
The Best Xbox 360 Exclusives Coming This Spring

The upcoming spring season will be great time for Xbox 360 gamers. This is especially true when it comes to great exclusives (console or otherwise) slated for release from March through May.

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5181d ago Replies(3)
MrMacabre5181d ago

Er most of them aren't even exclusives as they're on PC or even N64 :-\

FishCake9T45181d ago

They should rename it Microsoft exclusives.

Saaking5181d ago

So 2 multiplats, one remake, and an XBL title? Wow, weak list.

we won5181d ago (Edited 5181d ago )

PS3 fanboy translation: *We only have one game so bash the 360*

lol AT THE "Spring list" made by "examiner.com"



GDC, E3 and the slaughter of PS3 draws near, expect even more camping, trolling and BS fud articles.




what does being bored have to do with known PS3 fanboy fanatics camping for 360 news to troll?

Dam disagrees already from you? Hit disagree all you wan't people know this site is overran by PS3 fanboy trolls, what you posted is moronic.

@Cold 2000

It's funny how they defend PS3 by bashing MSFT's "Strategy" of releasing xbox games and PC games. lol

Dnied5181d ago (Edited 5181d ago )

Are you REALLY this bored? by calling out everyone as a ps3 fanboy regardless of what they say, implying that you're not a 360 fanboy?

You're quickly becoming the #1 fanboy in my books. You sir need to start playing games. Do you even have a 360? if so, are you bored of what's currently available?

The point here is, and an undeniable one, is that you can literally play most of these games without a 360. Nobody even mentioned a PS3 before your post, get a life.

..on a side note. I'm severly looking forward to perfect dark HD lol

EDIT: You're quick with the disagrees, wow lol refresh much

Immortal3215181d ago (Edited 5181d ago )

Gears of war

Cold 20005181d ago (Edited 5181d ago )

Part of the 360 lineup: YES

Part of the PS3 lineup: NO

Can play it on my 360: YES

Can play it on my PS3: NO


edit: look at the disagrees...lol. My oh my are some people in complete denial.

5181d ago
van-essa5181d ago

But every PS3 is sold with an Alianware PC and a Nintendo 64 remember?

Cold 20005181d ago (Edited 5181d ago )

Does that prove me wrong ?: NO

More PS3 diehards in this thread than 360 gamers: YES


edit: Saaking just got ownned and has nothing else to say ?: YES.

@1.13: LMAO !!

DelusionalMsBot5181d ago

ps3 fanboys seem to care more about the 360 than their ps3's

5181d ago
mistajeff5181d ago (Edited 5181d ago )

"Microsoft exclusive" in regards to a 360/PC only game is a BS term. MS doesn't see a cent of royalties on PC games unless they're the publisher. I don't even think the Games for Windows branding gives them any royalties except on GFW-exclusive DLC, and I may be wrong about that. There's a reason PC games cost $10 less, and the recent $60 PC games (COD6, AC2, and presumably Starcraft 2 if the Amazon page is any indication) have been price-jacking by the publisher. PC is an open platform, and MS doesn't get any royalties for games that run on Windows.

The 360 actually has enough true exclusives this year for a proper "Top 5" or "Top 10" list to be made. Maybe they shouldn't have limited to the spring, but they should've made this a "Top 5 games the PS3 won't get this spring" list if they wanted to be accurate. I'm not even sure why I care about this, I guess I'm sick of seeing the PC so disregarded. I remember seeing a "Top PS3-exclusive MMO" list for 2010, and NONE of the games were PS3 exclusives. The Agency and DC Universe may be published by SOE, but they're not PS3 exclusives. There's more PC gamers than any other platform right now, and yes, that includes people who play crappy flash games and farmville, but the fact remains that it's the largest gaming platform out there.

I'm sure I'll get hit with disagrees for this, but f*ck it, I don't care, this is how I feel and you can't deny the fact that one console + PC does NOT equal an exclusive.

SDF Repellent5181d ago (Edited 5181d ago )

Saaking has a PC = YES
Saaking has a ACER = YES
Saaking has a Aspire ONE with one meg of Ram = YES
Saaking can play Splinter Cell Conviction wih netbook = NO
Saaking can troll on N4G 24/7 with netbook = YES

EDIT @ Parapraxis below: "Gonna be hard though to find time with Heavy Rain and GOW III"

What is taking you so long to play two 8 hours single player game with no multiplayer or co-op. You can get it done over a weekend or even a day.

If you were to say, it is gonna be hard because you only play 30 mins max a day because the other 23.5 hours you spent trolling X360 article on N4G, then I understand. Maybe you are right, you don't have time. LOL

Parapraxis5181d ago

Pssst Saaking, I think SDF Repellent has a thing for you! LOL.

Anyways, Alan Wake and Splinter Cell look pretty good.
If i can find time to play them I will. =) Just need to borrow my friends 360 which is upstairs.

Gonna be hard though to find time with Heavy Rain and GOW III, he said he's getting a PS3, so I'll probably borrow his system then to burn through the few 360 exclusives I've yet to play.

Saaking5181d ago (Edited 5181d ago )


Come on man, are you seriously disagreeing with solid facts and logic? Yes, the game cannot be played on PS3, but that does NOT make it exclusive?

Going by your logic, can I call ME2 and SCC PC exclusives? NO, I can't becuase they're also on the 360.

How hard is it to understand that!? My god, no wonder you 360 fans are always made fun of. You make it too easy.

damnightmare5181d ago

I like watching both sides calling fallacy, and just complaining about the others. It's always funny to read how they feel "victimized" when the ones crying do the EXACT same thing.

Guys like we won, cold, and saaking should be talking about the games then their love affairs with each other.

DarkTower8055181d ago

Just ignore we won. He only has 1 bubble and you have to expand his comment to read it, so just ignore him.

5181d ago
SDF Repellent5181d ago

Now, listing the PS3 extremists can be a tough task. Where do you start, and how many pages do you need?

ImmortalLegend5181d ago

Out of the 3 consoles (Wii, 360, PS3) you're only going to be able to get them on the 360. If games being on PC & 360 were such a factor, then tell me why 360 games usually sell better than the PC version? I guess all the people that bring up this statement need to help the PC out a bit since whenever 360 exclusives are brought up, everyone is all of the sudden a hardcore PC gamer!

jamesgtaiv5181d ago (Edited 5181d ago )

But it would still be BS wouldnt it? All though most of those do look pretty good 2 of them (that I know of) in that list are also on pc. Thats not 360 exclusives. MS really need to step it up with exclusives.


If you cant even go as far as to call them console exclusives.

@ all the people throwing around the word "extremist". Lets not label any group based on their opinions... even if it is about something as small as a game. I feel like a moron for even saying that but it makes me sick.

Immortal3215181d ago

the 360fans definition of exclusive is; any game that is not available on the Sony console, example 360/wii= exclusive, 360/pc= exclusive.

XDF5181d ago

You are kind of late to the party pal.

List me a game that is on both Wii/X360 and not PS3. Yes, if you can find one, then it is a Wii360 exclusive.

mal_tez925181d ago

This means that you can't play this game unless you have an Xbox 360.

I can play Splinter cell, metro 2033 and perfect dark without a 360. Therefore they are not exclusives.

DelusionalMsBot5181d ago (Edited 5181d ago )

Why do ps3 fanboys always forget about the pc when it comes to graphics and claim console graphic kings but remember the pc when it come to pc/360 games and say there is no such thing as a console exclusive game?

Jinxstar5181d ago (Edited 5181d ago )


i dont. Honestly though crysis is a nice looking game but i thought the gameplay was pretty poor and the aestetic bored me to death.... Now god of war 3 may not technically have the polly count crysis does but "graphics" are more then polly count. graphic design, art, scale, lighting and engines all play a part. Things like huge titans you ride while fighting mobs and bosses that dont exist in crysis. In crysis you get nice physics but im gow you get scale and art beyond anything in crysis... Its apples and oranges. I prefer gow anyday myself as far as gameplay. I mean would you rather punch scrap metal shacks or take down hades? As a gamer i vote hades... I feel to me it looks more pleasing to my eyes then jungle after jungle... I prefer the graphics in gow. Thats all... However if you prefer crysis i can respect that. Seriously

Also ps3 fans like myself have no problem if you werw to say "scc is a 360 console exclusive" but when u say "scc is a 360 exclusive" is when people get bent out of shape... Because it can be played on something thats not the 360. Now granted most dont have a good pc like i do but thats a different debate. Check out my blog on exclusives. And game on :)

fyi sorry for poor grammarbi sent this from my phone

Neo6045181d ago

I got it on my pc for free.

ThanatosDMC5181d ago (Edited 5181d ago )

I like Saaking's rebuttal . "It's on the PC, it must be an exclusive."

If those blind fanatics try to rebuke that then it's hypocrisy at its finest.

Now then L4D, L4D2, ME, ME2, SC:C, Fable, SupCom2, etc are all PC exclusive games.

xabmol5181d ago (Edited 5181d ago )

I think you've missed my point. I'm not saying that all those different people act alike. I am saying that the accounts are all owned by one person.

I can say without a doubt in my mind that one of the original trolls (when I joined N4G), Why dis, is also Really duh, I did not murder him, Why dat, Bungie, and Turn 10. No doubt in my mind. The others I listed above just seem like a good fit for his type of trolling and speaking/typing.

Also, for a while now, I've been wondering if it's not just a mod (or someone connected to N4G financially) that makes some of these "troll" comments just to turn the heat up and create more posts.

taylork375181d ago

You idiots can throw this " MS gets no royalties for Games for Windows," around like it actually means something, but you forget what kind of company you idiots claim MS to be. Do you really think that they would make something that doesn't benefit them in some way.

You guys keep hanging on the whole multiplatform thing all while ignoring that fact that MS wants it that way. Do you really think that Sony wouldn't make PC games if it benefited them?

tronz5181d ago

Microsoft gets money from the windows OS and Games for windows is built it, making the reason for owning the OS even better. Microsoft gets paid from windows enabled PC sales and stand alone windows skus. I don't understand why people are in here claiming Microsoft doesn't get royalties because all Microsoft is trying to do is sell their OS. No one in here said Microsoft is a publisher of all PC content. I just don't know why the PS3 fans even bother with this matter.

The windows OS is important to Microsoft. Games For Windows is no more important to the company than a perk for their OS. These games are not on PS3 that should be enough because that is all potential consumers will care about.

LaurenKB1235181d ago

WOW, what a bad article, and how similar does it seem to an article that PlanetXbox360.com posted less than two weeks ago, Examiner.com has become a joke site that is only out for hits - you be the judge: http://www.n4g.com/NewsPend...

xabmol5181d ago

Why was my original comment deleted?

Seriously. Why?

Mods, do you even read the comments before you delete them?

JasonPC360PS3Wii5181d ago

Probably because it was off topic much your comment above... just saying.

PS3 fanboys scream "multplatform" to somehow discredit PC Windows and to hide the fact that they really want to play these games. Deep inside they know in order to play they need to give some $ to the guys they hate. MS doesn't care if it's on PC or 360 they just care that it's not on the PS3. Exclusive games on the PS3 don't sell 360's or Windows. For every gaming PC a copy of Vista or Windows 7 is sold, or people go buy the upgrade.

"MS gets no royalties" They do for every copy of Windows sold which is required to play these games on PC <--- fact

SlippyMadFrog5181d ago

Regardless on which platforms these games are released, I will enjoy them anyway.

The strong response from PS3 fans says it all, they won't be able to play it and thats what it comes down to. The smear campaign has begun.

As a company it would make sense to release Xbox 360 titles on the PC and vice-versa since it's easy porting. Everybody wins except PS3 only owners of course. There is no need to discredit these games.

vhero5181d ago

they the best 360 exclusives? What about halo reach? 360 fans shooting it down already?

SlippyMadFrog5181d ago

Didn't even bother reading the whole title let alone the article.

Allow me: "The Best Xbox 360 Exclusives Coming THIS SPRING"


FOXDIE5180d ago

I wish they bring alan wake to PC too, as im going to play conviction and 2033 on pc!

+ Show (36) more repliesLast reply 5180d ago
mrv3215181d ago

360 exclusive... means you can ONLY play it on 360.

5. Metro 2033 you can also play it on PC
2. Splinter Cell: Conviction also on PC

So basically out of all those, you have 1 Downloadable game, 1 remake and Alan Wake.

dolphinn645181d ago

You're going to spend a couple grand on a new PC to play these games yea?

taylork375181d ago (Edited 5181d ago )

No, he already has an overpriced Sony Vaio like all the other PS3 fanboys.

Its also common knowledge that MS benefits in absolutely NO way from someone buying a Game for Windows. They know this and they are still making games even though they are gaining nothing.

It all makes perfect sense to fanboys on N4G.

PopEmUp5181d ago (Edited 5181d ago )

he need to fork out a couple of grand for a pc? When he probably had one that already can handle all those games he mentioned. It's come to a time, where it's pointless to buy a 360 cause most of it game can be play elsewhere

FangBlade5181d ago

But as a PC gamer, I find it very funny to see Metro 2033 and Splinter Cell: Conviction listed as an Xbox 360 exclusives. Dont you think its wierd? I mean, you dont see PS3 owners list The Agency or FF XIV as a PS3 console-exclusive, why? because its stupid and ridiculous.

N4GAddict5181d ago

Didn't Microsoft say the Xbox 360 have the most exclusive. Maybe PC gaming doesn't exist in their world.

ImmortalLegend5181d ago

Microsoft Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows. Although I've heard that Microsoft doesn't get anything ($$$) for the games being on Windows, I find that hard to believe.

wicko5181d ago

MS only gets money for PC games if developers choose to use games for windows live. There is no licensing fee like on the consoles, you don't have to get any kind of permission from them to make or sell games playable on windows. Instead, money goes towards people who distribute the games (Steam, D2D, GOG, etc).

vhero5181d ago

@tigersnake86 - Just like every country outside the US doesn't exist to MS either.

FOXDIE5180d ago

saying that microsoft gets money for games to be playable on pc is as stupid as saying that any application of software needs microsofts approval!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5180d ago
xaviertooth5181d ago

really? that's best already?

Narutone665181d ago

about the "Soulja Boy" game that's taking a long time to develop.

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Gamer buys 4,000 copies of Alan Wake, none of them work

Alan Wake, from Max Payne and Control creator Remedy, is a horror classic, prompting one player to buy 4,000 copies that don’t even work.

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roadkillers21d ago

Kind of a goody story...

On a serious note, that is why I try activating gift cards asap. It's happened to me where the store didnt scan it right where the card was unusuable. Happened at Wally World.

gigoran821d ago

wait, that place is real? national lampoon wasn't kidding?

Tacoboto20d ago

I just bought two of the MonsterVerse Godzilla movies on 4K - both had digital copies expiring in 2023. Both were actually expired.

I'd be surprised but it's WB, of course they'd actually expire them

Knightofelemia21d ago

Usually most of those redemption card have an expiry date on them. If they expired all buyer did was buy recycled paper. And some of those codes are country locked to certain countries. I buy a card from the States I can't use it in Canada.

Chocoburger21d ago

Dumb and silly story. She wasted her money for no reason.

Is it really that hard to go to Steam or GOG. She spent $240, when its currently 70% off on GOG, and only costs $4.49.

Gee, I wonder, should I spend $240 on eBay, or $4.49 on GOG? 🙄

Rynxie21d ago

Most likely she wanted to resell a few or most of them. However, it was a too good to be true situation.

21d ago
Profchaos21d ago

So in short she paid $240.00 assuming usd for a bunch on unactivated game codes.

I still don't understand why I guess cause there's not a physical version and she wanted something for a collection or art project.

Rynxie21d ago

No, most likely to resell. However, she ended up getting screwed.

Asplundh20d ago

This is Alan Wake 1, it had physical copies.

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Previously On... Alan Wake

Alan Wake 2 continues the writer's story, 13 years later.


A thermos is upending the Alan Wake community

Remedy has Alan Wake merch on sale, including a pretty blue thermos. Unfortunately, things haven’t gone according to plan, and many players who want a thermos find themselves without one, though it does appear that Remedy is attempting to fix things. Nevertheless, it has resulted in a lot of upset, illustrating just how much the thermos means to Alan Wake fans.

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