
Gaming addict kills mother and then plays Counter-Strike

A 15-year-old Romanian boy has killed his adoptive mother after she refused to pay the Internet bills. Ionut Silviu Savin, who is known to be dependant on video games, stabbed his adoptive parent 17 times before leaving to play Counter-Strike at a local internet cafe.

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Kevin ButIer5224d ago

Execution, Double Kill, Multikill... Masacre

Megaton5223d ago

M-M-M-M-Monster Kill!

Oh and uh, yeah, that's very tragic.

reaferfore205223d ago

"Experts have commented that the nature of the crime (17 stabs) is indicative of mental health problems."

It takes an expert to figure that one out huh?

Saaking5223d ago

The guy was insane. This is just terrible.

Pillage055223d ago

As much as I don't want to do this....It's hard to resist...


but in all seriousness, that is terrible.

Eamon5223d ago

I couldn't stop myself LOL in real life after reading this article's title.

That has to be the most random murder I've ever heard.

evrfighter5223d ago

everybody knows you run faster with a knife

Bnet3435223d ago

Only in Am... oh wait....

jjohan355223d ago

That sucks. She adopted the kid to provide a home, a family, and all. So much for being generous.

qface645223d ago

well i made up my mind i sure as heck am never gonna adopt a kid

Marceles5223d ago

(Jack Thompson rubs palms together)

Kurylo3d5223d ago

wait til the idiots at fox news get ahold of this one.

The dudes crazy... got nothing to do with video games... he was just screwed up in the head. Video games were merely his reason for getting angry... anything could have set this wack job off and into a murderous rage.

Game13a13y5223d ago

someone should get a knife and have a knife battle with him quick! (preferably stabbing him to death in return)

lovestruck065223d ago

i just played gow 3 demo which is awesome and im pretty sure i stabbed a lion beast thing in the abdomen like 17 times.....since then i have felt like i should stab myself 17 times cuz i cant afford my internet bill lol /s......im sick of these articles it has nothing to do with gaming hes just got issues. plus why do parents wait till their kids excessive gaming gets over they edge before they do something about it. geez come on rents clue in earlier. like with anything in life if you catch it earlier your chances increase greatly. once again parents fault for letting it get out of control before they act. too much of anything can result in fatal incidences for f sakes. im sick of parents blaming anything but themselves....

i hope people still read my comments even tho i have 1 bubble. dont go on hear enough to earn them back to lazy to make another account....i do make sence tho....

DigitalHorror815223d ago

If you played Turok on PS3, you'd know that if you're holding a knife, you can run faster.

GUNS N SWORDS5223d ago (Edited 5223d ago )

man, the insane things some people do. i wonder why is it so hard for these people to understand the causalities of losing control?

you know developers these days put warnings on the manuals and start up screen for this kinda stuff. the memo on the start up screen usually you can't skip. well anyhow, they don't say "don't try this at home" for no reason.

5223d ago
starchild5223d ago

So sad. She gave him a home and a family and a life and she gets her own life taken away from her. Truly tragic.

Nothing to do with games, though. The kid was just mentally unstable.

Viper75223d ago

Games don't kill people, however cutting ones access to internet may cause some serious mental damage.

mega BIG time5223d ago

"Experts have commented that the nature of the crime (17 stabs) is indicative of mental health problems."

Just terrible. I wonder if his birth parents had psychological problems.

SoX FireBlade5223d ago

He killed her because she didn't pay the internet fees

I don't think CS has something to do with it

Thank god I play alot but I don't stop going to college because of a game

TheDeadMetalhead5223d ago

@1.17 - "If you played Turok on PS3, you'd know that if you're holding a knife, you can run faster."

That rule applies to Counter-Strike as well.

JsonHenry5223d ago

The title should read - "Homicidal Maniac kills mother then plays counter-strike".

The Happy Baby5223d ago

....we get that the kid played video games, but how is this news?

how about something relevant for a change?

Sitdown5223d ago

where he kills the guy, calls the ambulance, and then sits down and eats some biscuits with mustard.

Prayers definitely go out for the husband.

edgeofblade5223d ago

If you are playing the new Turok, you have mental issues worse than this kid.

Masta_fro5222d ago (Edited 5222d ago )

guess he took "kill streak" a bit to literally

btw...just a fact for mind...

Some japanese developers make rape games which are widely popular in japan and...well other countries as well. Funny thing is, guess which country has the less amount of rape victims in relation to its population? JAPAN

SniperJDC5222d ago (Edited 5222d ago )

Man some people take video games wayyy to seriously!

jimbone5222d ago

No in America we use guns. I think Romania needs to ban knifes though. I think that would drop the murder rate....unless they found an ax....might just be best to ban hardware stores. Lot of weapons in there, that should solve it.

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awesomeperson5223d ago

Who the hell disagreed with this guy, it is very sick and you are messed up to disagree...

devilmaycry20205223d ago

It happens I some times want to disagree to another comment and for some weird reason the sites bounces to another one.

5224d ago
mrv3215223d ago (Edited 5223d ago )

'A 15-year-old Romanian boy has killed his adoptive mother after she refused to pay the Internet bills. Ionut Silviu Savin, who is known to be dependant on video games, stabbed his adoptive parent 17 times before leaving to play Counter-Strike at a local internet cafe.'

So the problem is video games not the MANY other factors. SO let me guess being adopted and probably never quite fitting in that was fine. Why do you think he played video games? That's a better question is it no, maybe he was failing in school and saw his score as a success or how about he felt he was a apart of something a probaber community. Maybe it was too fill a whole left by being adopted. Games has never and will never cause violence video games can worsen it a bit but there's allways other factor and problems worth considering and games is only a small factor.

She had considered that the only solution for Ionut to no longer spend much time in front of the computer was to no longer pay Internet fees. This decision would result in her death.

The woman's dead body was discovered by her husband, as he returned home from work. Immediately he called the police. However, Ionut turned himself in to the police of his own accord, calmly saying "I think I'm the one you're looking for."
Atleast he admitted to it, I have a feeling he regretted it more than anything, rage is a powerful thing... especially when someone does something in your mind is illogical and remove the joy it brings.

'If you are concerned about your kids and the amount of time they spend playing games, we recommend you head on over to Microsoft's helpful family page ' If you are concerned about your kids and the amout of time they spend playing video games YOU ARE A MORON. Games, those things you buy is under your control. Don't like them playing for ten hour straight? WELL STOP THEM. YOUR THE ADULT. Games aren't as stupid mind numbing as you think. Maybe if non-gamers would play them these problems wouldn't be as bad. And besides you want the best piece of advice? PLAY THE GAMES YOU WILL BUY FOR YOUR KIDS. Look at what games he wants go on PSN/XBL and download the demo and play it. If there's no demo buy it and play it with him seriously play with your children it's surprising the change you'd see and gaming will become more social. Talk about the content and even join in. Learn the culture and you'll learn it's not as bad as the media make it out to be. It certainly won't turn your kids into killers.

EDIT: If you've been adopted I mean no disrespect to you at all. I believe anyone can be good regardless of enviroment, and while I am not saying that adopted life suclks for all it can suck for some. And if you adopt I have the greatest respect for you, I honestly do and in my heart and mind I know you'll love that child as it is your own. I mean no disrespect to you I only wish I could be as valuable as you. Sorry if I offended you.

DaChinPin5223d ago

But in the end I just disagree with your idea of how video games do not cause mental illness. Doing something too much or becoming addicted to anything can cause you more harm than good in the end. You have to find balance in your hobbies. Video games are not different at all, and don't act like it is, just because you like it and will defend it for that reason. I've seen many of these "gamer kills family" stories. And while many times it's not because of gaming specifically, it has to do with gaming in some way.

I'm as sick of these stories as the next guy, but we all have to admit that most parents today do not know how to establish limits with their kids. They don't know how their kids are doing simply because they're too busy doing something else.

P.S: I'm not sick of these stories because they're stupid, but rather because here, we all know by now that some people are too addicted to gaming and should be treated for their addiction. And before I get disagrees and bubbles taken away, think hard about it. Is gaming not becoming more of an addiction problem as of late?

-Alpha5223d ago

I'll have to agree with you. I don't think that anyone should jump the gun and defend video games anytime news like this is mentioned. I understand that the media tries to jump down the throat of the gaming industry but that doesn't mean that they are always wrong.

Looking at this article, if the kid was dependent on video games, then he was dependent on video games. I don't think it implies any attack on gaming but rather shows the psychotic nature of the kid who clearly had no conscience. His mother decided not to pay the internet bills which I presume got him upset because he wanted to play online. The fact that he is so dependent on video games and the fact that he played CS shows me that video games are an issue, but that does not mean that video games are bad.

TV, talking on the phone, video games, sleeping in, over-the-counter medicine are all things that can cause addiction and they are all perfectly blamable as instigators, but in no way does it mean that they should all be avoided or banned, etc.

Rob Hornecker5223d ago

Videogames do not kill people,people play videogames to keep from killing people. As stated in the artical the kid was a "introvert" and more than likely had few friends except the people he played online with. Although I do not condone what he did,after all murder is still a serious crime and feel the kid does have some mental issues.

Counterstrike was for all we know his only social outlet and he was of high intellegence ,but never was able to channel his smarts to anything other than playing a PC game. What strikes me this time around is that this wasn't a preteen from a middle class home,playing on a PS3/Xbox 360 from any town,USA.

At 54 years old I have seen crimes like this blamed on everything from music played backwards to not being accepted for the person you are by your peers,to over abuse of to much drugs and TV watching.

As parents,you set the limits,As fellow gamers, remember playing games shouldn't be your only activity or social outlet. Lets not let stupid stuff like this ruin playing games for those of us that enjoy it in a responsable way.

iceman065223d ago

that video games caused this kids mental illness. More likely, the video games were his way of dealing with his mental illness. It is true. The video game probably enhanced his delusional and psychotic break. But, it probably was not the cause. It is obvious that he had an addiction. However, the addiction was probably caused by the mental pathology. Either way, this was pretty sad. Sad truth is there are probably millions of these "powder kegs" looming all around us. Mental illness is such a public health issue, yet even with insurance it is extremely expensive. Plus, the stigma of having a mental illness in society is still as strong as ever. Just sad.

DaChinPin5223d ago (Edited 5223d ago )

Well I could care less that someone doesn't agree with my opinion, However, I'd very much like those people to stand up for what they believe in and respond to my post. Do you people seriously believe that games don't cause mental illness and that they are just a way to control it?

So if you beat someone's a** in the street just for fun, you didn't get that way because you beat people up too many times and got a feel for it, but rather, it's your way of controlling your illness?

I'm sorry but doing anything too much and with no restraint can cause you to become mentally ill and think you can do anything you want.

mastiffchild5223d ago

Well, the key word is "addict", isn't it? Surely, having lived with thir adopted child for so long that they knew this was an addiction the adoptive parents would have had an idea that this would cause some ructions, no? Obviously, I don't think they could hav predicted this but you have to talk before any intervention with ANY kind of addict unless you can be absolutely positive their reaction won't be violent or harmful to themselves or others in some way. It's just really, really sad, imo, but I doubt there's any better understanding of things like addiction to gaming in Romania than there is here in the UK.

If there's any sense to come out of this mess it's got to be how we approach people with addictions in the future as if it IS compounded by a damaged personality or serious mmental disorder or plain anger issues you just can't lnow how it will turn out. I guess this is kind of why interventions with drug addicts are always done with the whole family present to explain how, why and what they will be doing-and hopefully with some serious professional help. You just don't KNOW what lies underneath the addiction is someone's mind and a time consuming addiction like this kid has would make itr feel like his world was being taken from him so if there were deoms this was a sure way to unlock them.

I'm not saying the mum deserved what happened in any way-just that, to avoid this happening in future, we're going to have to pay a lot more respect to addictions like those to gaming, the internet, sex and other social, time consuming ones and especially the way we confront them and that's with special regard to wheher we wean someone off them or if it's best for them to make a clean break(though with social addictions like this I can't see how that's even possible with the internet and gaming everywhere). There's a million conflicting surveys into addictive personalities so it's a tough subject without other psychological problems and not something I'd wish to face personally because it seems like noone ever thought the kid who did this was a violent person but just a quiet gamer who'd gotten too far into it.

I guess the hardest, but most importnat thing to see if you can find out is why someone became addicted and not what to. An addict is an addict and, sometimes, an addict with severe problems to go with it. It's such a terriobly sad tale, such a waste and shocking that someone would get so angry this could happen. He must have had this simmering under all the while and when his mum cut the access the rage at feeling misunderstood, even betrayed in some way at her ripping his "world" away from him, became all encompassing, no?

God, it's so hard to understand(and I had a lot of people from my year at school die since leaving through drug addiction)all of this yet we have to if we're to know how to deal anything similar(though lord know we all hope not to have to)if it lands in our lives. As a parent of three myself, and in a house where everyone games from myself down to our 8year old, I'm always very careful about how long the kids, and myself, spend online and/or gaming because i'm aware just how cut off from reality people can become and how tempting the internet and online gaming can be for those who find it hard to talk to others in real life is. This just underlines how important that kind of care is, no? I guess this addiction can just appear out of what seemed like normal usage too-such a creeper.

RIP to the mum and lets hope the kid gets some overdue treatment and we can , at least, learn something from this mess to make it a lot less likely to happen again. If someone learns anything from just reading about this then, in a little way, we're closer to stopping this from being an issue in another family's life or at least stopping it ending like this has. I hope those left in the family can find peace out of a monumentally sad, horrific situation. Absolutely stunned by this-but, again, the important word was "addict" as he could have been addicted to anything and reacted like this when that was threatened and anyone suggesting that he wouldn't have found another ddiction without gaming being available is, imo, kidding themselves.

Yes, CS is a violent game but you don't kill in real life just cos you do in a game, we don't know just what his other problems are and we don't know if the murder was because of panic at having the internet cut off or because he felt this woman who took him in had betrayed him(he could be scarred by the adoption and feel things were happening all over again if he already flt betrayed by his birth mother/parents). So many questions that we must hope answers can be found for when the kid gets some therapy-which is the good that surely must come from this if possible. Seriously, this story really hit me despite thre being a few "gaaming killing" stories on here-Ithink it's because trhe mum was only really tryuying to help this boy who she'd already given a home to and provided for out of the goodness of her, and her families, hearts and you'd like to think that when you're adopting you get to know practically everything about the child you're bring into your homelife.

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Kalowest5223d ago (Edited 5223d ago )

Damn, you sure can preach. Amen

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Not clicking on your article otherwise.


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