ErcsYou5451d ago (Edited 5451d ago )

I was never confused... PS3 owners will probably get it over the PSN since it won't be 30 Gb like MGS4.. MS might have made a "timed" exclusive deal to get it a week earlier but who knows... when does it release? 2010? 2011?

- Ghost of Sparta -5451d ago

Looks like the Xbox fanatics just got owned, big time. I for one, am not looking forward to playing this. Even Kojima seems to think that the game will most likely suck, due to the fact that it's heading in a completely new direction. Is he even directing?

JhawkFootball065451d ago

I call bs. They would of announced it at their E3, and Microsoft wouldnt of had it on their E3 after they said anything past this point is exclusive

WhittO5451d ago

not sure he is the greatest source lol.

But who cares, i have a feeling this game will become irrelevant, especially since Kojima basically said he is working on the next psp MGS with the team of MGS4 and views it as "the next true sequel"...

CaseyRyback_CPO5451d ago

MS boasts about getting a Metal Gear Franchise not directed or written by kojima and isn't just a "spinoff" as Kojima called it.

Lost Planet 2. FF14. and a Rockstar Game? Motion controls that let you pickup things in real 3d space, has applications for gaming as was shown today, and is working in real time for the world to see, not behind closed doors.. And oh yeah.. the 9092309523 other games presented today.

I really wonder if Konami will use the check M$ paid them with to work on the psp version? Because its looking pretty slick.

A true Metal Gear Game - Only On Kojima.

The General5451d ago (Edited 5451d ago )

That footage of God of War 3 gave Sony the crown. It was off the hook brilliant, graphical, a gameplay beast.

Metal Gear will be good, but I'm looking forward to other Sony exclusives. That LBP racing game "ModNation" is crazy. That's why I love Sony. They don't spend time on Multi-platform games, They focus on exclusives. It was just too many for the conference. We should look forward to more news over the next couple of days and months. God of War OWNED!!!!!

E3 was Great for Sony, Good for Microsoft, and Outstandingly Wack for Nintendo. Go Zelda!

Lfmesquite5451d ago

When you take the fact, that the biggest news at E3 for Microsoft is Metal Gear Solid Rising, and it's also on PS3.

How much impact did Microsoft's show really have?

So many sites grading the Microsoft press conference great and talking about the huge announcement of Metal Gear Solid on 360.

Vicodin5451d ago (Edited 5451d ago )

"I for one, am not looking forward to playing this. Even Kojima seems to think that the game will most likely suck, due to the fact that it's heading in a completely new direction. Is he even directing?"

He completely disowned the game right there on stage during the Sony conference. I've never seen anything like it all my years of watching E3 conferences. To have the creator of a series come right out and say a game that was just unveiled the day before at another company's conference, Microsoft's, is not a real part of his beloved franchise and he has nothing to do with it.

Epic. Unbelieveably epic ownage by Kojima.

Everyone can now just forget about this Raiden May Cry turd of a game.

talltony5451d ago

this game being multi platform will be watered down in one way shape or form. This game will not need bluray so therfore it will be much less ambitious.

xhi45451d ago (Edited 5451d ago )

PS3 =

AGENT - Rockstar EXCLUSIVE (BOOM headshot!)
White Knight Chronicles
Heavy Rain
Ratchet and Clank
Uncharted 2
Final Fantasy MMO
DC Comic MMO
The Agent MMO
Gran Turismo 5
Massive Action Game
Motion ControL 1:1 YEAHH
Killzone 2
War Devil

Halo Strategy Game (see a trend? lol)
Crackdown 2
Splinter Cell Conviction
Forza Motorsport 3
Tony Hawk Ride (LOL Seriously?)
(other 360 games like Alan Awake, L4D 2 are also on PC or PS3)

So.........hhhmmm who wins again? LOL

Biggest BOOM for me was Agent, Last Gaurdian (TRICO), GOW 3, Uncharted 2 AND Gran Turismo 5 WOOO

iamtehpwn5451d ago

Did you forget that The Metal Gear Solid series majorily has been exclusive to playstation?

Why give a game to a system exclusively missing at least 70-80% of the fanbase....?

that'd be like...STAR OCEAN 4!

vhero5451d ago

You really gotta love how MS biggest news wasnt even Halo or an exclusive game it was a multiplatform game hahaha. Whats worse this game aint even being made by Kojima and you gotta love him at the Sony E3 press conference how he stated he was definetly working on the psp MGS (most likely to suck it to MS). He DID NOT say anything of the sort at MS conference..

CaseyRyback_CPO5451d ago

MS is the industries step child who is forced to make itself appear larger than it is. Not a single new IP was announced for the console. Just underwhelming sequels and footage. Alan wake has been in development for 50 years, it came and went without a buzz on the net. Lets say Killzone2's in-game footage had hot stories/coverage the day after they were done. It looked underwhelming, and you have idiots pretending the lighting was amazing? WHat about the character models expressionless faces.. wait back to the lighting, how many of you 3d experts know how hard it is to render a flashlight cone, in darkness. Please...

Uncharted2 stomped all over everyone and their mothers graphically, and was choreographed better than KZ2. Plus it had a huge draw distance, i guarantee you the uncharted2 stories are going to be a lot more buzzed about than the flashlight simulator.

Its funny to watch the usuals on this site pretend that all of a sudden they are looking forward to a concept of body tracking. Weren't these the same people bashing motion controls as a childs gimmick? Now the Mart is gunna do a full workout in 15 minutes hitting halo balls around? Please. MS has 0 direction on who/what they are this generation. They dont have any games to show off, so they focus on offering media content?

Wait weren't those same usuals the one that said they own a console to play games, and not movies? Yet they are pretending that they are about to get full 1080p videos with surround sound without any SINGLE delay? When they cant even do it now.. Perhaps MS discovered a black hole that Hulu/Youtube/Science/bandwidth hasn't discovered yet.

Lets say this game IS exclusive. The 360's gaming library is garbage and the only thing that will ever make headlines is "Stealing" a playstation franchise as Kotaku,Edge,NextGen,and G4TV words it. ITs the truth, and thats why the hottest stories on n4g isn't anything related to a 360 ip. Its always going to be in the shadow of the true innovators and pioneers, thats why they fail at this business model of "getting in to just compete" Ipod killed the Zune, and the wii/Ps3 is going to kill the 360. Theres no definitive reason to own one, outside of not being able to afford a ps3, so you'll play the watered down "me too" title thats developed and less time, and looks like it.

Sony stomped all over MS's game lineup, and the best part is that sony has 3 consoles to beat over Microsofts head. Microsoft can barely keep the 360 ahead of the PS2 let alone the PS3 at its firesale price.

Lost Planet 2 is on the PS3. Rockstar is making an exclusive game for the ps3. FF14 is heading to the PS3. These are Games, not hype. Not sure what half of you are on this site for, but Sony just killed MS with gaming. MS wins as far as unrealistic technologies and not having a focus of your console. So what are your gaming reasons to own a 360 again? Oh yeah, facebook.

Heres a hint though for MS, maybe it will get to them? If you want the 360 to be the hub of the living room, maybe you should have made it reliable?

UnasFortuna5451d ago

Sony would have to be suicidal if they let Kojima and Konami release a Metal Gear game only on the 360. Kojima and Konami would never endanger their relationship with Sony in that manner.

I did not murder him5451d ago (Edited 5451d ago )

* The Beatles: Rock Band
* Tony Hawk: Ride
* Shadow Complex
* Joyride
* Crackdown 2
* Left 4 Dead 2
* Splinter Cell: Conviction
* Forza Motorsport 3
* Halo: ODST
* Halo: Reach
* Alan Wake
* Mass Effect 2
* Project Natal
* Metal Gear Solid Rising
* APB(coming to 360 as now reported)
* 1080p movies service
* Facebook
* Twitter
* 360 Radio
* Games on demand
* 1 vs 100
* Zune HD
* Lost Planet 2(not confirmed for PS3 from devs a doesn't matter its not in development for PS3 and LP4 will be out by then)


White Knight Chronicles
Heavy Rain
Ratchet and Clank
Uncharted 2
Final fantasy MMO
DC Comic MMO
The Agent MMO
Gran Turismo 5
Motion Control
Last Gaurdian
ModRacers editor

PS3 got hammered.

We went from there is no way in hell the 360 would get a MGS game *to* its supposedly confirmed its coming to PS3, and its the 360 fans that got owned?


LOL bringing up the fact MSFT release games on both their platforms is a fanboy dead end.

RyuStrife5451d ago

Just like Sony showing Assassins Creed 2 at their conference, Konami shows their MGS:R at MS. Doesn't mean it's exclusive to 360 or anything.

Information Minister5451d ago (Edited 5451d ago )

Rock Band: Beatles, MGS: Rising and Tony Hawk: Ride will also be on PS3 and I'm pretty sure you mentioned Natal twice.

*EDIT* See? I know how to use the edit button too. And did you just add facebook, twitter and the Zune HD to the list?! Getting desperate?

I did not murder him5451d ago (Edited 5451d ago )

Bottom line there has been no confirmation of this. I think Jack knew his show was so lackluster he made up sh*t.

EDIT. I tried to post a list with PS3 vs 360 platforms only but had to add PSP go because it adds to Sony's showing as a whole.

xhi45451d ago (Edited 5451d ago )


Sorry mate.

Metal Gear Raiden is coming to the PS3 as well......thats gone of the list.

Alan Awake coming to PC in better graphical form........thats off the list

Left 4 Dead 2 is also on PC in better graphical the list.

Tony Hawk Ride..........LOL Seriously? Well if you really want it you can keept i on the list.

For the PS3 exlusives it should be more like this

AGENT - Rockstar EXCLUSIVE (BOOM headshot!)
White Knight Chronicles
Heavy Rain
Ratchet and Clank
Uncharted 2
Final Fantasy MMO
DC Comic MMO
The Agent MMO
Gran Turismo 5
Massive Action Game
Motion ControL 1:1 YEAHH
Killzone 2
War Devil
Final Fantasy Versus
Fat Princess
Mod Racer

Vicodin5451d ago

PC Games:
* Left 4 Dead 2
* Splinter Cell: Conviction
* Alan Wake
* Mass Effect 2
* APB(coming to 360 as now reported)

Multiplatform Games:
* Lost Planet 2(not confirmed for PS3 from devs)
* Metal Gear Solid Rising
* Tony Hawk: Ride
* The Beatles: Rock Band

Actual 360 Exclusives:
* Shadow Complex
* Joyride
* Crackdown 2
* Forza Motorsport 3
* Halo: ODST
* Halo: Reach

Extra Junk:
* Project Natal
* 1080p movies service
* Facebook
* Twitter
* 360 Radio
* Games on demand
* 1 vs 100
* Zune HD

Gun_Senshi5451d ago

* The Beatles: Rock Band - Rock band on PSP Multiplat
* Tony Hawk: Ride - Tony Hawk Sucks, Skates FTW, Wiiboard Rip off
* Crackdown 2 - Sequel to Medicore game
* Left 4 Dead 2 - Best Version on PC
* Splinter Cell: Conviction - Best Version on PC
* Forza Motorsport 3 - PSP has better driving game with 800 cars and 35 tracks
* Halo: ODST - DLC
* Halo: Reach - Halo Sucks
* Alan Wake - Best version on PC
* Mass Effect 2 - Best Version on PC
* Project Natal - Copy of Eyetoy
* Metal Gear Solid Rising - Coming on PC and PS3
* APB(coming to 360 as now reported) - PC Main platform
* 1080p movies service - Also on PS3, and also on PSP Now
* Facebook - Lol, even DS has facebook
* Twitter - more lol
* 360 Radio - lol PSP had this for years
* Games on demand - Sony did this for ages
* 1 vs 100 - This makes no sense
* Zune HD - Zune sucks
* Lost Planet 2(not confirmed for PS3 from devs) - Coming on PS3 Confirmed by Jack Tretton

Epic fail

4pocalyps35451d ago

* The Beatles: Rock Band
* Tony Hawk: Ride
* Shadow Complex
* Joyride
* Crackdown 2
* Left 4 Dead 2
* Splinter Cell: Conviction
* Forza Motorsport 3
* Halo: ODST
* Halo: Reach
* Alan Wake
* Project Natal
* Metal Gear Solid Rising
* Natal

White Knight Chronicles
Heavy Rain
Ratchet and Clank
Uncharted 2
Final fantasy MMO
DC Comic MMO
The Agent MMO
Gran Turismo 5
Motion Control
Last Guardian
Fat Princess
ModNation Racers
Gran Turismo PSP
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
Resident Evil: Portable
Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines

missed a few did you?

Tony P5451d ago

Can't be that shocking to any but the densest of fans. MS themselves refused to confirm exclusivity so you had to figure it wasn't.

Kojima made it a point to say that he and his MGS5 team were developing the Peacewalker and that he would personally write it. Meanwhile MGS:R seems like the title Konami forced him to put out for sales. It could still be a good game, but it looks like it's little more than a quick tug of the teat. I hope whoever's directing has some ambition. I don't want this title to be some quick, brutal one-off.

The fanboys are going to gloat about it, but I agree. Kojima is already trying to distance himself from the game. However, now it's up to the devs to make this shine and hopefully bang out a proper iteration of the series, even if it's not stealth. An uphill battle for sure, but I hope they can pull off something exciting that long time fans of the series like myself can respect.

FOXDIE5451d ago (Edited 5451d ago )


* The Beatles: Rock Band (MULTIPLATFORM)
* Tony Hawk: Ride (MULTIPLATFORM)
* Shadow Complex (NICE EXCLUSIVE)
* Joyride (WHAT?)
* Crackdown 2 (NICE EXCLUSIVE)
* Left 4 Dead 2 (ALSO ON PC)
* Splinter Cell: Conviction (ALSO ON PC)
* Forza Motorsport 3 (NICE EXCLUSIVE)
* Halo: ODST (YAWN)
* Halo: Reach (YAWN)
* Alan Wake (ALSO ON PC)
* Mass Effect 2 (ALSO ON PC)
* Project Natal (LOOKING GOOD)
* Metal Gear Solid Rising (ALSO ON PS3 + PC, SO MULTIPLATFORM)
* 1080p movies service (ALREADY ON PS3)
* Games on demand (WHAT?)
* 1 vs 100 (ARE U SERIOUS?)


* White Knight Chronicles (EXCLUSIVE ONLY ON PS3)
* Ratchet and Clank (EXCLUSIVE ONLY ON PS3)
* Uncharted 2 (EXCLUSIVE ONLY ON PS3)
* Final fantasy MMO (EXCLUSIVE ONLY ON PS3)
* Gran Turismo 5 (EXCLUSIVE ONLY ON PS3)
* Motion Control (LOOKED GOOD)
* Last Gaurdian (EXCLUSIVE ONLY ON PS3)
* Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (EXCLUSIVE ONLY ON PSP)
* Resident Evil: Portable (EXCLUSIVE ONLY ON PSP)
* Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines (EXCLUSIVE ONLY ON PSP)
* ModNation Racers (EXCLUSIVE ONLY ON PS3)
* Demons souls (this fall in US)(EXCLUSIVE ONLY ON PS3)
* White Knight Chronicles (this fall in US)(EXCLUSIVE ONLY ON PS3)
* Fat Princess (EXCLUSIVE ON PSN)

there is the difference for you, WHO got hammered NOW?

CaseyRyback_CPO5451d ago

I think M$ brought Konami a check. Konami said yes, passed it by Kojima, he didn't like the idea. Since he works for Konami? They had him do the MS announcement? Seems about right.

CaseyRyback_CPO5451d ago

The biggest 360 news is also PS3 news. M$ Just paid to say "First!" lol.

Im shocked thats not on n4g... it was around the time he dropped lost planet 2.

TheCagyDies5451d ago (Edited 5451d ago )

Comment Update: On second thought, I won't comment, I will just let you guys have your little internet war...

kingOVsticks5451d ago

am I the only one who was excited to hear that FF13 is coming out in spring 2010 and not 2011? Did anyone catch that?

KaBaW5451d ago (Edited 5451d ago )

Seriously? How did they get owned? Lol.
This isn't a surprise..

Be a Gamer.. Not a Hater! :)

Mainman5451d ago

Guys, guys. God of War 3 looked great (gonna get it for sure), but imo so far, best game shown on EU is Uncharted 2.

Did you see the action? Running from building to building, climbing, shooting people, dodging a Hind D (helicopter gun ship), enjoying the scenery, desperately looking for a place to take cover, the building your in crumbling down. In 1 word.... WOW!!!

On topic:
I am pretty sure MGS: Rising is multi-platform. Since the first source on internet that showed the Raiden image was from Famitsu PS3+PSP, which I assume only covers PS3 and PSP news.

Jamegohanssj55451d ago

Hey did Sony announce Demon Souls and WKC for this fall? That was one of the biggest things I want to see. Or will they wait until TGS since they're both Japanese games?

Also seeing that FF will be released in Spring is a surprise. I am waiting for the Japan this Holiday announcement.


KaBaW5451d ago (Edited 5451d ago )

Good job! You sure owned him! :O
Bro, any game is better on the PC..
But, the question is.. Do you have a good enough rig?
I sure hope you do. How much that cost you? $4000? Dayummm!

Face it, it gets expensive to keep your PC running as good as a console..

7ero H3LL5451d ago (Edited 5451d ago )

doesn't matter to me 360's going to own ps3's version in the end, mgs4 ran at what 1024x768, so obviously it's going to own just like 360 is with ff13, don't believe me look at the vid for your self. 360's alpha is already out performing ps3's beta.

lol, and people said the game couldn't be done on 360, if 360 can run alan wake then it can obviously run these multiplats.

eagle215451d ago

it will take the worst MS fans a week to digest and comprehend. :)

A+ for Sony!

Kojima kept it real for Playstation fans and even Square is finally out their coma! :)

The Great Melon5451d ago

@Vicodin & vhero & CaseyRyback_CPO

That stuck out. At first I thought it was just the translators wording, but then I saw how blunt that statement was. He definitely made it clear where his team is and what are their priorities.

TheDude2dot05451d ago

Wow this is such a surprise. All this time I thought MS wasn't screaming out the exclusivity because they were being humble.

Rock Bottom5451d ago

It's not directed by Kojima and it's not even made by MGS4 team, and Kojima himself was laughing at it...

Actually I would love to see it in action. :)

SlaughterMeister5451d ago

Kojima already said MGS4 is the last MGS game he will be directing.

dachiefsman5451d ago

Someday these LISTS will die. Be a gamer and not a ***boy!

indysurfn5451d ago

I'm so glad it is coming to PS3 also. This way we can have a comparison and see that nothing has changed PS3 STILL has inferior graphics! :( HAHA! Kiss it! No seriously I was just kidding. About Kidding! Kiss it again! ROFLMAO!

IaMs125451d ago

I personally love it how this new MGS is not a true game, its now just a stupid Spin off of the franchise. SO what makes it so different from the other 20 spin offs it has? Honestly, and its really no surprise its coming to the PS3 as well so PS3 boys dont even try. You got nothing here on MGS, its not MGS4 but it is MGS.

I highly doubt that He will make it suck just because its going to the 360 as well. thats pathetic. How is it going in a different direction? Everyone was excited when they first though it was for Raiden and now that it is confirmed people hate it? WTF grow up! damn fanboys!

Pika-pie5451d ago

Of course this is coming to the PS3... 4.5Mil MGS4 copies sold! Konami are not that stupid.

seedaripper19735451d ago

just had to log in to give you absolute kudos mate!!! bang on the money there fella..and funny too!

Dir_en_grey5451d ago

Shows both PS3 and 360.
From the magazine, Kojima does not direct and didn't do the character design, he only produces the game.
Raiden is going to be the main character in MGS5, who is also the main character in Rising.

morganfell5451d ago

Two years in a row and the only thing MS has to show for bragging rights is they also have a version of a game that is far from the biggest game at the show. Since when does having a multiplat version amount to owning anything?

Sony brought a jawdropping collection of titles, a remarkable vision, and a stunning display of hardware. I can't wait to hit the floor today and see what else breaks loose.

SL1M DADDY5451d ago

Come on, any monkey would have told you that this game would be multiplatform. It's not directed by Kojima and is more of a push for more revenue by Konami. They sealed the deal with Kojima to keep MGS4 exclusive to PS3 by having him help promote a MGS spin off that is not even written or directed by the mast of Metal Gear. Sure the game will be good but it is not true tot he MGS story.

5451d ago
+ Show (46) more repliesLast reply 5451d ago
lociefer5451d ago

great news , altho i wanted mgs5 ps3 exclusive not a psp and a bribe-box game , but its all good

really duh5451d ago



They would have done that for sure during the show.


i mean who wants to admit one of their flagship titles sequels is available on another system

- Ghost of Sparta -5451d ago

Kinda like how Lost Planet 2 is coming to PS3 and they didn't show a video of it? Jack Tretton can't lie about things like this. Notice how yesterday Microsoft didn't even confirm that Rising will only be available for the 360. They bought exclusive rights to reveal the game.

batman2million5451d ago

he does bring a good point. why didn't they mention it at the show?!

I did not murder him5451d ago

geoffkeighley just recently announced Final Fantasy online as PS3 exclusive.

- Ghost of Sparta -5451d ago

@ I did not murder him: But it is exclusive, just like Mass Effect 2 is exclusive to the 360, as far as home consoles go. :) Not sure why, but most people don't count the PC as a platform, just a PC.

KaBaW5451d ago (Edited 5451d ago )

That could possibly be because the bulk of the population can't play today's games on their home PC.. Most don't have a good enough rig to play the games at the same level that they can on a home console.

It gets expensive to keep your PC running better than a console...

mfwahwah5450d ago



They're separated because they have different standards for us to judge them by.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5450d ago
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Discover how to acquire the iconic Cantina Band Jam Track in the Fortnite x Star Wars collaboration. Gear up for an intergalactic musical journey in Fortnite's latest event.

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PlayStation Plus Hidden Gem: Magic Orbz

“I thoroughly enjoy retro-style games and with that, Magic Orbz modernises the classic brick breaking formula and it has held up beautifully.” - A.J. Maciejewski from Video Chums.

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KentBlake1d 14h ago

This game deserves a remaster for current consoles. It was awesome on PS3.


Games That Were Bad on Release, But Are Now Great

BLG writes, "Some of the most popular games have had a rough start, with some of them being downright unplayable.

Despite that, developers have managed to turn it around for them and make their game worth playing. Here are some games that had a rough start but were pretty great."

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Terry_B2d ago

Good list..hoped to see Street Fighter 5 there..and it is.

Vits2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Sea of Thieves... I'm not disagreeing that the game has improved in terms of content. But I feel that the most significant change between now and its release is actually the public perception. Nowadays, most people are aware that the game is a multiplayer PvP-focused experience first and foremost, and not "Black Flag made by Rare". Consequently, people dismissing the whole experience because the single-player aspect is lacking or the story is plain are much less common.

darthv722d ago

Several years ago, i submitted an idea to Rare that would change up the mechanics of battling opponents in the game. whereby if you died in battle, you turned into a skeleton warrior and had to fight your way back to the land of the living. It was an interesting twist on respawning and would allow the player to experience both sides of a battle.

I keep hoping to see something like that get added to the game.

Kaii2d ago

They consider FO 76 & ME Andromeda to be great now 🤭

anast2d ago

Every game in the last 2 decades...


It's sad that this quick retort is more often than not true... The industry's acceptance of release and patch has gone too far.

gunnerforlife1d 19h ago

Days gone! By the end of the game I couldn't drop it down! I went around so many hours killing zombies! It was addictive by the end.

S2Killinit1d 15h ago

That game was just plain good game. It didnt improve, it was just good.

gunnerforlife1d 13h ago

I don't know, I got it abit late, and struggled for a few days, and then all of a sudden it just got good!!

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