
5 Exciting Facts about Demon Souls

Lucas Barreto: A Demon Souls Remake was recently announced for PlayStation 5, Dark Souls fans can look forward to these exciting facts about the game.

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slayernz1418d ago

sorry but world tendency was not poorly implemented, it was a great feature and was disappointed it got removed from dark souls. it allowed special encounters based on the state, extra difficulty (and rewards) and trophies based on different tendencies

RabbitFly1418d ago

World tendency was a Great concept, but yes it was terribly implemented. Mostly because it encouraged players to not engage with many of the games systems. Which f. Ex. Why we saw a majority of players play in Ghost form for their entire playthrough.

slayernz1417d ago

theres always going to be people who cheese games and try to find the easiest ways around....for example summoning others in boss battles in dark souls, it allowed people to basically bypass boss battles by hiding in the corner and letting someone else beat the boss

Saying the majority of people play in ghost form is a big call, not sure where you got that stat from....For players like me who play games as they are meant to be enjoyed then i thought world tendency was great.

RabbitFly1417d ago (Edited 1417d ago )

Playing in ghost/soulform is not cheesing the game. But it makes the most sense because the reward does not outweigh the risk.

If you found it fun to play the game in another way then that is fine, that is your perogative. Some People like to play soulslikes with No armor and No hit builds too. Preferance is not what is being talked about here. What I am talking about is how there were systems that avtively worked against eacother and that is objectively not Great design.

World tendency was very particular and to maximize your access to content within the game it had to be Micro-managed. However if one played in soulform one would retain control. This is inherently bad design, not because it does not have the potential to be fun, but because the game avtively encourages you to not parricipate in aspects of the game.

Whether you parricipated despite said encouragement is irrelevant. And yes i am pretty sure most People would play in soulform once they understood world tendency and what one would potentially loose out on if they did not manage it. F. Ex. There is No limit on turning world tendency dark, but there are some very real constraints on turning it back. Sometimes turning it dark had its upsides, but if you were ro do that before you had exhausted the light tendency content you would be locked out.

So world tendency was a neat idea, but its existance within the game encourages People to not engage in some of the core pillars of the game, like invasions and coop.

The choice of restoring humanity is a balance between risk and reward that from software has been unsuccessfully trying to balance through out their Soulsborne games and it is a difficult balance to achieve. The problem with world tendency is that is a lot of risk with almost no reward.

slayernz1417d ago

your argument seems to base around the fact that it can be hard to turn world tendency back in certain circumstances.....isnt this the whole point of gaming and choices/learning? you learn how to play game, explore how to reach certain areas, do certain quests.....not just have all content handed to you on a platter - and that sense of discovery and achievement is what made demons souls so good...

I recently finished divinity 2 and you can play through the whole game with a certain character (and early game choices) which lock you out of quests and trophies....is this bad design???? to me it encourages replay-ability,

RabbitFly1416d ago

And you are still entirely missing the point.

Forcing you to make choices is often good. Giving consequence and all that. The problem I am describing is that the game heavily encourages you to make one choice over another. Which is to play in soulform because the the reward is greater and the risk is less. World Tendency therefore does not actually give you as a player a meaningful consequence to your choice. Not to mention that world tendency is not a choice at all. Had it only been linked to killing npcs then that would be one thing, but it is linked to dying in a game where you are supposed to die a lot.

The problem is that your argument only works with the lack of knowledge of how the system works. Yes World tendency is a neat idea. Having the world change based on how you play the game. Cool. However, once you are familiar with how it works. You would be much more likely to play in soulform because the risk/reward balance is not in your favor when you play in human form.

World tendency is a good concept, but it is badly implemented because it is objectively badly designed within the context of the games main pillars. It is a system that actively encourages you to avoid interacting with parts of the game that are considered core of the experience, much more so than world tendency might I add. That is not how one designs an effective system. You are free to enjoy that system, but it is objectively not doing what it was supposed to do because of these facts.

I am not talking about giving it to players on a silver platter and with that argument you are presenting a false dichotomy. I am simply looking at the systems and how they interact within the game. If we are, as you are now doing, going to assume that world tendency was implemented to give us as players consequences based on our actions it does so poorly because of how it interacts within the game. For one, you loose all control over world tendency when you play in online mode. Effectively making it a dynamic system that is based on a statistic. Which gives no consequence to your own actions within the game. Secondly. You can only gain white tendency by killing bosses and you can gain black tendency by dying to any mob and by killing npcs. In a game where you are supposed to die repeatedly to every mob. The godly skill of some players put aside. The game is heavily designed around it's death mechanic and if someone plays without dying they are loosing out on a big part of the experience.

However main argument I am making is that the choice of tendency is effectively based around whether you play in soul form or human form. And because there is seemingly a lot of risk and not a comparable reward to playing in human form. Most informed players would play in soulform whenever they could. And it is even worse that all of that only applies when if you play in offline mode. Heavily encouraging players to play in offline mode, when the games unique online mode is such a big part of the experience.

To reiterate. I am not saying black tendency could not be fun. Far from it, most people would choose to engage both the white tendency and the black tendency within the game. Because there are benefits to both. The problem is that while you are playing the game naturally black tendency is not really a positive. So once you are aware of the system you would only engage with it if you wanted to play a harder version of the game, were willing to give up on the rewards and/or had exhausted the white tendency. It is every players prerogative to engage with the system how they see fit. That is fine. But it is objectively terrible design because it does not encourage people to interact with it in a dynamic way, and it's existence actively encourages people to not interact with other more crucial systems within the game.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1416d ago
iofhua21418d ago

World tendency was a good idea but could be circumvented by playing in soul form. Maybe a slight rebalance is in order?

If you're in soul form maybe it could spawn grim reaper style enemies that hunt you down, which would discourage playing in soul form through the whole game. Also make dying in soul form impact world tendency to a lesser degree. Maybe when outside of the Nexus NPC's could not perceive you in soul form saying stuff like "Hello? Is someone there? I thought I heard a voice..."

DarXyde1418d ago

I loved World Tendency.

Always played with pure black because it taught me to be a much better player with great rewards.

The downside to that however is the Tower of Latria with pure black tendency. Christ, that was unbearable.

RabbitFly1417d ago

The problem was also that You lost out on a lot of content like quests and rewards that You would otherwise have been able to experience. And you always had the option to turn the tendency dark once you had done those things, but good luck turning it back after a certain point.


Why Soulsborne Games Are So Popular Despite Being So Difficult

Soulsborne games are infamously difficult. But why has that difficulty been the secret sauce to success for many of these titles in the genre?

GamesAsAService86d ago

Rewarded effort feels good.

Starting out bad at something and getting better with practice makes accomplishments meaningful.

Getting through these games feels like a journey of self improvement, lol.

You only have yourself to blame if things go poorly, but in a similar way overcoming challenge is similarly a function of your own growth.

franwex86d ago

I think because the games are fair. Gamers can tell that it’s due to their own abilities and not some BS.

jjb198186d ago

I've always loved the sense of adventure and wonder in these games. There's no hand holding, there are surprises and traps everywhere and you have to figure out what some items do. Beating a heide knight was like an accomplishment for me the first time and it felt good to earn that sword he dropped. I've spent hundreds of hours in souls games ever since Kings Field on PS1. The lore is incredible and it makes you think about the history of the world you're in. I can't wait for Shadow of the Erdtree.

SyntheticForm86d ago

It's the recipe of fair difficulty, presentation, boss battles and lore that attract me to these games. The From Souls games have always had a nebulous quality to them that I find fascinating. Demystifying them is a big part of the fun.

OhReginald86d ago

I think its the atmosphere and gameplay. Each of these games unique ways to play and unique settings/atmospheres that are in a league of its own.

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Demon's Souls - Here's Why We Are Excited

The first look at gameplay from Demon Souls was shown off at the PlayStation 5 showcase a few days ago. Here's why we are excited for it.

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RpgSama1320d ago

Because it's a full blown next-gen from the ground up remake of one of the best games ever made, what more could anybody want?

1320d ago
SullysCigar1320d ago

This. It has legendary status among gamers for a reason. Technology has come a long way since, and we now get to combine the two!

Newcomers in particular are in for a real treat!

robtion1320d ago

Having finished it back at release on PS3 (I even imported it from the US as it didn't release in Australia initially), I am excited to play again but hope it has some significant changes, fresh content, updated mechanics as it does show its age being the original souls game.

KwietStorm_BLM1320d ago

Significant changes like what?

P_Bomb1320d ago

I wonder if we’ll finally be able to access the broken arch stone? Surprise new level?

Sunny123451320d ago (Edited 1320d ago )

When I first ordered it 12 years back I didnt like it, when I really got into it, I loved it and didn't get up until I got the platinum trophy for it.

Flame lurker still haunts me sometimes. And that crystal lizard farming with 1 in a mil drop rate.

Cant wait to do it all again with no load times, next get graphics and higher fps.

Mithan1320d ago (Edited 1320d ago )

Agreed. The 6th area they never released in Retail would be nice.
Few more bonfires on select runs would also be nice, as dying was worse than the boss.

My prediction is they will make some fixes, but it will be controversial with fanboys bitching and whining about how it "ruined the game".

I pre-ordered the game so far for $830. Comes with a PS5 ;)

1320d ago
Mithan1320d ago

To Stevej336:
Canadian Prices. $630 for the PS5 plus tax.
My PS5 cost me $705. Then another $90 for the game pre-order.

I should have said $795, not $830.

NEXUS-61320d ago

Everything about Demons Souls screams next gen - something that cant be said for many supposed next gen titles. Souls games now have a cult following and DS is the one many haven't played. This is going to be HUGE for Sony and PS5. The marketing should be hitting overdrive around this game.

Rambokind1320d ago

It's the only reason why I'm buying the PS5 at launch. Cannot wait to play this game.

1320d ago
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The FOMO Club - Huge Titles Passing You By? That's OK

The 'fear of missing out' is a natural trait of us social creatures. Of course, most of us naturally manage our FOMO because we have no choice. We can't play everything.

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PrimeVinister1404d ago

Thought it said MOFO for a second.

ChristianReggieWait1404d ago

I really want to change the article title now 😹

Ra3v3r1404d ago

The FOMO kicks in pretty much every time a new game gets released. Somehow I’ve managed to resist buying RE3 and Doom Eternal though. It’s Desperados 3 that’s calling me right now though.