
Rare dev wanted to start Kameo 2 immediately

Speaking to VideoGamer.com at last week's Develop conference in Brighton, Rare senior software engineer Nick Burton has revealed that he was keen to begin work on a Kameo sequel immediately after the first game was complete.

"This is just me personally, I was very big for the second we got Kameo out, for hitting the deck running and going right we're doing Kameo 2, we're going to take 12 to 18 months to do it, bang, it's done," explained Burton. "But for one reason or another we didn't do that in the time frame where you could hit that sweet spot. So she's got to take a hiatus."

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Bangladesh5748d ago

There certainly needs to be a sequal to Kameo imo. It's a solid platformer with beautiful graphics and art style.

AngryXbot5748d ago

They are a mere glimpse of what they were formerly and nothing of their games for the last 5 years have been any good.

All this RARE PROPAGANDA is starting to piss me off. No, RARE talking shiat, does not mean that reality is altered. Reality is still that 360 is an ancient RRODing device that is not futureproof and that lacks half of the MUST HAVE GAMES this generation.

Bangladesh5748d ago

The reality is that you are a f*cking moron. : )

PoorDroids5748d ago

Kameo was a GORGEOUS game.

poor droids are just jealous they still don't have a game which looks as good, lol.

boodybandit5748d ago (Edited 5748d ago )

I have been waiting on a sequel to Kameo since it was released. I guess I am one of the few that really liked this game. Titles like this are too far and few on the 360. Now if only Rare could make a new Conker, Killer Instinct and PD0 sequel.

Edit: I just read in another article Rare is working on a new Conker! 1 down 2 more to go.

elitewh0re5748d ago

wait, a new conker wasnt confirmed, just joked with right?! yeah i actually quite enjoyed kameo too, not sure how the sequel would work, i can't remember the ending exactly, but didnt she restore order to the kingdom?

Dark_Vendetta5748d ago (Edited 5748d ago )

I would love a sequel too.
Yes she restored everything and turned her sister into stone including this big goblin. But as I remember there was still the witch. She turned out to be bad at the end
Edit: Did you know that Kameo had 3000 trolls and 1000 humans at once on the big battlefield. That's quite impresssive for a launch title
(quote: ...and I just looked at the performance and we can have a couple more thousand if we want as well. In the end they said let's leave it at 4000, we'll have 3000 trolls and 1000 guys.)
source: http://www.videogamer.com/f...

Megatron085748d ago

I really enjoyed kameo and I tell anyone that ask about what games to get to pick it up especially if they are looking for something cheap cause you can get the game for 10 dollars. I actually see a lot of people suggest it as a good cheap game so while it doesnt have a gow or halo type fan based it does have a good size fanbased

spunnups5748d ago

talk as much as Microsoft, no wonder they're in bed together. Too bad Rare is just a shell of what they used to be.

NewSchoolGamer5748d ago (Edited 5748d ago )

when do these guys plan to shut up. If you are going to do something do it. Don't run your mouth all day talking about some game you are going to make.

In my opinion they are just trying to make some hype for their upcoming games.

elitewh0re5748d ago

when do you ever plan to shut up? "In my opinion they are just trying to make some hype for their upcoming games" no sh1t sherlock...

Xi5748d ago

all the Rare stories are from the same site, and the same article which has been split into several parts.

Viktor E5748d ago

But couldn't do so based on the limitations on the Xbox platform.

Bangladesh5748d ago

The 360 needs something with no limit to what it can do, maybe something like your anus.

silverchode5748d ago

im guessing you've been to his anus to know it has no limits.

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Kameo: Elements of Power - An Undercooked Launch Title Ready for a Comeback

Kameo: Elements of Power arrived as an Xbox 360 launch title. It didn't reinvent the wheel, but deserves more respect than you might think.

Jin_Sakai667d ago

I remember playing this game and really enjoyed it. I’d love for a comeback!

Lightning77666d ago

There was a sequel in the works but got canceled because of the Kinect......

I doubt we'll see a follow up.

666d ago
MadLad666d ago (Edited 666d ago )

Wasn't a fan.
I give it another try every few years, but it always falls flat for me.

ZeekQuattro666d ago

I remember following this game when it was a N64/GCN game. By the time it came out I didn't even care anymore. It spanned 4 consoles by the time it finally released. It was ridiculous. lol

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Looking Back to 2005 and the Elemental Good Times of Kameo: Elements of Power

Paul writes: "Come with me down memory lane while I cast my mind back to a time when the world was a much shinier, much more hopeful place than the one we see today, with the elemental good times of Kameo: Elements of Power."

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KnightNumber861273d ago

I remember when they showed off some of the original footage when this was being developed for the GameCube... before Rare went to Microsoft and then delayed for development and launch on the 360. You had to catch the beasts, looked great. Enjoyed it very much when it launched.


Five Franchises Rare Should Bring Back Not Called Banjo-Kazooie

Alex S. from Link Cable Gaming writes: "Rare if you’re listening we have so ideas of some other classic titles in your portfolio that would be great to be brought back and none of them are called Banjo-Kazooie."

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Deathdeliverer1291d ago

I think the real issue is that the minds that made those games special are nowhere around. When it’s a series that gets new versions regularly like a COD, Forza, Gears, or Halo you can’t really feel the effects so much of teams changing although I’m sure they do, and all the time. Part of that original vision can live on through some of those team members that remain. In these LONG dormant games they have a far greater chance of ruining the memory of these games and the feel they have us than recapturing it. I think that’s also why Rare hasn’t had a hit since they left Nintendo. Rare should be left to their own vices to make a find a identity and make a new IP. ONLY time I saw a whole new team knock it out the park is the new God of War. Corey killed that.

Saranya1291d ago

It's unfortunately that Kameo 2 was canceled by Don Mattrick.

rlow11291d ago

Interesting list, I never heard of the gameboy game they had talked about. But I would still like new IPs this gen.

Tra-D2141291d ago

A new Perfect Dark would do

jambola1291d ago

or they could not tarnish other franchises

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