User Review : Doom

  • Fluent gameplay
  • Awesome gore
  • It's a freaking mod
  • Installing it takes a little while, but it's worth it

Brutal DOOM

Now the reason I made this discussion/review/ad for Brutal Doom is because I am working on a discussion about modding games, and because Brutal Doom kicks some serious butt.

I am going to talk about various things before the actual topic in question, Brutal DOOM. I need to talk about these things so you’ll understand.
Original DOOM
The original DOOM which was released on many different systems including but not limited to: DOS, SNES; Genesis and PC. There are tons and tons of other ports but these stand out the most, and obviously the game was made for DOS.

Anyway, DOOM which quite literally launched the FPS genre into the skies is a legendary game for what it did. The same guys, ID Software did make Wolfenstein 3D before this and there were also some other people like 3D Realms Duke Nukem 3D but DOOM was THE game which launched the genre into the mainstream.

They also made DOOM II which is actually a superior sequal we’re here to talk about DOOM, and Brutal DOOM.

DOOM is a game that for the time was pretty much the biggest thing ever, it was made for DOS and since not a lot of gamers had a computer they had to deal with the console ports that were…odd… Like for example with SNES, the entire game wasn’t there and the music was orchestrated because the SNES couldn’t do the rock that the DOS version had. And the Genesis game had an odd soundtrack, I can’t really describe it but it’s a Genesis soundtrack. Only people who have a Genesis know what that even means…

The Genesis version did have fewer levels but was a tiny bit faster as the SNES was technically superior to Genes EXCEPT on speed, which is actually the reason why Sega did that Blast Processing thing in the first place.

Anyway, the game did break ground and blah blah blah, you already know that. At least I hope so, anyway! Even thou the DOOM games have been rereleased in various formats like on Steam they haven’t really been changed, at all. And they haven’t aged well, at all. Because it’s an early 90’s game for DOS it has its problems IF compared to today’s games. There is no free aiming in the game, ID was able to do this with Quake thou. The sounds of the game, including music. Are heavily limited due to the original platform, the game controls can be tiny bit clunky at times and it can even slow down.

But ALL of these have been fixed with Brutal DOOM.

Modern FPS
Sadly, for almost a decade now the FPS genre has been going backwards, Activision is to blame. The sad fact is that the copy and paste Call of Duty franchise has degraded one of the biggest things in gaming into a zombie creator. And I’m not talking about Nazi Zombies.

Sadly some others have followed Activision into making these excuses for games, one big one being EA.

I could talk for hours about how Half Life, Star Wars: Dark Forces, Star Wars: Jedi Knight, Shadow Warrior, Duke Nukem 3D, Quake and finally, DOOM were more than just about shooting. If you have played any of these franchises you know exactly what I’m talking about, non-linear, tons of weapons, no regenerative super powers and great story telling.

Star Wars games had Lightsabers and the Force, Duke Nukem 3D has the awesome humor, DOOM had the violence and Half Life was scary. All of these games were puzzle filled experiences with multiple ways of doing things, and none of them held your hand.

Nowadays…Eh…The only big franchise still trying to do something different is Battleifeld and EA is already sabotaging it.

But not all Moders FPS games are bad, like Borderlands. It’s not great but it’s still far better than what some companies push out.

Brutal DOOM
Okay! Now we finally get into this, what is Brutal DOOM? It’s a mod that makes DOOM and DOOM II be like if they were released today.

Great visuals, awesome sound effects, amazing soundtrack and pitch perfect gameplay. The gore is so ridiculous it’s funny and at times a tiny bit disgusting, you can shoot off an arm from a zombie and they will go down on their knees, scream and some even shoot. And you can squash their heads with your boot, literally. I spent like 3 hours of the 27 I put into the mod kicking things when I first found it.

It is so freaking satisfying to fire a shotgun that actually FEELS like a freaking shotgun, multiplayer and full resolution supports don’t hurt either.

This mod basically remake the games, enemies are more threatening, the remade music just rocks and it easily kicks out any of the mainstream shooters that are a giant bore fest.

All of this, a mod. A freaking mod for a game that is 20 years old.

I can’t even possibly describe how amazing this mod is! The only reason I did this as an separate thing is because if I would put this into the big discussion about modding it would become a freaking book! I can’t possibly praise this game enough! Go get this piece of pure awesomeness!

You can execute your enemies, there is CQC! There are AI prisoners you can free and they’ll join you! You can carry all the weapons and go ape**** with the explosives around the map! The visuals have been upgraded! The movement is fast and fluid! There’s some new guns! You can optimize the game however you wish! This mod has better optimization and options that most AAA titles that have hit the shelves in recent YEARS!

Point is, get this thing. Do yourself a favor and do it, I mean. You can do ingame taunts like showing the middle finger for goodness sakes, it’s amazing.

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