User Review : Alan Wake

  • theme from the game
  • creepy and spooky
  • No real objective

Is it a dream, is it a book, is it reality

The Signal is part one of two DLC's and this should have come free via a code with the retail copy of the full game, so really there is no reason not to download it, unless of course your X360 is not connected XBLive. For those who have not purchased the game yet read our review HERE to get a full perspective of what to expect before forking out your hard earned cash.

With no memory of previous events Alan has arrived back in the Bright's diner and with the surrounds seeming like a ghostly dream everything has a sense of déjà-vu about it. Following a GPS signal Alan treks back into the darkness (glutton for punishment) to get some answers about what's going on around him. After consulting in the magic mirror on the wall and being rearmed with the “means to an end” torch and “process of elimination” pistol Alan finds out that he is not the fairest of them all and it is time once again to enter the storybook fairy-tale and once again bite into the poison apple, metaphorically speaking.

It continues with the same elements and atmosphere of the main game with the spooky, murderous hook/knife/axe/sickle/chainsaw wielding enemies back to terrorise and of course the scariest enemy of all returns, the darkness itself and any objects it chooses to possess. Just like the main game the enemies need to have the darkness sucked out of them, bringing them into mortal existence and either dissipating of their own accord or eliminating them using the weapon.

Again the shadows in the mist play tricks with the eyes making it feel like a demonic cacophony of dancing satanic creatures surrounding the very air that I breathed, with an uneasy tremble encasing my reality, giving me chills and reminding me of what a true survival horror game this really is. You get chased by pages from your own book and I thought geez they must have been from a really bad rough draft that is now coming back to haunt him. Barry even makes a humorous cameo appearance starring as a shadow of his former self.

There are new objects like a lantern for a bit of extra lighting kick and the collectable's here are alarm clocks instead of flasks. The line between book, game, reality, sane or insane are gelled into this DLC with words themselves being ripped from the pages of one of Alan’s books and playing a key part in the game, hovering in front of you and clearly marking where items and memories reside, in fact all major pickups are labelled this way It’s as if a developer said, “You know what, items were too well hidden previously, so let’s write big words in the air so the players can’t miss them. Words even star as enemies themselves considered “Bad Words” they are not what you think, they are things like Raven for e.g. and if you shine light on them for too long they transform into the creature and start attacking so it is a good idea to avoid altogether.

The soundtrack reminds me of an insane asylum patient playing an out of tune violin, this adds to the suspense and intensity of the game. Although there is really no objective or point apart from following the signal, it does a sufficient job extending the existing story twisting and teasing a little giving it another open, up to your own interpretation style ending


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Community5021d ago

Previously On... Alan Wake

Alan Wake 2 continues the writer's story, 13 years later.

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Community228d ago

A thermos is upending the Alan Wake community

Remedy has Alan Wake merch on sale, including a pretty blue thermos. Unfortunately, things haven’t gone according to plan, and many players who want a thermos find themselves without one, though it does appear that Remedy is attempting to fix things. Nevertheless, it has resulted in a lot of upset, illustrating just how much the thermos means to Alan Wake fans.

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Community244d ago

Stephen King gifted Alan Wake's opening quote to Remedy for just $1

"I really, really, desperately wanted him to start it off."

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Community345d ago
babadivad344d ago

The story borrowed HEAVILY from the King novel "The Dark Half" anyway. Figured there'd be some sort of lawsuit but seems King was in on and ok with it.

got_dam344d ago

King is well know to be really chill with this kind of thing. And with official adaptations. It's cool and shitty. We have had so many low quality movies.