
Exclusively first: Microsoft defends Modern Warfare content


"When Microsoft announced that there would be new content coming to Modern Warfare 2-and the Xbox 360 would get it first-gamers had one of two reactions. People with 360s were excited, while other gamers complained that Microsoft seemed to be yet again locking down content by writing large checks. At CES we sat down with Microsoft's Aaron Greenberg, and asked about the business of getting exclusive content."

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yoghurt5243d ago

The exclusive DLC didn't work that well for GTA did it? I don't think that system works, because by the time the DLC is released there are better/newer games out. Now i'm not sure what following BFBC has from 360 fans, but in my opinion BFBC is better, so what if everyone ditches MW2 for BFBC time? again, Msft paying for exclusive DLC (first) but not actually making it work that well

Where as Sony focus thier money on 1st party developers and with that we get a constant stream of exclusive games, normally high end games too

maybe I'm wrong - thoughts?

THE MAX SPEED 215243d ago (Edited 5243d ago )

No You're not wrong. They dont invest @ the right places. GTA4 DLC was stupid in a way because the content came out about a year after the game came out and the other episode almost 1 1/2 after the original. By the time they got out Nobody really played GTA4 anymore. they could have spent that 50Million(I think) Into making Halo ODST a better game.

but I guess they think they did something good because they made more money then what they Spent on the DLC exclusivity.

mrv3215243d ago

With 50 million they could have get ensemble AND had another exclusive for 2010... maybe even another RTS.

Instead they wasted 50 million on DLC to game many people didn't see as the 10/10's it got EVERYWHERE.

First Party Games are usually superior. Name on incredibly bad game from Sony or Nintendo. I mean c'mon the only game I can think of is Lair which was developed by Factor 5 who aren't a part of Sony.

Saaking5243d ago

I'm a 360 owner, bought MW2 on the 360, and I'm not happy. I want MS to use that money for exclusive games, not crap dlc for one of the most disappointing games of all time.

umair_s515243d ago

I don't really care about exclusive DLCs especially those that turn out after 1 1/2 year after launch. I'd rather have a full-fledged game.

heroprotagonist5243d ago

Regardless of anything you might say, you can't deny that Modern Warfare 2 was the biggest game of last year (I still can't believe how many people I see playing it online) and getting exclusive content for that game first is a positive bonus for the 360.

We still get plenty of great games on the 360 also, so I don't see the harm in getting exclusive timed content on top of that.

JokesOnYou5243d ago (Edited 5243d ago )

I'm a 360 owner, bought MW2 on the 360, and I'm very happy. I like how MS is using their money to bring us a ton of great exclusive games in 2010, its nice we get extra dlc on top of that for the best game of 2009.


cyborg69715243d ago

Mw2 the best game of 09 that's funny not funny ha ha but re re funny.

vhero5243d ago (Edited 5243d ago )

The thing is Greenberg is a Map pack won't sell Consoles you idiot!!!! Especially if you announce it AFTER the games already launched and sold over 8 million!

The money they spent on that exclusivity they could have used on a new IP.

heroicjanitor5243d ago

Is that 360 owners got nothing from this, they just delayed the ps3 version. That doesn't benefit the 360 owners , if they made a new game that game wouldn't have existed without them, so that is the best way to help your user base.

pippoppow5243d ago

Ms' MO; Buy exclusive or timed exclusive DLC for high profile games especially with shooting mechanics. It is cheaper than buying/creating studios. Just like how a 3yr warranty is cheaper than a recall. While all companies are out to make money MS gives back the least to their fans. MS realizes that shooter games coupled with x-chat(XBL) is there bread and butter, so they try and get all the shooter centric game content they can.

Now as for Devs releasing exclusive content for a multi-platform title is wrong. Whether it's on a Sony/MS/PC platform, it is turning their back on a segment of their fans. Fans that supported them with millions in sales. Devs that do this lose respect from me and I keep an eye on them in the future. Either support a game 100% or not at all. Greedy SOBs.

CaptainAmerica5243d ago

The thing is Vhero, your the idiot. It was announced way before the game came out. And you guys were pretty happy to get Joker on the PS3 but now when 360 fans get extra exclusive content we are all idiots right? You guys are pathetic.

beans5243d ago

"1.9 - The main thing to me
Is that 360 owners got nothing from this, they just delayed the ps3 version."

Actually 360 gamers get something PS3 fans fail to comprehend. You see we have a choice and will decide will it be worth a purchase or not. You guys don't and will as usual sit here and down play it. This content will make millions and as a matter a fact more than triple the investment made by MS. That money can then be used for additional Live features or games as simple as that.

slave2Dcontroller5243d ago (Edited 5243d ago )


Ok beans lets see.. MW2 DLC< Oh I dunno.. MW2(PS3), GOW Collection(PS3), Demon Souls(PS3), Uncharted2(PS3 AND The real biggest game of 2009 XD), Ratchet & Clank;ACIT(PS3), AC2(PS3), Borderlands(PS3). See what PS3 fans are getting at here beans? its not that we down play these things. We just have ALOT more to play than D..L..C'YA! Have fun beta testin it for us buddy.

heroprotagonist5243d ago

360 owners also have a lot more to play than DLC, but there's nothing wrong with getting a little DLC now is there?

slave2Dcontroller5243d ago (Edited 5243d ago )

Nah, there isnt but it would be nice if MS started investing in getting more ip's on their console instead of cutting all of these wack side deals. This wouldve only been effective if they had this DLC day 1 of MW2's launch. So whats the benefit here? MS spends millions so 360 gamers get to spend another $10 or $15 to beta test the DLC first? All I'm sayin is MS doesnt need another 2009ish year. The 360 was trash in 2009 and had MW2 not lauched in 09 then WOW! It was indeed The saving grace for the 360 so maybe MS feels they owe Acti a few mill.

heroicjanitor5243d ago

"Actually 360 gamers get something PS3 fans fail to comprehend. You see we have a choice and will decide will it be worth a purchase or not"

That makes so little sense I worry for you. You would've gotten it anyway, all they did is delay the ps3 version. The ps3 version being delayed doesn't affect your "choice" of whether or not to buy it.

ZombieNinjaPanda5243d ago

So greenburg is an idiot then?

That star player should be your own exclusive game, nor timed exclusive DlC. Sigh this guy can't be anymore of a moron sometimes.

ape0075243d ago

man that game is amazing, specops on veteran is awesome, mw2 is one of the best games I've ever played, I'v e never been this hooked on a game since gta 3

and about xbox 360 in 2010,it has better game lineup than ps3 both in quality and quantity imo

tbh the xbox 360 is a must have, man crackdown 2, halo reach, splinter cell ,mw2 dlc, alan wake, mass effect 2 and xbox live, don't forget that xbox live makes things better

also on ps3 Im really excited about gow3 and I wanna see agent

2010 is full of amazement, enjoy your time :)

Persistantthug5243d ago (Edited 5243d ago )

ERROR POST...my bad

Maybe I'll fill this with something else...something fitting and troll worthy since that seems to be fitting and logical around these parts, especially on topics like these.

hakeem09965243d ago

I think you guys are wrong here, The GTA DLC didnt do extremely great instantly but they did over time.Plus they already made they're money back with the first DLC .all they had to do is sell 2.5 million dlc at 20 bucks.

I agree with everyone who said they should have kept there studios open first party is the way to go .

As far as people b!tch!ng about the guys arrogance ,it's his job.All of them are arrogant MS,Sony aND Nintento ,they have to show tht there products is the best on the market period.

saint_john_paul_ii5243d ago

i think its the other way around. DLC is pointless, and it doesnt sell systems. all it does is fund for PS3 exclusives. for example, 360 owners buy GTA DLC, they are basically funding for: http://www.joystiq.com/2009...

yea, i went that far...

IdleLeeSiuLung5243d ago

It's pretty simple really, instead of arguing about console wars, reality is MS is seizing the opportunity to market their console as the one getting content for the biggest game of last year first.

This re-inforces that the Xbox 360 is the console that gets exclusive content for big games. If you agree or not is another thing, but that is the way MS tries to market it. Most people (unless you select few or fanboys) don't just look for exclusives.

BattleAxe5243d ago

I'll be well into playing other games by the time MW2 DLC actually comes out.

rezenu5243d ago

This exclusive content crap needs to end. Doesn't matter which side does it.

WildArmed5243d ago

As much as I enjoy mw2 (LOVE the spec ops)
I dont think I'll be buying the DLC regardless. DLC (esp. maps) are a waste of money imo.

But I am looking forward to many games that will make me forget about MW2. So forget DLC.
Mass Effect 2, GoW3, heavy rain, Splinter Cell, GT5, Yakuza 3, FFXIII and White Knight Chornicles (HELL YES) in the first half of the year alone!
I always love playing something new over something I've been playing for months. So Mw2 can take a hike after March =p

pixelsword5243d ago (Edited 5243d ago )

It's not like they made the game exclusive; it's just extra stuff, and it's not even like GTA 4's content which is as far as we know permanently exclusive, it's just temporarily exclusive.

They have to do what they have to do to get people to buy it too; and since they lost almost all of their studios due to closure, it's really the only thing they have other than three to six exclusives that people are looking forward to (depending on who you ask, of course).

I can't hate them for wanting to survive.

meepmoopmeep5243d ago

"This exclusive content crap needs to end. Doesn't matter which side does it."


vhero5243d ago

@CaptainAmerica you just proved your the idiot along with Greenburg actually as this exclusivity was announced at CES this week and forgive me if I'm wrong but modern warfare came out last year so this was announced AFTER release so get your facts right before you try and be clever. God I hate 360 fanboys you know absolutely nothing. How did you not know Modern Warfare 2 came out on 360 last year and not this week?

bruddahmanmatt5242d ago (Edited 5242d ago )

Idiot asking the questions should have asked Aaron Fatberg what was going through his mind when he thought throwing cash at a hack developer was a better move than brining in a quality team to develop a fresh new IP. Then he should have proceeded to inform him that the reason MW2 is selling so many more copies on the 360 is because PS3 players have better games to choose from. Sorry but MW2 was a pass for me and many other PS3 gamers because quite frankly, UC2, Demon's Souls and R&C are simply better games.

Paying big money for exclusive DLC early is just as a stupid as paying big money for exclusive games early. We all know they'll eventually make its way to the PS3 so who gives a **** so long as we have other top notch quality games to play in the meantime? If Microsoft wants to continue trying to win folks over with this lazy business practice then they'll need to dole out more cash to make sure that exclusive content stays exclusive. Either that or you know, maybe go out and actually find a few studios worth backing financially to develop some brand new quality IPs for a change. Stupid.

Bzone245242d ago

Sorry but Captain America is right, you're the idiot. This was announced at e3.


5242d ago
BigPenguin5242d ago

Why do all the people keep on acting like MS gets all profits from the timed exclusive DLC? The point of the exclusive DLC is to get people to purchase more 360 systems then the PS3. MS does not get 100% of profits in addition to that. MS has to buy DLC because the company's are not first party, and these are multi-plat games, keep that in mind.

5242d ago
SilentNegotiator5242d ago (Edited 5242d ago )

I think their decision to close Ensemble Studios had nothing to do with money. I think it had more to do with their de-commitment to Windows as a gaming platform (And their continued support for the 360).

Either way, it's a shame. Ensemble Studios made great games (I don't blame them for that shallow Halo RTS....I blame the publisher (MS) for even thinking for a minute that taking them away from AOE to create a halo was a good idea).

Anyway, yipee? Thanks for basically delaying map packs on other systems, microsoft?

TheDude2dot05242d ago

I really don't understand MS's reasoning for this. They are paying tens of millions just to screw over PS3 owners?

Elven65242d ago (Edited 5242d ago )

Pope_John_Paul_II: Where was it stated that the GTA DLC money is/was being used to fund Agent? Given the time the deal was made it could also have paid for the GTA IV development costs (it is the most expensive game ever made at $100 million) or even payback Take Two loans, fund other Take Two projects/studios, etc.

Also keep in mind, a figure was never officially revealed for the exclusivity, the $50 million was something Michael Patcher ball parked.

vHero: The timed 360 exclusive map packs were announced at Microsoft's E3 press conference. They will come to the other platforms eventually.


Edit: Also keep in mind that previous Call of Duty DLC's have sold insanely well, especially after MW2 in comparison to a game like GTA IV where DLC was a first for the series and perhaps didn't have the same pull towards DLC as say a multiplayer heavy title like Call of Duty.

YourCall5242d ago (Edited 5242d ago )

What a big bunch of fkin jealous crybabies. Negative thing about the PS3;Downplay it. Negative thing about the 360; applaud it! Positive thing about the PS3; applaud it and give bubbles to your fellow comrades. Positive thing about the 360; spin it into negative oblivion, claim that Microsoft has opened their wallets, and take bubbles away from anyone that stand against you. This my friends is the CREDE of NG4.

Sometimes I wonder do you guys even remember the sh!t you typed 24 hours prior.

@Saaking - "I'm a 360 owner, bought MW2 on the 360, and I'm not happy. I want MS to use that money for exclusive games, not crap dlc for one of the most disappointing games of all time."

First off if you are a 360 owner, you are also the biggest hypocrite I have ever seen considering that all you ever do is praise the PS3 and hate on the 360. Tell me, why would you buy a console that you hate so much. You're not that guy that calls a girl fat then try to get in her pants when no one is watching are you. I'm afraid you are my friend. What a loser. BTW Saaking, Funny how you think MW2 is the biggest disapointment of all times, yet you just finished playing it 23 minutes ago. It also appears that you are paying for XBL, did you say you wouldn't do that. Owe one more thing, what made you buy Assassins Creed II for the 360 instead of the PS3 being that you hate the 360 so much. There is only one word to discribe someone that would put GOW III FTW as their phrase of the day on XBL. And that word would be "DouchBAGE! What a drama queen.

Either way, it business. Microsoft has their way of doing business as do Sony, so don't hate on one if you're not gonna hate on the other.

Jaces5242d ago

The fact that they spend so many millions of dollars on something that's going to come to the PS3 at a later date is idiotic.

What does it do, honestly? People who bought MW2 for PS3 aren't going to go out and buy it for the 360 for some minor content that's a timed exclusive.


ARBitrator5242d ago

Funny how the most narrow minded morons on this site tend to have the most bubbles.

Pika-pie5242d ago

MS needs to invest its money in development studios. Nuff said.

Sony have so many first party games in development, something like 15-20 at the moment.. Why should it care care about timed exclusivity on a dlc map pack

Guido5242d ago

The 360 will never be in first place at the end of each generation. They make poor decisions to buy DLC exclusivity and not put together a better first party dev team to make exclusive games. I would rather them invest money in the games not the DLC.

Rhythmattic5242d ago (Edited 5242d ago )

As he says...

"I think about it like a sports team, when you sign a star athlete for your team... when you sign that free agent, I think it makes your team better. At the end of the day, we want to turn as many people as possible into Xbox 360 fans."

As for me , I'm a multiple console owner and as such, this business model MS employs has not got 1 cent out of me.. (Actually most their business models - Lotus, Avid, Seattle DOS.... Google it)

So their idea of timed exclusive/DLC t didn't make me buy a 360.. True Exclusives did........ GeoW2.

Alcon Caper5242d ago

vhero, do some research. gawd

+ Show (40) more repliesLast reply 5242d ago
CrippleH5243d ago

Exclusive dlc or timed exclusive dlc is ruining gamers choice period. That goes for both consoles but we know the one that pays more often for exclusive dlc.

heroprotagonist5243d ago

But when Sony buys some studio to restrict that studio's content to the Playstation brand, isn't that also "ruining gamer's choice"? It is in fact the use of money to restrict content, that much is not debatable.

After all, I can't get Killzone 2 on the 360, I can only get it on the PS3, and that is because Sony paid MONEY to buy Guerrilla. I fail to see much difference.

Megaton5243d ago (Edited 5243d ago )

Exclusive games and exclusive DLC are completely different things. All or nothing. You get the full game on one platform, period. With exclusive DLC you get the full game on one platform, and part of the game on another. Pretty basic, really.

I'm against exclusive DLC on all platforms. Fans of the game can't get the full experience just because they don't happen to own console X.

heroprotagonist5243d ago

I don't see how buying a game gives you same unassailable right to any related content down the line.

When you buy something, you are buying that specific thing and nothing more.

Buying a studio is one of the MOST restrictive things a console maker can do, because it is restricting that studios creative output to one console indefinitely, whereas in cases like these the content is only a fragment of that studios total output and will eventually end up on the other consoles anyway.

Microsoft's approach gives independent developers the most flexibility because usually the deals are on a case by case basis. If the partnership isn't working to one of the parties advantage they always have the choice to not work with the other party on the next project or can choose to work with the same party but can come to a better arrangement for the next project.

There are some advantages to the way Sony does it too, but to act like there aren't advantages to Microsoft's approach is simply naive.

Godmars2905243d ago

You're talking about the difference between Sony paying a dev to use their hardware to the fullest where MS is paying for an added segment of a full game that's already released. Limited and timed access at that.

Its literally the difference between MS paying R* $50 million to make a 360-specific GTA or just four bonus missions of a multiplatform release.

Consoldtobots5243d ago

well we know that financially it's an exercise to lock down content for a game that will be OLD NEWS by the time it comes out, so the only other thing motivating MS to keep doing stuff like this is an insatiable need to create the perception that 360 is the console of choice for blockbuster game content.

Godmars2905243d ago

Nevermind that the very act of buying instead of earning such a thing defeats its fundamental purpose.

m-s-8-25243d ago

I understand why people get all pissy about Microsoft buying dlc exclusivity, but I think they're anger is misdirected. Take it out on Infinity Ward/Activision. They're the ones who made the decision to restrict the content to a certain console for the time being.

"After all, I can't get Killzone 2 on the 360, I can only get it on the PS3, and that is because Sony paid MONEY to buy Guerrilla. I fail to see much difference."

What Sony and Microsoft do are very similar, yet very different. Sony owns the Killzone IP because they funded the development of the game. That happened well before Sony bought Guerilla Games.

pippoppow5243d ago

We need to keep an eye on these companies that sell out a segment of their fanbase. They are the true problem.

It's like blaming the other person instead of the person you are with for cheating.

Bethesda, 2k, IW, and Rockstar, EA (mirrors edge), Rocksteady etc need to be looked upon suspiciously whenever a new game is released.

Would be nice for gaming journalist to berate or question them on this practice but we know where their allegiances lay.

Aquarius5243d ago (Edited 5243d ago )

heroprotagonist You are ONE COMPLETE IDIOT, sorry.

"it is restricting that studios creative output"

Blu-ray and the CellBroadbandengine says HOWDY!!!
_____________________________ _

Is Killzone 2 possible on the 360?
Is Little Big Planet possible on the 360?
Is the Uncharted series possible on the 360?
Is the R&C Future saga possible on the 360?
Is the Motorstorm series possible on the 360?
Is WipEout HD possible on the 360?
Is the Eye of judgment possible on the 360?
Is Heavenly Sword possible on the 360?

HELL is even Flower possible on the 360?

I know they are short phrases but use your head that the good lord gave you. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE for those games to run on the 360 because the technology inside the 360 and PS3 is worlds apart. ;)
Metaphorically speaking the 360 is like a PS1 compared to the PS3.

"Microsoft's approach gives independent developers the most flexibility"
There has been several times where Microsoft has tried to manipulate devs with their nasty ways.

cyborg69715243d ago

I wouldn't put blame on the devs but rather on the publisher for this crap. And it is crap on all fronts.

ZombieNinjaPanda5243d ago

Seriously guys?

So what about Halo and Gears of war? Should I be angry at Microsoft and Bungie and Epic for not making it on the ps3? Should I be mad they limited it to one console?

Exclusive games =/= timed exclusive or exclusive DLC.

Exclusive games are owned by the parent company, and made solely for the one console. You are getting the full game when you buy an exclusive game.
With exclusive DLC you are buying the game, then the developers are sticking their middle finger in your face saying you cannot have this content because your parent company didn't pay for it.

Difference right there.

Persistantthug5243d ago

Because you recognized arguing over game DEVELOPERS and EXCLUSIVE GAMES is an apple and oranges argument to that of EXCLUSIVE DLC.

Thanks for at least TRYING to get everyone back on track.

Unfortunately the "troll-force" runs strong on this topic and the derailing of what should be the actual topic will not be stopped...unfortunately.

Bubble for you though.

jessupj5242d ago

... The difference is sony invests in developers to create NEW games and ADD and GIVE to the industry. MS on the other hand just wave a cheque and say 'don't release this content on the ps3'. They TAKE AWAY from the industry and BlOCK experiences from fans. ACT and IW are just as bad for accepting that cheque and slapping their ps3 customers in the face. Why should I support pricks like that, that are going to do that to my console of choice?

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 5242d ago
mrv3215243d ago

'I think about it like a sports team, when you sign a star athlete for your team... when you sign that free agent, I think it makes your team better. At the end of the day, we want to turn as many people as possible into Xbox 360 fans.'

Except for the fact this sports team invested all it's money into fixing it's shoddy foundation which caused it's stadium to collapse every once and a while and invested the remainder into 'securing' third party games as 'exclusive' when infact they will still come out for PC... but their exclusive right? WRONG.

How about you turn them into 360 fans by
A) Stop being an arrogant moron
B) Stop closing down studios after they make good games for you
'Ensemble Studios was a video game developer initially established in 1995 as an independent company, but was owned by Microsoft from 2001 to 2009, when it was officially disbanded.' Their game sold 250,000 on the first day in America alone. THAT'S A LOT!
C) Make Some Games. Design them from the ground up to FULLY utilize the hardware.
D) Don't even talk about the competition, shall I tell you why more people like Insomniac BECAUSE they make games they talk about their games and that's it. You not only talk about you 'exclusive' but think it's a good idea to nock the competition.
E)Actually release games this year. All in All their was what 2-3 retail 360 exclusives... sure 2010 looks great, but if this is the pattern(2 year developement cycle) 2011 will be no different.

'and be the exclusive place you can get that downloadable content first, I think that's a big deal.' Yeah because gamers are so impatient they can't wait a month... speaking of which Alan Wake... or two Human, people waited for those PERFECTLY fine. 1 month is nothing with

Uncharted 2, Dragons Age, Mass Effect to name a few. See I am too occupied to not care about 4 maps (probably) at 7.99 or some spec ops.

'That's a big reason you'd want to buy an Xbox 360 instead of another console.'

The big reason to own a 360 is that you get content a bit earlier... now given the choice between

1. Getting content 1 month later or getting great exclusives
2. Getting content on time

I choose 1.

'So we think from a business standpoint that's part of the reason more people are buying the Xbox 360'

Shall we do the math. the 360 has sold 35 million consoles in about 4 years average of 8.75 million a year. The PS3 has sold 27 million in 3 years... 9 million a year.

And what about the Wii... EVERYONE seems to forget the Wii is a Next-gen console. MAYBE because it's outselling them.

'more than two to one our box vs. the PS3.'

Worldwide? Because the US one is roughly that... so I don't know especially considering the PS3 has half the number of units as the 360 in America.

'He points out the "bet" Microsoft put on Modern Warfare 2, by putting out the custom console and showing it off at E3' Plus in all honesty you needed some filler...

ATi_Elite5243d ago

Microsoft is stupid to spend that money for DLC. They already got burned by DLC from Rockstar. (nobody bought it)

They keep saying more people are buying MW2 for the 360 than any other platform. Very true and here is why.

The game was made for the 360
it's the best game on the 360 (LOL)

PC gamers weren't going to buy it because it's a direct port from the 360 and it doesn't utilize any PC features that PC gamers expect, the game is virtual crapware.

The PS3 has way more AAA exclusive titles to play at the moment instead of this crap. PS3 owners are buying Uncharted 2 and having fun

The Wii didn't want this game and can't handle the graphics. Plus there was no role for Mario in the game. (Airport scene maybe)

So instead of waisting money on DLC on a game that is multiplatform Microsoft should be making AAA exclusive titles. Every move Microsoft makes is just shooting themselves in the foot. They are pissing of Xbox 360 fans and PC fans. Thank goodness for VALVE.

Godmars2905243d ago

It would probably help if MS had some solid in-house creativity so they could stop spending all that money outside for content.

qwertyuiopasdfghjkl5243d ago

I despise Greenberg more than ever now, he's the type that, if I invited him over to play a game or two, he'd un-RSVP after learning we wouldn't be playing the 360. He goes on to say this ridiculous comment...

"I think about it like a sports team, when you sign a star athlete for your team... when you sign that free agent, I think it makes your team better. At the end of the day, we want to turn as many people as possible into Xbox 360 fans."

If I were to compare the 360 and MW2 exclusivity to a sporting event, I'd think of MW2 as the hottest team right now, with the biggest fanbase. So that would make Microsoft and Sony a stadium for MW2 to play in. Now MS is making MW2 gametime run longer than other stadiums, something that really wont make a difference with Sony gamers.

All in all, my point is, people are fans of the team, not the stadium in which they see em in. MS and AG can force people into their stadium with content and timed-exclusivity, but those of us who live around Sony's stadium will continue to go there.

Mainly because admission is free, and their stadium doesnt randomly close down after long time use.

heroprotagonist5243d ago

Your analogies are all out of whack, but whatever.

Sony says the same kind of stuff and you guys never whisper so much as a peep.

Godmars2905243d ago (Edited 5243d ago )

No, everyone pretty much points and laughs. Even a few Sony fans.

Here I'm hearing more of a general groan. The praise of the MS cult not included of course.

rezenu5243d ago

And 360 fans are just as guilty as PS3 fans. Seriously? You're both bad!

kenpachi5243d ago

i could less who gets it first i still wont buy it when comes out every were the chances are it will be over priced just like the map packs for modern warfare 1

mrv3215243d ago

chance, CHANCE!!!! There will be no chance as this WILL BE OVERPRICED.

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Modern Warfare 2 Adds Pay-to-Win Items With Thermal Scope and Merlin the Dog, Here's How They Work

Some alleged Modern Warfare 2 pay-to-win elements were recently added, see what they are here and how they work.

PunksOnN4G282d ago

The DOG is legit Broken if ur hiding in a room or grass he turns his head even if ur behind a closed door he turns his head and barks letting them know where u at thats PAY TO WIN!!!!!

LucasRuinedChildhood282d ago

I hope all the assholes who buy these get stuck in lobbies with each other. I skipped new COD games for a long time and a short time with MW2 convinced me to go back to on a hiatus.

With the skill-based matchmaking (engagement-based would be more accurate), I imagine this will make the game even more miserable for most players when the matchmaking has decided it's time for a tough lobby.

I played the OG MW2 recently on the Series X and it's disheartening how much more fun it is. I don't even care about the balance issues anymore. lol

PunksOnN4G282d ago

My friends dont play with me anymore i am former pro player and i even streamed on MLG for RX gaming the team i played for... My KD is always high 5-6kd my friends who i went to school with are not good wht so ever so with SBMM kicking in its always putting us in TOP TIER lobbys and they cant hang now they dont even tell me when they getting on LOL

ManMarmalade282d ago

I recently started playing OG MW2 again and I'm having a blast. Feels like I'm in high school again.

fr0sty282d ago (Edited 282d ago )

Welcome to COD under MS. It's all downhill from here, they're going to be looking to make that $68B back as fast as possible, at any expense to the player.

StarkR3ality282d ago

The deal hasn't even closed yet you pleb. CoD has been doing stuff like this since the loot boxes in WWII.

Nice try though pal.

TheColbertinator281d ago

Activision has never needed Microsoft or anybody for that matter to act like greedy bastards

PunksOnN4G282d ago

why did my 2nd comment about SBMM get downvited LOL?? Do we have people who Enjoy trash SBMM tbh make sense it caters to LOW KD players and u will never get better playing with the same trahs everyday LOL

andy85282d ago

Probably gonna see more of this BS once the deal is fully done..Gotta recoup that 70B.

Jin_Sakai282d ago (Edited 282d ago )

Look at Minecraft. The game hasn’t went anywhere since Microsoft bought them. No 4K, no 120fps, no graphics pack, and no Ray Tracing. Just some new biomes, mobs, and more skins as usual.

Same could be said about Rare. Who knows what will happen to Activision once they’re under Microsoft’s roof. We can all take a good guess though.

PunksOnN4G282d ago

TBH they did update it by accident then they pulled the update down on xsx and xss i remeber the XSX version having ray tracing but the S did not. Then after people seen that it was updated it was removed that same day

peppeaccardo282d ago

No way !!! Nobody wouild think they would monetize on items that weak asses will use to get advantage during multiplayer action !!! I would never think they would do that ... I mean is a free to play game after all ! /S
Wait once M$ will put their greasy hands all over Activizion and you will see what awaits the "lucky" ones who will play this slot machine of a game. Sooooo Lame !

jznrpg282d ago

They way it works is you give them money and more money and more money.

anast282d ago

It's a true phenomenon that people haven't figured this out yet.

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