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User Review : Forza Motorsport 3

  • Graphics are beautiful, locals are stunningly accurate
  • Customization is unmatched
  • Controls are tight

    Forza 3 the ultimate racing game?

    Though I consider myself a "Gamer" without any other kind of label on it, I must admit I haven't found much love for racing games on consoles, not even dating back to the Genesis days, I was just never much of a fan. For some reason I think almost every racing game has been unaccessible to the average person or lacked things that interest me, like realistic car physics and car damage.

    Even though I played and owned Forza Motorsport 2, I didn't enjoy it or play it as much as I did both those things with part 3. I still liked the game, but it was difficult to complete challenges and some of the longer endurance races were more of a burden then fun like they should be.

    Forza Motorsport 3 is the exception to the rule, it is the must have racing simulation this generation. Turn 10 has done a great job in forging their own path in a tough genre. The Forza Motorsport series is the top selling racing series this generation.

    The Forza Motorsport 3 career mode is unmatched in any racing game I've played or seen. There are so many different classes, events, cars to choose from it just doesn't get any better. Each race provides you with XP, the XP levels up your career character's racing level and you can level up each car as well this way. Though each car can only reach a maximum of level 5, your career characters level can top out at level 50.

    There are six seasons of racing, I am currently 35 hours into my play-through of the season mode, though I am still only halfway through season five, so as you can tell there are a lot of races and a lot of content to be had in the season mode.

    Most racing games have rather clunky controls, not Forza 3, every turn and control is fluid and precise. Unmatched controls as far as racing games go, you can drift and power slide turns and corners with ease, the time it takes to master is unbelievably short. It doesn't take very long and you will be weaving and dodging in and out of traffic like a true pro. I don't have a racing wheel setup, but I imagine it would feel all the realer with one. The standard controller feels like home and the rumble is an excellent addition.

    Where Forza Motorsport 3 really stands out against the competition is with the options to customize everything from paint, to rims and tire thickness. You can perform full engine swaps, tune up presets, transmissions, gear ratio's and much, much more. Simply put Forza 3 gives you the ability to make your dream car a reality. You can even add decals, stickers and other interesting graphics to your car, I thought it would be fun to look up some of the more interesting cars that have been customized in interesting ways.

    You can find everything from Halo Reach, Call Of Duty Black Ops, Batmobile, The General Lee and many, many others to choose from and purchase.

    Even though as I said earlier I haven't been able to spend a lot of time with most racing games, I found this racing game unmatched and so much fun. Just since I started playing it three people in the clan have gone out and purchased the game and seem to love it as much as I do. Anyone who knows how tough it is to get FPS fans to try other games knows what a endorsement this is for the game. It's not a fanboy statement, I just feel like this game is the best racing game ever, it gives me extreme excitement for Forza Motorsport 4, which is slated to come out later this year with Kinect support.

    I wont give this game a perfect score, because I think no game is perfect, but this is as close as it comes.

    I cant say enough positive things about the graphics in Forza 3. Stunning, amazing, beautiful.
    Custom soundtracks are always a plus, the racing sounds are the best on the market.
    Never have I put so much time in on a game that wasn't a FPS. Just an amazing and encompassing game.
    Fun Factor
    When you start playing, either with friends or alone and you look up to notice you've been playing for five hours already, you know it's a fun game!
    The online play in Forza Motorsport 3 is unmatched, zero lag and overall is just lots of fun. I've never played a online racer that worked so flawlessly online. You can visit the auction house and bid on cars, auction off your own cars. You can even auction off decal paint jobs and tuning setups.
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    Community4786d ago
    Three_Sisters4786d ago

    LOL! 10 in all categories but not in overall score....

    anyway...It seems you really enjoyed it....great review...

    Raven_Nomad4786d ago

    No game is perfect, though I had trouble finding issues with the game, I am sure there was a flaw or two. Since I posted this I now have over 50 hours on the game and I am still loving it though.

    awiseman4784d ago

    I love how kids disagree with you loving a game and having problems finding issues with it.

    zeksta4786d ago (Edited 4786d ago )

    I'm going to approve this, but how you give this a 10 I will never understand.

    This review is based massively upon your own opinion and feel for it, a lot of those scores don't deserve their 10's.

    I also find it Ironic your name is Raven_Nomad and your reviewing 360 games.

    Montrealien4786d ago

    "This review is based massively upon your own opinion and feel for it, a lot of those scores don't deserve their 10's."

    I love this kind of comment. The scores are based on his opinions, yet your opinion thinks it does not deserve 10s. rofl.

    eitherway, good review, good game. We are so lucky to have GT and Forza pushing themselves to be better, we all win in the end.

    Raven_Nomad4786d ago

    Well aren't all reviews based on the reviewers opinion? As I said, I was never a race fan till Forza 3.

    Also I am not familiar with another Raven Nomad. I simply took my favorite Football team the Baltimore Ravens and I took part of the name from my Rock and Roll band, Nomads and combined the two.

    WildArmed4786d ago

    haha, I can see you are quite passionate about Forza 3.
    Personally, I wasn't into the game much. But it's good to see it did appeal to it's market well.

    MintBerryCrunch4786d ago

    if GT5 only had, lets say the customization of a game like NFS: Underground (a ps2/xbox game) i would be happy

    i want to be able to paint my brake calipers :(

    bluegreenman4786d ago

    If GT5 had the customization of Forza, It would be the best racing game ever made. If the two companies combined, they would dominate the market for racing games. But sadly, they are exclusive titles. Good thing I have gamefly and both consoles :)

    ps3bestever4786d ago ShowReplies(1)
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    Forza Motorsport players slam devs for using 14 year old car model

    Throughout its marketing campaign Forza Motorsport has been described as being “built from the ground up,” but some players are skeptical after discovering a reused car model that first appeared in Forza Motorsport 3.

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    SwissCheese242d ago WhoDisagree(1)Agree(4)
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    Community242d ago
    Flawlessmic242d ago (Edited 242d ago )

    yep been playing it all day and the newer car models look ok at best and the older models looks downright ugly and out place. im playing on pc at 4k with everything on ultra with dlls performance mode and the cars just look completey off, even the paints looks off, gt7 on ps5 shits on the car models here and its not even close, espcially paint and materials wise!!

    its by no means a bad game but it is again another hype job from MS doesnt get close to living up to what it should be.

    i genuinly thought this was gonna improve on GT7 in every way, when in fact at this in point after 10 hours the only thing i think is better is the standing start races as opposed to gt7s god awful chase the rabbit races starting 25 seconds behind.

    the fuel and pit stop additions to forza are just surface level additions so they could say hey we did it, i am yet to see a meaningful incorporation of either one and the systems that would facilitate it being genuine are not there.

    I cant control my power to fuel ratio during the race like i can in gt7, there is no timing hud for the whole grid, so i dont know how far ahead or behind i am or when drivers are pitting so i could plan my strategy, not that pitting is necesarry at all.

    rain doesnt cause a slippery surface or aqua plaining nor does it tell you just how wet the track is like gt7 which informs you if inters or full wets are needed, no weather map, nothing.

    its really just shinear version of previous forza, if you want proper sim racing where actual strategy comes in to play with longer races, with real pitt stops and having to manage your actual fuel effectively during the race then this game isnt it, go get gt7.

    if you want a really simple and basic sim racer then this is for you.

    majorly dissapointed, i thought this was the one game from MS that would hit all the right notes, in reality built from the ground up for next gen was a bullshit line and and its not even better than a cross gen game released a year and half ago.

    MTRNYC242d ago

    One big thing I feel makes GT7 so much better is that they surface mapped all the tracks so they have actual imperfections which means that sometimes the fastest path is slightly off the expected path because you have to avoid the imperfections to maintain traction.

    GT7 is by far the more realistic racing game. It's kind of funny because they claim they reworked the whole driving and physics system to compete with GT Sport and Forza's not even close to as realistic as even GT Sport was and GT7 is way better than GT Sport.

    Stanjara242d ago

    Excellent write up.
    I follow SuperGT and in the preview of the game he was not impressed with improvements.
    Said it felt the same as FM7.

    The whole time I was searching for ray tracing in race and it was not present.

    Built from ground up my ass.

    (Yes yes I know there is a performance mode and a visual mode I know)

    P.s. You can choose your starting grid position. WTF is that in a sim race?

    Flawlessmic242d ago (Edited 242d ago )


    its all the little details, you see the track evolve in gt7 with the rubbers marks, and the marbles from the tyres start building up off the racing line on the side, you can actually see the tyre deformation when racing an f1 car for instance.

    honestly, im actually shocked at how much better and more advanced gt7 is than this game, this is literally just a surface level sim racer, it would make a fantastic entry point for someone new to sim racers but my lord does it pale in comparison to gt7 where it counts


    yep picking your starting spot is dumb AF for this type of game

    dumahim242d ago

    "there is no timing hud for the whole grid, so i dont know how far ahead or behind i am or when drivers are pitting so i could plan my strategy"

    Wait, really? They don't have the distance or timing splits options for the HUD anymore that's been there from the start, after they add pit stops, when you'd really need something like that?

    Flawlessmic242d ago


    i will correct myself slightly just opened the game to see if it was option and you can turn it on for single player races, it was set to multiplayer only but again if the races were really gonna need it they wouldve had it set as on but no the races are like i said simple surface level sim racing.

    but to answer the question correctly yes it actually does have the option, you just need to turn it on

    Mr Logic242d ago're rendering at 1080p. Much wow

    eagle21241d ago (Edited 241d ago )

    And what about the loading times in Forza? They sure are super fast in Gran Turismo 7 (PS5). :)

    outsider1624241d ago

    "i genuinly thought this was gonna improve on GT7 in every way, when in fact at this in point after 10 hours the only thing i think is better is the standing start races as opposed to gt7s god awful chase the rabbit races starting 25 seconds behind."

    This! I really hated this for every race it's always a running start and always last. And we all know the reason for that which is the bad ai.

    241d ago
    yeahokwhatever241d ago

    "its by no means a bad game but it is again another hype job from MS doesn't get close to living up to what it should be" <-- Spot on. I've been playing since the second it launched and I'm a little disappointed too. You're totally right about the paint..its whacky how bad it is visually. I have pretty damn good hardware and the frame pacing is totally jacked up. I wanted a close-to-GT7 game on my PC, unfortunately Forza is the furthest from GT that its been. :-(

    + Show (7) more repliesLast reply 241d ago
    isarai242d ago

    Reusing assets is ok, but 14yr old model, when it's a hero model? That's just lame.

    MTRNYC242d ago

    “built from the ground up,”

    This isn't even the oldest models, they are recycling, there is stuff dating back to the 360 in the game.

    Everything is all lies with these guys.

    Enjoy the battle pass and the DLC to get cars and tracks in your live service b.s. game, meanwhile we'll be getting them for free in GT7.

    outsider1624241d ago

    Built from ground up for the Series S most probably. I mean that's 75% of the audience right there.

    Father__Merrin242d ago (Edited 242d ago )

    Forza motorsport doesn't have that traditional campaign but rather just tick box races. Most reviewers are omitting this

    Flawlessmic242d ago (Edited 242d ago )

    i dont mind how they have done it but, theres not a whole lot of content race wise which is a let down, and the car RPG thing sucks balls.

    i unlock the same things in the same order everytime and make the same upgrades in the same order everytime.

    rather than being able to look at the strengths and weakness of the car im using and put my credits into upgrading the weakess im stuck upgrading parts i dont really need cause thats all i can do and by the time i do unlock what i really wanted, lo and behold the 5 race series is over and its on to a new car to rinse and repeat my unlocking and applying my upgrades

    IRetrouk242d ago

    I remember this being a massive negative for another game a couple gens ago👀

    dumahim242d ago

    On one hand, that was kind of a bigger deal since the old models didn't have an interior so it was all just a black silhouette inside. But on the other hand, they made no claims that it was built from the ground up and were clear there were premium models that did have the full interior and some without.

    IRetrouk242d ago

    I agree, it was jarring and not needed in my opinion, but it didn't make the game bad or worse, yet that was the impression around here at the time if you remember.

    yeahokwhatever241d ago

    i uh....liked the black interiors. I got the perspective without the distraction. I wish it was an option.

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    10 of the best racing games of all-time

    Paul writes - "Looking back over a lifetime of playing games, and racing games in particular, I am moved to consider which were the best that I have ever played. I'm going to be platform blind on this, largely because I didn't have an Xbox until the 360 came out, so many games I played were on the other consoles that were available. In order that I played them, here are the racing games that have had a lasting impact on me and 10 of the best racing games of all-time."

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    Community1800d ago
    gammaray131800d ago (Edited 1800d ago )

    this guy is an idiot need for speed was never on the c64 it was first on the 3DO in 1994

    Retroman1799d ago

    Correct. started on the 3DO.
    To bad NFS fell from Grace.
    used to buy every nfs title and GT
    Now only GT NFS became crapfest.

    Kados1800d ago

    No particular order:

    rFactor 2
    Assetto Corsa
    Dirt Rally
    F1 2019
    Project Cars
    Project Cars 2
    Gran Turismo 5
    Forza 7

    Brutus831800d ago

    Till today, i still think the best driving game was TDU2

    level 3601800d ago

    I loved Colin McRae Rally, got addicted to that game for a long time.
    DriveClub I highly rate as very good and enjoyable.

    Profchaos1800d ago (Edited 1800d ago )

    Colin McRae dirt Rally in VR was so good I hope you got a chance to try it

    sampsonon1800d ago (Edited 1800d ago )

    Yeah, it was a good game. SOO immersive. too bad it had that bad launch or it would be still going strong.

    goodwin1800d ago

    Where's Porsche Unleashed?

    gammaray131798d ago

    I think you might mean Porsche Challenge on the PS1 as that was amazing

    goodwin1798d ago

    I mean Need for Speed 5: Porsche Unleashed

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    The Forza Franchise Has Exceeded $1 Billion in Retail Sales

    Xbox: "Today, we’re excited to share a major milestone – as of December 2016, the Forza franchise has exceeded $1 billion in retail sales."

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    Community2667d ago
    Overload2667d ago

    Pretty much expected regarding Forza Horizon 3 (selling 2.5M units). Good numbers compared to the previous iterations.

    Gazondaily2667d ago

    This is good news. The best racing franchise should be supported. Glad it is. #forzaplayers

    Overload2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

    Selling more than the previous versions would be good news.

    "The best racing franchise should be supported."

    It is, very much so.

    Gazondaily2667d ago

    I know. 2.5 million copies isn't bad at all. Forza is smashing it, critically and now sales are reflecting that too.

    I wonder if there will be a racer this gen that comes close critically. If so, we're truly in for a treat.

    Overload2667d ago

    It is amazing watching sales matter and not matter all at the same time. Same with what they reflect.

    Gazondaily2667d ago

    Quality matters more than sales. Always. And that's why Forza is at the top of the game. Horizon 3 deserves those sales because we need more games like it.

    Kingthrash3602667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

    Great to see some good news from forza! Retailing 1 billion bucks is a pretty good milestone. I remember gta5 did it In like a week or so. It may have taken forza longer to reach this milestone and with 10 games...but hey not many have reached that milestone.

    Overload2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )


    I thought sales reflected people finally seeing the quality.

    "Forza is smashing it, critically and now sales are reflecting that too."

    You're all over the place.

    Do they only reflect quality or what it deserves when it comes to Forza?

    Gazondaily2667d ago


    I thought sales reflected people finally seeing the quality. "

    Lets be honest- frankly terrible games have seen some strong sales. Comparatively drastically weaker racers for instance have seen even higher sales.

    "You're all over the place.

    Do they only reflect quality or what it deserves when it comes to Forza?"

    I'm not all over the place at all. Weren't you the one downplaying the sales previously? See my link below. Its not rocket science mate. The game's quality is great. Sometimes the sales numbers dont do a great game justice. We've seen that time and time again in this industry.

    Forza Horizon 3 is an excellent game and the highest rated racer this gen. Now it deserves great sales doesn't it? Its very simple.

    Overload2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )


    Let's get real here. 2.5M is great for Forza Horizon 3, but it's not that impressive overall. GT Sport will most likely do that very quickly. Driveclub sold 2M and that had a terrible launch.

    1B sounds like a big number, but then you realise GT5 did approximately half a billion at retail alone.

    Unspoken2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

    Sony fanboys out in force today!

    Looks like your down play is back firing.

    2667d ago
    Brazz2667d ago

    "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's" right now Forza is number one hands down and other races need to work hard to get at Forza level...
    I wonder if Polyphony digital will start to fight back whit GT, cause right now Forza is killing it.

    Artemidorus2667d ago

    The best? It's not April Fool's yet.

    EpicZinger2667d ago

    Best racing franchise is already heavily supported. More than 70 million sales to be precise.

    corroios2667d ago

    Both of your inicial comments are stealth trolling. Why cant you be happy with the news. Then you say others troll...

    You already know that when another game arrived it will surpass those numbers maybe in the first 24 hours....

    XanderZane2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

    This isn't about GT Sports or Driveclub. You always need to bring some Sony games into a conversation that has nothing to do with them. Forza games have always sold the 2-4 million even when it was on the XBox 360 with over 87 million units sold. It has it's own fanbase that buy it regularly. No one cares what GT Sports or DriveClub sold. They aren't even in the article. All you want to do is TROLL XBox One articles.

    Yes. Trolling Overlord has returned to another XBox One article when he most likely doesn't even own one. He was doing fine until he decided to bring Sony exclusives racers into the mix. He didn't even go for Project Cars or Need For Speed games? lmao!!

    Lime1232667d ago

    Fantastic numbers for FH3! Already at halfway of GT6 - the worst selling mainline Gran Turismo game.

    rainslacker2667d ago

    9 releases, over how many years? Retail sales over 1 billion, is anywhere between 16-20 million copies depending on the selling price(not all being $60).

    It's great it makes money, don't get me wrong, but with the number of releases it's had, for how long it's been an established franchise, it's not really that remarkable.

    Gazondaily2667d ago

    Well if the sales don't impress you, perhaps the game itself will. For those who haven't played it, you're missing out on of the best racers ever.

    Kribwalker2667d ago

    It is a fantastic racing game, even if you aren't a huge fan of racing games, it's a lot of fun. I will keep supporting this series. Not the biggest sim racing fan so the mainline games I usually pass on, but I've bought FH2 and 3 and got the first one with games with gold and they're great

    2667d ago
    rainslacker2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

    Sorry if my putting it into perspective hurt people's feelings.

    I'm glad it's making money, and the most recent game is excellent, but 1 billion over 9 releases is kind of commonplace for a moderately successful franchise.


    If Forza did all that, I'd be impressed.

    But for the most part, I'd not be gushing over the sales of any game, with 9 releases, that only made 1 billion at retail. At least not in the way some people here are trying to make it into being the best thing ever and indicative of the game being a high end money maker which somehow is indicative of it's quality, which is a separate matter altogether.

    My numbers are sound, and while I find it wonderful that it's a successful franchise, I think too many people are looking at the number, without actually thinking about the rest of the picture.

    But, if it makes you all feel better, I'll give you a freebie. 1 billion in retail sales doesn't include digital. So since you all think that Xbox somehow has a 2:1 digital vs retail attach rate, then you can run with Forza having made 3 billion.

    Gazondaily2667d ago

    "I'm glad it's making money"

    You sure? You sure don't sound it lmao. Go play the game. It's wicked. Downplaying the sales aside, this a classic and the best racer this gen.

    bouzebbal2667d ago

    at the same time when you see what x1 owners have to play....
    but yeah, something for you guys to justify the purchase,huh?

    MyDietEqualsGames2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

    Lol. The best. Much like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. There are a few good ones out there, including GT, however this is Forza's moment, so I will try not to take away from it. With that said, Congratulations, Turn10!

    IamTylerDurden12667d ago


    Driveclub sold over 3 million. It sold nearly 2.5m physical and with the f2p version it did huge digital numbers. DC is a 3m seller, and well deserved.


    It's funny how u think Driveclub is a terrible game bc of the disastrous launch. If u really were the gaming aficionado u claim you'd know that Driveclub is a different game now. A dramatically improved game and a great racer. Don't act like your not referring to Driveclub in your comments here. U even posted on the PS4 N4G group that Driveclub sucked and Forza is way better. Now i realize it was this article that motivated u to make that comment.

    LexHazard792667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

    They mad GT isnt the best racer anymore. So how else to get over the frustration than attacking Xbox gamers with bs...Lol.

    rainslacker2666d ago


    Which one? There are nine games in the franchise. The topic here is about the franchise. If it were about FH3 making one billion at retail, then I'd be thouroughly impressed.

    I have played FH3, and several other games in the franchise. But what does that matter to the point I"m trying to make that people are gushing over it, using it as an example of how great FH3 is, while ignoring the fact that it equates to around 112 million on average per release. Is 112 million per game really that amazing?

    It's not poor, but as I said, it's not remarkable,or worthy of the correlations to quality that some people are making.

    + Show (25) more repliesLast reply 2666d ago
    GtR35olution2667d ago

    Lol. I like the nice wording of saying the forza franchise is the best selling this generation when there has been a forza game every year since the xbox one release and there'll be a new game(forza 7) this year. Gran turismo sport will outsell them all and be the best driving simulator.

    Gazondaily2667d ago

    I'd be very impressed if GT Sport scored higher than Horizon 3. Different types of games I know but would be impressive nonetheless.

    GT Sport stands the best chance of dethroning Forza Motorsport and taking the crown though. I like what I've seen so far. Has improved dramatically from what was shown at first. Sales wise also, it will definitely dominate. That's a no brainer.

    Neonridr2667d ago

    haven't sales of Gran Turismo been declining with each release though? You would think in 2013 when the PS3 had a huge install base, the latest game (6) would muster more than 3.5 million in sales..

    Overload2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

    "You would think in 2013 when the PS3 had a huge install base, the latest game (6) would muster more than 3.5 million in sales.."

    Gran Turismo 6 Passes 5 Million Sales, Series Climbs to 76.8 Million

    Gran Turismo 6 launched on PS3 at the same time as the PS4, which was a mistake in my opinion.

    2667d ago
    GtR35olution2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

    Gran turismo 6 sold over 6 million copies and gran turismo 5 sold over 10 million copies according to sony. There isnt any forza throne to be taken by gran turismo because gran tursmo is a better driving simulator where forza normally has things done in The game such as widening tracks and making cars easier to drive so it appeals more to people that would try racing a gtr with a civic or a dodge neon.

    People who normally talk about review scores and menu system when comparing forza and gran turismo should actually be talking about the games content and which is actually a better driving simulator. Gran turismo games are made to be as realistic as possible to where the cars in the games try to simulate the driving physics of the real life ones. Forza games normally has cars with characteristics that are unlike realistic ones and youll see silly things like stock vehicles ets being 10 seconds faster than they are in real life.

    2667d ago
    Elit3Nick2667d ago

    There isnt any forza throne to be taken by gran turismo because gran tursmo is a better driving simulator where forza normally has things done in The game such as widening tracks and making cars easier to drive so it appeals more to people that would try racing a gtr with a civic or a dodge neon.

    I don't see why this would make it any less of a simulator than GT, especially considering that engine tuning is a big part of GT as well. Being able to race a large variety of cars together is part of Forza's success, some people don't like being restricted to certain cars, and it's extremely rewarding working on a car to make it competitive. I'm sure GT Sport's reliance on eSports and restricted car choices will turn off some GT fans, but that's the kind of niche Sony is selling it for, while GT7 will be the more traditional GT game.

    TheCommentator2667d ago

    Maybe GT will go back to it's roots, so you can simulate driving on an oval with your analog sticks rubber-banded together! GT: Port is already halfway to it's roots anyways, at least judging by the graphics and AI, so anythings' possible.

    2667d ago
    darthv722667d ago

    I like both GT and Forza. That has to account for something?

    + Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2667d ago
    IAmLoki2667d ago

    Congrats to Forza and Microsoft for becoming one of the world's most successful driving game franchises. The Forza Horizon series is my favorite with beautiful open world racing, jaw dropping visuals, the best controls, and amazing racing tracks, jam packed with intense action.

    mcstorm2667d ago

    I agree and I hope the sales for it goes up. Enjoyed 1 and 2 but for me 3 seems to set the bar again for open world racing games.

    20live2667d ago

    not sure why you are being down voted , Forza Horizon 3 was epic

    XanderZane2667d ago

    The trolls on here are down voting because they think GT Sports will be better, even though it's not out yet. I hope GT Sport is better then GT5 & GT6. Those games made many fans leave the series. Polyphony needs to come up with something new for GT Sport. I'll continue to enjoy Forza 6 and Forza Horizon 3 while we wait.

    XanderZane2667d ago

    LOL!! Don't believe me with GT5 vs GT6 sales? Look again. Keep down voting me when I'm right. Sales going down, down, down with GT ever since GT3. Maybe Overlord can damage control this without having to mention an XBox game.

    GT3 sales - 14.98 million worldwide
    GT4 sales - 11.66 million worldwide
    GT5 sales - 10.70 million worldwide.
    GT6 sales - 3.32 million worldwide
    Over 7 million gamers suddenly stopped buying Gran Turismo series after GT5? This is on a game console with over 87 million sold.

    edeprez2667d ago

    I finished FH3, but it really wasn't that great. I really loved FH2, probably my favorite racing game. It's just a copy/paste of FH2, most of the races feel similar to each other, most of the cars are behind a paywall, and the showcases were a letdown for me. Also who wants to customize and name every race/bucket list challenge, i would have been happier with more sets of challenges like in FH 2.
    Anyway, i may have ruined the experience for myself by replaying FH2 before launch, so maybe I'm way off base here, i just didn't get any of that "epic" that you noticed.

    MRMagoo1232667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )


    Sony announced gt6 sold over 5 million so you pulling vg numbers and being wrong makes you look desperate and stupid. Even at 5 million it's double forza horizon 3 sales. 😂

    Liqu1d2667d ago

    Lol at Xander using vgchartz when official numbers already exist.

    + Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2667d ago
    ShadowKnight2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

    I wonder and curious if half of those sell numbers is from PC players. Probably not it's probably not selling to well on PC

    Kiwi662667d ago

    How can half the sales be from PC when only FH3 & Forza Apex are the only two from the whole series that are on Xb/PC

    TheHorseTamer2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

    1/2 pn PC? Haha, that was a good laugh

    2667d ago
    game4funz2667d ago

    So what? Are you saying there's nothing to be happy about with expected sales?
    On that note anyone can say that about any game.

    2667d ago
    shiva12667d ago

    Tell me one thing though.... Would getting 2.5 mil sales on ps4 for half arsed game is difficult? There is no racing game on ps4 that meets forza and the ps4 gamers would just bite irrespective of quality.... Just like NMS. Having 50mil sales but still not a single game is as big as overwatch, GTAV, FFXV..... Talk about that attach rate and quality. There was this talk about UC4 goty and now i hear nothing....

    2667d ago
    + Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2666d ago
    jokerisalive2667d ago

    A great series. Good to see it hit this milestone.

    2667d ago
    user64978722667d ago

    List of dumb fucks on N4G (more will be added later):
    Overload aka S2Killinit aka Transistor aka Mariahelfutura
    Red_renegade aka Stardustlemon aka Spotie aka Hicken
    Errorist76 aka Chameleon77 aka Crashbandicoot77


    Wannabes that are almost ponies but need to put in more work:

    2667d ago
    aaronaton2667d ago

    As a quick comparison, the Gran Tursimo series (as of 2015) has sold over 76 million. Lets say the average game is £30, even though GT5 cost me £50..
    If my maths are corrects, the GT series has made at least £22.8 billion. GT sport can only add to this. Plus this is GBP and not Dollars.

    OsafuneKatana2667d ago

    GT will always be racing king. Forza is lil piece of shit in front of it. :)

    danny8182667d ago

    its alot younger than GT jackass

    2667d ago
    XanderZane2667d ago

    It wasn't king last gen. Don't cry. It's only a game.

    LandCruiser2667d ago


    It was king and has always been. Don't cry because truth is bitter

    ShadowKnight2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

    Hilarious 😂😂😁

    Raiden2667d ago

    I would love to see you race some of my Xbox friends, you call Forza a little piece of shit 💩, it would have been nice for you to prove your skill from your GT experience, I have witness my friends at our local game outlet crush so many other racers, all they say Forza made them better racers. I would love to see and upload the outcome on on this site or YOUTUBE. Let me if you are interested, GT skilled racer VS Forza skilled race epic showdown

    Bruh2667d ago

    Wish my mom would've let me come on the internet and interact with strangers when I was 10

    ONESHOTV22667d ago

    OsafuneKatana--- king of what arcade racers ? maybe it is but sure it's not being a sim

    2667d ago
    Edito2667d ago

    I agree with you that GT will always be the King it has a story while forza was created to meet or exceed GT Standards... but i can't agree with the Sh*tty part, while i prefer GT all the way i think Forza is a very good game...

    IamTylerDurden12667d ago


    GT absolutely was king last gen, are you joking? Did you hear about this game they call GT5? It did pretty well...

    Last gen alone GT sold over 20m. That's nearly what Forza has sold in its entirety.

    LexHazard792667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

    I've come to realize that theres no rational in people who only play on one console. Because that series might be all they know. To them its the best thing ever. Yet just from looking at reviews GT has been on a steady decline.

    GT hasnt been King of racing since PS2..Lol. Forza is the King Slayer.
    Their Motorsports series is great and well you already know about Horizon. Even PGR was better than GT.

    Even Driveclub is better than GT!! Yes I said it.

    2666d ago
    + Show (11) more repliesLast reply 2666d ago
    slate912667d ago

    Good thing this article is about Forza and not GT, or you may have a valid comment.

    2667d ago
    XanderZane2667d ago

    If this was a GT Sport article, the trolls would still find a way to bring an XBox game into the article. lol!!

    JasonKCK2667d ago

    TitaniumRx you are the problem here

    2667d ago
    JasonKCK2667d ago

    Ps4andPcRocks And you are the troll here

    again part of the problem.

    And apparently I have triggered you before

    + Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2667d ago
    343_Guilty_Spark2667d ago

    Not only are you trolling but your "maths" are wrongs.

    76 million * $50 = 3.8 billion

    Using a more conservative number, say the average cost of the game over its lifetime was $30

    76 million * $30 = 2.28 billion

    Now troll elsewhere. This is about Forza not GT (which as a series has been out twice as long as Forza).

    2667d ago
    343_Guilty_Spark2667d ago


    More trolling.


    More time on the market
    Much larger Sony base
    Using average cost over lifetime $30 sales are 2.28 billion vs 1 billion.

    I'd say sales are pretty even.

    Lime1232667d ago

    GT has beem out twice as Forza, still last mainline Gran Turismo game was Gran Turismo 6 and last mainline Forza game was Forza 6.


    rainslacker2667d ago

    Why such a low average lifetime price? It's probably closer to $45, since half of a games sales tend to be within the first year...particularly games with recurring incremental releases. Within a year, most games of this nature typically are still priced around $30. Anything after that is probably inconsequential to the average.

    Anyhow, at 76 million * $45 = 3.4 billion.

    Kind of pointless to speculate though. MS provided full retail sales, so we'd only have to guess at the number of actual units sold to derive the average price, and then forget it anyways, because 1 billion is still one billion dollars.

    Stogz2667d ago

    Forza has what though, 9 releases? GT has like 7. How does the time on the market matter?

    joshljr2667d ago


    I think time on the market matters because you're more likely to skip an iteration if releases are frequent.

    _-EDMIX-_2667d ago

    How is he trolling? Yes, GT has a larger fan base clearly because it is the preferred game.

    More time on the market is irrelevant have you forgotten that Gran Turismo 5 literally sold over 11 million units?

    At the time of Gran Turismo 5 release it to literally out sold every single Forza game in existence combined!!!!!!

    Is Medal of Honor outselling Call of Duty? Well that's older than Call of Duty right?

    Seriously buddy get over it , GT is the preferred series and PD always does a good job.

    LexHazard792667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

    @ edmix,

    Lol...Forza(only Forza Horizon 3 wasnt and I dont count Apex) and GT are exclusives. So being the "preferred racer" is relative to what console you own. So if you own Playstation most likely Gran Turismo is the best. And Xbox, Forza. Not hard to understand...

    And are you comparing Forza to Medal of Honor? Forza gets better reviews than GT and is relevant. Where Medal of Honor now...
    We'll see at end of yr what racer is better. Forza 7 or GT Sports(Prolouge)..
    Go ahead and press that button on the right.

    thisismyaccount2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

    GT launched 1998
    19 years old with 6 main games + 1x PSP game and 5 "bigger paid demos called prologues"
    76,000,000 x $30 = $2,280,000,000,000 (12 entries at 6.3mill. copies sold each)


    Forza launched in 2005
    soon 12 years old with 6 main games and 3x spin offs (total of 9 games).
    22,500,000 x $30 = $675,000,000 (9 entries at 2.5mill. copies sold each)

    Far from that $1bill. they claim. They either sold more copies or the avg. price (revenue) is higher than $30 per sold copy. At $30 they would have sold about 33mill. copies (< highly unlikely since 2015, to sell 13 mill. copies). So, yeah the avg. price hast to be higher than the $30 for each sold copy.

    old comparison done in 2015

    12x 2 = 19 ("which as a series has been out twice as long as Forza")


    + Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2667d ago
    Raiden2666d ago

    Look, who cares, MS/XBOX CONGRATULATIONS.
    GT has been around longer, but has produced less, every year we get a new and improved FORZA either motorsport or horizon every year, this makes it very hard for GT to out match, because when GT improves it's take them 2yrs to improve as with Forza, well every year and there is improvements. But both games have there place, just enjoy it and don't be sad that your favourite game is not the headliner, just play 🎭 your game.

    ChrisChambers2667d ago

    With the technology available to you there's no way you should've inflated GT sales by $20 billion. If you're an adult you should be embarrassed. If you're still in school you need to pay attention in math class, maybe stay after school sometime and have your teacher show you how to use a calculator.

    Yes GT has sold a lot of copies, but don't let fanboyism turn you into an idiot like the 21 people that have agreed with you so far

    + Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2666d ago
    Gazondaily2667d ago

    Sick achievement. Many people doubted the numbers:

    But looks like those are some noice sale numbers indeed.

    Well deserved. Such a sick racer. Was playing it this weekend and aaaah. Feel sorry for all those missing out 😍

    christocolus2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

    Lol @ the comments on that link

    The Forza Horizon series got me and my friends back into racing games. FH3 is just so good. I can't wait to see what the studio does next. Hopefully It will be a day one purchase just like FH3. PG and T10 are super talented. Congrats to all involved with the development of this game.

    rainslacker2667d ago

    Apparently playground is opening a new satellite studio to make open world games. I do think FH3 was some of their best work, and a really good racer. We get to play it at work, and they have the nice wheel set ups and stuff and it gets a lot of my time when I have no actual work to do.

    I'd imagine their core studio is still going to be working on F:H though.

    Featuring_Dante2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

    that last line, you're really asking for it.
    better watch out, that console war neutrality might be blown now.
    How can people objectively put forza above GT, when forza isn't even recognized by the FIA?

    Gazondaily2667d ago

    LMao asking for what? All racing fans should experience the brilliance of Horizon 3. It's such an epic game. Have you played it?

    Aloren2667d ago

    "How can people objectively put forza above GT, when forza isn't even recognized by the FIA?"

    That's a silly question. Because they like it better ? Cause it's getting better reviews ? Because no matter what the game is, some people will base their opinion on their personal taste rather than on some sponsorship deals ? See, like some put PES above Fifa, how dare they have their own preference!

    Featuring_Dante2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

    seriously though, if you disregard the FIA, you just proved you're a casual scrub who knows nothing about cars.
    @Aloren which is why i said *OBJECTIVELY*

    + Show (1) more replyLast reply 2667d ago
    zerocarnage2667d ago (Edited 2667d ago )

    I don't usually like forza games, because I don't usually enjoy race games, but must say after my gamble on horizon 3 I'm more than 100% happy.

    I'm a blood n guts game kinda lover, so this was a nice change.

    I think there's really only a couple of race games out that can compete with forza, project cars and gran turismo. Need for speed I thought on some games was going in the rite direction and don't get me wrong now and again it can pull out a surprise game, but it's not consistent enough like forza.

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