CRank: 5Score: 206830

Dang it, that’s what I meant. EGS only does 12% which is why exclusive deals for them are better for the devs in terms of getting more on a sale.

So with the 30% taken out of a $70 the pub/dev gets $49. Less for discounted sales and none for used game sales.

37m ago0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is exactly what I’m talking about…

1h ago0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What a GLORIOUS DAY!!!!!!

1h ago0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea, I love how so many on here did simple math like 3mill x $70 = they made a profit.
When that’s not even close to how this works.

They take the years spent and equate the ROI to the sum % of stock prices during the years of development to do a baseline ROI and then you have the 30% taken out of every sale on a platform EXCEPT for Steam, which is 12%.

Nobody factors in the cost for production of physical media, the cost of advertising, marketin...

1h ago0 agree4 disagreeView comment

I’d get it on a sale, but these mid-gen upgrades are really lame.

This is just from a personal stance on it, so I’m only speaking for myself, but I’ve never been gung-ho about paying over $1000 (2 consoles) on devices to experience the best of that platform’s generation. Couple in the fact that I try to get all platforms for their exclusives, it’s just sort of annoying when they do this “Pro” version, especially when next-gen is sort of around the corner and who knows how e...

7h ago1 agree4 disagreeView comment

It’ll be monetized to all hell, regardless

2d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bloodborne looks better?

2d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment


Look, man, people are allowed to have opinions and show frustration with stuff. It has no bearing on them not getting sex or not making money.

I have no idea how people commenting on being tired of hearing about SJW sh*t being shown in the spotlight like some carnival sideshow where publishers are wanting some pat on the back for means they’re financially unstable and don’t have a sexual relationship.

What, are you on the s...

3d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


“At the same time, Kim also understands that this answer will not convince all users, hence, they are discussing the issue internally and will be coming up with a solution soon.”

That help, bud?

And I’ll let you dwell on this thought, if the outfits ...

3d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I hear ya, man. Like, if they really pull off what they showed it’ll be raising the bar for visual fidelity in the industry.

3d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Otogi would be excellent. I loved that game.

3d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That really makes no sense considering they made variations of suits. These suits are literally variations of the pre-patch original designs and again think of it this way, if those previous suits were always the “intended design” why the huge push back or need for “internal discussions” when they could’ve easily reversed the changes with a patch if they always intended to release the original “unintended design” versions later? It makes absolutely no sense, so what, these are the “unintended...

3d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I dont know how anyone can see a game like Hellblade 2 and not say if it has only one thing amazing about it, it’s the visuals. Like, when I was playing this game I actually wished all current-gen games had visuals like this. One of the biggest stand out things to me so far is the GTA6 trailer and part of that was because of the visuals. I felt like it could be a game changer… assuming we ain’t getting watchdogged.

3d ago 9 agree7 disagreeView comment

dude, let’s be real, you’re on a video game news site going into the comments section and taking time out of your life to go to war with people you think don’t f*ck. You sound as much of a virgin as any incel does.

Let’s be real, bub you’re just as pathetic as the rest of them. Anyone who would look at this who doesn’t waste their time on a video game news site or video games in general probably thinks the only thing you f*ck is your crusty ass pillow.


3d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

It’s so weird right? Like their “intended designs,” but then give the uncensored variations? Whatever it is everyone can now have their cake and eat it, too now.

But yea, straight up censorship and a lazy “reasoning” behind it. This all could’ve been avoided had they just done this in the first place… but all’s well that ends well.

4d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

And there isn’t slop now?

4d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I’m all for it. Cuts the time to make a game. Look, Hellblade 2 took 5 years to make, if AI can do that in half the time, as a consumer, I support it.

4d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Are you projecting? 😝

4d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why they’d make this specific to a single store in NYC is beyond me. It’s insulting to fans and to make it like 30 coins for people to print out on paper is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard. They could’ve easily included the reversible covers with this release.

4d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Geezus, just make a good game… holy sh*t this is becoming insufferable.

4d ago 79 agree7 disagreeView comment