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PlayStation: Cyberpunk 2077 Refunds and removal from PS Store

SIE strives to ensure a high level of customer satisfaction, therefore we will begin to offer a full refund for all gamers who have purchased Cyberpunk 2077 via PlayStation Store.  SIE will also be removing Cyberpunk 2077 from PlayStation Store until further notice.

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masterfox1270d ago

wow they actually removed it, not sure if this has happened before with another big title like this one, CDPR screw it big time I hope they learned they lesson and next time don't try totally intentionally by them to deceive the customers , not sure wth they were doing all this years with this game, they even got government money in their country for the development I think.

potatoseal1270d ago

SONY are officially offering FULL refunds for anyone who bought the game digitally. Good for them.

Eonjay1270d ago

This is a welcome turn of events. Microsoft should follow suite. Power to the consumers. Individually we aren't often heard but en masse we inform the industry.

mikeslemonade1270d ago

Sony bending over to cry babies.

RaidenBlack1270d ago

Even though the "breathtaking" reveal was kinda cool at the time ...
Now it seems ...
Should've spent the time and money on optimization than on Keanu Reeves.

DaCajun1270d ago (Edited 1270d ago )

My question is since I've been playing it on my PS5, I haven't had any real issues, plus I'm enjoying it, and it actually runs at 60fps, will i still get updates? If something happens to the file and i need to redownload it, will i be able to? If not i will be pissed off since I'm not asking for a refund because I'm one of few lucky ones to have a PS5 to play it on.

Edit: I agree with Raidenblack and I've said it before in here that they could of spent the money on better things than Keanu Reeves. I'm sorry but his part in this game is not some grand performance that the game needed to be good, it's OK. They went full stupid like Ubisoft did with Jon Bernthal for Ghost Recon. They are very good live screen actors and they belong there not in my games where the money could have been spent on better optimization and more content.

potatoseal1270d ago

@ daCajun...

Of course you will get updates. There are still physical copies out there and also the people that will choose not to get a refund.

1270d ago
esherwood1270d ago

Ridiculous, I’m playing on Xbox with zero problems. I swear people are just am trying to make this a big deal. Cdpr spent 8 years on this game because it was so ambitious. Now that people are crying over crap that will be fixed for free anyway I’m sure all future games will just be less ambitious

SullysCigar1270d ago

Good guy Sony, nice to see you looking after your consumers. They didn't have to do this, but it's done for the right reasons - CDPR LIED to Sony and Microsoft, not just us gamers. This is not my speculation, PSU ran an article on this, they were trusted to fix certain things before certification and they didn't bother.

^ @esherwood, there is no way it's fine on Xbox - it's actually running an even worse framerate according to Digital Foundry, no matter last gen or this gen. Playing BC on PS5 or Series X will of course be better, but it's still not good enough - nor PC for that matter, thanks to the bugs on ALL platforms.

They will fix many of the bugs and glitches (we can only hope they rework the AI somehow too) eventually, but they will not manage to raise the fps on last gen consoles without further dropping the resolution - which is hits sub 600p on Xbox One currently.

Army_of_Darkness1270d ago (Edited 1270d ago )


I don't like saying this to people... But you're an idiot.

This game is making the ps4 look really bad and clearly, Sony ain't having that.

mikeslemonade1270d ago (Edited 1270d ago )

^You can’t get it on PS5 then on digital download. That’s authoritarian just like the lockdowns.

bouzebbal1270d ago

I never bite into games with CG trailers for this very reason. Most end up being a discontent..
CDPR went from top notch developer to nothing in no time.. They lost all gamer's trust. I wish them good luck

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Rebel_Scum1270d ago

Where's the deception though? I see a lot of comments out there echoing the same thing but when/where did CDPR deceive anyone?

To me they sent out review versions for PC only because they knew that was the best version, but that isn't the same as deception. It's pretty clear that other versions weren't up to snuff.

RememberThe3571270d ago

How is this an actual human thought?

ArchangelMike1270d ago

I guess you've been asleep for the last 8 years. You missed alot man.

TrueViper1270d ago

The deception is intentionally hiding the console versions.

Christopher1270d ago

There's an expectation that software will work at a reasonable level. On PS4 and XBO, it is not reasonable. It might work better on your PS4 Pro and your PS5 (like mine), but on PS4 and XBO... it's a disaster.

-Foxtrot1270d ago

It's not just bugs and glitches, even the game being broken

Seeing the game over the past 8 years, you can see a lot of stuff was downgraded or cut, even stuff they came out publicly and said. The greatest loss for me was the wall running mechanic and now it ALL makes sense. It wasn't because of "design reasons" it's obviously because it would break the game even more, can you imagine the bugs by using it, they'd have created a dozen or more problems.

I just think the bugs/glitches are the front facing issue but underneath it all, it seems it's a more stripped back version of what they originally envisioned and presented to us, maybe not video wise but the constant PR machine since it was first announced.

got_dam1270d ago

I'm going to stretch things a bit here, but you could say they didn't really LIE about last gen (I mean they did). But they said "runs surprisingly well" which could totally be corporate double speak. Maybe he thought it would run even worse than it actually did!!! Hahahahaha

1270d ago
Rebel_Scum1270d ago

Sorry but 9/10 of you missed the mark with my comment. There's no deception because any dickhead can clearly see there were obviously issues with the other versions prior to release because no review builds were sent out for them.

I guess it's deception if you're too stupid to read between the lines.

Critic4l_Strik31270d ago (Edited 1270d ago )

@ Rebel_Scum

Your name is quite fitting for someone with that thought process :)

SmokinAces1270d ago

Because they were not allowing gameplay to be shown from base units becasue they new it was bad and would therefor lose sales and buyer confidence, that's the deception.

mechlord1270d ago

the thing doesn't even run at certain points. I have a base ps4 and I got tired of waiting for sections to load. it things surprisingly, running isn't one of them.

mikeslemonade1270d ago

Correct, the publisher has no obligation to send review copies at all.

1nsomniac1270d ago

CDPR - “The old consoles actually perform surprisingly well”

CDPR - “we didn’t see the issues on old consoles we should have spent more time looking”

So we’re just ignoring these statements are we???


1270d ago
anast1270d ago

Nice troll. I think you beat my downvote record.

Dee_911270d ago


Having to "read between lines" to not be deceived means there's no deception ? what are you even saying right now?

esherwood1270d ago

I agree with you, these nerds are determined to be upset about something though

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 1270d ago
Amphion1270d ago

@ masterfox their lesson not they lesson.

Newmanator1270d ago

This feels like this generation’s No Man’s Sky.

Sunny_D1270d ago

Uhh both games are part of the same generation... lol

IamFrasierCrane1270d ago

This is nothing like no mans sky.

neutralgamer19921270d ago

So much for the defense force defending this game. It isn't ready that's a fact and sony did the right thing. Because their refunding system page crashed so hard with all the people wanting to refund. Let me see after this if CDPR made all their money back in 24 hours

I am a CDPR fan and respect them for being pro consumers but let's face facts they knew exactly what condition they were releasing this game. There is no excuse you know why because gamers on this site bash the living heck out of EA, activision, ubi, take two etc and what CDPR pulled is no different and they deserve just as much blame

Not allowing personally recorded gameplay footage before release

Not allowing console reviews to be published before releases

These 2 alone pretty much makes it clear they weren't being pro consumers. Any gamer defending this today don't you dare blame other greedy publishers.

When I hear stuff like don't refund CDPR will fix this how about get a refund now let them fix it and buy it than which won't cost full price

CDPR just messed up big time. This was their biggest game and most wanted game for many gamers how could you screw this up this bad. Delay the game simple no excuses forget about death threats from few gamers(those who send these threats are losers)

Cyberpunk 2077 should get a re-launch in September 2021 because that's how long it will take for this game to be anywhere near ready to play

-Foxtrot1270d ago

"Not allowing personally recorded gameplay footage before release"

Funny you mention that because I was thinking, these reviewers still reviewed the game so how the hell did they all praise it during their preview articles, never mention a single bug.

"Night City is dense and stunning"

"I never want to leave Night City"

"I don't think I've ever seen another game city quite as stunning as Night City"

I mean...

victorMaje1270d ago

After starting the game on PS4 Pro I was thinking I can play through this as the patches & fixes come.
After about 20 hours, no, they haven’t earned my money, the story & sides are just not enough to keep me "playing".
It’s not just bugs. Entire systems need to be reworked.
Gameplay & Immersion which to me are the most important aspects are constantly interrupted by whatever it is the game is doing, & that’s besides the crashes...

I’m going to try to get a refund.

Yeah those previews, wow, they should have led wit "I heard from the CEO" lol.

SullysCigar1270d ago

^ @Foxtrot, I'm sorry, I have to defend this statement:

"Night City is dense and stunning"

Night City is definitely dense - have you seen that AI?? lol

And stunning(ly bad performance) too!

TrueViper1270d ago

Only game I remember being delisted is PT.

badz1491270d ago

for a totally different reason

ManMarmalade1270d ago (Edited 1270d ago )

This is being blown out of proportion tbh. CDPR fixes their games and takes feedback seriously. It's really not a bad game and not as much of a mess that everyone thinks it is. The game is MASSIVE and has TONS of content. Anthem never got pulled from the PS store and that game had almost no content going for it and died within months. No man's sky was not the game promised but the dev has been constantly uodating it for years since release. And Aliens Colonial Marines wasn't the same game that they showed a "demo" for. One of my friends absolutely loves playing his copy of Cyberpunk on PS4 and I enjoy it on PC. People are just hating on the game because it's trendy at the moment.

WiiU-Dude1270d ago

Can't the consumer have a choice. Fine Sony wants to reimburse, but take the game away completely? It runs solid in my PS4 Pro. It runs well enough in PS5. But taking an option isn't cool. I guess physical is your only Avenue.

1270d ago
esherwood1270d ago

I seriously wonder what you losers do for a living to be so overly critical of a game like cyberpunk. Guess it doesn’t matter how many good things you do gamers are a bunch of weasels that will turn on you first chance they get

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1270d ago
TGGJustin1270d ago

This is unprecedented for sure. As bad as games like Fallout 76, No Man's Sky, or Life of Black Tiger were they were never pulled from the store. Cyberpunk 2077 is maybe the most screwed up launch for a AAA game ever. I feel for the people who worked hard on it but not for the people at the company who lied to the customers and who threw their partners like Sony and Microsoft under the bus. Screw those people and they are getting what they deserve

Neonridr1270d ago

the fact that Sony would be like we gotta take Cyberpunk off the store so nobody asks for refunds but Life of Black Tiger can stay is hilarious.. XD

Silly gameAr1270d ago (Edited 1270d ago )

Pretty sure people who bought the game can still ask for refunds, and, Life of the Black Tiger wasn't from a beloved developer, or was it a highly anticipated game

RaidenBlack1270d ago

No.of People bought CP2077 vs Black Tiger
CP2077 hype vs Black Tiger

Doomeduk1270d ago

I don't remember review sites giving lobt 10/10s and saying how amazing it WAS, giving free marketing for CDPR yes the reviews were for the pc version, so on pc cops can drive chase and not spawn in walls so it has completely working system.. Got it

uth111270d ago

Nobody really had high expectations of Life of Black Tiger

DEEHULK881270d ago

The game is a 10 on PC, so don't get mad because you got a trash version of it. I thought that most Sony fans had PCs anyway. PC is the biggest base for the game anyway

anast1270d ago

Quiet Man is also still going strong on PSN.

SullysCigar1270d ago

^@DEEHULK88, this game is NOT a 10/10 on PC lmao!

It has characters T posing left and right, world clipping all over, physics glitches making people and cars float around, NPCs walking in the floor or randomly appearing/disappearing, broken AI (people flinching because you punched someone 5 minutes ago 3 blocks away, for example), framerate performance dips, AC Unity-level facial deformations, NPCs speaking with no animation/not moving their mouths, a completely broken policing system, random genital exposure and probably more I've either not seen or have forgotten!

If you ignore all that, it could scrape an 8/10 on a beast PC - or you could wait, let them fix it and play a 9+/10 in the future. I want to enjoy it, so I'm not touching it until it's ready now.

There was too much smoke and mirrors around this game at launch, not to mention the straight lies. Sony did the right thing here and this should act as a mighty incentive for CDPR (and future devs) to get their sh!t together or be hit in the purse.

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gamer78041270d ago

This is a bigger seller and Sony doesn’t want to have to deals with more customer service calls and costs.

Sunny_D1270d ago

It probably had to do with CDPR giving Sony bad PR by promising people they would get refunds when they never consulted with Sony or MS reps about refunds. That’s why you saw those posts about people being denied refunds from Sony. Sony was put on the spot and had to give in to the pressure so their rep isn’t tarnished even more.

Christopher1270d ago

Talk is that Sony did this because they found cases of CDPR specifically lying about the status of the game and admittedly pushing it out too early even though they knew it. Not just PR statements, but in talks with Sony Execs.

SullysCigar1270d ago

I think there was actually an article posted about that from, but it was failed. I didn't check why.

I went to PlayStation support website the other day and there was a banner across the screen as you enter about Cyberpunk. Basically saying go speak to CDPR lol

SegaGamer1270d ago

I don't disagree with Sony, but how did the likes of Fallout 76 and Anthem survive? Those games were also in a horrendous state when they first launched. Fallout 76 is actually still a complete mess today.

Vx_1270d ago

Firstly, they did not hide the review copies of these games from critics and consumers. Secondly, the issues in 2077 are far more worse than that in those two games, I mean this game has become a meme generator cuz of how crazy buggy it is.

RaveTears1270d ago

The difference is that Bethesda didn't put Sony on the spotlight for refund and not discuss it with Sony about the situation.

Orbilator1270d ago

No man's Sky wasn't broken on release it was just missing features that a few people wanted. I for one have never played online with anybody even now. It's not why I bought the game or why I still enjoy it.

LucidIllusion1269d ago

Even now, you're only the few people to understand, but most gamers(people) are idiots,

RNTody1270d ago

It's not entirely unprecedented. Batman: Arkham Knight also endured a shambolic release on PC with performance so unplayable it had to be removed from the Steam store.

Rocksteady shut up, stopped apologising and worked on re-releasing a quality PC version which they eventually did and that was that.

CDPR needs to do the same.

TakeTori1270d ago

In Cyberpunk 2077's defense, all of those other games were shipped in just as broken (or more so) states or lacked just as much (or more) of what they initially promised to customers, and those games should have been refundable as well. Cyberpunk is only getting the treatment because it's the loudest people have ever been about the state of a newly released game, because it's one of the most hyped games in a decade. The game looks utterly unplayable on console, so I fully support anyone who wants to refund their PS4 or Xbox copies of the game. But compared to these other games, if you play it on good PC hardware you will find that the game pretty much delivers in terms of good story, writing and acting, while admittedly not delivering so much in terms of AI and, in-turn, an "immersive" open-world that we've come to expect from Red Dead or, heck, even Watch Dogs lol. The game is in a much better state than Fallout 76 or No Man's Sky were back in the day in terms of the amount of great content that's available. It's just only really available to those who have the hardware for it, and that's unfair to those with last-gen consoles who were promised a playable game.

LeShin1270d ago

Well I remember when Fallout New Vegas came out and the PS3 version was atrocious! With game breaking bugs, numerous crashes , horrendous frame rates and saves being auto-deleted. That got great reviews on other ports, but yet it wasn't pulled, so yeah, this isn't normal.

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ArchangelMike1270d ago

Ouch! That is not a good sign for CDPR. I guess it's not just gamers that feel betrayed, Sony must be in a very unhappy situation with the refund fiasco right now. Pulling the game from PSN is a really tought call, but I guess CDPR backe them into a corner. I hope this will be incentive for CDPR to get thier buts in gear and fix the game.

RememberThe3571270d ago

First thing I thought of was the CEO saying that Sony and MS expected them to fix the game and they just chose not to but they'll get to it in a month or two. Sony probably thought, then you can release it in a month or two.

ArchangelMike1270d ago

Yeah, and Sony won't keep a game up on the network where a publisher has said that anyone who wants can get a refund, because the game is so completely broken.

RaidenBlack1270d ago

Out of the blue:
CDPR announces Cyberpunk 2077 Lite for Nintendo Switch. /s

Reborn1270d ago

If I recall, they tried to shift it a little to sound like Sony and MS are to blame for the problems. This is a good move from Sony. They were already telling customers to go ask Sony and MS for refunds... when niether made any announcement to suggest that it was ok to do so.

Giving people a refund is the best move, once Sony is happy with it's performance on its consoles.. I think they'll put it back. Though, I wonder if Sony will personally seek assurances that it runs/proof?

ArchangelMike1270d ago (Edited 1270d ago )

You know what they say, "Fool me once..."

I think the next time CDPR tries to submit the game for certification Sony should get the sniffer dogs out. 😅

mechlord1270d ago

they have to certify every piece of code that goes live on their servers. nothing stopping them from playing the damned thing for 100 hours before putting it live.

Zhipp1270d ago

I'm a little confused by how they could have been blindsided by this game's performance. Do Sony, MS, and Nintendo not test games before certifying them for sale on their platforms?

Freshnikes1270d ago (Edited 1270d ago )

You can’t patch what’s wrong with this game.. once you try to be part of the open world is broke. Cars pile up for miles and miles because the first car won’t drive around you. In the race track no matter how far you take the lead cars just spawn right behind you. Cops just spawn. Won’t chase you..I think is the engine. But Idk ( but in 2020 ) it just doesn’t feel right ( I can go on and on with other stuff that’s just broken)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1270d ago

And they're officially refunding everyone who bought it digitally!

Sayai jin1270d ago

That is incorrect. It is on a case by case basis. Sony has a known policy that if you download it and play a second of the game, they will not refund it. Fortunately, they have made some exceptions this time. CPDR should be issuing it in all platforms IMO.

GamerRN1270d ago

Kane they have told many people they can't get a refund. It's case by case, even after their statement

anubusgold1270d ago

Pc is fine i get some crashes but its playable for me at 1440P on high but its 45fps though that makes me kind of motion sick since im a 165fps gamer.

potatoseal1270d ago

@ GamerRN, no you're wrong. This is a brand new statement. They are NOW offering a refund to ANYONE who wants one.

Sunny_D1270d ago (Edited 1270d ago )

@sayai jin

That’s their policy normally. But, Sony are making an exception for this game specifically. Guys, read their twitter post lol. You don’t remove a big game if it wasn’t a big problem. Turns out it was.

Christopher1270d ago (Edited 1270d ago )

@GamerRN and Sayai jin, that was prior to this statement. As of this statement, they are allowing refunds on digital purchases across the board. As of now, none of their standard policies of not allowing refunds for played games is to be contested. Played or unplayed, you can get a refund.

Sayai jin1270d ago (Edited 1270d ago )

@Sunny, you are repeating what I said. I already stated that their nornal policy is to not allow any refunds if you already olaued the game. Initially, it was on a case by case basis. As some users rece8ved refunds, while others have not. Their official statement for this game now reads that they will do a refund for this game.

There have bee other games that have been almost unolayable that Sony no refund policy never bends. It's good they did it now, bit think they shouldn't have a strict policy for no refunds.

Again. CPDR Zshould be doing the redunds.

AndrewM1270d ago

Problem is you started your statement with telling others their wrong, when they are actually right. No one read the rest of your statement after that and just hit disagree.

anubusgold1270d ago Show
Sayai jin1270d ago

@Andrew,the OP that I stated was wrong was correct. At the time I posted that comment Sony had a case by case basis on refunds for Cyberpunk 2077. So they were not right at the time. As far as the disagrees, there are of no concern as I have been on this site for well over a decade.

I know how the site works. It appeared that I made a negative comment about a certain piece of plastic.

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Palitera1270d ago Show
Relientk771270d ago

Wow, that's cray. Arguably, the most hyped game in years, and now it's off the PS Store.

TheKingKratos1270d ago

The most overhyped game of the year

It is such a fail game on so many levels

JeffGUNZ1270d ago

I have such a weird relationship with this game lol. I am playing on PC with RTX 2080, I7-8700K, so my rig is more than capable. I am playing the game in 1440p and finally had to turn off Ray Tracing as it was absolutely murdering FPS in this game even with DLSS on. I now average anywhere to 70 to 50's FPS so it is playable enough. Yet, about once every hour or two the FPS just tank to singl digits and won't fix itself until I save, exit to desktop, and relaunch. Now, I enjoy the game play when it is working and my god, the visuals blow me away. Just driving through the city, I am literally in awe of how beautiful this world is (all settings high/ultra). The story is cool and the characters are well done. Then anytime I start enjoying it, I run into bugs. The Delmain side missions to retreive their cabs is bugged. I don't get the prompts nor are the vehicles where they are suppose to be, I can't complete any of those missions. I skip them do a gig Freedom of Press, finish it,tells me to leave area, I do, won't complete the mission. Go on reddit, low and behold another bug. They stated in the last patch specifically it fixed this mission, still not working. It honestly feels like this game is pre-alpha and we are the first people on the planet play testing it.

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Cyberpunk 2077 Best Steam Deck Graphics Settings

Cyberpunk 2077 was launched in a sorry state on PC and consoles in the 2020 holiday season. Since then, CD Projekt Red has worked hard to optimize the game for various hardware, including the Ryzen 8000 APUs, and the Steam Deck handheld.

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Cyberpunk 2077's Lead Quest Designer Explains Lack Of New Game Plus Mode

Cyberpunk 2077's lead quest designer tells DualShockers exactly why there's no NG+.

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just_looken2d ago

"It’s incredibly difficult to figure out a way where New Game Plus could be done in a way that doesn’t completely break the way the game is constructed,"

Yet in 2020 i had this mode via a mod they are actually saying that your powers can screw up v's infection for those unaware pre the big update so it might not be a thing anymore but if you maxed out v with save editor your character would get sick see johnny all that but still would be in the first part.

Here is a very old vid of mine you can see how it can screw up the game

So they could do it if they did not spend years making a mess of everything then last minute toss a game out half done.


Personalized Spatial Audio Coming to Cyberpunk 2077 with Immerse Gamepack

Embody's Immerse Gamepack Cyberpunk 2077, created in collaboration with the CD PROJEKT RED sound team, is set to take audio immersion to a whole new level! Get ready to dive deeper into Night City's soundscape than ever before.

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