
New Far Cry2 gameplay footage

Despite being a cam footage the game looks quite good. see for yourself by clicking on the link below

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Bigbangbing5854d ago

is this really new?

and the (Y) is for the xbox version?so is this the xbox version?

sonarus5854d ago (Edited 5854d ago )

Yea its 360. The 360 build looks fantastic. A few texture pop in here and there but nothin serious. Ubisoft did a fantastic job of porting it to the 360. I hope the PS3 gets equal treatment

Doppy5854d ago

Graphically the game is fine, but it seemed a little boring (maybe it's because the guy playing it was sorry).

HateFanboys5854d ago

Wow! thats the 360 version? That looks GOOD!, with graphics like that, they can definitely do Crysis. I wonder how the PS3 version will come out.

Lifendz5854d ago

they're really utilizing the PS3 and it's SPUs and Cell for this game. Got me hyped. Now Free Radical said the same thing about Haze so I guess I'll reserve my hype.

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InMyOpinion5854d ago (Edited 5854d ago )

Dude who played it sucked, as usual.

The typical games writer seems to be 90% journalist and 10% gamer.

shazam5854d ago (Edited 5854d ago )

The typical video game journalist is more like 10% gamer, 10% journalist, and 80% biased fanboy idiot.

xhi45854d ago

no offense but have you seen the gameplay vids for the PC version???

it looked like it was on medium level for Crysis, but then again they do run the demos on the PC at Very High Maximum.

I mean you can excuse the texture pop in, but not when you're traveling through the the grasses and trees, did you see that? They didnt even move when you were runing into them. And when he shot at them they did nothing..........not even break.

I think i'll stick to the PC version if the PS3 version is this scaled down as well.

MJY2K5854d ago

The vegetation not moving looked bad. Especially since some people knocked Haze for the same reason

gauravraw5854d ago

Maybe it's the PC version and they are using 'Xbox 360 controller for Windows'?

Max Power5854d ago

when that guy is talking about the game and is pointing at the map, the camera zooms out and you can see the XBox 360 under the tv.

Jonelo5854d ago

Yes is true . In the end of the video - and in minute 2.56 - . But looks like the console is turn off ;).



Jonelo5854d ago

Or maybe is the PC version with a mouse . The movement of the camera is like with a mouse , see the video ;) .

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"The London-based (the UK) indie games publisher Hawthorn Games and Geneva-based (Switzerland) indie games developer SIRO GAMES, today announced with great joy and thrill that their "Zelda" and soulslike adventure "Wéko The Mask Gatherer", is coming to PC via Steam on July 26th, 2024." - Jonas Ek, TGG.


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The 2.5D action side-scroller “Rusty Rabbit” is coming to PC and the PS5 on September 24th, 2024

"The Tokyo-based (Japan) indie games publisher NetEase Games and indie games developer NITRO PLUS, are today very happy and excited to announce that their 2.5D action side-scroller “Rusty Rabbit”, is coming to PC and the PS5 on September 24th, 2024." - Jonas Ek, TGG.

TGG_overlord49m ago

Very much so, and the game is cute as well :3

VersusDMC2m ago

I definitely didn't expect the rabbit to be voiced by kazuma kiryu's japanese voice actor...you now have my attention.