially), I am excited to play again but hope it has some significant changes, fresh content, updated mechanics as it does show its age being the original souls game.

KwietStorm_BLM1325d ago

Significant changes like what?

P_Bomb1324d ago

I wonder if we’ll finally be able to access the broken arch stone? Surprise new level?

Sunny123451324d ago (Edited 1324d ago )

When I first ordered it 12 years back I didnt like it, when I really got into it, I loved it and didn't get up until I got the platinum trophy for it.

Flame lurker still haunts me sometimes. And that crystal lizard farming with 1 in a mil drop rate.

Cant wait to do it all again with no load times, next get graphics and higher fps.

Mithan1324d ago (Edited 1324d ago )

Agreed. The 6th area they never released in Retail would be nice.
Few more bonfires on select runs would also be nice, as dying was worse than the boss.

My prediction is they will make some fixes, but it will be controversial with fanboys bitching and whining about how it "ruined the game".

I pre-ordered the game so far for $830. Comes with a PS5 ;)

1324d ago
Mithan1324d ago

To Stevej336:
Canadian Prices. $630 for the PS5 plus tax.
My PS5 cost me $705. Then another $90 for the game pre-order.

I should have said $795, not $830.

NEXUS-61325d ago

Everything about Demons Souls screams next gen - something that cant be said for many supposed next gen titles. Souls games now have a cult following and DS is the one many haven't played. This is going to be HUGE for Sony and PS5. The marketing should be hitting overdrive around this game.

Rambokind1325d ago

It's the only reason why I'm buying the PS5 at launch. Cannot wait to play this game.

1325d ago
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The FOMO Club - Huge Titles Passing You By? That's OK

The 'fear of missing out' is a natural trait of us social creatures. Of course, most of us naturally manage our FOMO because we have no choice. We can't play everything.

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PrimeVinister1408d ago

Thought it said MOFO for a second.

ChristianReggieWait1408d ago

I really want to change the article title now 😹

Ra3v3r1408d ago

The FOMO kicks in pretty much every time a new game gets released. Somehow I’ve managed to resist buying RE3 and Doom Eternal though. It’s Desperados 3 that’s calling me right now though.