
Huxley Video Walkthrough - MMOFPS Explained

Although the Xbox 360 version of Huxley was recently put on hold, the PC version of the Korean MMOFPS from NHN Games is looking good. It should, though, as it sports Epic's Unreal Engine 3.0.

If you're curious about the game or just want to see what it's looking like at this point in development, don't miss this walkthrough video from GDC 2009.

The walkthrough will give you a look at a city, PvE combat, and PvP combat.

Violater5513d ago (Edited 5513d ago )

Looks great actually, much better than it did at E3 06.
I don't understand, what is the player count?

blackpanther255513d ago

cause this was suppose to be tactical in theory, but it ended coming out different

Bladestar5513d ago (Edited 5513d ago )

Looking at all your previous comment... mmm.. You will not have anything positive to say about this game... or any xbox 360 for that matter.

Not much have change from what they said.. except for the 100vs100 to 32x32... when in battle mode... simply because they have to keep thing realistic when it comes to bandwidth... but the game itself has all the MMO elements... read about it.

Do you know why I love this game? because it resembles a lot one of my favorite games... http://planetside.station.s... which ironically was made by Sony... but that it was abandon and no support or updates are being made.. not to mention the $12.95 month...

Huxley is a mix of FPS and MMO... for some of us that are fans of FPS and MMOs.. there is basically very little being made.

DirtyLary5513d ago

Ya I think I would've rather seen a Quake universe than this sudo Unreal clone.

Quake Wars mmo ... that woulda been something.

blackpanther255513d ago (Edited 5513d ago )

I have a xbox360 and this game was one of the main reasons why i bought one (besides Halo 3 and Alan wake). Sorry dude but i was in the beta like i said before. I searched through forums and website for hours on end looking for a Korean social security number (that's what you need to get into the beta). I hyped up this game so much to my friends that i got them to buy a 360 as well. If you had truely read my comments you would know that i was in the original huxley beta for almost two years now.

I got into the beta and the game wasn't what they promised at all. It was like 75% wrong. I am not the only one who thought that way as evident by webzen redeveloping the whole game http://feature.mmosite.com/...

I'm sorry to burst your dream but this game is still not what they promised . Just to let you know i am an mmo whore so i have played/beta many types of MMOs including LOTR, hellgate london, stargate online, and etc

Anon19745513d ago

Bladestar said "Looking at all your previous comment... mmm.. You will not have anything positive to say about this game... or any xbox 360 for that matter."

Alright. Stop right there. What the hell?
Myself, I've had a 360 from launch and there was a time when it was my primary console. After numerous hardware issues it's now fallen out of my favor, and with good reason. My posts tend to be critical of the 360.
Now, just because I'm critical of the 360 - how on earth does that somehow invalidate my comments regarding the 360? Just because a user doesn't bow once a day in the direction of Microsoft HQ, that certainly doesn't mean that his opinions of the console are any less valid then someone who does.
And another thing, people who are critical of the XBox usually have reasons to be critical and don't have a problem backing up why they're being critical. All I see you do is bash Sony and the PS3 all day long like it's a job of yours. You always, without fail, seem like it's your mission to take Sony down a notch. What reasons to you have for being critical of either Sony or the PS3? Anything you can back up?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5513d ago
BGDad5513d ago

This has been in development for PC for a long while as well I remember seeing this years back...

Im personally tired of shooters. Killzone 2 satisified that urge now i want some god of war and been playing more LBP

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Player Affinity: Huxley Preview

Player Affinity: "Although many MMO-style games try to ape World of Warcraft’s success and formula, there are relatively few quality FPS titles that venture into the MMO arena. Planetside was one moderately successful title in this vein, but often was regarded as too sterile and uncoordinated. Hellgate: London tried it as well to little triumph. With these remnants of titles still kicking around, is there any chance of a MMOFPS that gets it right? Hopefully, Webzen Inc.’s Huxley can fill those shoes. Huxley has been in development for several years and recently expanded to open beta; it will attempt to bridge the gap between modern shooters and the expansive world of MMORPGs like World of Warcraft."

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HGN-Huxley Still Alive - PC News at IGN

Huxley, a first-person MMO, was first announced way back at E3 2005. The game utilized Unreal Engine 3 and was supposed to come to both Xbox 360 and PC. Things have changed since then, of course. Huxley has gone through numerous delays and the console version has been put on hold indefinitely.

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MMOFPS Game List - Bright Hub

A complete listing of released and upcoming MMO shooter/action games.

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Muckbeast5161d ago

That is an incredible list of games with a lot of useful guides and content. THanks!

Sandwich Bender5161d ago

I am going to make my way through this entire list and be terrible at every game.

gonzodamus5161d ago

I just really really want these to be good :p