Tired... as usual


CRank: 109Score: 6871800

It was explicitly mentioned during the conference call as driven by first-party games and better-than-expected performance of Game pass subscriptions.

Looks like you're wrong and yes. Investors care.

228d ago 13 agree11 disagreeView comment

Accidental double comment, disregard.My N4G's having some lag lately.

228d ago 7 agree23 disagreeView comment

Imagine commenting with the only negative, which didn't even come close to offsetting the positives. 😂

228d ago 23 agree33 disagreeView comment

FFXIV for PS3 doesn't look in any shape or form what FFXIV looks like now on any hardware.It was a pixelated mess.

And it certainly doesn't look in any shape or form what it looks after the upgrade.

I'm not catching any feelings. You've caught a sight or memory issue. You can pick which.

228d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

You really have distorted memories of what both PS2 and PS3 games looked like.

You also don't know a thing of how graphics work in relation to MMORPGs.

228d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm not sure why you goy disagrees honestly. 🤔

231d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

@Gamingsince1981 "flight simulator is terrible"

Only for people who are unable to handle anything more complex than shooty shooty stabby stabby.

234d ago 8 agree11 disagreeView comment

People pay for games on Game Pass. It isn't free. 😂

234d ago 5 agree16 disagreeView comment

Microsoft Flight Simulator went on hiatus due to 9-11? What are you smoking?

9-11 happened in 2001. Microsoft Flight Simulator had THREE games after that (MSFS 2002, MSFS 2004: A Century of Flight, and MSFS X), plus Microsoft Flight respectively in 2001 (just after 9-11 actually, in October), 2003, 2006, and 2012.

Some people are so insanely salty that they aren't even able to take a look at Wikipedia to verify their weird fictional theories. 😂...

234d ago 7 agree19 disagreeView comment

Are you ok? Need a hug? 🤗

234d ago 7 agree15 disagreeView comment

Not sure what game *you* are looking at.

The protagonist of FIST doesn't ride a mecha. He fights with a mechanical fist attached to his chest.

FIST is a Metroidvania focusing on combat with some platforming. Rusty Rabbit focuses on breaking through blocks and finding loot.

Before you accuse a developer with a portfolio that you can't even dream of coming close to of plagiarism, I suggest thicker glasses.

235d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

It doesn't play AT ALL like F.I.S.T. The story is also completely different.
I'm fairly sure rabbits aren't copyrighted, which incidentally is another difference because F.I.S.T. has all sorts of animals, this has just rabbits.
So yeah, it's allowed because it's not a rip-off, blatant or otherwise.

235d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

You're confusing upscaling the polygons, which is factually correct, with upscaling the number or density of polygons, which no one ever said.

Textures will likely remain exactly the same.

236d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

A single cube will look like a single cube, but that cube will be much sharper. I didn't say the polygons are increased. I said the polygons *themselves* are upscaled, which usually does improve the look of a game considerably.

236d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't say so. Polygons can be upscaled infinitely to pretty good results. For instance PSP games in 4K or even 1080p look pretty darn good compared to the original resolution.

236d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

I mean, I play tons of video games and I play Minecraft. It's redstone system is 100% a feature that many gamers enjoy.

236d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

People like extreme sandboxes, which Minecraft is.

237d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Regulators don't protect "the rule of law." Regulators are no more and no less than public servants *subject* to the rule of law. That's why there are courts that can rule on their actions, and they have ruled *against* them.

But I do find it extremely hilarious that you say you say that you "stand proudly in thinking that protection for the "people" is still important" but you get offended by an article that argues that regulators sho...

237d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

The only thing you have clarified is your lack of understanding.

I represent regulators as organizations that definitely didn't come out looking shining from the whole issue because they *underestimated the industry* and came unprepared, which they did.

If you think the proper way to face down a corporation like Microsoft is to use tax money to hire some university professor who hasn't worked a single day of his life in the gaming industry and who...

237d ago 5 agree12 disagreeView comment

You obviously have not read the article at all or you're so completely blinded by your bias that you haven't understood a single word.

There is no "other side opinion." Regulators are completely unprepared to work on the gaming industry. They haven't done their homework and completely lack specialized expertise. That's plain for all to see and the whole hoopla proved it beyond reasonable doubt.

Incidentally, I'm gonna break s...

237d ago 8 agree16 disagreeView comment